what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day and um is warthog still the hot thing on the Block to mine maybe maybe not I don't know but I had another rig that I am taking off of salad uh because it's just not getting jobs it's at 3060 with 32 gigs of RAM I am going to pull some of that Ram out of there uh and convert it down to a warthog rig so 3062 gig and it's got a ryzen 5 5600 G so let me go show you the rig here hold on let's go together show you the rig and then we can show you how it's doing on warthog so it is an HP like OEM machine and I just stuffed a Zotac 3060 in there and I left this side panel off because it was getting a little warm with the side panel on now it does have that 32 gigs of ram in there and you definitely don't need that much RAM for warthog so I will be pulling pulling that out but let's go take a look at the hash rate and see what we hashing all right so that 3060 with that ryzen 55600 g is actually running pretty cool 63° um and we're getting 348 megahash now I wonder if it's leveraging all the cores cuz this is a six core 12 thread [Music] so I think so oh it's got an overclock on here let me wipe this overclock real quick see if that changes anything just let her eat let her give her the beans but um yeah while we're waiting on that so it's doing about 350 mahash using the mining calculator that's about 79 wart per day 5.5 per week and 23 a month now in my brain I'm valuing wart at about a dollar uh it's actually 71 cents it's down but like most of the market everything's down so that comes out to 6 C A Day $3.95 a week or $16.93 a month as of right now this machine is pulling when I had it on salad uh Full Tilt it was right at like 350 watt so it's a little under that anyway we'll do 350 * 24 / 1,000 time12 so we're burning a about a dollar a day in electricity so this is not profitable but if I was going to mine it and hold it I would need to hold it till W warthog is over a dollar before I sold it to make any profit um yeah I'm not sure not sure I do have some other machines speculatively mining warthog uh so I may just leave those on there for the time being it looks like with this this overclock reset we're doing a little bit less hash actually we're not doing as much cash rate so yeah sometimes that's just how the cookie crumbles ladies and gentlemen let me know are you mining on some 30 60s are you mining on the 5600 G's what kind of hash rate are you getting with your machines because I do have some other ones for example here is a ryen 5 no sorry wrong machine um right here this is an i76700k which is an older four core 8 thread with an RTX 3050 uh and it's doing 100 79 mahash and it is definitely burning significantly less power but it's also laying down you know a little over half of the mega hash so less power less hash I'm not sure but I'm probably just going to leave these things eat for a little while until I switch them over to something else but yeah drop it down below are you mining with any lower-end hardware on warthog and have you been successful with that being said ladies and gentlemen I'm going to jump off here I hope you all have a good day and I'll see you on the flip side peace
Mining WART RTX 3060 Ryzen 5 $4 Month