Robinhood Is The Latest Crypto Exchange Attacked By The SEC! Major Staking Rewards From WienerAI

The cryptocurrency market is definitely Getting the shake up this morning as Gary gendler and his Mafia I mean the SEC issue a Wells notice to Robin Hood Now this doesn't mean anything on the Surface but we are going to dive into This article here and talk about it Because the cryptocurrency market is Reacting as Bitcoin ethereum shib Doge Begin to hit some tops and and look Forward with caution so let's discuss That we're going to talk about a brand New pre-sale where you guys can earn Some insane staking rewards so if it Sounds like something you're interested In let's get started what's up everybody I'm clay bro and we've got an Interesting article on the screen right Now it says Robin Hood crypto gets Wells Notice from the United States SEC now I'm not a big proponent of the SEC here Gary gendler has obviously lost his mind Sending Wells notices enforcement Actions against anybody in everybody who Says the word crypto because he wants to Own the industry not because he wants to Regulate the industry he wants to own The industry so let's see what's going On here it says retail trading platform Robin Hood Market said on Monday its us Cryptocurrency trading arm received a Wells notice from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission on May 4th now a well Wells notice does not

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Necessarily mean that the recipient has Violated any law the SEC issues Wells Notice to firms when it is planning to Bring enforcement action against Them what what would they be enforcing If they haven't broken any laws I don't Understand says the SEC has adopted a Tough stance towards the digital Currency industry especially after the High profile collapse of now bankrupt FTX cryptocurrency exchange and it's Contended that certain crypto tokens Should be registered as Securities which ones oh yeah that's Right it doesn't say uh which what huh Yeah it doesn't answer any questions at All goes on to say that crypto firms Have accused the regulator of overreach Not just accusations of overreach man There's literally no counterargument to The overreach of thec when they say You're violating laws but we're not Going to define the laws in which you Are violating that's an overreach They've also warned that a hostile Regulatory environment could prompt more Crypto companies to move offshores and Only those little compliant good boys And girls will get to stay here the ones Who feed the mafia I mean Gary gendler I Mean the whatever call them whatever you Want uh we firmly believe and I like the Lawyer for Robin Hood we firmly believe That the assets listed on our platform

Are not Securities and we look forward To engaging with the SEC to make clear Just how weak any case against Robin Hood crypto would be Dan you are the man Uh that's what he said in response to The Wells notice there and you know who Didn't respond to the Wells notice or Comment the SEC Why CU they're clowns I mean there's no Other answer for that right there now With all of the shakeup happening in the Cryptocurrency space right now pre-sales Are earning a lot of money now you guys Might be more into the Blue Chips right You know what let me know what you guys Are more into down in the comments Trying to gauge investor sentiment right Here meme coins however should have a Place in your portfolio should they be Your entire portfolio no absolutely not But meme coins during a bull market soar Beyond any other measure I don't care if You're talking about layer ones layer Twos layer 3es layer zeros meme coins Always outperform the rest of the alts During the peak why because they are the Riskiest of the risky assets and when Greed is in full force when investors Cannot get any greedier they go towards Meme coins because they offer The Highest Potential now wiener doog AI has Been selling out for I I believe it's a Couple of weeks now and they have raised

$1 1.129d this is selling out much slower Than a lot of other pre-sales but Because of that you guys are able to Receive ridiculous staking income so Let's talk about that but as I do don't Go out in Google Wier doog AI if you do You're going to see several scam Websites pop up and so on make sure to Use the official affiliate link that's In the description below uh it is going To pull you up to the correct website You're not going to have to worry about Buying weener doog AI I own wierd doog AI full disclosure just so you guys know I am excited about it but look at these Staking Rewards man if you click on that Link in the description below it's going To pull you up this page right here and If you guys are willing to get in and Willing to stake you are earning 8 125% annualized passive income you do Not have to worry about clicking any Trade button whatsoever and you're Walking away with staking rewards of 8 125% now please do be aware this Pre-sale or this uh staking rate is Dynamic which means that as more people Stake their weener dog AI this number is Going to go down because you are Splitting the same size pie with more People and of course if you slice that Pie up into more pieces each one has to

Get smaller and smaller so take Advantage of it early on if you guys are Interested in earning this Ridiculous passive income rate I mean This is like this apy is insane but Beyond beyond that let's see a little Bit about this meme coin and it is a Meme coin at the moment you can go Through and you can you can see that Their marketing is very strong first and Foremost right uh featuring finbol Bitcoin you've got news BTC crypto news Inside Bitcoins techipedia and so on so These guys are doing very very well at At marketing here but what is weener AI It says despite the hilarious sausage Wiener wienery exterior wiener AI is the Pinnacle of AI trading technology With Cy and predictive features weer AI Is the Traders best friend AI enhanced Trading okay so they're going to be Utilizing artificial intelligence to Increase your trading cap capabilities An AI interface that's instant Predictive and Noob friendly dude I mean There's a lot of brand new traders in The game and there especially will be Brand new Traders during the bull market Those who never enter the crypto space Will be willing to enter at an alarming Rate seamless sausage SWS never miss a Golden opport again zero fees that's What everybody loves and this maximum Extractable value bot protection slapd

Oh my god dude I I love their Terminology man H never get front run by A Mev bot again I know that's going to Be very very nice for a lot of people so You've got the predictive technology Here the tokenomics if you guys are Interested in that 30% going to the Pre-sale 20% going to staking 20% going To community roads 10% going to Decentralize and centralized exchanges And 20% going towards marketing which is Why you see these guys everywhere and if You do have any additional questions Make sure Reach Out join their telegram Group and so on just to show you how Early you guys still are they've got 6. 3,000 followers out on their X account They are growing and they're growing Quickly out there but you guys are still Getting in on what would be the ground Floor with weener dog AI having sold out $1.1 million and still sitting on 800 Plus% staking rewards let me know if you Guys are interested down in the comments Below and until the next time hope to Each and every one of you have an Awesome day

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