one Crypto Miners junk is another’s Treasure

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what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and tonight we're just doing a box haul so um every now and then I get people that reach out to me and you know obviously I buy hardware and stuff but every now and then people are just like hey man I got some extra junk left over don't know if it's any good you can have it and um this is actually a friend of a friend so some of the stuff came from me back in the day and some of his St the stuff he bought along the way but I figured it'd be cool to kind of go through because all this stuff is like 2018 to 2019 era so might might take us back in time I haven't gone through all of it yet I just kind of looked at it he just like dropped it off and and uh and headed out so anyway Let's uh let's see what we got so first things first an Intel stock cooler it's one of the black ones got the copper core on the bottom all the feet look like they're in good shape that's a keeper 100% we can put that to use um next one up is a Arctic and it is a big tower cooler it is missing the bottom bracket so um that is unfortunate don't know if I'll be able to find that bracket or or what maybe just have to list list this on the website at like a really good deal so that way somebody could figure out what they need to do with it um AMD little stock nothing special cooler this one oddly enough uses the screws to go in and does not use the the clippy bracket method so I'm not sure what this came with but no LEDs nothing like that CPU coolers are always good to have you know um another Intel stock cooler this is the one that's got like the uh the raw aluminum look but it does also have a copper block on the bottom so yep feed are in good shape they're not broken can't go wrong can't go wrong for like a a low power application now he actually got this from me and he never used it it's still brand new in the packaging um I wish I could Source these from the supplier that uh I used to be able to get them from they were significantly cheaper but this is a six times splitter card and it is have it does have a little cooler on the bottom which I thought is cool um so then you plug this into a motherboard then you run six risers out from it to run a six GPU motherboard or to run six gpus in a mining configuration off of pretty much any motherboard and it's got a times 4 slot on the bottom but you can install that into a Time 16 slot so I thought that's cool and being that that's brand new actually you can you know list that on the website um next up motherboard everybody that was mining in like 2016 well 2017 2018 knows about these gigabyte boards this was the z270 dp3 this was a sixc card board but you could also run one two three cards directly on the board if you wanted to cuz it's got three fulls sizee 16 slots they don't run out of full 16 Lanes um or full Lanes but um you can mine with them so depending on these two being a little tighter uh you might have to get creative with the cards but yeah and it looks like the CPU it's got a g4400t so it's got a t uh g4400 which is actually a low power um a low power Pentium not that they're already low power enough uh he said he didn't know if this board works it's really dusty it's really nasty we'll check that out and um yeah go from there that over here uh continuing onwards we have oh this is cool this is actually a box of motherboard standoffs at various different lengths so probably just going to bring that over to the shop and keep that keep it on hand um okay so he had um I think I actually gave him some of these these were gp1 10600s which are I think they're 1060s GP 106-100 A1 it is a what is it looks like it's a that a mining card GP 106 okay these were used in 1060s and Quadro P2000 so this was probably a 1060 um he said he's pretty sure all of these didn't work he took them apart cleaned them put the coolers back on and then they still wouldn't fire up so he took them all back apart because he was going to try to Reflow them or something I'm not sure but at the very least they could make for if you know cleaned up they could make for some cool wall art at the computer shop might throw them up for a couple bucks a piece at the on the shop on the website let me know what you guys think I'm always I'm always a fan of like computer hardware um but he's got oh this is a different one actually what's this one this is a GP 106400 so probably just just a different model 1060 so one two 3 four five five of them and he said all of them do not work might throw all five of them up on the web store for like I don't know couple bucks here or there um if not if they don't sell we'll just hang them on the wall take the brackets off of them what else did we have in here um oddly enough there's like a lot of pins in here so I figured I'll take those to the shop anything else no that's it other than some trash so anyway just a quick little video of uh going through a little bit of older stuff I guess the technically the only older thing there was that that motherboard and processor um everything else I mean the 1060s were older but that was a little little lackluster I was hoping for something more interesting um but oh well beggar can't be choosers I ain't going to complain with free so anyways guys I really appreciate y'all coming out I'll see yall on the next one adios

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