all right guys so a small update on my AI rigs these are Zeon 12 cores I have three of them that are identical right here uh they're all the same chip the 2650 v4s uh and they all have 30 60 12 gig gpus in them and they all have 32 gigs of RAM um they are on salad right now I'm trying out some of the different AI platforms we got to make it through vast and then 10 core but right now uh this one's doing um a workload at a$1 72 a day this one's at $177 and that one's still waiting for a job and that is the unfortunate part about AI workloads is you they're not always there so it's a little bit different than mining but if you notice this GPU isn't even spinning because the workload that's on this one apparently is CPU intensive so uh yeah we're saving some power there but anyway I'm going to do a full video breaking this stuff down once I get some more data later guys.