Pepe coin just broke some all-time highs Is Pepe going going to be the number one Meme coin of 2024 that's exactly what It's looking like welcome back to 99b YouTube channel I'm your host Umar Khan And today we're taking a deep dive on Pepe coin taking a look at what the heck Is happening let's jump right into the Mix of things as we're seeing Pepe Taking over the Internet we see Trader Made 107,000 X profit is focusing on Pepe Trader turns $3,000 into 43 M $46 Million in1 month and guys that's just Not it we're seeing the overall crypto Market is back in green we're seeing Green across the board before we go into Pepe guys I want to highlight Doge verse As the pre-sale is almost over your last Time to buy before the launch theyve Raised over $15 million and this is Doge Verse the world's first chain traveling Doge Doge goes multichain buy and claim Doge vers on any of the following six Chains eth binance polygon avac base and Salana this is a meme coin that's going Absolutely crazy been featuring a ton of Different articles has multi- Bridge Utility a solid road map and we can see Great token allocations uh and great Tokenomics we can see as well plus the Ter on top they have staking the reason Why this token is going so popular is They are taking the Internet by storm Theyve gained over 20,000 followers on X

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In the past 5 to six weeks they're Really taken over we seen this with Slaton a pre-sale gem we covered on this Channel in the past where they had Really bullish indication on social Media and we saw it launch it had 34x Right off the bat then it had 34 Centralized exchange listings we're Anticipating the same thing is going to Happen with do so if you want to load up A bag I'm going to link in the Description below as well as comments Obviously not Financial advice do your Own research and due diligence but let's Go ahead and take a look at what's going On with Pepe Pepe currently trending Number two in the trending tab up 6% on The day 44% on the week and 10 105% on the month what is going on with Pepe coin we're going to go ahead and Take a deep dive so first of all P Bitcoin breaks alltime highs again this Absolutely insane people are so bullish On what's going on we see analyst boost ETF approval odds leading to surges in Popular tokens and E ethereum ecosystem Obviously right now the ETFs for E are Anticipated to go live I was looking on Twitter earlier today apparently they Have like an 80% chance of it going live Which should be absolutely insane for Pepe and the mecoin and finally get the Altcoin season started we see overall Cryptos across the board looking great

Up 5% on the day overall market and 146% Volume in terms of fear and greet index We're currently sitting at 70% and guys It's starting to feel like we were Entering the bull run again a couple Weeks ago we just started talking about Some of these meme coins we felt like it Was going to be the the the bull bull Rush was the the it felt like the Bull Run was going to get started Aggressively then post happening things Got shaky and looking like things are Starting to recover again which gets us Really really excited Pepe pumping we Can see even post on Twitter Pepe Posting a meme you know feeling so good At this pump is hitting alltime highs is Absolutely insane even the technicals Are looking very bullish for Pepe coin As people are loading up Allstar are in Buy movie averages are in strong buy and The overall summary is a strong buy for Pepe coin even the news is covering Pepe Coin everywhere as alltime highs break And people are going to be talking about Pepe a lot and here's the thing as we Broke alltime highs guys more and more Retail investors are going to start Loading up on Pepe coin that seems to be A similar Trend what happens when tokens Hit alltime highs is retail starts to Get in and buy at the top whether it's a Great investing strategy or not Regardless of the fact but for us pep

Bitcoin is obviously very very bullish We see Pepe obviously having a Phenomenal run uh even when we're Looking at the overview guys of Pepe Right we can see great things happen Across the board uh on the week 26% on The month 115% 6 months almost 200% Right the gains are absolutely insane For Pepe token and we're anticipating Pepe to continue pumping as the mem coin Mania is just getting started and we're Very excited to see what comes next for Pepe coin the mcoin Pepe hits new record Highs up 31% in price mark and now at $ 5.32 billion trading volume up 400% it's Insane how Pepe coin could flip some of These other popular mem coins currently Pep coin sitting at number three in Terms of top mem coins uh do shba Inu The number two is at $15 billion market Cap pepcoin at $5 billion market cap It's very likely if this if this pump Continues if the popular Pepe continues Pepe might actually be able to flip Shu And we already know how massive Shibu is And the whole ecosystem Sheba Inu is if This happens obviously this going to be Insane for people who are buying into Pepe so much bullish things across the Board guys if you don't want to miss any Of the latest and greatest crypto news Make sure you smash the Subscribe button Down below as we cover meme coins Altcoins Bitcoin and everything else and

Everything in between on this channel Like always it's not Financial advice Always your own research and due Diligence until next time it's your Friend Umar peace [Music]

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