Play to Earn meets Meme Coin – is PlayDoge the NEXT 10X Potential Crypto?!

Huge welcome back to the 99 Bitcoins YouTube channel in this video we are Uncovering a new play to earn token that Just hit the cryptocurrency markets now This could be absolutely huge we're Talking next axi Infinity scale next Defi Kingdom scale next pea Moon scale And Beyond maybe even delivering up to 100x returns now let's talk about it me Market is valued at 65 billion we've got PL to earn Market valued at 4 14 billion And I think there's a lot of appetite Overall for coins like this right now so It goes by the name of playd doge look At this 3 days 17 hours until basically The price goes up again but they've Already hit 213k raise in just literally Hours of launch so here is play Doge the Best play Ear Doge companion game it's Inspired by the legendary 9s Tamagotchi Device so really cool tying in Nostalgia To blockchain and of course factoring in The growth of web 3 fre gaming because We can see the video game Market is Absolutely on fire and is predicted to Go from $250 billion in 2023 up to Around uh what looks like 675 billion by 2033 so in a decade we Should see some huge growth for these Sort of play to earn gaming and overall Adoption here of augmented reality and VR which could then you know funnel in And integrate into blockchain 2o so here Is the website looks absolutely

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Fantastic and here is the first tweet Saying introd ucing play Doge the only Play to earn Doge companion inspired by The legacy of Tamagotchi feed train and play with your 2D Doge 2 um so what do you think of This guys this is absolutely awesome uh Great graphics straight away it's Colorful it's vibrant it's Poppy we Could see something very very good Happen here overall for the coin and Yeah you know early days guys so give Them a follow the link is down below to The website if you do want to help us Support their Twitter and just stay in The know of all the big things that are Coming so Game features here is a snippet and a Teaser of exactly how the mobile app Could look on your screen you've got the About section here where it says of Course it's a mobile game that Integrates the legendary tamaguchi got The inspiration because 82 million units Of tamaguchi devices have been sold Since 1996 and then the game features Are going to have of course fun vibrant 8bit Graphics design music and all that To keep you going and enti to play and Compound some games it's all about play To earn you can actually earn money by Playing the game road map we can see We've got a bit of space invader sort of Te's here phase one contract audit phase

Uh two is also going to expand on that But the pre-sale start in phase one Which is now you're going to see social Activation initial marketing push phase Two app development starts the pre-sale End the Dex token launches and then Product roadmap will go ahead phase Three is increased marketing continued App testing miname beta first Centralized exchange listings and then We're going to see phase four play Doge App release full mini games launch Launch community airdrops and bigger Centralized exchange listing so this is Bullish you can see here the play token We indeed have got the contract here we Can see that is on BC scan fully Available transparent for you guys to Have a look at in your spare time and You can see the play token features is Functionality earning mechanisms and Utility it's got the play to earn side It's got yourself on the leaderboard so We can climb those leaderboard ladders And in turn effectively earn more play Tokens and in-game rewards toonomic We've got 9.4 billion tokens pre-sale Provides 4.7 billion for sale which is 50% Community rewards at 7.5% marketing At 12.5% liquidity at 11.5% project Funds at 12.5% staking at 6% so that is Something you can actually do with this Ecosystem you can actually stake as well If you really wanted to so speaking of

The staking you got 6,771 per added Rewards 17.88% 7 million tokens are being staked in at The moment and those emissions will Slowly release over the 3-year period as You can see right here so what a great Looking website you can see some Animations there I think it could be a Really really big one out here how do You buy it well step first of all you Connect your wallet use the link I've Got down below please remember do not Risk more for to lose because it is not Financial advice once you've connected You can then swap your desired amount of B&B eth or tether into your play tokens Then you can stake them if you want to That's completely up to you as well Personally I don't really do the staking Thing but hey it could be a good way to Compound some gains if it's a pre-sale That maybe takes 6 8 10 or 12 weeks then Lastly when the pre-sale is finished you Can claim your tokens manually from the Website into your original wallet that You use for purchase so when you click That connect wallet button or you know If you click that buy tokens button it's Effectively going to prompt you to Connect your metamask quet and then buy Some of the tokens if you want to do so So I will be absolutely supporting this One and grabbing some tokens not sure How many maybe $5,000 worth it's hard to

Say um but I'm ultimately bullish this One does look really good you can see The download play Doge will be coming Soon and that's where you can sort of Begin your play Doge adventure and I Think it does look really really good i' Would like to see also nfts of this one That could be really cool if they also Launch some nfts here is a smart Contract audit from solidity of course That gives it the green flag to then go And push it public and it means that They've given information to solid proof To ensure that there is trust with the Project as well um yeah so effectively Play doge is a mobile based playto earn Game that combines the iconic Doge with The meme um and Tamagotchi style virtual Pet management so it does look really Really cool here what do you think of This one let me know down in the Comments are you going to have a look at It you're going to see on the sidelines And wait but this is your play to earn Tamagotchi themed Doge companion Embrace 90s Nostalgia I think it could be Absolutely cool it's got that sort of Mix between a play to earn and a meme Coin in my opinion because it's of Course using the Doge theme and I think Just looking at everything we've got Here product wise utilitywise this could Be really really a big one that creates A strong community and culture for

Hopefully the next 10 to 100x crypto out There thanks for watching this video do Subscribe to the 9 Bitcoins YouTube Channel if you're new here and want to Stay in the know of all hot Cryptocurrencies see you soon stay Crypto safe bye for now

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