Pepe coin is down nearly another 10% is This your time to sell all your Pepe Welcome back to the 99b YouTube channel I am your host Umar Khan today we're Taking a deep dive on Pepe coin as Interesting things are happening in the Marketplace is Pepe going on a downward Cycle that's exactly what we're taking a Look at first things first to start off We can see overall crypto Market down Approximately 2% on the day which again Not terrible there's going to be Fluctuations we talked about this on the Last sell all your Bitcoin video that This was notable a correction was going To take place but right now we're taking A look overall Market looking a little B In the red we can see in the fear and Greed index we're at currently at a 55 When we actually look at Pep Bay we are Seeing we're down 9% on the day and the Week we're W down whopping 11% however I Think there's some opportunities that we Can get here that might actually make us A bag but taking a look at the overall Crypto Market guys which is so important Before making any decisions you got to See what's going on in the market we can See overall there's red but it's actual Prospect of green we can the green Candle already starting up slowly it is It is getting pretty late right now and Usually this is the time the volume Picks up but $65,000 Bitcoin 3.4k eth

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$600 BNB and sold at 143 all these Tokens but in the red for the week so Taking the deepest hit which again with This whole mem coin Mania whole andate Stuff going on that was anticipated now Before we fully go into the pep Bitcoin Deep dive guys I do want to highlight an Opportunity yes it's a red day but when Should you buy coins great time to buy Coins in pre-sale and right now the Pre-sale gem that we're on top of and The community is absolutely loving is Play Doge this is a pre-sale gem that Already raised $4.6 million you hear That right $4.6 million in the span of Two weeks there's a lot of belief here It's a play to earn game so play do is The best play to earn Doge companion Game it's ultimate mobile play to earn Game that brings iconic doge meme uh to The life of a tagoi style virtual pet Secure your play tokens and preal to Earn crypto while you play your Nostalgic 2D game so it's a play to earn Game dog theme has a unique utility Having tamagachi style play to earn and This cherry on top has staking currently Paying 159% AP it's dynamic range Meaning this the percentage could go up It could go down I see as a highest 800% Super solid project guys we do deep di On this all the time our community is Absolutely loving it so if you want to Load up link in the description below

But let's go back to pep Bitcoin as Interesting things are going on in the Market and first of all just look at the Chart let's go so we see the one week is Down 11% but when in doubt zoom out we See when we look at the month we're up a Whopping 600% there's almost a reverse Basin going on and we look at the one Year guys there's so much gains we made You know Pepe was literally alltime High Territories just a couple weeks back and We're anticipating this was dumping was Going to take place as you can see you Know looking history earli this year Pump in pulled back this kind of like What we saw here then it kind of Pumped Again spiked a bit which we saw over Here and it's down again which we saw Over here and again remember if history Repeat to itself the pattern is going to Go back upwards in this direction Bringing us up in this range over here Eliminating some of the zeros okay again Pepe coin has been a fan favorite meme Coin the most memorable meme coin in Existed the dogs have had their day it's Time for the Pepe to take the rain and It has been nothing but true cuz even When we go to coin market cap right we Go to the meme coins we go to top coins In the mem coin section Pepe is at Number three which potentially this me Meme coin run this bull run I should say Could flip shibba enu and that would be

Absolutely insane almost a million Followers on x 6 uh 6 658 th000 Followers and they're just obviously Posting memes engaging with the Community uh Jet Life to the next Pepe Just Pepe memes we can see this one is Taking over coinbase when they added the Perpendicular trading which is insane And we look at the technical report guys We can see technicals are in the summar For sale for sure as also our neutral Moving average on sell overall summary For a sell when we look on the one week Guys we see a bit more optimistic bit More bullish moving averages is in Strong by all ser and buy give us Overall total of buy again very very Bullish even the news headlines uh June Meme wipes out sale uh it and really and Truly guys it is a wipe out sale that's A great way to look at it is when we do Have these red days when the market is Down these are our opportunities to get In at these super low prices remember You don't make your money when you sell You make your money when you buy so when You have these tactical buyin you buy on The red days the red weeks and then when We see the pumps we take profits right And then when it goes right again we Re-enter that's the best way to play and Win this game and that's exactly what We're seeing in the market right now as People are saying it's a wipe out sale

Might be a great time to buy uh Ripple Could have a bullish week uh as ETF Swaps uh and pepe coin have had their Prospects and again the ETF uh for the E ETF going live as well again people are Still very bullish on Pepe and overall The mcoin market so again uh needless to Say I'm very bullish on Pepe long term Should you sell all your Pepe absolutely Not this might actually be an optimal Time to buy but remember none of this is Financial advice as I am not a financial Adviser always your own re and due Diligence before missing anyone money And the cryptos we cover on this channel That was the video until next time it's Friend Umar peace [Music] [Music]

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