lhr vs non lhr mining: 3090 Vs 3080 LHR

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hello guys and welcome to another 
tech fusion episode this is alex   and today we're going to compare 
the nominal hr 3090 right here   to the lhr 3080 right here to see which 
one is better for your mining needs   the reason behind this video today is that i want 
to show you guys exactly what happens with an   rtx 3090 and if you should choose an rtx 3090 
for the amount of money that you are going to   insanely pay for them uh versus this lhr 3080 
which uh let's face it frankly nowadays you can   unlock its potential at around 74 to 75 percent 
uh of its lhr uh just using some of the readily   available software out there like nb miner or 
t-rex miner uh we are going to test it uh with   ethereum we're going to test it with ergo we're 
going to test it with raven coin and we're going   to test it with coin flux as well to see what you 
can get out of this cards in terms of efficiency   and mining hash rates we're not gonna cover 
in today's topic dual mining but if you are   interested to see uh what dual mining can do for 
you with rtx 3080s the lhr versions then you can   definitely check the video up here where i have 
gone over and show you exactly how much money   you can make with the locked lhr 30 series as well 
at the end of the video don't forget to check out   the spreadsheet where i put in all the data so you 
can easily check and see for yourself what are the   results this being said guys let's get on cracking 
with the video and see exactly where we stand with   both of these cards and see what efficiency we 
can achieve okay guys so as you can see this is a   short ethereum comparison between the non-lhr 
version of the rtx 3090 and the lhr version of the   rtx 3080 using the oc settings as you can see over 
here on the left hand side we have the 30 90 doing   126 mega hashes a second for an efficiency rating 
of 400 and a power draw of 300 and on the right   hand side this being a lhr card of course we're 
doing quite well i should say sitting at around   74 mega hashes a second with an efficiency rating 
of 300 plus and a power draw of around 240 watts   okay guys so now moving on to the next 
cryptocurrency here we have the rtx 3090 on   the left hand side which is doing it uh well it's 
steadily hovering around 90 here as you can see   and with an efficiency of 0.22 and a power draw of 
around 400 watts which is quite more than i'm used   to a mining ethereum and on the left-hand side we 
have the limited hash rate 3080 which is steadily   sitting at around 80.

Uh the 80 mark with a power 
draw of 280 80 something 85 280 and an efficiency   of 0.29 so draw your own conclusions here's i 
do mention that the ocs for both of these cards   are not really an issue both of them are running 
at their stock speeds i've messed around with   the power limits and the core clock and the memory 
clock on both of them and i wasn't able to achieve   any uh better gains i should say just tweaking 
the core clock by increasing it and of course   increasing the memory clock on this one i was 
able to go as high as 96.98 and uh with this one   i was able to go as high as around 85 so it's not 
really a big performance increase by tweaking the   settings around even though we're talking about 
an lhr card over here and a non-lhr card over here   all right so this being said let's 
move on to the next cryptocurrency   all right guys so moving on to the 
next coin here we have ravencoin   on the right hand side we have the 380 and 
on the left hand side we have the 390 still   if you just go ahead and disregard this r9 380 and 
the 6700 xt as there are both cards that i have   in the rig and i could not remove them for this 
test but we are focusing on values here and the   values will speak for themselves we have the r9 uh 
correction d390 over here which is doing around 55   mega hashes a second with an efficiency of 140 and 
drawing some 388 watts in the process and on the   right hand side here we have the limited hash rate 
once again the 380 uh which is doing a 44 mega   hashes a second with around uh 300 watts of power 
being drawn and an efficiency which is quite good   of 141 compared to the 140 on the uh on on the 

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Both of these cards are now running with   stock settings so i haven't tweaked the settings 
around uh just the fan speed has been increased   on both of the cars to keep the temperatures 
uh a little bit lower as you can see the 380   is running quite a bit hot with 98 degrees right 
now on the memory temperature so i must increase   the fan speed a little bit and it will generate 
a little bit more noise but it is what it is so   uh yeah this being said if you want to tweak the 
settings around do keep in mind the draven coin   um better takes or shows better results if 
you adjust the core clock and by just i mean   increase the core clock to a point where you are 
stable enough or maybe you're happy enough with   the temperatures that they are being generated 
so uh yeah this being said let's uh carry on   okay guys so now we're moving to the auto leicas 
algorithm for the ergo coin here on the left   hand side we have the rtx 3090 as you can see 
it's sitting at around 150 mega hashes here and   drawing some 220 watts and as you can see these 
are the oc settings that i'm using on the rtx 3090   and on the right hand side here we are having 
of course the limited hash rate rtx 3080   um which is sitting at around 200 mega hashes for 
170 watts of power that is being drawn uh as in   the previous case you have here the oc settings 
for the msi afterburner so feel free to use these   settings as a jump off point and uh try your own 
settings or your own tweaks um to get your own uh   own results maybe better than mine anyway 
both of these are using the same t-rex version   and these are the results that you are 
getting for ergo on some of these cards thank you guys once again very much for watching 
this was alex from tech fusion if you did like   the video you know what to do we'd greatly 
appreciate it if you hit that like button   and maybe consider subscribing to our channel so 
you don't miss any future episodes if you want   to see uh another video from techfusion then 
definitely you can click the link over here   and i'll see you guys over there or if you want 
to subscribe to the channel you can definitely   do so by clicking the link over here okay 
guys thank you and see you in the next one you

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