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for [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] good afternoon everybody welcome welcome to the live stream oh hold on my microphone's cutting out one second okay is that better testing testing testing testing testing testing testing what's up Bros welcome who we got here today we got BC we got Mass boost random Miner techman automatic beats Steven Cicero what's up Bros Scott Sheffield random Miner modern mining happy Friday RP happy Friday modern mining what's up bro smash the like Bros Smash the like okay mic's a little low okay it's it's at its Max it's maximum maximum microphone TGF hello people okay far loock you someone ban far loock right now someone ban far loock he needs to be banned okay so let's go through uh I guess this local Tech announcement or from actually from Ben uh Mike loek Mr Ben Mike loek uh he has been essentially the marketing person I guess marketing the loc Tech since the beginning so there hasn't really been any updates since like I think like January or like December or something I think the last uh yeah but uh it's now May or June it's pretty much going to be June and looks like he released a photo okay of the local Tech okay everyone knows the loc Tech claims to be doing about 2,000 megahash at about 145 Watts so that means what does that mean what does that mean I think that means that the efficiency of this thing is supposed to destroy everything else that's on the market supposedly supposedly uh but we don't have any actual hash rates yet all right so let's read what he says here Reinventing uh the next plug-in playay minor that can adapt to the needs of any minor whether large or small additionally will connect via USB an open source Comm communication protocol below is an early prototype of loex hash play from form factor used for testing yeah let's read let's let's read through some comments here techman says it's almost June shipping now or delayed again Ben says still on schedule for H2 does that mean like second half of this year is that is that what it means uh FPL Freddy says looks great well done is tape out on track for Q2 um Ben says still on schedule oops S I totally screwed we go all right uh try it out says awesome any hash blade hash rate readings all right so here's a good question then replies oh Ben replies with um Ben replies with currently the hash rate is based on simulations and supported by digital and analog validation of the custom IC from our mpw run for example physical silicon we have a high degree of confidence that the commercial Asic will deliver the same results once it goes into production um following tape out okay all right he used some big words here uh so no so they don't have he says the hash rate is based on simulations and then it said and then supported by digital and analog validation of the custom the little USB thing I think they did with uh a bunch of tubers that went there and tested it um Carlo says wow that looks great great job uh We've made some minor adjustments to the design but it will closely resemble the original igy software and firmware are nearly complete once they're done we'll be we'll just be waiting on the ases okay going down crypto mic this guy says I would not buy anything from somebody who sold her like this uh even on Prototype sorry uh Ben replies with this is an early prototype testing form factor mainly connectivity over uh PCI to USB the USB headers next the power plugs functioned the headers you mentioned were for placement testing only not functionality okay Ballo Moon mining says can't wait for benchmarking guntis our OG crypto mining OG of the crypto mining Community says happy face love eyes Nismo minor says nice well done all right we got a hidden reply here from Alan Mark he says how does this differ from existing Asic miners Ben replies with where making it incredibly userfriendly with USB connectivity compatible with virtually any operating system plus you can conveniently Daisy thank you can I uh Kio stepa for the sub um virtually with any operating system plus you can conveniently Daisy Hub the hash blades together offering Superior performance compared to daisy chaining in this industry uh with uh with this compact form Factor you can seamlessly integrate them into a GPU rig via the PCI uh with one or more per slot or detach and operate them in a standalone tube minor in short it adds flexibility to your mining operation hence the PC ex1 adapter thing here that you guys see okay all right okay all right pretty interesting pretty pretty interesting so what do you guys think what's everyone saying here F crypto mining hater is going to hate Slater is going to slate I don't know what that means what's Slater what's a Slater techman I'm sure some excuse like last time Scotch I wouldn't wouldn't that be two H then okay automatic beats Chris Hanley my homie what's up automatic beats uh all the company is is based on simulation son of a rabbit says the mining King says it's not real fully electric that means they do not have any real working hash board right right yeah yeah at this point still um uh when ready to go all Asic foundaries are booked for 3 years h uh Matt electron what's up man I hope they send me one to test when the time comes I know I'm a small tuber but this is right up my alley oh yeah M electron hell yeah uh Max voltage good afternoon I'm about to head in the comments call just wanted to say hi Max voltage good to see you good sir have a good conference all uh techman they should send me one I'm the smallest time tuber and their biggest doubter Patrick Murphy all I'm hearing is there isn't a working prot type yet and we're halfway through the year I I'm with you Patrick mie I'm with you alter component my friend thank you RPM appreciate the love this morning alter component no worries my friend no worries bro DC so it's a USB Miner red P of mining uh I mean if he he said that it can be controlled or connected by USB but it looks like there's that uh PC EX ex1 Lane adapter thing so I don't know I don't know working Mass boost what's up man Scott Sheffield don't let stupid people ruin your Friday Max yeah that's right uh Matt electron that test unit is OD though dual 8 Pin PCI Power Plus 1X power yet no major heat sinking visible that card has the ability to use over 300 watts yeah I'm yeah I'm where how is it dissipating any heat that's a that's a great that's a great observation yeah uh crypto KJ this guy could sell snow to an Eskimo are you talking about you're talking about Ben right yeah Hawk never mind you never watched that 70 show uh no I never really watched that no I mean I I have a couple times but not a lot uh Scott Che field okay I ate so much at rumas I mean there's a lot of potential warping in that long board if there's not proper cooling yeah I'm I'm curious I think underneath it I guess is where the chips are I don't know um smash that like yes smash the like Bros happy Friday to everybody how's everybody doing happy Friday um jimc this scam stuff happened all the all of the time in 2014 2015 um jimc yes we've I've already I've already mentioned this when the know when we first talked about locco tech whenever it came out whenever it was announced I don't know half a year ago a year ago whatever I've I already mentioned a bunch of companies that did similar things where they you know have pictures and they showcase the Prototype but they never came and never came to fruition I I I hope that local Tech comes up with something okay I hope this is real but I'm staying reserved and I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't come out and it doesn't function as to what they said I wouldn't be surprised I I've I've we've seen it before with many other companies in the past but I'm not saying local Tech is like that but I'm saying if it does happen then I'm not surprised there was a fake Bitcoin miner that claimed to do 67 terahash at like 20 watts or 100 Watts that that was a couple that was a couple years ago and I did a interview with them uh off um like uh just through zoom and they showed me it but it was actually three raspberry pies and then an m30s plus uh M3s plus um hold on where is it it was a it was an M uh micro BT or an s19 J it was a 66 uh I think it was a what's minor no what's minor I don't even have the old version on here oh no T15 no s17 or yeah I think it was a s17 or a what's minor M27 or something that was remotely connecting and they were showing that Bitcoin miner instead uh hash rate um going to the pool which it was it was not it was not the raspberry pies the raspberry pies were just sitting there they were faking the hash rate and they were taking pre-orders and I think uh Krypto Mel Krypto Mel was with me uh we were doing that and the company obviously never put it out and it was a scam and yeah they they faked they faked the hash rate so I'm not saying locco Tech's going to do that I'm just you know I'm just saying that we've seen these types of these type of things before uh Northern prospector he lost some credibility with me when so interviewed him he kept calling in he kept calling silicon silicone silicone is 0% silicon Northern prospector are you talk uh are you talking about at consensus or mining disrupt or was that was that recently M mad electron I do have to comment the USB tests units the other YouTubers saw earlier this year were genuine the numbers matched up to what they stated let's see if they can scale up with this uh mad electron I I hope so I hope so bro I hope so though no matad electron though mad electron mad electron you can't say you can't say the numbers added up uh the numbers didn't match up because Litecoin pool actually didn't show it was the the the Litecoin pool the hash rate was too low to show on the pool side M electron do you do you remember that I I I I want to clarify that before before you you your your statement there of the numbers matched up it didn't match up at the pool okay the mining pool that they they Min to Litecoin pool didn't show up there so I just want to clarify that I know it was very small amounts of hash rate through a USB Miner but just saying just just saying just saying uh squirrel Labs minor altern altered component yeah squirrel Labs uh there was another one what was it called uh there was some grin grin minor some grin Asic uh yeah some other one um let's see uh they already risked their deadline for May as they are into June now over there uh head right uh fly electric says the numbers they State versus the amount of Chip per hash board ma uh hash board math did not add up yes yes that that was another that was another thing um actually serpent serpent did say the numbers if you were to do the math of how many of those USB chips times I think they said 144 uh even on their website I think it said how many chips was there like 144 chips or something or I I I don't I don't remember I don't remember how many chips they uh they mentioned but it it it didn't add up to two gigahash Okay it didn't add up to 2 gash so that was another red flag there bad yes I remember the hash rate was too low to show up because the hash rate was too low to detect what did match up was the single core that was mining on the Asic wood oh continued okay you have more um would match up the test units only had a single core per as6 chip enabled so if all cores on each chip was enabled then the hash rate would be correct right right and and then what fully electric did say okay the the state the number the the numbers that they State versus the amount of chips hash per board in the math did not add up I I I recall that not adding up as well so I I hope that it does I hope it I hope it does of course I think we're we're all trying to give them the benefit of the doubt but I mean I'm just from from my past exper past experience and past history of seeing a lot of these companies pre- advertising before they even have an actual working unit has not been ideal so I hope that it's real and I hope that you know a lot of people didn't pre-order these I'm not saying that it's a fake or scam but I'm just saying a lot of people people who pre- like people who pre-ordered the jungle cats from squirrel sqrl and then they went bankrupt they took everyone's money who pre-ordered those Jungle Cats they took everyone's money it ain't nobody got their money back after the company went bankrupt many many times pre-orders people who pre-ordered the miners themselves and didn't deliver after 2 years and and you know decided to refund them when Bitcoin was like four times 10 times the price it's a whole other and then they got paid back in the value instead of the bit the crypto that they sent another terrible terrible Factor um per as6 CH offshore minor it is confirmed I'll take the pre-orders I think it's borderline un have to go to take the order when the unit doesn't officially exist yes HW yes thank you thank you yes we didn't think ice servers were fake in the beginning just putting that out there uh alter component um when yes they were fake and then shortly after we called them out 2 weeks later I got sent one to Showcase to review and we did all the tests we did everything and It ultimately wasn't fake so until somebody gets one I don't have to get it I think someone else can get it someone else can go for it if someone else can do it that would be better um but you know it's been about a year now okay it's been about a year now since this has been announced and there's still no working like prototype per se you know um it would be nice if it's real but I'm not bending the farm on it yeah BC yeah okay I'm here Smokey Den when do I get a KS zero I know I won it Rigg SMY Dan I choose we choose the winner uh tomorrow I think um benefit of the doubt definitely I am still cautious and a bit skeptical of the production product yes as well yes M elron um uh mining King until a physical unit is in Panda's hands nothing to talk about or someone else's hands yes yeah if it were real they would get it in the hands of the biggest tubers when they officially announced we get the real price right okay so there you go there you go I I hope I hope to God it's real cuz I know I I personally know a few people who have pre-ordered and I hope that oh boy I hope uh I hope it works out I I truly do because I don't want anyone to get scammed out of their money I hope that there is no I wonder what the bankruptcy laws are in what is is this in Norway Oslo Norge this is in Norway right they make this thing like doesn't come out like well we run out of money uh you know we go bankrupt I would hate I would hate for that to happen they are mining away with all of them they will release when they are finished mining uh I mean the network hash rate hasn't really climbed that much looking at um uh looking at Litecoin net cash rate coin War okay this is Bitcoin where is mcoin Litecoin Litecoin hash rate last three years the network hash rate for Litecoin definitely has been climbing over the past even over the past year look at this big dip holy crap 893 terahash to to 650 or 599 wow um alter right Mt electron wait biggest ego or sub account cuz I only have one of those things it counts both of us out there oh man electron man electron okay if I get it uh truly if I get it I'll just make a quick like unboxing video I'll turn it on try it and then when I'm done with it I'll just send when I'll I'll send it to you and you can play around with it how about that if if I do if I do get it okay I I have a feeling I won't but we'll see I've been I think I've been I've been probably the most skeptical YouTuber about these hash blades I I I I have been I have been the most skeptical I I I have done plenty of live streams and videos already about this thing um yeah wouldn't surprise me if I if I don't uh if I don't get one uh to review doesn't surprise me uh Chum change we're trying to get a pool situated what are you what are you doing oh Kevin R bro thank you Kevin R what's up man thanks for the donation should get it thank you bro thank you um I'll get one before you do panda Patrick all right Patrick you said something above uh our mad electron just said so I think they are trying to get Asic chips manufactured on one of their newer process nodes at tsmc which is expensive and they most likely have a small wa for order so they're at the bottom too ah okay IO they seem like a a company that have a great deal or belief or conviction behind their idea and Technology it's just taking a lot more money to Get It produced than they anticipated Patrick mvy and there in lies the issue there in lies where I've seen companies in the past who have done the exact same thing and they have gone out of business so I'm not saying they're going to do that but I'm just saying that has happened more likely than than not so just I air on the side of caution when it comes to these things especially just the way it's been done since the beginning of announcing it and taking pre-orders I I just it doesn't sit well it does not sit well with me does not sit well does not sit well man for sure it's a risk totally happened just don't get the sense that it would have been done intentionally I just don't get the sense that it would be Patrick Murphy bro I you know you know at these days you know I I don't put it past anyone anymore kin $19.99 to I don't put it past anyone even though they could be the nicest person the most humbling person I've seen it before they've turned around and and backstabbed every everybody I'm not again I'm not saying these companies are going to I'm not saying local Tech is going to do that I'm just saying I've seen it before so it's I'm I'm just saying I'm I'm just just saying I hope it's not I hope they don't I hope it does not come to that I really don't I truly truly don't if they are real it would be cool to pre-install them into new gaming PCs yeah yeah totally dude that's the whole point I think that's the whole point they are trying to do um I get the whole point of trying to decentralize the network H the hash rate decentralized Litecoin merge mining Dogecoin hence the ability to just plug it into a riser he said or like an octom Miner or something yeah that'd be cool uh gskt blue also recent events tell us that fpga Farms are try are trying to be wiped out uh yes fpga Farms destroying everything yet VC can you put these in an oom Miner I by the looks of it it looks like you can it looks like a standard you know standard GPU heighted you know slot here design I don't know I don't know man I I don't know retro mic how dare you retro mic with the one gifted sub thank you m capital thank you congrats on the member okay smash the like Bros Smash the like oh we got to choose a winner by the way for the 57 100 ooh I totally forgot about that uh let's go to mining I was watching a stream on my other stream okay uh let's see was that the video yesterday did I choose the winner yes oh no I did I already wait did I choose the winner I already chose the winner wait hold on ah yes Northern Miner won yes Northern Miner from Canada won the 5700 did I do announcement of a giveaway yesterday no although today okay the ks Z Pro I announced a if you guys watch today's video there's another there's another giveaway I'm doing a KS zero Pro you just have to you just have to um you have to comment on alter components video all right so and uh I will choose the winner tomorrow I'll choose the winner in tomorrow's live stream tomorrow was live little shill here anybody looking for as6 or any type of Hardware go check out redpanda mining.com for all my coupons and Affiliated links here I get a kickback anything that you guys order coupons whatever you need discounts they're all here for all the different companies I am involved with including tash.com let's see HW what do you sell right now K7 K7 K7 m30s plus out of stock all right out of stock every all right out of stock everywhere all right that's cool that's cool uh Patrick RPM needs electric bill money yes 100% I need I don't want to sell any crypto I don't want to sell any crypto fully electric does all your codes work yes they all they all work they all do work um how much off locco techs uh nothing I don't have a coupon for local Tech Dogecoin yeah Dogecoin mining has been I'd say pretty been pretty good over the past year I'm just so it sounds okay to me it sounds like the locco tech like these hash blades will not be able to be manufactured like in Mass like and and I mean like and if they're trying to go tsmc like what's the wait time for them to have these M manufactured like you know it's yeah and if they don't have the money to you know continue on with this sort of thing like how much you know it's going to be it's going to be interesting I'm very it's going to be very interesting uh all set only me a e nice also uh man Elon 100% name every month okay all right ah someone want someone asked me the other day about the Jazz Miner x16 QE so this was shown on Crypt Miner Bros website 2700 this is a smaller a little bit less hash I think it's like some sort of undervolted underclocked uh X6 Q x16 QQ does like 2 gigahash but the x16 QE does 1650 at 550 Watts a little bit less efficient than the Q but uh ered last time I heard they are not using any of the mainstream wafer makers Ed okay okay and somebody said though before though ER Ted that they are moving towards tsmc so I don't know I I don't know oh retro mic retro mic how how is uh Kyla coin is it dead yet Kyla Kyla I I mean sorry not dead is uh where who wow vior has all the hash rate 3% oh yeah look at that 145 miners is this the new is this uh is this the new let's see vior Kyla corer they have their new the new algorithm it looks like it's it looks like it's small 1.22 mega oh no it it died no no the hash rate is all the way down 90 miners on Kyler coin all right what kind of hash rate are some of these whoa wait someone has 12.2 terahash Soo wait 1.63 gigahash all right let's what's this wait this is zealous why did why did it change me to zealous God all right miners Hy coin pool okay 12.3 terahash and then the next big one is 18 gigahash so is this the still the same is this still the same minor or no oh no they they've turned off they've turned off for sure hash rate is zero okay so they went from 12 ter has to zero all right so the new algo is in all right so nobody no does nobody is which pool is mining on the new algo got M mad I'm guessing they're going tsnc not confirmed I see H for mining uh M Pool F full got overloaded and Now offline ret your mic new algo new hash rate okay where Where is the where what pool CU Viper UI sucks Viper shows average hash rate for the past 24 hours ah right that makes sense new algo is in CPU for the win yep vipor and mol are the only new algo only but mol got overloaded a few minutes in okay M Pool but you're saying Viper vior does have the new algo I just want to see a minor that's actually mining on vipor the new algo everyone's everyone's hash rate just just got cucked let's go with the very bottom there we go all right all right somebody's CPU mining not really no not really make next biggest one all right this guy's got some CPU all right there we go 795x and a 26801 I don't know what that 2680 is is that a is that a E3 Zeon that's 7950 X okay this guy is mining this guy's mining the new kylo coin all right that's cool estimated to make about a165 a day on a 7950 X okay all right all right nice very nice all right there you go it looks like uh KY coin is now CPU minable heck yeah um go to vor's Discord they have announced that they are are up mining but you won't see blocks such as they are doing a lot back and work okay fully electric red pen of mining will you get a few bomb backs minor easy 100 C's uh fully electric I actually have been thinking thinking about buying a few yes I legit I think these are these are pretty cool yes the easy 100 C's uh not the easy 100 not the like the big boy but I I think I like the the smaller a small one um 100 c for the win yeah yeah yeah looks pretty looks pretty decent yeah think crypto Miner Bros they had it here um let's see I don't know anyone else selling the easy 100 I don't I don't know anyone else selling the bombb miners yet I haven't seen anyone else um Patrick Murphy we used to get temp reading of your basement in previous videos can you bring that back temp read of what Patrick Murphy what do you sure it's it's generally it's like 78c 78° uh Celsius sorry uh Fahrenheit Fahrenheit um where is that bomb back one here it is yeah 40 June batch 47 4700 4,800 [Music] yeah um did you get my diagrams in Discord DM Scott Sheffield no Kevin Art thank you bro than get it thank Kevin Art thank you for the donation again good sir fully electric RPM aex mining has it for 4,300 oh aexo oh I have a coupon for aexo uh let's see I have not been to apexto for a while um let's go check it out pexto use code RPM I a $50 off coupon aexo let's where [Music] uh9 26 now get yeah but is it like you have to add on shipping and stuff cuz you know Crypt Miner Bros has it all in one pricing um check out uh p with [Music] crypto where can I add where's the coupon thing can I not add a coupon in here enter your code only 50 bucks so 50 okay so all in including the $300 shipping is 4576 yeah Crypt Miner Bros is about $230 more this is all in pricing yeah that's all in so looks like a pexto is a bit a little bit cheaper yeah yeah little bit cheaper now I know crypto Miner Bros they also lower the uh shipping Duty so you don't have to pay duties and taxes so I'm I'm assuming Apex still does that as well I'm assuming I'm assuming they do that as well man $300 to ship I feel like that's that's so expensive man that's crazy uh yeah flat rate for us shipping yeah onbs yeah I mean yeah yeah I think these are these are good value yeah good value all right all right Bros what else you guys want to talk about what else you guys want to talk about Haw can you get the bomb back [Music] miners y my name bombb what's the memory on it uh okay I I don't know I have I have seen F I have seen 5.2 gabes and also eight so I I don't know until I actually get one in hand and see it and verify it and yeah but I've seen eight and I've seen five on websites so I am not I am not too sure Jer Miner M shop.

You finally sending out the Nanos nice yeah I just got a bunch of Nanos uh I just got a few in today uh the other day actually oh I'm stupid I'm stupid stupid I'm stupid we got to choose the winner for the nano3 it's been 7 days now yes the nano3 from Coastal crypto mining yes they sent me one here uh including the PSU okay so you get a yellow Nano 3 a gold one along with the stock PSU the one that came with it okay the can and the official power supply all right so let's choose let's choose the winner man totally forgot totally forgot so let's get the comments here we got 307 comments wow waiting to see the heat sink on the Avalon yeah that dude the Avalon Nano gets real hot there's a there's a little chip inside the Nano like right there a little mosfet that goes up to like 90° C 92 90 look 93 I'm so shaky 93.4 de C this part right here this this little black I'm pretty sure that's a that's a mosfet of some sort this thing is 93° C and it's it's running in my kitchen okay this thing is running in my kitchen and where it's cold like you know it's what's the temperature 70 fahit you know normal 20 uh normal temperature in someone's house 70 70 fahit it's it's like this thing is running at high mode that thing is like 90 to 94° C so that is that is hot that's that's pretty hot so I'm thinking about trying to put a little heat sink on it uh to to somehow cool it down I I don't know anyways let's choose the winner now okay let's choose the winner here um let's let's go to random comment picker uh random com random random pick a winner there we go all right uh nerd Beast uh wonder if we can add a heat sink in there what do you think nerd Beast I I'm going to try I I have it it it's not going to be very tall like you can't have a very tall heat sink in there but um uh it there's not much room there's really not much room so like less than half a half an inch or less I I don't I don't I I don't know I I I don't know man um okay let's choose the winner of the K of the ks of the Avalon Nano plus the power supply thank you to coo crypto mining for it um techman please don't spam in chat hash blades real DJ mine I DJ mines I don't don't know bro we don't know yet we haven't gotten any confirmed hash rate numbers yet so we don't know okay all right this is for nan3 and uh the yellow one and a official power supply you guys ready brand new inbox I I haven't opened it brand spanking new and comes with the Canon Avalon official power supply as well all right let's go all right let's go here we go three two 1 modern wolf media USA thanks coal Crypt and Panda great new product all right I'm got to take a screenshot of this screenshot here here and here we go all right all right I got a screenshot I'm going to save this come I can't move it what there we go all right all right perfect perfect okay rip I never win sorry guys sorry modern wolf media has won all right I will ship that to him okay I'll do a I'll do a tweet later all right guys is there anything else you guys would like to talk about veteran Miner awesome my other account won damn it veteran Miner veteran Miner bro I I got to open your packages your your cables that you sent me oh man I got to open that I'm going to do that in a 20 GPU rig video like next year or something Joker Miner unacceptable you're unacceptable terrible you want to open his package crypti you are banned you are now banned officially officially banned that's his name moders go wolf media 8534 winning crypto [Music] [Music] done all right okay all right Bros all right fully electric where can I buy that Miner I have four an order but will not show up for another month or two uh fully electric it's sold out everywhere so I would I I would you just have to wait bro you just have to wait unfortunately chump just like my dad promises never come true I I can't even hit okay this is too zoomed in I can't even I can't even hit okay there we go all right there there are you blue now let's see CH change type something smart like truck red penine did you pick up some of those Network patch cables so we can see you get more of that gear online uh smart like truck bro you know what I'm going to head to Princess Auto right now like do they actually have them in there or you have to order online smart like truck you have to go in the Princess Auto you know what I'm going to go drive there right now it's like 10 minutes away there Chum change is blue smart smart like truck are those $150 ethernet cables actually like legit smart like truck you can do either you can check store inventory online as well oh can you princess okay hold on let's let's let's do it hold on uh I guess uh Princess Auto uh what is this 50ft stainless steel garden hose uh that's pretty cool oh I need this pry bar set only seven bucks I'm buying that uh what dude dude there's some legit stuff here I need this is actually this is actually thank you I need to go here large ammo utility poly storage crate what $15 that cheap um wood handed okay legit this is bucks okay I'm buying that too uh pressure washer Surface Cleaner what's this interesting um ooh I like this 13,000 lb vehicle ramps are are these legit 60 bucks dude has anyone used these H I might I might buy this as well that's actually cool 300 lb adjustable shop stool with casters ooh DeWalt DeWalt de Walt stool 100 bucks wait out of stuff oh I got to check I got to check which store okay I can't check the store because you guys will know where I where I live roughly um aluminum folding table 50 bucks no that's that's that's too expensive folding lap desk $14 okay where is the cable I want I want the $150 ethernet cable uh I guess I got to type it in hey is it this one the cat uh six uh Cat 5 that's cat 5e though cat 7even no Cat 5 cat 6 50 foot cat 5e for four bucks oh here we go here we go 10 foot cat 6 for $2 oh yeah this is the one th this is this is the one where's the $150 One S cat commercial cat 7 7 foot yeah that's a $150 smart like truck did I miss it already I think I missed it or is this the one I think it I think it might be this one I legit I'll buy a couple of these dollar two $2 I need like I'll buy like 50 of them uh 10 foot too that's that's legit that's actually legit that's that's pretty good and this is Canadian too is this Canadian yeah this is this is in Canadian not American so even this is even cheaper this is like yeah this is like a $150 US smart like truck the yellow one a yellow one oh Oh you mean this one ah it's it's cat 5e though I guess it doesn't I guess for mining it doesn't matter yeah this is legit 7 foot 7 foot Cat 5 yeah that's that's not bad actually yeah I mean for mining for mining this is all you need yeah $150 Canadian that is extremely cheap okay that's extremely okay let me let me check if it's in stock in my store hold on let me check my postal code yep they have it in stock all right I'm going all right I'm leaving you guys I need I'm going to go buy a bunch of random random stuff I haven't been to Princess Auto in like years I didn't know they had I didn't know they do like those kind of sales that's awesome for real though look at the quality of those too cheap to be copper techman I mean it's it's just for mining I mean I mean Panda turn King no King I you think I have patience to terminate my own ethernet cables I have zero patience zero I just ordered 250 foot roll from Amazon for $50 and Crim my own way cheaper M I have thousands of feet of cat 6A okay I have 4,000 foot boxes of cat 6A still sitting for me to crimp and do all that I I I can't do it I I just can't I don't have the patience I I I don't have the patience as much as I'd love to I don't I don't have the patience to do it I have plenty of cable rolls of cable I just I just can't I just can't sit there and make them okay unless I I do it in a live stream you want to see like a 24-hour stream of me making ethernet cables they'll be they'll be in the Surplus section good uh smartron okay Surplus section all right uh it take two minutes two minutes dude it's going to take me like five minutes dude the fingers hurts your finger so bad if it's not pter yes sure but you got to show your feet that's like 10 minutes lazy it's very easy to make just use the pass through connectors all right [ __ ] you guys how much are those pass okay tell me tell me how much are those pass through connectors hold on hold on where where how much are those ethernet connectors $11 Canadian are you are you kidding me okay that granted that's for 10 but that's like a buck each con ctor are you kidding me I'm not spending I would rather buy a completed cable all right 5 cents each crypto yeah no in Canada you get ripped off here all right that that's that's I just I just saw it quickly on Amazon that is very [Music] expensive it's crazy C 1 minute okay well all right if someone in the states okay I'll pay someone 50 bucks someone in the states can if they if you guys can get it for cheaper like get me like a 100 pack or like a like a 200 pack of those connectors I will gladly pay you for it I'm not buying it on Amazon Amazon is a ripoff I'm not buying it on Amazon well in Canadian money at 4 was like 10 can no frog man God damn it Joker Miner I didn't get the PSU with the Nano would you recommend the white one you test from Amazon or it gets too hot uh Joker Miner uh you know what the temperature of it it's actually come down now um over the past two days over the past two days of mining with it um the temperature of these of this one the Derk cam one it it's come down so it's work it it's still working after about a week of mining with this uh deram 140 watt charger yeah it's still works on high mode yeah try yeah it it works man I would try it um as long as you're using it in a in a like a colder environment and not in your mining area as long as the ambient temperature is not hot uh it works it works good it works great yep go the link for it it's right here there C baram 140 WT charger yeah it's it works good you need a uh PD 3.1 cable though uh USBC uh I used I bought this anchor one that that seems to work Joker Miner in my basement about 30 Dees Fahrenheit oh yeah that'll run that'll run that'll run for sure that'll run for sure you Max voltage do you know how much money you could make by selling ethernet cables by red panda will sell faster than your tangent wow Max wow Max Vol wow Max voltage wow wow wow you're you're you're you're you're you're not you're not you're not wrong though that that could be that could be something fully electric I'll send you a new pack I am not using DM me your address uh fully electric okay I'll pay I'll pay I'll pay for it man you tell me how much and then I I'll do a stream of building of making ethernet cables then cat 6A it it uh what's the gauge though what's the gauge that you can fit through the pass through cuz the the cat 6A cables I have is like 24 gauge copper it's like super thick man like they're thick are they meant for are they meant are they cat 6A pass through are they are they cat 6A pass through because I know the cat 6A the cable's much thicker like the copper is super thick dang RPM I'll make you cables you sell them wow Mr Bingle I just ordered a bombb easy 100 I believe on this m tan Lex where did you order it from and did you use my coupon code probably not great cards some people got to work on Fridays Panda Yousef puts I I cannot deny that I remember working Fridays on a regular 9 to-5 job it's terrible Joker Miner ordered both of those thanks okay nice Joker Miner nice yeah yeah it works yeah okay all right guys that's it I'm going I'm leaving I'm going to go to Princess Auto I'm going to go buy some stuff buy some cables you guys have a great day you guys all have a great day peace out everybody thank you for the F you guys have a great day Bing King he won't make you night cables it'll be like the 20 GP R mying king you bastard terrible just terrible uh yes it's for 6A fully electric okay nice nice sounds good sounds good peace out guys peace out peace out peace out thanks so much talk to you guys tomorrow [Music] he [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] no down [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] oh [Music]

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