Salad AI Earnings 6-30-24

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all right what is up ladies and gentlemen I hope everybody is having a great day I'm sorry I missed y'all yesterday but I did update and I do have the breakdowns for yesterday it was just a crazy day but um yeah spoiler alert we have more things calculating we are waiting on more container jobs I think that's pretty much the consensus among everybody right now is there's just not enough workloads to go around on salad but but it is what it is so if you're watching this video after the fact welcome if you're in the live stream what is up endless mining glad to have you um but yeah let's let's dive right into it and take a look at what the cards are making real quick all righty there we go so um coming down here it looks like um our 3090 number one is up slightly to $621 very happy at that rate um our second 3090 is up ever so slightly almost back at the $5 Mark it's at $4.98 our third 3090 is still calculating it went down and then we updated everything and just got to sit in line and wait for that workload now um 3090 number four is up $527 a day so that's I'm I'm happy with that still have this 3060 offline should have that up here soon Joker Miner who is this guy welcome wel Joker Miner coniferous bug crypto pounder and Nick what's up we still chopping away yeah a lot of chopping over here um 3060 number two is up from A180 yesterday to $192 a day today so everything that was on container jobs is still up but unfortunately 3060 number three finished its job and it went to calculating so that means there wasn't a job available that is unfortunate because this thing's been earning every single day like clockwork for you know what the last from the 18th to the 29th so for the last 11 days straight oh well can't have everything what's up C Valley crypto uh and then my 460 TI it was earning it was at 483 then it went down to 298 last night or yesterday and then now it's calculating so it's waiting for a job as well our estimated uh daily earnings is down to8 $18.38 um yesterday we actually our actual earnings beat the estimate the the estimate was $22.25 and it actually brought in $245 so I'm happy with that finally getting fiber and unlimited data on my block Joker Miner Man that means we're going to have more competition you're going to be throwing your rigs on here um but yeah Unlimited data is like a must and fiber is just awesome I wish I had fiber um so now one of the things I wanted to tell you guys about if you notice uh the driver version is up here and I am running older drivers on most of the cards uh except for this one I needed to update this I am on 556 uh for this one and you notice my salad version I'm not fully updated on all of them but since this one is calculating this 3060 RI or no not that one uh this 3060 rigs calculating we'll go ahead and update salad on that uh cuz we don't have any risk of losing the workload um and then we might as well upload or update our 4060 ti so we'll do that live and uh address any questions along the way deal Hound I want to thank you again for the motherboard I bought from you ages ago oh no problem brother I um I appreciate your business what's up Joe glad to have you as well um so let's find I think this is one of the or no this is not it that's the one that's earning it's the the shot PC Q Franklin you're screwed why is that brother why are you screwed all right so you notice this one is calculating so we're going to set it to Paul's until idle we'll give that a second and then we're going to update this one to 1.6.0 all right let's go ahead and we'll update now and that's the only time I update any of my rigs is when they are not working on a workload I talked to so many people in the last couple days that they were you know on their card they had a two three four $5 job and they saw that update button pop up and it hit it and it lost the job and after it was done updating the job didn't come back because it was already sent to another client um so just be careful don't update you don't have to update if you're on a if you're if you're making money just let it ride uh T mining can only get WSL to run if I ins salad bow service and task manager which you said not to do do you know another way to get WSL to start up so WSL will only start up uh when a container is ready to load onto your system um and it will stay open after that container is done but until you get sent a container container workload um WSL will not be open food for thought there um there are some people out there that think uh restarting or uninstalling and reinstalling is helping their situation but that's most of those people are the same ones that come over and and are complaining that they can't get any jobs ever and um yeah I just obviously normal like if you have to update or if you have to restart your computer from time to time that that's within the realm of like believable but they are the salad team is looking into people uh abusing the the system so to speak you know constantly killing Services um or manually going in command line and inding the WSL the container file um yeah coin 2 and which one the rig you installed yesterday um that's the one that's calculating it's a 3090 and it's still calculating unfortunately all right so we're back up and running on this and it looks like we're on 1.6.0 on that 30 60 um now let's go over to the 4060 TI we'll go ahead and upload or update that one while we're live what's up Chris glad to have you all right so 4060 TI we're going to pause this one we'll give it a second then we'll update it and get it back to Running Oh man some people were like oh he's a YouTuber and you know he's he's getting all the workloads I wish I wish if I if everything that I had right now was running I'd be well above $30 a day if I all had workloads um I don't think there's any special privileges or permissions or anything like that to get jobs over other people the only time you get preferred uh over other other devices or other computers is if you have a more reliable system now I did ask if there is like a a formal reliability score and it's not one numerical value they are keeping track of containers that are act or containers that are um finished successfully containers that are failed uh your up time and then how many restarts uh are applied so if a system has an unnatural amount of starts that is bad um oh this one's already fully uh updated okay my bad for some reason I need to update my uh my spreadsheet so the 4060 TI is on 1 6.0 and then now this 3060 is on 1.6.0 coin 2 and so it dropped the three $3.5 work yeah that only lasted for not even an hour unfortunately T mining yes it was calculating so I updated Windows update then restarted the PC but but I thought WSL was supposed to auto start when salad started uh nope so if um well I you know what let's let's try it now um I've definitely started uh started salad up before on a fresh restart and it has not started the W WSL before um I'd be interested to see t- mining if you go into prog C drive program data salid WSL I believe that's that's the file directory path so C drive program data salid WSL is there an EXT container file in there uh and when's the last active date that it was modified crypto pounder have a good night brother take it easy um I'm going to restart my this 3060 right here the up time on this one is let's see here this one's been up for minutes hours 19 days so yeah this is 8 core Zeon we'll give her a little breather but right now if we go to processes you can see that VM MIM is running but we have no job uh solid bow service is running and you get a performance we have a WSL ethernet connection which kind of looks like it's doing something right now a little bit oh it's definitely doing something did you see that it spiked up to like 50 megabits it went back down you know what I'm not going to restart this system cuz I just updated it I'm going to let it run cuz it I feel like it's doing something oh I did pulled in the the the famous 10cent container um this is a world famous container right here everybody's like what the hell what I ain't mining for 10 cents um I don't know I feel like the 10-cent container is a good luck charm cuz that normally means you got you got good containers coming behind it so we'll let we'll leave that one be and um yeah once we get a a new Fresh rig up uh I want to test and see when the WSL pops up and if it does it on its own because um I've never I have never killed salad bowl service um I've never manually stopped the WSL uh container environment I I was deleting the EXT file um in the beginning until they told me that that's that's bad don't do that so I stopped um but yeah thanks for the update no problem man um I'm trying to keep these short and sweet we're at 11 minutes I'm probably going to cut it off here in another minute or two if you have a question go ahead and fire it away if not uh this these are more for like um kind of like you know spot checking you can come on here see what I'm doing compare it to yours see if uh you know the it's an isolated incident and also compare cards I have some other cards coming in I have a 470 TI super coming in really want to get my hands on a 490 I'm just I got those those dag on shallow po poets I need some deeper Pockets I need some mining King Pockets to give me some some 490s or some some Max voltage Pockets you know what I'm saying Max voltage sponsor me just send me a 4090 oh [ __ ] um my cat just bit my leg sorry did not mean to cuss um Chris Brown I don't know if you saw in the Discord Brandon my pick but I got a $5 on my 3090 and it dropped after an hour again dang man I'm sorry about that that is not not Stellar Chris Brown I shared it to the guy who shared my pick hopefully he will put it up for me okay awesome Hugh Franklin just found out that my ISP doesn't offer unlimited data on my location fiber isn't available looks like the only option for me would be starlink oh yeah I do not suggest using salad on a capped data connection because it will eat it up constantly downloading uh new container ERS um not even doing the video streaming or bandwidth sharing uh but just the downloading of the containers eats up a lot of data um hey I am good but anyway guys yeah he just ran up and my cat just bit the crap out of my leg out of nowhere he getting a little too little too friendly um all right y'all have a good night I will see you on the next one uh I'm going to be bringing my laptop with me because is here in the next couple days uh for 4th of July I'm going to go out of town for I don't know maybe a day go camping um day or two so maybe I'll have you a nice Scenic background uh I'm going I'm going to bring my my webcam with me I don't know if I'm going to bring my whole mic boom set up might just use the integrated webcam and see how that goes it's a decent webcam it's the Razer Cairo cornifer bug I tried putting salad in my old gaming laptop RTX 2060 got a job it shows 64 cents a day in the next 24 hours be careful don't run that don't run that old laptop too hot now Dr Wilkinson will wikinson I I can't even can't even read that one but yeah y'all have a good night I appreciate y'all coming out I will see you on the next one adios and by the way if you're watching this after the fact and you weren't here when it was live I'd love if you could comment down below and let me know what kind of cards you're running and what's actually getting jobs and what's calculating and then maybe you can take a look at other people's setups and kind of compare um what's going on and these are all dedicated rigs that are up 24/7 just dedicated to salad um none of these are gaming computers where I'm pausing them and turning it back on because right now um I don't think if you were pausing it to game and then get back on salad I just I don't think you'd have enough up time to get like reliable workloads at all so yeah all right for real yall have a good night

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