what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel I hope everybody is doing so well it is April 17th 2024 and I figured we would do an official update video on the road to mining 100 million Sheba um we have not made a lot of progress we had some Hive issues we had some some finicky cards that we're not happy um but I'll go over what we have currently so far uh Mining and where we're at and all that kind of stuff so if you guys are not familiar um I started this challenge I don't know it's been a few days now um but yeah the goal is to get 100 million Sheba why because that's why so you know how that goes anyway um let me click over here and where we at there we are okay so we're currently at 4 4,367 th000 Sheba and if we go to our stats page we are doing we're averaging 192,000 Sheba per day uh so our numbers are creeping up ever so slowly I have been slowly adding cards um but that we need to pump those numbers up because that means uh just quick math here we have what we got like uh 90 six or we got like 96 million 400,000 left to go if we divide that by let's say we're doing that 200,000 a day it would take another 482 days and that is way too much time to be doing a YouTube series on and way too much time to dedicate on so um that means sorry about my notifications I don't know why those are even going off that means I need to add cards uh so my strategy up until this point has been to use cards that were not optimal for reselling so whenever I buy in bulk we'll get some cards that either have bad fans busted coolers that kind of thing and I would use those and then sell off the good stuff so um I'll go over what we have so far and um yeah we'll start off right here we have a that's a uh 1660 TI the fan was busted on it so I just stuck a case fan it is sitting on top of or it's plugged into a motherboard with a ryzen 5600 G which is not a great processor for CPU Mining and that CPU is mining uh as well so those are both Mining and then up top we have two 1660 TI on the right side we have a um 3060 and then uh a 2060 and a 2070 um the 2070 is that weird low power one that you can't set your like uh voltage over or your your power limit overclocks and and it honestly doesn't take a lot of overclocks like you try to go down or up it the ER is out constantly so it's it's been a pain in the butt and all those cards have some kind of issues whether they um one of them has like a cracked cooler I think the 2070 is fine but um yeah so that's that's all what's mining right there and then I'm going to be adding this bad boy up there to that rig too which this is a 1066 gig and I had another one that I wanted to add as well another 1066 gigs so that's adding another two 1060s to the mix um and if I if I do recall correctly let's see here let me pull it up over on the screen that should add let's go back to um start Sheba and then on the 1060s I think I had I was putting those on flux zel has um and they were doing I want to say like low 22 area saws a day so that's about 5,000 shib a day if I can get 40 saws out of those two cards that adds 10,000 another 10,000 shib a day and um yeah let's keep on keep on pumping our numbers up there um I figured as we're going I am going to make a spreadsheet put all the cards uh a lot of stuff will be changing here soon I have some rigs coming in to fill out um this shelf and then that shelf so once I get a like more permanent solution um then I'll actually fill in the the spreadsheet because I think I'm going to pull like the 2070 off of there cuz I have some other cards that should go on there that are that are better suited like this Vega 56 that instantly overheats like right away so I'm going to pull this bad boy apart see if I can't get it um some new thermal paste or something on it and then try to run it but uh yeah I had some I have some other stuff too which we'll we'll get into that later on that that'll be for a future video uh regardless though I guess let's go ahead and you know what let's just do it live well not live but let's let's do it right now one take it right let's plug this bad boy in e e all right just doing some rough napkin math I'm I'm only going to add 1060 up there for now uh because I need to affix a fan onto this bad boy um thought I had a fan around here somewhere anyway need to put a fan on here and get that so where we can plug it on there and not have it all overheating like crazy you guys have seen this card a couple times I've used this for like doing testing and stuff uh that card will not die I don't know what it is about it I for I turned it on one time and didn't have the fan on um like it didn't have a fan on it and I was just using it for like display for a short period of time then I come back and like the screen's artifacting and I'm like oh crap that fan is like burning down um so yeah anyways uh I guess oh let's plug this back in oh somebody asked me why do I just pull the power cord on that server power supply that breakout board is one of the like the less than Stellar ones so there's no power button so like pull in the power cords the only way to cut the power I mean I guess I could turn it off from the motherboard side but who does that all right so now I'm going to have to go and fight with Hive for the next I don't know 10 minutes or so because that rig has that 2070 that does not like uh it's this one right there doesn't like any like overclocks so I have to take everything off of that one whenever you add a card it moves stuff around but regardless um that should at least get us up another 5,000 shib a day and I'm hoping we can hit that magical 200,000 a day and then start working our way up from there um I am going to be spending some money cuz some people are like oh are you going to be buying stuff to mine on and yes I am going to be adding some Zeon rigs right here that's what that's going to be right there maybe two of them right there and two of them down there um and those do I'm going to try out a dual zeeon rig as well um let's go over here to CPU I'll show you guys so those do CPU random X I know I can get a solid 5,000 out of them on the single so that's [Music] 6,000 almost 7,000 shib a day just on the CPUs and then I can also put a GPU in each one of them um on the Dual one some people were saying uh depending on what CPU configuration I run you can get about eight or 9,000 um so we'll we'll go with we'll shoot high and if we could get you know 9,000 out of it that'd be 12,000 shib a day that'd be nice that would be really nice I don't I don't know if that's going to be the case or not but we'll see um and those zons are like super super cheap um I was I've also been told if you turn off hyper threat ring it doesn't hurt your hash rate but just barely but it saves you a boatload of power so we're going to be experimenting with that as well got a couple different of those like um machinist and stuff like the Chinese x99 motherboards uh so yeah yeah if uh so if I add if I add one two three four of the single board CPU or the single CPU boards that would be right at what that'd be 20,000 that' be 20,000 which would add 27,000 sh a day at current rates I know everything is subject to change at any at a moment's notice um and then if I added you know a graphics card in each one of those hypothetically will shoot for the low end and we'll say you know four 1060s that would be another what like can't even think off the top of my head uh go back to it we'll say zel and 20 40 60 80 it be another 20,000 so that get us like 40 to 50,000 total adding you know those four cards and those four CPUs obviously bigger CPU or sorry bigger CPUs and bigger cards would help out more but just trying to ball on a budget here I don't intend on buying more 10 60s but it just seems like those are always the cards that pop up I get them for next to nothing if not super dirt cheap and then they're almost not worth selling but they can still pull good numbers we go over here to let's see here 1066 GB mining chamber let's see what he says the overclocks and hash rate should be on zel has so he has them at 22.5 SS I was seeing low 20s so I'm right on the money with mine um and he had them at Absolute 800 or plus 400 on the memory clock and then plus 180 on the core clock so we're right there we're right there um yeah yeah not super efficient but we'll get there um one thing I do want to add to like pull a good amount of power is my personal computer I've been swooping and swapping around graphics cards I want to put me a big boy graphics card in there um so I have some 309s coming in and I think I might aot myself one of those and put that towards uh the situation so on a 3090 I guess let's let's pull up a 3090 real quick here um RTX 3090 mining chamber if we were going to do I don't know what's the most profitable at the moment for him we'll say Capal 63 megahash we'll go back to unminable um where's our kapow at there we go kapow and what was that 63 megahash that is 42,000 shib a day wow that's actually that's Stout right there H might need to flip some of these cards over to kapow but that is a 3090 um yeah that that would with those ones I'd be adding and then that that'd put me to like 300,000 sh a day those kind of numbers I could work with but anyway guys I don't want to hold y'all up uh this video is already longer than I intended if you like this kind of stuff and you like this little series I'm going to keep it going and just you know go along take you along on the journey um right now before we get off here I'll show you what we've current or uh we I already showed you what we currently Min but the value of it is we have uh how much did we have 4.3 million at the moment and it is let say 4.3 time 22 because it's $22 a million that's how the zeros break down there we have mined $946 worth if we sold everything right now but we're not doing that we're staying in the game good luck ladies and gentlemen see you on the other side all right I'm going to hop off here y'all have a good night
Road to Mining 100 Million Shiba EP2