[Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] turn turn turn [Music] [Music] oh boy oh boy oh my friends my [Music] friends look at this look at that I S just cut the prices in half just slashed it in half just like half I'd say I L I literally looked at the prices maybe half an hour ago an hour ago it was at 239 or 4,000 you know 6,500 something whatever for the ks5 m and then just like in the past like half an hour hour they just they literally just changed the prices in half oh man just insane just just insane um what's up Bros welcome to the live stream welcome Bros Okay so oh there's been there's been a lot of uh there's been a lot of price cutting recently okay so bitm did theirs yesterday uh their ks5 and ks5 Pros are now 50 under 6,000 now holy crap man holy crap so ks5 ice river k5m is now uh what what price did they put it at uh ice all the other reseller websites have not updated yet it's it's just ice River and bitmain the manufacturers so p5m is $ 32.99 now Jesus man Jesus okay so that's see it's in terms of dollar per Giga hash it's getting it's a lot better than the bitmain's price now or they're trying to be more competitive right because bitmain dropped their prices so now ks5 L is 2,000 jeez crazy that's a that's a $17 per gigahash even cheaper and then the ks Z Ultra is$ 129 now so this is uh$ 129 so this is going to be okay $32 per gig is not as enticing this thing you know what this thing should be like they should they should sell this thing for like 80 bucks they should just do it just just do it ice River ice River you're watching right now just just do it just just put it to $80 $20 shipping you know good enough done just just just Liquid Fire Sale fire sale $80 $120 $129 now is like nothing to you it's it's a drop in the bucket it's nothing literally nothing they're literally giving these away it's like giving away for free now like just $80 how $50 they might as well just give it away for free at this point might as well just get I need to pop I need to read the chat I need to read the chat here what's up everybody what's up Bros holy crap man what the hell what the hell man jeez man just insane um as Tech Jedi I just got my ks5 a month ago I feel like I got scammed you and everyone else Patrick Murphy what's up man Victor Mr mining stacker good sir good to see you I just saw you had a video pop up just just now about it as well they need to do five packs in one box to reduce that shipping shipping is going to be more expensive than the unit yeah exactly EX exactly exactly here let's add it to cart here hold on let's add it the cart how much uh let's let's let's add it let me see here oh wait hold on let's do One update cart oh 20 power supply still 20 bucks $55 shipping $23 okay that's yeah that's uh yeah 2039 okay you know what this price is actually wrong then it's not it's not be 20390 yeah th this is not worth it the ks0 ultra for $19 even though it says 129 but it's actually like $23 if you include the power supply H that's this is 51 51 cents per gigahash it's not it's not as well you add on you tack on another $50 on shipping for the ks5 m ks5 l but still still K Ultras are basically bid axes man exactly literally literally Yes Yes actually there the the ksz Ultras would be even cheaper than the bit axes or um the other other competitors like these have the 12 or 16 chips in them right the ks Ultras so wow wow gruit man what's up man by October we at 12200 P 12200 petahash so not buying yes yes exactly yes we're we're getting there it's we're literally in the past two days we've climbed 100 pretty much 100 petahash when I did that live stream two days ago with the ks5 pro we were at 830 830 petahash or 844 petahash we're now at 9:32 within a span of 2 days two days a 100 freaking petahash has turned on 100 100 oh my god dude holy oh my go okay just let's do how much how many terahash is the ks5 pro 21 21 terahash 21 so 0.21 of a petahash so if we did uh if we did 1,000 oh no one one petahash divided by 0.021 so that means wait 47 wait did I do that right 21 terahash for the ks5 pro 47 bit main wait 100 P wait am I doing that right 100 petahash oh no 100 petahash okay I did that wrong we got to do it by 100 we got to do 100 pahh divided by 0.021 4,761 potential ks5 Pros have turned on potential in the past day in the past two days I guess this includes ks5 L's ks5 Pros oh man that is that is insane that is insanity Insanity dorade easy red pen M I'm starting to worry about holding cast longterm I don't know that price will ever appreciate enough to support mining Doran mining Doran ain't easy I I we don't nobody has a crystal ball but I mean every Caspa has got everything going for it fundamentally nothing can beat it fundamentally so but I mean there's plenty of other coins out there that have similar fundamentals no VC no icos none of that stuff um but whether or not that will you know make people buy it and you know have massive price appreciation nobody knows who knows it all depends on really Market making of This coin lots of volume liquidity exchange listings KRC 20 Marathon digital taking up one or one tenth of the network hash rate already whatever if that legitimizes in terms of bigger entities also coming into to mining kaspa thus pumping the price of Caspa who knows nobody knows I no who knows who knows mining King thank you mining King what are you doing man mining King magic China Box one little Timmy zero equals get rest get wrecked H wait I okay now I'm not saying anyone want to go buy these okay but I also do there is a 1.5% off code not that that really helps with anything but what's one what's 1.5% off 2,000 time 0.015 okay you get another $30 off which is like nothing but like if anyone's actually going to go buy these if anyone's actually going to do it okay use code red panda you get another 1.5% off you get another little bit off whatever that helps by the time next month or two I bet you anything these are going to be like another eventually these things will probably be cut in another price cut in the next month or two watch watch these things will be like oh no no no or there's going to be like a ks6 or ks7 L k7m you know then then it's going to it's it's going to be and you know what the bit bit m is lying bit M lied advertising total scam 3150 Watts no no no actual actual power consumption 3400 3150 my ass yeah they advertised it at like they said they tested it at like like 15ยฐ C or like 60 or 70ยฐ F yeah [ __ ] who's mining who's Big Boy Asic mining ks5 pros at 15ยฐ C [ __ ] that's [ __ ] no [ __ ] actually 3,400 Watts bastards at like 85 90 Fahrenheit uh always do that they they did that with uh all the other bit main models as well like got temperature testing like you can see the you know they're advertised you know S21 Pro was 234 at uh no they're advertised um yeah 234 Terra has at 3510 Watts but realistically it was it was actually um uh no sorry where is it where is the advertised 77 F wait S21 Pro S2 advertis 234 Terra wait I got bet wait I got better efficiency okay oh no I didn't test it at higher ambient uh I did not test it at like 80 or 90 Fahrenheit yeah yeah that's why that's why but uh no I did I did I did sorry I did I did I did here S21 Pro yeah 91 Fahrenheit this thing Drew another 300 250 Watts it it it it eared another .1 another one uh Point yeah 8.9 worse efficiency 91 fhe 33ยฐ c yeah this thing was much the ambient raised the electrical the power consumption this is crazy man just crazy so yeah you know what I shouldn't I should I should just add in my I should just add in my actual uh 85 F uh I don't know what I don't know what Celsius that was 35ยฐ C I think um 2100 gigahash 3400 Watts there all right there we go there we go okay there we go uh all right smash the like Bros Smash the like Bros we got oh man this is crazy man this is CRA this is utterly insane so what I'm going to do I'm going to I'm going to see now if I can I'm going to message ICE River I'm going to buy I'm going to see if I can buy 10 of these to give away if if they can give it to me at $100 each and then like $100 or $200 shipping if I can buy if I can buy 10 of these for about $1,200 I will give away 10 I will do it I will give away 10 of these so I'm you know what I'm going to message them right now ice River ice River here write it right now may I have may I order 10x ks0 Ultras with shipping for $1,200 I want to give away all 10 to the community please let me know ASAP before they become bricks and unprofitable thank you there here I I I I I I I show I'm not lying I I I just messaged them right now I'm not Li I I I'll take a screenshot right now there there I I just I just typed this to ice River all right I just I just typed this to them I'm not lying all right if they say yes then I I'll send them 1,200 usdt and I will give away 10 all right I'm doing the whole BP we're doing the whole BP thing again we're going to do the whole BP 10 KS or Ultra giveaways all right there there all right I'm not lying all right all right I'm not lying I actually did it okay Max voltage you mean order 11 to give away 10 and one to ma Max I will give you one already I have one you can have Max did did I say I I'd send you one oh my God Max I'm so sorry Max please Max give me your address I totally forgot I'm actually giving I'm actually sending a ksr pro to um Mrs uh Amy Amy lives crypto I'm sending her her first Asic minor her little uh little ks0 Pro so I'm sending her one as well Max I'll send you one okay I I promise I did promise you that I send you one I did promise you I remember now I'm I've been promising so many people I kind of forget but I have to I have to stick to my word and ship it out I'll do it I'll do it I'll do it mining King I've seen all those 309s on the floor just send me those King no ice Riv will have to come out with something around 21t or more William Gilbert I don't know man I don't think so I I don't who knows it it's probably going to be like a 30 terahash model at 3,400 Watts here let's do some let's do some fun guests right now here why is this all blue why is this all blue what's going on here why is this all blue why is this all blue uh okay okay all right um ice River KS 6 ks7 I know I think there was a rumor bitm might have a ks7 which is 44 terahash 44,000 at probably 3400 Watts oh that's going to be another half of efficiency oh ice River ks7 let's say 30,000 30 Terra has 3400 Watts yeah that looks about right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there you go there there you go the next generation is going to be1 to 7 I'm guessing this is just a guess yes wait what's the next ice River Ultra going to be ice River ks0 what's after Ultra what so KS Z KS Z ks0 Pro KS Z Ultra what's after Ultra what in Dragon Ball Z in Dragon Ball Z what was after Ultra Instinct yes TS zero Instinct they should totally do that Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball Z instinct is it Instinct uh Dragon Ball Z Ultra Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball Z instinct no that doesn't that doesn't work Platinum Mega Ron Omega ks0 Giga super pro extreme ks0 extreme I think no Ultra extreme no it goes extreme and then Ultra isn't Ultra Ultra Instinct yes that's even better yes Ultra in that's the legit Dragon Ball Z uh uh let's see all ebz Ultra Instinct yeah Ultra Instinct yeah yeah yeah yeah Dragon Ball Z yeah yeah yeah yeah there it is ultra Instinct that should be that should be the next one uh yes yes yes yes yes yes yes dude so funny dude it's so so good so so good Amy loves cryp Amy lives crypto I got your I got your email thank you thank you uh Amy I will I will be packing that up today thank you Max I will pack yours up as well Max send me your address so I can print the label and uh uh yeah okay Ultra Instinct that would be so funny that would be so good uh but maybe all it's probably it's probably going to be called Master KS zero Master KS zero super okay but how many terahash how many so this one's 400 so we went from we went from 100 gigahash to uh 200 gigahash and then we went from 200 to 400 K Z Ultra then what's the next one 800 8 800 800 800 gigahash at it it still be 100 Watts yeah it it should in theory still be 100 Watts cuz they they've had 100 Watts for all these other ones k z Pro is 100 watts ks0 is 100 Watts oh no ks0 is 65 Watts 65 100 Watts uh another 100 Watts 100 Watts K Z Ultra 100 Watts he has zero Master 100 Watts 800 gash 100 Watts I don't I don't know um yeah that would be that would be interesting okay um but you know the sad thing right now is at the current price of Caspa which is 16 or 17 cents uh the current profitability at I think 10 cent kilowatt hour everything below the ks3 M uh k3m is no longer profitable uh maybe ks3 everything below the ks3 m and below is not profitable anymore at 10 cent kilow hour ks3 M's are now hitting that we're hitting that equili now we're we're hitting up we're pretty much hitting up where we are with kadana you guys remember when k3s came out these things are these things were four times more efficient than the gold shell KD Maxes right four times more efficient and they they knocked off these pretty much everything else unprofitable over the next like 4 months now we got C we got we got the ks5 pros coming out four times more efficient than at a 0.15 efficiency and then these other older k3m models and older are 0.56 to 0.6 in Jewels per ter half so these are now gone these are now these are now uh in terms of of profitability now inefficient uh for at 10 cents or higher uh maybe 11 or 12 cents so that's that's that's a good time yeah good time good time so what do what do you guys think what's what's everyone's thoughts on all this smash the like we got 224 people here holy smoke 56 likes a lot of Caspa miners here Network bits get out of here Network bits how dare you network bits what's up man panu what's up man BC no more cast mining in my future uh yeah yeah I I'm I'm with you I'm with you on that one DC I'm with you on that one uh let's see if you were to get a ks5 l now this thing's at $11 profitability yeah for $2,000 I mean let's Hey when's the shipping date when's the shipping date for these ks5 LS let's see October 15th to October 30th yeah no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh I just read that so it's August August 28th now it's not even it's not September yet but they have a shipping date 2 months from now no no no oh God no no no no please oh no oh that sucks oh my God oh God hosting models also October 15th to October 30th oh man oh no that's not good ks5 L that is so far away what about their KS KS zeros let's see also October 15th to October 30th oh oh bitm is also October 15 yeah that yeah bit Main's uh ks5 Pros yeah they're also they're 5ou $6,000 one is also end of October viny Del Greco I think it is an interesting time in Casa mining once kc20 in the feature adoption raise mining rewards it could con change considerably either all in or all out of mining C Vinnie Del Greco you're you're 100% correct we're at this we're at this Crossroad right now I feel um really right now we're in this we're in this equilibrium right now where mining profitability of these miners are now hitting that break even right we're hitting that we're hitting that break even time uh where as the network hash rate is rising considerably a lot of these miners are coming on and then we have the price of Caspa not moving at this point in time this is this is what is let me bring up the let me bring up the price uh dark mode had to do that before I show the screen so I don't blind all of you so though kaspa I mean yeah Caspa is still holding it still holding 17 cents I mean it's still holding it so I mean we I I want to be bullish you know I want to be I want to be all in you know I would love to be like Oh I'm buying castom miners I'm going to go all in I'm going to do it it's hard to say we don't know where we are in the state of the market whether you think it's you know we're on the precipice of the bow run it's a gamble for sure you know and like now we just calculated like maybe 4,000 of these ks5 Pros have come on um uh yeah 4,761 ks5 Pros but that probably includes ks5 L's and ks5 M's so this is like we're hitting up we're it's only been it's only been 2 days right I I got the shipping notice for the ks5 pro a couple days days ago I got it just recently 2 days ago so I'm not the only one that's been getting these and turning them on because we've had 100 petahash that just turned on over the past literal two days so if if that if that happens man dude if dude if that happens like the next week here the next two weeks man we're we're we're over we're over ex ahash already we're we're we're in it man we're we're in it we're it's we're we're in it we're we're getting there will will Casa's price go up who knows this is this is what everyone wants this is and I feel like it it feels like is Caspa too big to fail now and if it does it will be the most disappointing thing for the whole mining Community you know what I mean like everybody and their dog is into Caspa you look at non-mining creators you look at the non-mining content creators on X and YouTube there's people Traders even Traders everybody is in the Caspa you you you see it everyone is talking bullish on Caspa right everybody so if it comes to this point where in the mining side of it where we've come to that equilibrium it's it's hitting it's going to hit to that point where now right we've already hit to that point where you know the k2s um hell the ks ice River k3s are we're now making $6 a day now but that's at 8 cent so we did like you know 15 cent per kilowatt hour you know 15 cents per kilowatt hour a k5l currently makes $6 what's that going to be the end of October is Casper going to go up to 40 cents I mean it has to in order to be and you know what oh my God gold shell released the price of the eka 1M today on Twitter gold shell you guys see that mining King thank you for the five panda look at the whale whale wallet charts they are all gone I believe it's going to rug and be done within a year what pass.
FYI the whale wallets thing whale [Music] wallets 229 whales oh yeah they own 21% of the supply yeah you're you're not not wrong King I mean it's potential I mean how much this is about is1 billion almost almost a billion doll balance what's cas's market cap right now 4 billion yeah I mean that's a pretty substantial amount yeah no 100% but I mean not everyone's going to sell you don't know if any you don't know if everyone's going to sell but I [Music] mean um Marathon has good electric price so they will make make money John you're not wrong I'm just saying for those that are home mining with these things it's you're not making anything you're going to be making pennies pretty soon the the gold okay gold shell just changing topic here real quick uh they also announced today an Al boox 2 plus which I hope they that thing will be super cheap but then they also announced the price of the EA K1 K1 M 2209 terrible so we go we go compare now what's the EA it's not even efficient this thing's a piece of crap this thing's a piece of crap 2209 it's a04 uh 40 cents uh per gigahash so they they need if they want to compete with ice River and bitm this thing needs to be like 11 like $1,000 yeah they like they need this thing needs to be like $1,200 yeah like including shipping like this thing no actually no because alol the efficiency is a little bit is like two times worse than the bit main this thing should be like $800 $700 dude gold shell this this thing yeah Stephen no $500 yeah I agree I this thing should be like 500 bucks I mean that that that would be a0 n that would be 9 cents per gigahash which would be amazing but I don't think it's going to go to 500 dude terrible just just terrible gold I even gold Shell's terrible terrible horrible pricing as usual why does anyone still buy paper weights in this company everyone please comment your everyone comment your opinion on their on their X if you guys give their opinion about the price they will change it I guarantee well I won't guarantee it but they'll like just Express express your thoughts on their X and they will 100% they will 100% say like okay we were wrong we're going to we're going to change the price I mean they got to change the prices across the board on everything every every single minor even their alifia miners their alifia miners are also very very very bad priced um their their Al Box 2 currently is 2135 uh it needs to come down like their new albox 2 like by the time they come out like it's not even not even it's not even that more efficient than their other two boxes 48 like it's not even like look at ice server Al Z like this thing just still way better than uh than the albox 2 oh man brutal man brutal uh Panda warned you all a month ago don't buy castle miners anymore now everyone got wrecked that that that I did I did warn I I did say I I I did say it but I did also give the like the risk and disclaimer like you know hey I think at this point in time I think buying the coin will be better like I said buying Caspa will be better will be a better will be a better um play than mining it because you won't get the same amount mining the same yield versus if you were to buy it at that time of uh versus buying a minor so it it's it's getting it's definitely getting worse now and and the projections I mean yeah like you may though I mean it's not the say though you may still be able to get you know your invest your dollar your Fiat value back okay if you're buying one of these $2,000 ks5 L's I don't know in the future for the next year or two I mean I bet I I I do believe that you could still theoretically get your money back with one of these things if you had very decent cheap electric over the next like two years I I do believe that I still do believe you could still get your money back and and and if if you know everything Falls in line with the four-year cycle of Bitcoin and uh Bitcoin starts going up I mean everything else starts going up Caspa will probably go up not Financial advice who knows who who knows who knows nobody nobody knows Kyle Rosa complaining now about price what a year gold shell is trying to be for home Miner efficiency is most important Steven cisero I 100% agree crypto more I'm out done with buying gold shell especially during the summer months yes I I I'm going to give the only thing I can give gold shell right now props the only thing I love these gold shell boxes for is providing heat in the winter time for me upstairs that is the only thing that these things provide me that I love about these miners is they only provide a good amount of heat up STS in my house that's it they're not profitable by any means but you know during the winter time they they're they're little heaters that's that's it I got these in my living room I got them in my kitchen I got them in my bedroom like they provide the perfect amount of little heat to for like a good 150t room you know like perfect amount for winter time you know it it's it's the that's the type of money I would be spending on like a baseboard heater any anyway so I I I run these little tiny gold shell miners in my in for winter that that's it that that that's really that's that's the only thing that's really the only good thing I can say about the gold shell miners is uh low power 120 volt and they use I use it for heat in the winter time that's it that that that that that's it that's it um Fiddler says this is keeping me on the sidelines for the alz I have to think the alz is going to drop in price or be replaced by alz Pro alz Ultra Etc in the matter of months or weeks uh Fiddler you're not wrong you're not wrong yeah yeah and thank you Vinnie Del Greco for the five gifted Subs good sir ninja kid Fiddler not James neon and what chump change Got A Gifted sub what how did you get that jump change how did you how did you get that I never get Subs every time I'm in someone's live stream I never get I never get the I never get the sub damn it that's awesome thank you vco Clinton Q with the five I have a 100 amp breaker into three 30 amp Breakers 240 volt with two k3m and a ks1 can I add a ks5 l with the ks1 and be safe uh what's the what's the wattage of a ks1 600 watts yeah totally yeah yeah yeah you can add a ks5 l with a ks1 yeah 34 3200 Watts plus 600 watts yeah you're at 4,000 watts yeah you're still under the 80% rule which is uh a 30 amp circuit right 30 amp * 240 is 7200 watts and then times that by 80% rule right you want to stay under the 80% rule at 80% rule of a 30m circuits 5,760 Watts so you're still good yeah yeah you're donated $5 you're still good Mr I have breaker into 3 30 amp Breakers with twoim and a one CH change no idea why yeah how do you chum change you you've been you've been getting the uh you've been getting those um gifted subs and live streams that's awesome uh John Montgomery how about the gold shell Ka box Pro are they worth it uh at this point in time no K Ka BRX Ka box Pro uh let's see I don't I don't even think uh Ka box Pro is at 15 cent per kilowatt hour they're at 15 cents per kilowatt hour they're at 27 cents profit or they are generating about 14 kaspa a day now what are the price what's the prices of the KA box Pro K box Pro is 4 $479 is it 479 gold shell.com gold shell I don't know man K box Pro oh 479 okay yeah 479 H I don't know man I I don't know I I don't no no I mean no no no unless you're using it as a heat upstairs maybe I don't know but no I'm going to say no I'm going to say no Marco K rght dude what the hell man thank you for the five G to Subs Tyler blel rain Bitcoins Amy lives crypto got one and HOSA solo congrats Bros congrats Patrick Murphy also got one nice man Panda can I mine a caspo with a KD box too black sales are you are you are you patronizing me right now black sales black sales are you patronizing me right now are you are you patronizing me right now I will ban you black sales I will ban you I will I will ban you look look at alium hash rate all right let's look at the alium hash rate alium Network hash rate it's in sanity alium nwk cash rate is insane Caspa is at 932 and oh we went back down to 887 nice I don't know always fluctuates but continually continually going up okay uh where's the hashr chart for alium why does pool Bay totally [ __ ] there we go oh okay oh yeah okay let's go to oh okay let's go to mining pool stats here uh uh alium alumium I'm just going type it in alium oh antpool oh bit m antpool is bit M's subsidiary mining pool they just turned on a butt F ton of a1s look at that look at that look at that just today just today bitm has turned on their a1s they went from 376 terahash to 272 petahash oo oh yeah oh yeah that's that that's oh yeah that's a lot that's there you go c leum is now at at six petahash that means all these other miners all the other Alum miners across the board are Al Z oh the AL Z is now at $4 a 19 wait wasn't the AL Zer literally making like $16 2 days ago or1 $10 two days ago like yesterday right Am I Wrong the the AL zero was just making $10 yesterday now it's at $4 because the hash rate just jumped 2x wow wow oh it's not over yet it's it's not over yet Bros wait everyone's just receiving their Al zero now and uh how many H how okay so how many Al On's just turned on on end poool how many al1 how many a1s just turned on let's do math quick math al1 is what 60 15.6 ter has 15.6 so if two pah hash has came no three uh how many how many pah hashes come on 339 minus just to say 2 2 7 2.7 petahash okay so 2.7 petahash all right 2.7 petahash let's go calculator 2.7 petahash divided by a single al1 173 a1s turned on on antpool today 173 I'm thinking another 300 or 400 of them are then being sold off to resellers they're being shipped out still uh all of them are not on yet oh God it's it's looking bad oh no oh no oh no I mean but we're not surprised I we're not surprised we did we all we all everyone in this community we all knew this was coming we we all knew we all knew it we all knew this was coming we all knew this was coming yeah only 173 yeah look what 173 Al ons can do through aium Network it can cut your Al zero profitability in half actually worse than half it it cut it more than half so ooh man if these are octob end of October shipping that that makes it a lot less enticing even though the price is down across the board on these A6 on these ks5 L's waiting another two months for it I mean the next two months you know we're this is going to be this is going to get real this is going to get real ugly the only saving grace is casos price come on casos price has got to go up where's DJ we need DJ mines here Casper price we need Casper price to go up we need castle price to go up and I need ice River to respond I need I need ice I need ice rer to respond to my message I I I I I I wasn't lying to you guys I said May I order 10 KS Z Ultras with shipping for 1,200 I want to give away all 10 to the community please let me know as soon as possible before they come bricks and unprofitable thank you I wonder what they're going to respond with please let me know as soon as possible before they become bricks and unprofitable I wonder what they'll say to me I can't wait I can't wait uh they they laugh though no no I I joke with them I I joke with I joke with the ice river guy I talked to I joke with him a lot he he laughs he laughs he loves it he loves it he loves it 44 twice as good as 22 all this price drop is nothing compared to the profitability drop uh Jeet 100% the profitability drops have been have been even worse yes yes it's been it's been it's been even worse good sir yep yep yep yep it's it's it's it's looking it's going down Joker miner hello hello Bros hello everyone 276 people watching 90 likes smash the like Bros that's dropping shipping right to EU right that's Drop Shipping right just to get EU involved tanu no I am no I'm sorry no don't even don't even don't even try it uh Vin Del Greco Ray um maybe al1 will never Roi well that's I mean looking at this I mean yeah so literally three yeah two yesterday the al1 was at $300 a day now it's at $163 a day it it it it has dropped down considerably in the span of an hour because of this massive uh Spike up on antpool which is bit Main's mining pool of course figures um Patrick Murphy says if you're on the fence of staying in mining CA or or get out this price drop just made it a lot a lot tougher to get out it has definitely it it's for those that are in the Casper mining right now are definitely are definitely uh yeah for those that are in it like myself okay I'm not going to lie to you guys here let me let me copy this whole thing hold on let me go over here all right so I'm doing a test I'm 30 $30,000 in on these five miners Three ks5 L's and 2 k5m all right 30,000 in theory $30,000 we started August 1st okay August 1st of 2024 over the past month we have mined 24,1 31 Caspa which is worth about $ 4,667 in in 2 months maybe if I save that 30 grand I could have bought with that 30 grand I could have bought like 10 or 12 or some how many more ks5 hours could I bought with 30 grand I could have bought 15 ks5 LS for 30 grand but I have to wait till the end of October now would that be better than if I were to buy if I were to wait uh versus buying the the these miners back in August 1st you tell me I I I wish I wish I had 30 grand to buy another 15 of these to do that test and when I receive it then I'll do the test to see if it was worth it or not oh man this is horrible this is horrible I mean so I mean I'm I'm already one sixth of the way there like I'm not I'm not like so far too I'm not accounting electric yet but you know maybe what if Caspa went to a dollar like I need to mine 6,000 more Caspa right I'm mining about 00 a day so I can I can theoretically hit that in the next couple weeks I'll have 30,000 Caspa in the next couple weeks or maybe in the next couple weeks yeah a couple weeks and then uh if that value went to $30,000 right what if Casa went to a dollar one day right that that's how we that's how I look at it right that's how how I'm how we're supposed to look at it for long term because look at this if I were to sell the Caspa every day and I'm missing out on the potential price appreciation then it would be such a waste it'd be such a waste to sell every day day right it'd be such a be such a waste Patrick Murphy Rumor Has It BP is sending panda a pallet of chaos zero Ultras now I I honestly I'm I haven't BP has not responded to my messages so I hope he's okay um I hope I hope BP is okay but if he's if he's watching or hears this BP I'm waiting for you I I'm I'm wait I'm print I'm going to be printing out a banner for you but I need I need you to approve of the of the of the banner I want to put a big BP Banner in my basement uh 600 c a day is a lot for mining you know 600 c a day was 1 ks3 like a couple months ago you know it it's funny you know we we've we we're going through so many castle miners over the course of a year and you know how more efficient these things become it's it's it's just knocking off the older models um depending on your electric so Krypto KJ BP I'm waiting for you RPM Krypto KJ you are banned you are banned from this channel forever Frogman red pen of money you going to sell your ksz Pros um no I'm going to I'm I'm I'm I'm giving some away to some community members and uh and uh I'm going to switch the commemorative ones to solo mining um something I don't know what the solo mine yet I don't know jock MC Miner what about the pan fork and the opportunity there uh Jo PC Miner I don't think there was any opportunity there because nobody could liquidate anyway so uh according to the minus stat alium is at 6.94 P so maybe they only turned on 200 units a maximum um Johnny Boy 2459 well they're also shipping out uh a bunch of Al ones now so who knows how many that who knows how many those are City sometimes remember 600 a day Caspa on GPU rig not too long ago I remember mining like 20,000 30,000 Caspa on my GPU mining rigs when I had my whole Farm on it 30,000 Caspa a day dude I oh man I ah dude those were the days those those those were the days um Victor Singh what are your thoughts on sedra coin um I don't have much thought I haven't really looked into cedra or bugna at all but I know some people are mining it and solo mining it and uh having great success there um I was thinking of moving some of my KS Zer over there so I might do that I might do that pretty soon techman 31st is the last day for people to buy the allspray E100 for oh nice or not nice that's the last day like that's in like 3 days [Music] okay all right well that's it Bros I don't know what else what else to talk about I don't know what else uh um what else to go through here anyone want oh by the way I'm giving away I'm giving away um another 24hour ks5 Pro uh hash rate did did did you guys go watch my video today go watch today's video you guys can comment down below your Caspa address and uh and uh give your thoughts of Casper Mining and I will choose the winner in about I think four hours now I already announced it like a couple hours ago so four more hours I will choose a winner um in today's video go watch today's video and uh have a chance to win more more hash rate more hash rate okay any final remarks from anybody anyone have opinions anyone have uh is there anything else you guys want to talk about is there anything else anything else Joker Miner I always win but never get the hash rate why panda why Joker Miner you never win never anything but kaspa how do you figure Caspa is going to be a dead coin that never made it to coinbase what kind of crap logic is that last I checked Cass hash rate is a 940 stop it J how do you figure octavus green what are you guys talking about Caspa NCoin your guess is as good as mine but at this point fundamentally I I think kaspa's got a lot going for it um it's it's it's it's the best nothing in terms of fundamentals nothing beats Kasa nothing so far it's been it's been good Patrick RPM are you long Caspa yeah of course I am of course of course not mid long yes Patrick I'm long yes really yes yes Patrick Patrick stop it stop it minor Hut how do you feel about the little guys getting blown out of the water with these big boy as6 little chance to Roi minor Hut um how do I feel um you know we're at the mercy and we're at the mercy of bitm and Ice River you know and and you know and we we could easily like no matter how many no matter how many disclaimers and you know risks we can all talk about regarding Caspa mining or just any type of mining in general there's there's going to be people with tons of money tons of people with you know a lot of capital people who run it as a business people who have cheap electric who are going to get into this type of thing and you know unfortunately that's that that that's the unfortunate reality when it comes to crypto mining crypto mining is a is a zero sum game there's there's going to be winners and there's going to be losers and unfortunately the losers unfortunately are are the the ones that are going to have higher electrical costs the ones that are unable to keep up competitively against the people that have lower electrical costs and you know bigger boy miners you know that have a lot more hash rate and they are able to take advantage of the profitability because they have cheaper electric and you know much bigger boy hash rate yeah it's it it sucks it's going to it's going to it's going to it's knocking out it's knocking out the little guy yeah no it's there's nothing we can do there's nothing we can do about it you know we're at the mercy of these of these companies the manufacturers that are producing these Miners and you're going to have big entities that are going to be buying into these Asic Miners and the people the smaller guys that are getting into it you know maybe for the coin or fundamentally and you know they want to to Garner some kaspa they're going to have to look at it as as a as a as a hobby you know small amount that they can accumulate and that's that's the best that they can do and you know there's nothing wrong with that you know in a sense there's nothing wrong with that I mean you know the end goal I guess for all of us a lot of people is financially is to have you know that Financial uh stability and you know freedom but as well as uh the success of the coin right the success of the of the network such as Caspa like I nobody's going to hold your hand minor Hut I know you talk about the smaller guy you talk about the bigger guy you talk about the mediumsized miners unfortunately no one's going to hold your hand in all of this and the only person that can take you out of anything in whatever situation you are in life is yourself you have to take responsibility yourself whatever type of investment risk whatever that you're you're going to be going into it's unfortunate everyone's in a different situation in life and you know capitalism uh the economics of the world right now you know that's that's just the way it that's just the way it's going to go and if you're if you're in this space right now you know crypto mining is where it is the state of mining right now it's it's there's a lot of of big entities coming in right there's there's a lot of there's a lot of miners coming in so as more and more people come into the space as more and more people get into mining it's going to be more difficult right it's a zero it's a zero sum game there's going to be winners there's going to be losers unfortunately um but you have to do your best in making sure you can if we mining wise find cheap electric you know um just do it within your own means don't just go all in you know if you don't have the space you don't have the power you don't have the electrical rate you know you're in a busy area noise is a concern like not everyone can just participate in something like this right not everyone not everyone can participate in something like this so yeah I I don't have the answer to I don't have the answer for everyone I I don't have the I don't have the answer for everyone but it's ultimately it comes down to you it It ultimately comes down to the person that wants to get in in this and uh try to make a living or money out of this which is like really the end all be all for most people so trying to like not sugar coat it as as EAS as as simple as I can but that's really the end all that's really the end all that's really the end I'll be all a lot of people just want to make money H that's like the the sad that's like the sad I feel like that's a sad way of putting it crypto mining is like for most people is they just want to make money is that does that sounds sad to you for some reason that sounds sad to me why does that sound sad to me what that just sounds so that sounds so wrong uh I don't I don't know chump change says if you're new run far and fast Panda H stevenh says I'm in it for the money too much of a gamble for me crypto cat Farms 100% um in it for the biscuit that's not sad in mining cast for a year scaling out now hopefully I mind enough to get my Roi uh John I hope so too my friend I mean overall for me I haven't so you know I've done a lot of Break Even tests right you know we did the k5m uh that one was able to mine itself within a 6mon time frame um here I have the example right here here right here here here's the ks3 M that we gave away all right so I I mind this thing back in January 8th uh January 8th of 2024 all the way up until we gave it away we mined it all the way up until July 4th so a good 6 months right a good 6 months this thing was mining and it was able to essentially mine its worth back uh when Casper was uh 20 cents and and uh this was more so like $10,000 um but I'm still holding all this kaspa so in a in a in a way I'm still in the red right $9,000 of this k3m but it's you know in theory if I were to sell it at that time when Cas was 20 cents I would have got my money back and electricity money back uh by breaking even uh then I haven't sold the ks3 m so any profit after that it's it's all profit right it's it's all paid off um in a sense um but yeah so you know is it going to happen again uh I'm doing the test on this $30,000 setup here ks5 LS ks5 M's uh so far we're at $4,000 51 $4,000 obviously the price goes up and down because I'm doing the mining and huddle method okay same thing we did with the k3m we did the mine and hodle Method and uh we're still doing that now because if Casa goes to higher numbers right I'm hoping for this value of the bag to be worth more than what it was worth right so the same idea um and and you know another thing is if I were to sell it every day it was like $5,300 profit if we were to sell every day so Mining and holding you can see here is actually the better bet uh was actually the better play um as of now for for for Caspa mining so Mining and holding is the name of the game so that's the same same idea I'm doing with this test here um we're going to we're going to we're going to see we're going to see is this going to take 6 months I'm I'm thinking more than a year I'm honestly I think the Fiat value in terms of Fiat value of $30,000 worth of these miners I'm I'm thinking over a year that's that's my guess what are your what are your guys's guess a year two years it could be two years maybe the Bull Run happens next year so this could be 6 months if Bull Run happens December January maybe this could be 6 months cuz if I have 30,000 you know Caspa by then and if Caspa goes to 60 cents a dollar you know maybe maybe we could get that money back who knows nobody nobody knows that's why I'm keeping track of this here singular address to a tangum we're going to we're going to see we're going to see we're going to see techman if everyone just bought the coin the network would have no security and transactions would get congested from the chain failing techman I you're not wrong but I mean kaspa's I think it's getting to that point where I feel like there's enough there's enough miners now you know there's enough you know I think ice River and bitm just need to stop making miners you just need to stop selling them just just just just let the existing people who bought these you know get some relief back you know we need some relief but now that there's no relief the ice River comes out with a new batch in end of October uh there's no relief there's no relief there fully electric I know Casa to 60 cents in 2025 all right fly electric that I clipped this I clipped it it is now clipped clipped and saved passit of 60 cents all right you heard it here first fully electric I'm I'm I mean looking at caspas chart it's it's obviously a extremely bullish chart not not I'm not a Trader I'm not an chart analyst but from people I've talked to some Traders I know they're just like yeah casos chart is extremely bullish so whether or not this is going to translate the future price appreciation who knows who the hell knows this is the the risk all of us are are taking for all everyone that's mining this is the risk this is the risk you're willing to take Steven cisero says Casa to $5 yeah I don't I don't see C I I don't I don't think that's going to happen next year I don't I don't think so man I don't think so makers gaming R of mining one question I am mining Raven at 700 megahash on my mini mining Farm out of 360s and a few others would you recommend commend Me Mine Raven or any other coin for the long run uh makers gaming I think you would be depending on your electric you would probably be more profitable mining zealous potentially I haven't looked at that at it recently I haven't honestly I haven't looked at my gpus I I've I've really NE I've I've really neglected my gpus I I really need to I really need to look at my gpus I have't I haven't even logged in my hios for days for weeks I need I'm going to log in my hios right now let's see been so busy uh 200 okay I'm just logging in all right let's see was my hi look like any rigs down oh yeah there's a few rigs down one two three I got four rigs that have no no two no one rig that went down wait what's this one why is my h 2,000 rig off 28 days ago what uh my 3080 rig GPU exceeded 82ยฐ C shutting down wow how rude how rude well at least that works at least I know that this this 82c thing works now Rude why did that rig go down okay oh because of the heat uh let's see 30 oh eight days ago my 3070 rig went down another another rig went down okay I got two 3070 rigs that went down okay all right uh okay I need to go I need to I need to check I need to check that Steven Cicero my Al zero just showed up nice nice nice nice let's check out my spec rigs oh this Ergo rig is not mining Ergo at all okay I'm just going to update it restart why is it not mining Ergo oh man I really got to fix this Nu rig oh my god I've been slacking so much ah GPU mining can somebody can somebody take care of my gpus just kidding just kidding I'll I'll I'll I'll do it I'm still accumulating accumulating a lot trying to accumulate stuff but I need to looks like I need to do some GPU GPU loving here uh pretty soon uh like the p and debacco going on way too fast for you I'm not even going to touch that I'm not even going to I'm not even going to bother I'm not even going to bother not even going to bother that BC red P of mining forget YouTube maintaining gpus is a full-time job yeah 100% GPU mining is not an easy is not as easy as some people think um but honestly my rigs haven't been too bad they haven't been that bad honestly um just a few rigs here and there but swamp 7 set up un uptime robot for your rigs swamp 7 what is that you're going to need to message me that makers gaming Panda how much electricity do you pay overall uh 1035 five I'm going to say about 5,000 us I no maybe 6,000 us a month I'm I'm I'm up there I I I I have I've spent a lot I I have a lot I I I got a lot of stuff I I don't know if you guys have noticed but I have a I have a lot of stuff mining two locations I have three different places my as6 are hosted so that includes my hosting as well I'm I'm I'm paying I'm paying a lot I'm paying a lot granted though I'm also mining a lot too right I'm Mining and and I am holding majority of what I'm mining right so I'm profiting more than I'm profiting including my asex yeah I mean sometimes 50 to 60% more than what I'm paying on electric so uh depending which as6 though I mean majority of my as6 are still profitable so it's more than that sometimes so I'm still I'm still doing I'm still doing good I'm still mining uh I'm mining a lot I'm mining a lot yes yes how much do you pay per kilow hour between 7.5 and 8 between two different locations 8.8 USD what's the deal with mining Novo jrose uh it's I'm it's uh it's just a spec play I have no idea it's just on one rig it's on an old 1060 rig and it's not even working actually it's not even buying no let me let me re let me restart this rig let's see if it let's see if it mines now and a I restarted it jock mcmin Miner what's up bro you are too much of an OG to the point where you don't know exactly what you are mining to wear not a criticism uh jock M Miner you're you're exactly right it's come to that point where I am already managing way too much stuff I have I have too many things happening I have so many miners like everywhere I I it's so hard to keep track it's it's it's extremely hard to keep that's why I had to I had to put my my cast miners together because I was going to do different you know Roi you know test examples like oh this thing is going to pay itself back when we're we're going to see right A ks5 M by itself or ks5 L by itself you know what I said screw that I was just going to put everything on one address and just combine everything together and just just do it that way like it's it's it yeah I'm I'm I'm already at that point where it is a lot it is a lot to manage yes BC can I put an ice River Al zero on an pool Al pool wonder if it would work uh I currently have the AL Zer on DX pool but I think uh vior v.net also works as well vior I don't have it up here v.net yeah viore has has uh compatibility for the AL zero second TL right P Money how do you keep track of these Roi wallets and different projects massive Excel file uh second TL yeah it's just a easy Google sheet I have and all I type in is the cost of the miner the time I started Mining and what model is it I put the dates and stuff in there and then I just I I check it from time to time that's it and then you know a lot of the a lot of the wallets in terms of like for tax purposes I just I can easily import it into coin Ley coin Ley has Caspa now you can automatically import Caspa instant instantly Joker Miner two petahash just came online for Al on Ant poool per chump uh yeah we talked about that we just talked about that uh Joker Miner you probably just came in the live stream we talked about that like uh half an hour ago yeah on the stream yeah um move to Manitoba my power is 6 cents USD Canadian minor nice man nice uh I was looking at those 0% pool fees but never used them any before Oh BC I see I've never used antpool I've never mined on antpool as well um so vior is good vior is good um I heard cryptex I heard cryptex is good people have been mining on cryptex so um DX pool hero miners hum pool F2 pool F2 pool's decent they're all honestly they're all they're all good [Music] honestly Patrick Murphy hey did you hear ice river drop prices on their units yeah I don't know I just heard that too yeah I just heard that too I just heard that as well but they're not releasing them until the end of October damn man end of October okay Bros that's it smash the like I'm out of here you guys have a great day thank you all for the fun that's all we have for today uh that was good that was a good stream good fun lot of fun thank you guys thank you so much Frogman makers gaming how's Chia mining going uh let's not talk about let's not talk about Chia we'll leave that we'll leave that for another day how about how about that we'll leave that for another stream how about that all right peace out peace out Bros goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye have a great day appreciate you all have a good one bye-bye [Music] [Music] do turn [Music] n [Music] do [Music]