Make $80 per month on RTX 3090

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what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome to the brandoncoin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day and I have another build here she's putting off a little bit of heat she's doing some stuff and things but that's not what we're here to talk about today we're here to talk about RTX 309s and RTX 480s and salad has a deficit of them on the network or a shortage so they have available workloads ready to go as soon as you get a capable system up and running so let me flip this around and show you what my 3090 system systems are uh spec-wise and what they're earning just for reference this is November 27th 2024 things are subject to change as time goes on but for right now this is a a a large shortage they said for 390s and 480s now if you'll look right here um this uh one two these three rigs right here are all doing about 11 cents an hour uh so that comes out to I think it's like let's see here 260 a day11 * 24 yeah 260 264 a day uh on those 309s and now my 3090 machines uh are all set up identical let me go over to one and show you what I'm running uh to give you an example cuz people keep saying hey I put my 3090 on there but I don't have any workloads what's going on all right guys so here's two 3090 systems we got a Founders Edition we got a PNY that makes no difference what brand of RTX 390 or 4080 you have uh what's more important is the fact that you have a compatible system to go along with it so both of these are actually on Wi-Fi I took them off of ethernet cuz I was having an issue with the switch that was out here so these are on Wi-Fi I have a 500 down megabit connection uh I was told you only need 100 megabits per system but obviously the more the better I do have bandwidth sharing turned off on all my rigs cuz I don't have enough um uh internet speed to use it it's recommended gigabit or higher but these systems are running two 32 gig sticks of ddr4 so 64 gigs on each each and every single one for these specific workloads uh and both of these systems are ryzen 7 uh 5700s so these are 8 core 16 threads uh and they are picking up these jobs and hammering them out and I've been pretty pretty much steady on these jobs other than I had a little power flicker last night but as soon as I got them back up online it took them you know 10 15 minutes they got back connected and they're up and running so that lets you know a good idea of what you need for internet what you need for Ram what you need for CPUs now my other 3090 system that's inside it is on a Zeon uh it's on my xon combo kits so that one has a 12 core xon with 64 gigs of ddr4 uh ECC server Ram so just more cores on that one and it has been confirmed from the salad team as of uh at this point obviously things are subject to change in the future but they only look at how many cores you have uh when they're deciding whether to distribute out workloads so say if some if a customer requests hey I need you know six cores and a 3090 to run this workload uh if you don't have six cores and you're running four cores but you have the 390 you won't get the workload um but if you have eight cores versus 12 cores you don't make additional money for having those 12 cores or 10 cores or eight cores or so on so that's why you know you can always go too big um and you can definitely go too small so the those zons that's kind of why I enjoy them but these little ryzen I got a good deal on these and they've been absolute champs for the money um so yeah that that's pretty much it ladies and gentlemen as you can see um the the fans are running on this one the Fan's not even spinning on this one that's how cool it's running oh it's a little warm to the touch every now and then that fan will kick on we are out in my garage the ambient temperature out here is in the 40s right now so um it's starting to get pretty cold but it's not cold enough to move these inside yet cuz I have a 3090 inside with a bunch of 30 60s and uh inside my house is already staying pretty warm so it needs to get a little colder out here that way I can uh case the these up bring them inside and use these this heat that they're putting off to help heat my house as well um as for usage I've noticed on this workload it's using anywhere from about 25 to 100% of the GPU uh and then RAM on my low usage system which is actually this one right here it's only using like 15 GB of RAM but then on my higher usage systems uh it's using upwards of 45 to 50 GB of RAM um oh and I guess the the last thing I'll add here is the storage requirement they raised the minimum requirement a while back about a month ago to 70 GB uh from I think it previously was 30 GB all of my systems at least have 500 gig drives on them so that way they have plenty overhead in case there's any bloat or anything on the container files um if you do need bigger drives uh I get a lot of those in every couple weeks so you can always check out my Web Store bc- anyway guys uh thanks for you know coming out I really appreciate it um I do have a new salad link down below if you use it it helps me um if you're not on salad um it's really easy to set up I'm actually going to do a new setup guide for the winter time but uh if you have any bit of experience you can just click right through and follow along and it's it's not bad so anyways comment down below if you have any questions and other than that I'll see yall on the next one adios

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