PEPE SHIB and WIF Just Got Huge News From Kraken! This Could Cause A Rally!

Cryptocurrency investors are getting Excited once again even though the Prices are down a little bit today we've Got some very good news out there news That could drive meme coins higher Specifically Shi enu coin Pepe and dog With hat guys Kraken has a big Announcement that we're going to be Going over in this article and in this Video today we're going to be looking at It what it means for these meme coins And then how it's going to relate to Something like Pepe Unchained a brand New layer 2 blockchain that is gearing Up to be one of the most successful Launches yet let's talk about it if it Sounds like something you're interested In let's get started what's up everybody I'm clay bro and as you can see we got Pepe Unchained on the screen right now And oh my goodness these guys look $ 11.2 million Let me refresh this to make Sure that this doesn't update here but 11.2 million rais so far is an Incredible amount far surpassing a lot Of the other projects out there And really showing the amount of demand That this layer 2 blockchain is getting Let's before we jump into that a little Bit more let's talk about what's driving Meme coins right now it says that Kraken Fuel speculation with shib Pepe and dog With pack collateral listing is a meme Coin rally incoming well yes a mem coin

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Rally is incoming but I don't know when Okay that's the hard part we know that Retail investors are not in the space Right now you and I are but the vast Majority of retail is is out there Crying saying scam scam scam I lost so Much money because I bought the peak of A bull market and I couldn't wait Through the bare Market crypto is scam When it hits new highs again okay They're going to jump in and they're Going to repeat the same process that They did last time they're going to be Upset again because prices are going to Fall as people take profit and so on but The retail rally will happen again and They are going to drive meme coins Higher so let's talk about what Kraken Is doing here It says Kraken a leading cryptocurrency Exchange recently announced a collateral Listing feature three or featuring three Popular meme coins shibi enu coin Pepe Coin and dog with hat the latest Announcement is raised questions and Discussions among community members Around the imminent rally for these Tokens it says new collateral added for Futures on Kraken Pro whiff shib and Pepe Kraken stated in Thursday expost This means platform users can now use Whiff shib and Pepe is collateral for Futures Trading to get started users Must transfer the meme coins to their

Kraken spot wallet to their futur wallet With the addition of shib Pepe and whiff To Kraken Pro users now have additional Alternatives When selecting assets for Collateral in Futures Trading this move Might increase engagement for these meme Coins as their utility expands Beyond Traditional spot trading to more Sophisticated trading strategies Consequently market demand and Visibility for these tokens May in Increase driving adoption and Potentially increasing prices absolutely Agree anytime utility is added to a Token you are going to see increased Demand now this doesn't mean that people Have to go out there and buy ship but Now they can use Sheba enu coin to Collateralize their leverage future Trading positions they can now use Pepe To collateralize their futures or their Perpetuals they can use whiff to Collateralize their Futures Trading Strategies out on Kraken Pro now this is Not the same thing is being rolled out Market-wide it is a a exchange specific Uh I guess utility but it's a utility Nonetheless and everybody that uses Kraken Pro is now going to see shibi enu Coin Pepe and whiff even more than they Already have before which could drive Meme coin adoption like this article Says something else that is going to Drive adoption is retail returning to

The space But once Pepe becomes one of the most Well-known and well traded Cryptocurrencies out there Pepe Unchained the layer 2 blockchain is Going to be just as explosive as Pepe Was in its early days now look you can Come out here and you can see this is Coin this is uh coin market cap and I'm Going to be going over some of the Statistics on the day you can see that Clearly everything is in the red today It is a very difficult day for the Cryptocurrency market but what I want to Focus on is volume you get Dogecoin to Win $500 million in trading volume today Shib uin $199 million in trading volume Today and pepe $562 million in trading Volume today Pepe outpacing both Dogecoin and shibi enu coin it did Outpace Doge by a little bit right uh 529 for Doge and pepe was 562 so even Outpacing the largest meme coin in the World Pepe is one of the heavily or one Of the most heavily traded meme coins on The planet and therefore Pepe Unchained Is going to get the recognition and the Attention that it deserves so let's look At it for a second if you guys are Interested in buying you use that link Down in the description or the pinned Comment you click connect wallet and Connect your wallet however you wish I Like to use wallet connects but you guys

Can use metam Mas coinbase best wallet However you want to do it and then from There you're simply going to determine How much you want to buy so if you want To grab let's say five ethereum worth You're walking away with 1.2 8 million Pepe Unchained guys 1.28 million Pepe Unchained already at a penny imagine What happens when it goes to 10 cents 50 Cents maybe even a dollar one day you're Talking about $1.28 Million at that level Something Incredible to think about because of Course when retail investors return to The market they're going to be buying Meme coins they're going to be searching For the latest and the greatest the most Explosive meme coin out there and you Got to have a weird combination right You got to have a combination of extreme Demand but very low market cap in order To see those those opportunities that Can explode by 100 200 500x and Beyond Now I don't exactly know what the market Cap of Pepe Unchained is going to be Listed at but what I do know is that It's in that very strange opportunity Right a a new token relatively low Market cap but huge demand because of Course it's got that Pepe name and the Demand is already evident guys 11 .2 Million raised in a time when everybody Is fearful is is not easy to accomplish 11.2 million raised when retail

Investors aren't even searching for Cryptocurrency is a very strong Indicator so why is it I truly believe It's because Pepe unchain is a layer 2 Blockchain that is going to be built for Speed security low fees and memes these Guys know the people that are buying in Right now are anticipating that retail Rush that retail return and they know They're going to be returning to memes So if you're looking for staking rewards Pepean chain also has that at 179% annualized interest you're roughly 3x in your money if you could stake at This rate for the entirety of a year so All of a sudden you're making 3x on Staking rewards you're coming out here Making some phenomenal price gains and Of course you uh if you if you haven't Seen the price predictions yet they're Looking anywhere between 20 to 100 X Gains for Pepe Unchained over the next Year during the upcoming bull market Rally I'm excited about this one and It's obvious that a lot of people are Excited as well and they are buying in I Want to know what you guys are excited About down in the comments below and Until the next time hope to each and Every one of you have an awesome day

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