SALAD UPDATE 1.6.4 Stuck Workloads

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e e e e e e e e e all right what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel um so salad put out an update earlier today I just got home late been doing a whole bunch of stuff uh anyway that's a whole another topic but um yeah welcome to the live stream CK Wong airon a what up L I'm getting cross feed hold on there we go okay I had to mute myself there haha um what's up aorn Strider Max voltage will Gerald uh aorn NGK 330 photo G black black and uh Frogman how's everybody doing um welcome to the live stream if you're not watching this live and you're watching this after the fact welcome to the video but regardless um yeah so 1.6.4 came out today and official release notes of course they are as vague as possible very very light on details um let's see here retro mic Tech with the $499 big boy donation thank you retro Mike much appreciated never required always appreciated for the donations um oh we had a couple questions pop up here so um Gerald says his 490 has been making $7 a day it's not even using his PC don't update do ladies and gentlemen let me start off the beginning of this video with something that seems to happen all the time just because there is an update if your computer is still making money and it still shows a balance on the bottom of your salad tray even if it says it's a mandatory update if you're still making money do not update don't update until it goes to calculating all right now that I got that off the table because it happens to people all the time they're like oh there's an update I got to update even though I'm making money it kills the job and then that does hurt some kind of score on the back end uh because they did admit to me that they keep track of completed and uncompleted workloads um NG NGK 330 do you know anyone who has had luck using servers uh 64 gigs of RAM and dual Zeon CPUs uh I don't know if you can benefit from Dual zon CPUs but you definitely can benefit from 64 gigs of RAM uh I recommend 64 gigs of RAM on basically anything above a RTX 30 60 12 gig so you got you know 309s uh 4060 TI 16 gigs uh 3080 TI uh 64 gigs of RAM is is the way to go especially with 490s some people have been saying that 128 gigs is is the next move up or at least you know maybe what 96 uh I'm not sure I haven't done any testing on that uh the salad team says you don't need more than that but we'll see um Gerard says I'm afraid to update or turn off the PC because I lose that job do not turn that PC off and do not update if you're making money let it keep going um Max says good evening what's up Max tuub why does the salad team seem so disconnected from their system somebody asked them why you can't go to the store from the app they didn't even know you couldn't I'm going to be nice um they you know what my mom always said if you ain't got nothing good to say don't say nothing and that might be one of these situations um they need help they need more people I don't know anyway let's let's go on forward with that tdub I agree with um your statement though uh there there is some disconnection there 100% at least with the the team that we see on the the uh the live streams a Fred wait you guys are getting container jobs yes a Fred I have container jobs on almost every machine now I'm going to show you that here in a second um NGK 330 yeah I saw yours uh sorry I'm trying to keep up on live stream what's up chump change welcome to the live chat brother TB after my update my 390s went from a170 to a164 it's probably the the same if not almost identical workload jobs Eric Gordon says I'm a broken record yes I am what's up what's up game shark jellyfish in the house glad to have you swimming around uh Droid guy what's up Noobs all right what's up Droid um max I have two Zeon CPUs and two of my salad rigs it doesn't help yeah I don't nobody seems to be leveraging any CPU power um on any of the higher paying jobs so I don't think like super high core count is going to do anything for you I think having at least a you know four core eight thread or six core 12 thread eight core 16 thread even desktop CPUs is plenty you don't need to go get some 20 core you know 32 core 64 thread monster um as soon as I leave for the weekend I see an update prompt of course of course EDI hi from Australia what's up gruna Frogman if my server could use a good GPU I wonder if 512 gigs could be good well we officially the statement is that nobody can no container workloads can use over 30 gigabytes um but people have shown that container workloads have gone over that and some people that are going over that are making more money um it's also been soft confirmed which nobody want you know the person that said that in the salad team does not want their name out there uh but there are custom workload jobs that are outside of the set parameters on the web like the customer interface so on the customer interface they can choose what they want and all this kind of stuff there are jobs that go outside of that so there are jobs that could use more and pay more so um yeah there there's so vagueness that happens on on the salad side and I guess it's maybe they don't want to let people down by promising this or telling that uh but us being like you know crypto Miners and stuff like that I know this community wants to know everything there is to know about it and how to optimize our systems for their system photo G 918 everyone has their own department they even said that it wasn't a part of their work scope yes um Frogman curious how many phones oh you're talking about retro mic oh retro mic is the phone Master the old phone mining master I need to get back into that Jason uh yesterday my 4070 TI super with 64 gigs of RAM got an insultingly low $140 a day job and not only that it seems it used quite a lot of my GPU and like 30 gbt of ram low pay high GPU and RAM usage uh Jason I have some of those low paying jobs let's go check them out and see what they're doing Benjamin hey Brandon what if it says there is a workload but on the website it doesn't show I'm getting paid I am deciding to wait a little what do you suggest if you're showing a workload on your computer and it's showing um like you know a dollar to $2 or you know a dollar to $150 and your system is actually being used and you go onto the website uh it breaks it down into 15minute chunks if you look at the 24hour graph if you're not showing any kind of um graph movement uh then and you click on um devices so you can see individual devices if those are still flatlined um you need to make sure you're updated uh because that was an issue that was happening prior to 1.6.3 1.6.3 was supposed to fix um workloads not registering payment all right let's jump over here um where are we at where we at uh there we go okay so um yeah this is the you know what's new or update log of course they don't want to tell you but so much they they give you a little bit 1.6.4 hot fix for an issue with 1.6.3 that caused some un some sorry words um that caused under some specific scenarios for salad to get into a state where it would not get a workload until a reboot that's a good situation to be in no not really uh that means your system could be sitting there calculating and never get a a workload um horrible situation and if you look at my 4060 TI which a lot of people probably have this issue just sitting there calculating um this machine normally never calculates it always gets something normally it's pretty low so as always I'm going to update this right here right now if you're going to update your machine always set it to Pauls until idle if you have it chopping even if it says calculating down there it could potentially corrupt your install when you hit update I probably need to bring that up to the salad team and let them know that it's very common it happens like I'd say 50% of the time if you're chopping and you hit update it messes it up it borks it then you have to fully uninstall salad and then reinstall salad um they should probably make an option where if you click update like it it pauses it before it launches the update all righty let's see here did someone figure out how to use a high-end rig while paying low rates Jason it's potential seller made me an offer I couldn't refuse I may buy 20 more oh you're talking about the cell phone situation 10 minutes of midnight what's up bro welcome to the live stream got some ogs in the chat tonight Andrew what's up can't wait to get all those cables and stuff I can unplug seven laptop power supplies Frogman yeah I just actually packed yours up it'll be going out in the morning um when I turn my I9 CPU on it says it's incompatible it's been doing this since day one always on calculating I9 12900 K is incompatible I have not run into that by the way okay so now when I update I do not let it run solid I hit finish and then I go down here and I always restart my system after it updates don't know if it does anything but yeah now let's go check on my 309s that are performing abysmally and they're all doing it every single one of them are on these $160 to1 70 jobs look at this 72 cents to $163 that's that's not great so I am going to pause this and go ahead and update it because a160 ain't even worth me holding on to I mean it's technically profitable because the GPU is not being used very much on this one I'll show you the I'll show you another one my all of mine are doing the same exact thing what's good big dog little time glad you could join us how you doing um Windows 11 or S oh grunta dang is 206 one machine Frogman no no that's all my machines pointing to one address or one account I just haven't pulled my payout out I don't know why I I I need to go ahead and do a payout because it's not crypto it doesn't like fluctuate so we'll restart start that rig let's go back down to the 4060 TI it should be restarted by now salad consumes a lot of network data and I disable streaming but it still consumes a lot uh yes I do not recommend using salad if you don't have unlimited bandwidth and I don't recommend bandwidth sharing especially if you like streaming services because they will ban you um you're able to get unbanned but it's it's kind of a pain in the butt all right so that is concerning I just updated oh look at that okay so this is another thing that they updated but it's not in the update notes um you now are show up as five out of five star Chef even if you don't have bandwidth sharing enabled um we've been asking for that for so long so this m this machine unless it turned it back on let's go to Performance let's go to configure Hardware um let salad Auto okay never mind never mind uh be careful guys it turned bandwidth sharing back on with this update and did it turn mining back on no it did not turn mining back on um so now we show up as five out of six okay so yeah we don't show up as star Chef anymore even though you are technically still a star Chef according to their system at least that's what I was told so we'll set that back to chop photo G yeah I'm actually going to refer to that here in a second uh there was an email sent over I assume you got the email as well what's up guys if I missed your question I apologize just go ahead and fire it back in there give some likes black hat team welcome I haven't seen you in a while at least a day um smash the like peoples some love you can just click performance in the widget to see bandwidth oh gotcha oh yeah it says it right there enable um all right so we'll leave this one B let's open up task manager see if it's trying to pull anything down probably not ethernet yeah yeah it's not doing anything okay we'll leave that one B let's go back to that 3090 it was 3091 did you restart the last machine yes I did and I just restarted this one as well wait I didn't this isn't the right one this one's still running an update it was it was a different 3090 I was restarting was it 3097 they all blend together it shouldn't have yeah it was this one so it shouldn't have an instance of salad running Brandon coin we need to get you to 100K Subs man I'd like to get there but it just I've been stuck at 90 90 91k back and forth for a while um let's make sure this one yeah this one did not enable bandwidth sharing huh it's odd because I definitely turn bandwidth sharing off any chance I get I do not have the bandwidth for it what's the best driver for a 3090 the latest driver I don't think matters at this point aour can't update still on job starf again yeah starf all right so this is a 3090 it was on a $170 job but I am updating my 309s and kicking them off of these little cheap jobs because this was I did not get this email but this email was sent to me and apparently RTX 309s with 50 to 100 plus gigabyt of space a available are eligible for up to $130 a month we do some quick math that's like four bucks a day right is up yeah 30 * 4 is 130 oh that's 120 so 130 divided by 30 that's like over $4 a day $430 a day these are the jobs that I want $130 a month give me these please so um if I go back to this machine it has 851 gab free of the 930 because it's got a 1 terab Drive in there so we should be absolutely we should be getting served up one of these hot mamas right here I doubt it oh okay okay look at this look at this ladies and gentlemen I don't know if you can see it it's small on your screen um she's pulling 100 Megs down right now that means we're downloading okay maybe we're going to get something good nobody knows um so that's on 3090 number seven uh that makes I'm excited now let's go ahead and kick the other ones off jobs even though that hurts my score technically um because if they need me I'll be there 3090 number one how much 309s are making on salad mine we're only doing about a doll 60 to $1.70 like this one for example is doing 65 cents to16 one I don't like that we're going to pause this we're going to update this don't suggest pausing in the middle of workloads or you'll end up like me with a bunch of bad workloads maybe maybe maybe they'll they'll skip me to the front of the line because I have eligible machines now I am concerned I don't know if I have a big enough drive on this one this one's got 270 free out of 400 so if it dumps that work that container this one will have like 3 400 free free that should be plenty 1600 is that AMD 1600 yes are we on the 1600 machine no we're not we're on the Zeon machine but yeah that 1600 is a ryzen 5600 let's restart this one that's 3090 number one let's go about yeah so the6 with a 3060 in it let's see what it's doing wow yeah she's she's an old she's an old soul oh first gen ryzen it it feels to me it feels like it was just yesterday ryzen we just got ryzen it's new it's fresh lots of cores really good pricing you know had had its little growing pains in the beginning um but you know first gen ryzen is is actually quite old at this point uhoh we got an amber alert child abduction in bville North Carolina that's like 3 hours from me n two hours maybe all right so yeah the 3060 12 gig I got 32 gigs of ram in here and then ryzen 5600 six core processor and this this little machine for a while was getting really good jobs I think I just updated this one let's go ahead and we'll relaunch salad Frogman wow wow um dang are we stuck on 99 viewers come on one more person join us yo check out that automatic background when did Windows start just giving you random backgrounds all right so go ahead and shop now we don't have any notifications other than starf so yeah this machine is one that I updated and restarted and hadn't started back to run yet Dad running with his kids 103 here all right so this one doesn't look like it's pulling anything down but um yeah lovely uh so this machine I need to designate this one this one is on IET so that way I don't click on it that one's on IET which we're going to do a video on that as soon as they actually open up their service to the public again they shut it off they were having issues they got hacked that kind of thing um so if you don't have a rig on there you can't add a rig which is annoying because I wanted to expand and add more rigs on there I actually have another machine sitting for IET but I can't get it to join yet need more likes come on smash the like don't be lazy are you running Windows 10 or 11 y'all see that was that a b um I'm stuck on 10 Pro I like 10 it just it seems to work Brandon type WSL in search bar and open it how did all the hardware you bought check out any Duds that was a nice score the server psus Alone um yeah so everything seems to be good except there's one server power spot it's pretty Rusty and when I fire it up it makes like a buzzing noise so I'm not going to be selling that and uh that's going to be going into the scrap pile now I have not tested um um one of the riserless motherboards I tested one of them but I got more got got more work to do it's never done all right so this one's pulling 30 20 it's ramping down we're at nine gigs we're going to be ramping up Joker Miner been having to do that lately oh to get your WSL to start running Windows 10 you can tell from the taskbar yeah yeah right right here they net tiny tin I've heard of tiny tin does it run salad pretty well Frogman are those 750s or 1200s these are um this is a 750 and then the other three right here are all 1200s so that's kind of nice one of the the rusty one that makes a buzzing noise is a 1200 um she's got a little she's a little dirty it's actually from parallel m Min too but let it run let it Buzz the rust off right you got more breakout boards um yeah hold on I don't know where the Box went I had more got some I got some of the Shorties and then I have some of the big boys coming in these just have a power button on them nothing crazy pretty basic got to get those added into inventory [Music] um salad has a profit of $1.70 with my 5950 and a 3090 mining warthog gives me more profit and I don't pay as much fee Martin yeah $170 on a 390 is not enough I agree with you all right so this one's still downloading it's downloading at a slower speed which means something else on the Network's downloading as well um so we'll just have to check back in on that let's go to the other rigs 3090 number 7even is that the one I was just on yeah that's the one I was just on number one yo shorties yeah 10 minutes to midnight you know what's up it's all about the about the Shorties um all right yeah this is the one that we just updated a minute ago let let's get salad running on here that's going crazy out there did you get any zsx boards I did hold on I don't know where they went hold on I do have some aha there's one of them yeah so I got one zsx in going to pair that with a 1200 watt unit probably um and then these two little Johnson's right here I'm going to pair with I got a 2400 watt Delta that just came in hold on Bam Bam so that'll be paired up and going online as well um cuz this is if you have 240 volt power the other and you don't mind like a jet engine wherever you're placing this thing these are awesome power suppl all right sorry we uh need to get back get back to work get back to figuring this out task manager old Double D breakout boards it's going nuts back there can y'all see him he was in the ladder right there hold on let me make my screen bigger right there he's hiding he's going after something oh he off okay Off to the Races um back to this frog man those are noisy yes they are noisy like literally think of like 100 PlayStation 4s sitting on top of a jet airplane all right so this one just got updated this is a 3090 this is a 12 core Zeon with this one only has 47 gigs wait oh no what the heck committed what's going on here 64 G did y'all see that um so it says my memory is 47 gigs but it says committed 64 gigs do we have a ram error do we have a ram issue going on on this one have you checked how much these workloads use in storage um not really most of mine have this one's got a 500 gig it's using 270 out of 465 but that was the old workload that was on here from my experience until you get the new workload it doesn't dump the old workload right coin do the online only for now wait until after the elections to see if a store is worth it so I did end up talking to my landlord today and um I asked about like the rent situation and uh they said like there is a mandatory increase it was in my you know in my contract they have the ability to um at the time of renewal and I read through and I saw it um it's it's only a 10% increase but it's kind of like the straw on the camels back situation the location's too small I don't want to pay more for it it's kind of far away like relatively speaking so now I'm like literally putting boots to the ground and I'm making a bunch of phone calls to everywhere that I want to be super locally um mainly just so it's not in my house uh because I have kids you know I have a wife um I don't want people coming to my house um now if I can't find a place in the meantime I will transition to a temporary online only no uh no pickup available that does stink because there are some people that do pick up stuff but I'll just have to eat it if you're a local and I'll mail it to you um until I find a place um and yeah that's kind of how the cookie CR cookie crumbles so to speak I I I read your guys's comments on that video by the way thank you for for commenting if you did comment and it's an overwhelming amount of people that say you know don't try to make um that place work if it's too expensive or too far away all those kind of variables uh Brandon you got it on the top messages again you missed some posts to read dang it I do have it on top chat RP sorry about that guys um we're on live chat now I yeah Andrew 3% only sorry 10% brandoncoin 98% online sales are good for now yeah um so it does slightly skew um like the online sales because I do have some big client that place big orders of course that that is an online sale and I'm shipping it they're not picking it up so um that does skew things quite a bit but um I it is still a majority online so that's where I need to concentrate 10% seems high yes 10% is high y y y'all want a cat all right so it looks like we have BSL up and running we're downloading 28 Megs 35 Megs I'm basically taxing my internet right now um the only only thing that I do really worry about in this situation is I have too many machines trying to pull workloads down now um and if you you get a set amount of time if you don't download and run that workload in a set amount of time it counts as a fail and you drop that workload um and if I have too many machines trying to download all at same time then it obviously I won't probably get it down fast enough because they recommend a 100 down um per machine while okay look at that o 3090 it looks like it's on the same job it was on before $169 it's using 20 something not even 30 gigs of RAM uh yeah this machine's pulling 160 150 Megs down what is it doing what are you doing huh I'm not sure but um yeah anyway so that's that's pretty much how the cookie cookie grumbles I updated they said they need 390s and they're paying me pennies lots of pennies but not enough pennies uh you use wireless on there can your network can you run a network cable to the house I have some of them on uh Wireless like see this one's on a Wi-Fi 6 uh it's not a it's not a card um it's just the one of those like little USB things um but the the other ones like this machine are hardwired so some of them are on Wi-Fi and the ones that are on Wi-Fi are on Wi-Fi 6 and then some of them are hardwired like this one's on ethernet yep yep yep yep Brandon coin pennies will pay for the 490 yes they will uh Joker Miner I so I had a couple 490s come in made a couple deals to a couple different people actually thinko aorn he got the hook up on some 490s along with I don't think he's in the chat tonight but um I had 490s and I had to let them go um not to say that they're a hot potato but uh I was concerned at the time that I wouldn't be able to find work for them so like okay here's a perfect situation this system needs an update right it's on a workload 81 cents to $164 we just updated a pretty much identical system and it's making almost identical amount of money do I stop this one and update it no absolutely not it's making money we're going to leave leave it alone the only reason I stopped those other ones is because I had gotten this screenshot and I thought maybe we would get one of these $4 jobs obviously they don't need these anymore um this email was from a day ago and it looks like all those positions have been filled and now they're paying out I'm getting the the chump jobs so yeah we're going to let this one run until it doesn't and then we'll update it I need a 49 just because Andrew yeah man I'm all I'm all like 30 series other than the 4060 TI and then I have the 470 TI super but I haven't even got that one up and running you mentioned earlier about workloads being shown on the app but not on the earnings page have you seen the opposite mine was stuck calculating but when I looked at earnings I definitely had a container John so there's a situation where if you have bandwidth sharing on you can be getting a bandwidth sharing job and it does not show an estimated um earnings it just shows on the dashboard uh so make sure if you're earning and it doesn't show you're earning on your system but it is on the dashboard it's probably banned with sharing unless you have it disabled then I have no idea what it is David B I hope you don't but I got a chronic pain electrocuting my body with tins unit today I only update when they're off workloads yes David B all four workloads only what they pay for bandwidth sharing frog it varies I I've seen some people say that they have a um synchronous gigabit not asynchronous but synchronous so they have gig up gig down and um they earn anywhere from like four to five bucks a day uh I've seen some people over in like Europe especially earn quite a bit more than us State side but uh I've been told you can expect about $2 to $3 a day um for a machine on bandwidth sharing John that's weird yeah I have no idea what it's doing then if it's making money let it run though bad a 4060 TI used to get $4 a day now it's two better than mine it's doing zero right now EVGA 590 for the win three Andrew man wouldn't that just be amazing if EVGA is like hey guys you know how we sat the 40 series out here's the 50 Series before anybody else 509s 90s everybody you get a 5090 you get a 5090 everybody gets 90s and they're all EVGA that'd be nice I don't think they're getting back into the the GPU game ever the Golden Era of of EVGA is over it's gone Rizzo did you get something like I have for your cable router like the blue yeti ebaa 3 for a UPS uh I haven't put anything on a UPS um hurricanes quit hitting North Carolina temporarily so I haven't had any like downtime but I still need to need to get a a ups for sure Frogman got a one gig up one gig down he could get like two and a half or five gig but it's not cheap I don't think it's worth it to go up to a faster speed for bandwidth sharing do you think a CMP 100 would earn about the same as a 36 no MK Tech mining specific cards are not an option for customers to rent so you hosting one you would never get a job Litt time says Carlson and zel will save us maybe Raven for AMD you know what save us I'll let them no salad for me only AMD gpus here The Travelers travels you could throw them on Old vast I heard amds on there it just doesn't pay much 10 minutes to midnight says that would be excellent Andrew Jay's two cents has one of those EVGA 490 prototypes oh my God he's got a unicorn he always gets the cool stuff I haven't watched him in a while I need to catch up on him um PNY Kingpin coming hopefully Joker miner hello MK Tech David B EVGA if you miss EVGA and you like their power supplies they actually don't make their own power supplies inh house um I like their power supplies too and the company that manufactures them is uh what is it superflower that's actually what I have in my main system and I've had the same superflower 1000 like Platinum power supply for years I've never had an issue out of superflower is it superflower now I'm now I got to look it up superflower psus yes psus so if you look and you don't even like pay attention to the name they kind of look like EVGA power supplies that's because they are EVGA power supplies um so yeah I believe yo the 100 bucks this is a good deal I think this is actually the power spot no that's a 850 watt I have th000 black I believe yeah so this is pretty much the exact power supply that I have in there there's probably been changes over the years but really if you're going to buy new and you want to buy like you know upper mid or high tier um power supplies I'd say they're not like middle of the road they're definitely top mid but they're not topof the line either you know there's there's a whole another whole another realm to that uh these are good power supplies for the money superflower AP yes AP they are OEM Gods bad Ace every time you ask add a month on when is the next catcoin giveaway says gaming damned you know what we could do a cats of crypto giveaway tonight if you want to I saw it popped up yesterday it was actually doing doing pretty good on Price is anybody in here a cat's a crypto holder I I'm I actually hold on hold on I'm gonna hold a cat ah I don't want to pick him up hold On's he's laying down right now he's finally just chilled out he's propped up on my leg we'll leave him be my camera seem better today um I I think I wasn't having a camera issue I think I was having like a video encoding issue so I had a uh 2070 in this machine I pulled that 2070 out and I put a 370 in and everything seems a lot more crisp oh gosh you see all my my empty cups right here anybody is anybody else about to like Mason jar cups I love them that's alcohol right there that's alcohol Brandon coin still got 1.9 million from you Joker Miner yeah heck yeah that's when we were doing the big air drops or not air drops but the big giveaways now the price will go up I I I ain't making a move like that Travelers travel says he'll throw in 100K cooc in the giveaway I'll match his 100k we'll do whoa was that a pipe nah man Mark I'm not not a smoker what are we referring to I was I was referring to this oh oh you probably saw this hold on I was hiding this because it's it's one of my wife's like little yeti knockoff wine glass things um but I like to use them because you can put you know ice and whiskey in them and it keeps them cold but it's just kind of a girly cup so that's what I was hiding it now I'm not hiding it I guess made jelly and the Masons as kids no moonshine allowed in Florida Brandon coin those jars are the best yeah they are dude the cat has cataracts simmer down Brandon coin please PM me about the minor dude prasher 9 yes I will I saw your message I saw your text it was I think it was right before I was going live I can definitely get you hooked up on one find China of the South yeah Mark oh no it's good it's good man those jokes used to go a long way that's why I just try to keep it keep it CLE clean clear and familyfriendly because um I I lost some sponsors years ago um and then that was when I kind of decided you know what Brak it I don't need sponsors and haven't really had very many sponsors ever since um yeah imagine that people don't want to attach themselves to um a potential Stoner even though I'm not a stoner that's the craziest part I'm not but years ago I used to I do have an eye condition but I ended up getting eye drops but I used to have like super red eyes 247 and uh I was always tired and yeah you know how that makes you look drank sweet tea from those for years how do I fix auto update equals true I have it off and it still pops up Auto up dat equals true are you talking about inside windows or or inside of uh salad serious question salad work just as well with Nvidia workstation drivers given a 16 gbyte a series so from everybody that's tried a series a2000s A4000 uh they have not gotten any workloads I think the technicals actually tried his A4000 on his for a while no workloads were given and that's due to the fact that if you go on the customer side and you try to rent a machine you don't get an option for a a series GPU so since they don't have the option to rent one if you're hosting one you'll never get rented nanom Miner when it starts for nice hash Ender uh I'm not sure man I've not used nanom Miner CAU me out of left field right there um anyway so thank you'all for coming out well I guess we if we are we doing that cats of uh crypto giveaway I'm tired oh does anybody have a salana wallet let's let's just start there salad's worth it on a 3070 or Salad worth it on 3070 um no 307s are not high in demand because they have only 8 gigabytes of vram so you're not likely to get a workload job Mark Oh no you're good bro hey it's it's all good um at this point in the video the video or the live stream is basically over we're just chilling and hanging out David B thanks for turning me on to the 3D printer guy for the GPU stands yeah absolutely I used to sell them I just had a hard time making them uh my printer is is giving up the ghost then I was Outsourcing them but I didn't like Outsourcing because then I had to keep them in inventory and it was just it was kind of a pain very low margins on 3D printed items so that got Dragon Nest is my buddy he's over on the Discord if you need any 3D printed stuff I just send people his way Nelson should I get any 4060 TI 16 gig for salad I have one and it does not do well anymore it was doing well you know months ago I don't really recommend anybody go out and buy anything for salad right now it just yeah Nelson's chug a beer man I wish I had some beer to chug I had I need to go to the store um Nelson's gave away or he gifted five memberships John your 3060 gets $2.50 jobs all the time I wish man I really wish Nelson's crypto with the five Brandon coin memberships I really appreciate you and don't worry one day I will do a sellout stream where I'll have little like stuff up in the top corner and it'll be like $5 or you know I'll do a backflip and $2 I'll chug a water you're not supposed to say beer on YouTube I'll chug up a water a natural water right um you know $10 I'll shave my head uh I I haven't seen people do sellout streams in a while I know they used to get really wild and then they get banned um but they also it be fun you know it'd be it'd be a fun time for everybody and Nelson's thank you for the gifted memberships um right now it just gets you you guys a little little pickaxe um you don't really get any other perks other than just just being a part of the the club I need to have like a like a discount or something for members the toxic Miner of course I have a of course I have a salana wallet yeah so any anyway if you have a salana wallet we're about to do a giveaway for some cats of crypto and you know what actually this is going to be a double giveaway we're going to give away some cats of crypto it's a salana coin if you don't have salana or a salana wallet you need a salana wallet that supports salana tokens I recommend Phantom I like Phantom so get your Phantom wallets ready because we're going to doing a cats of crypto giveaway 200k COC cats of crypto and then we're also doing a coochie coin giveaway if you guys don't know what coochie coin is by the way YouTube easy on me about the demonetization stuff this is a crypto Gucci coin was started by our fellow friend um serpent xsf so um yeah double giveaway tonight I don't know how much coochie coin I have right now so let me make sure that I don't commit more than I actually own um but we're goingon to we're going to it's 9:02 right now it's 51 minutes into the live stream I'm going to give you guys uh Nelson's crypto thank you for the $10 hey Nelson you know what oh man we're not getting any of the uh why are we not get oh there we go why are we not getting any of the event list and notifications the event list the eventless seems wrong nerding things thank you for the uh the $10 donation there hash COC um I had my event list box turned off it's not it seems to me not pulling the uh the notifications correctly I don't know why the alert box huh let's celebrate their Su third Super like on a live stream Nelson's crypto yeah it shows it right there but it should have been like put something up on the screen and made a thing DJ old mate with the $420 of Australian uh kangaroo money with the dog doing the dog's just chilling he's in my lap oh word um COC and coochie yeah we're giving away COC and coochie and if you spell COC you can say what it sounds like Gucci coin is on the salana network as well so all we'll need is your salana address I'm going we're going to we need to bless a uh another YouTuber does anybody recommend a small YouTuber we're going to grab his video and then use his comment section to dump a bunch of salana spam addresses in does anybody recommend one take one right off the top David B coochie lol love the TransAm not the coochie all right hello peoples techman T we're doing a COC cats of crypto and a coochie coin giveaway before we end this live stream because what what pairs up better than that right Mark if you did a custom gaming build to give away to the poor kids I'd give you components and others would too I bet Let's help the poor kids like opposite of Biden nomics I'd like to help so Mark um I've done give aways in the past where I give away like actual computers the problem is I don't know how to get connected to the poor kids right CU I want to make sure the okay DJ old mate his just came through wonder why Nelson's didn't come through is it CU I didn't have it on man I feel bad now anyway thank you Nelson's thank you DJ mate uh let's see here just getting here what's up guys bacon eggs and hash the the stream has devolved we're not even talking about salad anymore handsome Finance M your GPU recommended handsome Finance let's go find let's go find your boy handsome Finance what do we have to do for the giveaway so I I needed to find a YouTuber handsome finance and we're I'm going to give you the link and you guys are going to go post your salana address oh handsome Finance has got 30,000 subscribers he not small Nelson's crypto what do we buy wait for 5,000 series what do we buy rainbows no gu all right I heard you thank you David B for the two bucks Batman was good man what happens to salads so they have an update today 1.6.4 if you're just now joining the live stream late um it fixes an issue where your system gets stuck and will not uh run a new workload Mark you just want me to do a live build huh you want to see that train wreck yeah we need to do a live live build not my boy he's a scammer mind your GPU oh this is your boy handsome Finance hey guys do can you can you Rick recommend me a small crypto uh YouTuber in the community that we can use their video to comment on I have it on live chat and I don't think I've seen [Music] anybody David B donated $2 to the Super Chat thank you David polygon live build we like train wrecks yeah everybody everybody loves watching a train wreck right you just don't like being a part of them don't mind me mining says me you know what self-promotion let's do it don't mind me mining you have videos don't mind me mining heck yeah we got 3,000 subscribers we'll go ahead hold on tin h ah ah probably pronounced that wrong just subscribe thank you for joining us all right so don't mind me minding we're going to subscribe here we're going to go to videos oh I saw this pop up in my feed and I want I saved this to go back and watch it later um z uh Ultra copper block mod where you were like drilling them out um let's go to your latest video right here I'm going to copy this I'm going to paste it and guys all you got to do is go to the video go to the comment section and comment your salana address and then we will do a drawing for cats crypto and guis Gucci coin all righty there we go Brandon coin you got a patreon or no AP I don't but if you want to support me you can go over to bc- and buy anything I have stuff for sale you can buy things um but no no patreon can a CPU make good money from salad no a CPU on its own is not going to make good money you definitely need a GPU I recommend for salad it's hard right now uh it depends on your budget if you're on the the entry level 30 60 12 gig um if you have money to to throw away 4090 it's hard to beat hard to beat a 4090 um is Vos even still around I've not seen him in a cold hour yeah he's still around I'm lame with this how do I donate I've never done this before Mark well it looks like you just figured it out Mark with a big 20 bomb is his going to show up let's see if it shows up thank you Mark I really do appreciate that um this is going to turn into one of those streams it's a good thing I don't have any cold natural Waters right now cuz we be throwing the old old Natty lights back and we'd be live streaming for hours I overclocked MSO on veteran M minor cables and one of them melted the barrel Jack connection LOL I'm going to attempt to replace it myself should be fun oh yeah don't overclock on the 12vt adapter cables because the voltage is too low so it the heat it's just too much heat um unlike the aftermarket power supplies they run at what 9 18 plus volts uh it makes them run a little bit cooler at least cooler enough do not overclock on those please Brandon's got an only fans no no sir oh we just triggered the dag on Google algorithm all right so we got another three minutes go on over to the add uh the link that I posted in the live chat and we're doing a cat of crypto and a coochie coin giveaway I'll post it a couple more times just go to there comment and then we'll we'll pull one here in a second we're at an hour once we get to an hour and three minutes natti the champagne of beers it's it's the high it's might as well be the Gatorade beers it's your hydration beer you know there it is Mark Christopher donated 20 bucks to the Super Chat holy smokes were setting a record here I ain't had I ain't had a 20 bomb in it's been a long time now back in the bull run there would be times where people be like oh boom five 10 every now and then very rarely 20 much appreciated Mark um man whatever you need brother we'll hook it up you need anything hook you up if you don't need anything regardless thank you for coming out let's see here I need to see what Vos is up to these days AP yeah techman vetan minor says specifically not to overclock on those yes yeah don't overclock on those cables um The Travelers I started just soldering the cable straight the PCB on my KS zeros for overclocking techman oh I know I don't care I wanted to see the results it's really not that hard to replace the connections okay don't know why I went to the link again it's okay you can go there twice Natty still tastes better than most of the stuff out there yeah now if I'm if I'm trying to spend some money on a nice Brew I'm GNA be honest with you guys Voodoo Ranger Tropic Force oh my probably one of the best tasting like non-local beers out of a can gaming damned that's extremely delayed it is is super delayed and I don't know why what are the rules for the giveaway again Jersey Jedi you take your salana wallet address which is a inside of a salon wallet that supports the tokens you go to the link that I posted in the live chat you post it in the comment section of that video and it's don't mind me mining it's this video right here um and it looks there's two people entered right now so you have really good odds right now if you if you post your salono addressing there is that is that really it how many people are in the live chat right now and only two of them entered so really good odds right now um yeah little time mining they do 100% drinking a Voodoo Juice Force right now they're all good juice force is good but man Tropic force is this stuff that is that is it basic minor oou o light man I'll drink it if it's cold click on new comments sort by newest oh there we go they're coming in now they're rolling in uh we're at oh we're at 103 it's time guys refresh I'm on there yeah we'll get it we'll get a refresh refresh shows 11 comments but only two show there's 11 comments don't worry we got you guys all right so we'll copy this we'll go over to random comment picker oh this is definitely not the one that I've used before uh this the one no that's not it either random Youtube comment picker there we go video link you can tell I'm Rusty at giveaways so we're get this is the start off with 200k of cat of crypto um so we'll hit filter duplicate users right yeah hit enter oh we need to solve this eight we're going to do the wheel of names all colors get the YouTube comments here we go something was wrong I definitely feel like my computer's getting AIDS from this right now oh there we go okay I just need to scroll down more all right we'll Zoom this in is everybody on here we got techman John's Frogman Douglas Dom toxic Miner bacon [Music] K uh those are upside down and Ender Vixen techman you're in there all right all right so how do I do it oh there we go winner K9 SF so we'll copy that guy right there let's uh all right let's get the old Phantom fired up congratulations k9sf who are you in the live chat are you just k9sf sorry guys I'm trying to get oh there I was watching a movie Jersey Jedi you're not in there what happened gaming you weren't in there but don't worry we're going to do another one so we'll refresh it a warm bush is actually worse than cold Bud oh we don't yeah we don't do the bud no Bud Lights oh oh butt wipers right all righty let's see here got a crypto let's hit send boom a addess amount 200 1 two 3 200,000 currently worth $4 bam I was watching some uh Horizon and an American Saga chapter one over on HBO it's pretty good not all the way through it yet um anyway yeah so we'll send those Bam Bam let's do a refresh and let's do another another 200k black cat team we're going to refresh it 6 + 5 11 amount of unique comments 12 why is it blocking some people's comments you may need to interest manually what's the Winner's address The Travelers travels it was started or ended with ux NP um paste it for you boom I only have salana R is still pretty good lol most abandoned the series yeah I haven't watched it in a while all right so since maybe these addresses are getting filtered out by the the spam filter YouTube blocks sometimes just go over there and post um like hey or hi or something just post something on there and then if you win we'll get your wallet address from here but I'm going to filter out duplicates so you only get one entry um I'll give it another couple minutes so if you guys can go do that and then we'll we'll do this drawing because I got to get off here I'm hungry I'm hungry eat the kitty cat control F5 the Picker page yeah we'll we'll we'll refresh the Picker page as well what y'all doing we're doing a giveaway for cats of crypto we gave away 200k and we we're about to get another 100K I'm to hydrate yeah it is Brandon coin I'm on my tablet can't copy uh could you send it to me in Discord I can reimburse you the 100K oh yeah I'll do that Travelers travels 100% all right so now we're going to do another giveaway this one's going to be for 100k of c a crypto and hopefully everybody's entered because I'm about to draw it should we do those wheel of names again we have 17 comments this time nickman 478 with a $6.90 very classy much classy of you very deir Demmer or whatever 69ine all right so I think everybody's in now this time we'll do another one another giveaway the channel needs to unlock the block ones it's all good it's all good we're we're we're y'all they're in it now everybody's in it to win it let's see here ah thank you very much Nick trying to step it up the old big 69ine all right AP de here yeah all right so everybody's in that Trend needs to end soon yeah it I mean it's it's annoying and I just added to it I guess I'm ready for it to be done all right 3 two one boom lost Jedi actually won hello fellow crypto dudes lost Jedi can you post your wallet address in the comment section so I can grab it thank you Brandon for your effort to inform must I try man I do I do every now and then post your wallet I don't know how much delay is on the stream right now don't mind me mining I'm thankful oh hey yeah by way you need to be subscribed to don't mind me mining chat hold on live chat I'm missing stuff there we go I got it copy all right now open up that close that boom boom send 100K two cats Krypto 100 three next 100K Off to the Races that's like two two bucks right now I think give or take it's like 20 second delay for me yeah not optimal not very much not bad all right um I guess now we're going to do a we're going to do a coochie coin giveaway ladies and gentlemen all right if y'all don't know about the coochie coin you need to you need to get right with it so this is a salana token as well I don't know why it's not pulling up the value um let's see here got a crypto to usdc so like 100,000 10,000 100,000 is 98 cents a million is nine bucks 1 two three one two three so Gucci coin's worth about half of what uh cats crypto is worth so Gucci coin giveaway we're going to be doing we're going to be sending how much should we do like 100k JY jeda I wanted some Gucci coin you can win some I I'm not taking out duplicates um yeah we're going to do 100K on the coochie coin so if you're not entered if you just entered please let me know in the live chat so I can do a refresh if not I'm going just keep rolling Marcus fish what coin that's because coochie has negative value H I'm bullish on Paul B says he's bullish on the cooch all right so 100K going to sjw keep up the good work and here's his address dropping by from Brandon stream so he's getting 100K cooch which is about a dollar a million that's 100,000 okay boom sent that out now let's do let's do another 100K on uh on cats of crypto why why not right let's do it the Donald Walter hey Brandon for the salana Donald Walter we need your address while we're waiting on your address let's do a 75k he won again okay wild you know what man of my word we're doing it we're doing it cat crypto this is uh 75k paste 75123 about a150 hit send writing on Donald's address have C see but no cooch The Travelers travels I only have salana address that that's all it is it is your salana address techman Ty Pete how do we join um you go to this video link gaming damned let's do more I'm going to do a couple more I'm already way late on this live stream all right so you go to this this video link and you comment you you like subscribe and comment on his video or don't mind me mining ice River Al Zer simple steps to detect on it on the network and connect it to the mining pool tutorial you go to that video you comment on it and then Donald Walter it's on coinbase okay so Donald that you're going to need Phantom wallet um private message me and you can set up Phantom wallet either on your phone or your desktop I like the desktop app um and it'll give you salana address and then all your tokens will go to that and then dump out uh that's how it like breaks it up so super simple and it's free super fast setup it would be crazy if those go to the Moon someday Brad Johnson um if you guys weren't uh a part of cats of crypto in the beginning it actually spiked up really really hard there was a situation where the liquidity pool ran out so then like scarcity went through the roof cuz you couldn't buy it you literally couldn't buy it and like the price skyrocketed uh but then it got dumped off and now it's kind of settled out at like a million being worth about 20 bucks all right so back to the random comment picker did anybody else join that's new er gor Strider 100% rigged it's definitely riged riged it's rigged to give crypto away yo I bought a PC you pieced together a while ago with the white case and had to go back and forth with gpus a little bit it's still running like a champ glad to see you're still out here oh yeah do what now do what now the white case I've had a couple white cases uh was it the salad machine or was it the the the White Tower machine anyway let's do another one 50k cats crypto PBA carella 501 thank you for entering 50k 50,000 cats are coming your way boom I do like the phanto I like the Phantom wallet I'm going to be honest with you guys it is nice I wish it supported more coins though 50123 50,000 is says it's worth exactly $1 right now sending 50,000 Cent okay oh no where' our screen go there we go sorry about that broken container launches yes that was yep nfo guides um that was what the update was thank you eror Phantom is best though yeah I like Phantom buddy love yeah yeah you got the solid rig okay do what now I don't remember exactly which machine you got uh but I haven't sold a lot of white machines cuz I don't normally do white I normally do like black machines unless you had that little white uh tall skinny Tower one right jersey Jedi major spec play yeah that is a major spec spec play for sure um it only takes one right right it only takes one okay so we just gave away 50k cats let's give another 50k away uh Frogman mining what's up Frogman look at that you got got you a dollar of cats 50,000 cats in the house you never know yep you never know it only takes one all right so we're gonna do one more giveaway and then and then I got to get off here I'm an hour almost an hour and a half into the live stream I've been not productive today one two three next [Music] send boom send sending sent okay Pete Webby I can't even find the video Pete Webby post your salana address in the live chat in the next 83 seconds and I'm going to give you 50k see Brandon thanks for the great videos John five John Johnny's 5S Joan Joan joh can't read now getting late it's not that late I just need to eat David B love the Stream have a great night hope to chat with you soon absolutely got tired of having my s9s okay one more another 50k Donald Walter he doesn't have a address because he's on coinbase still he's got to get Phantom lost Jedi whoa this is super rigged lost Jedi you already won I'm not giving it to you again need somebody that hasn't won what it's picking the same people there we go there's a new winner zombie killer is zombie killer in the live stream right now Rico are you zombie killer Dom G rigged a th% I know it's dropping the same people that already win feeling blessed what was the question I don't remember what the question was zombie killer there you are send 50k your way uh let's see here hold on got this Jersey Jedi oh come on all right I got yall I got yall just just hang tight literally drop the same people like back to back I'm gonna Jersey did I give you coochie or did I give you uh cats I'll give you the opposite all right so zombie this is you right now boom [Music] send still fun to the rigged wheel Dom G I'm not even happy about how rigged this wheel is Jersey Rico put his address up there but have I sent you anything Rico I haven't sent you anything have I all right another person's going out another 50k eat there we go Pete Pete's in the house he was late he was late but it's okay you gave me cats just trolling bro you don't have to send me anything don't worry bro all good another dollar everybody a dollar H make you Hollow what's up hot crypto mining welcome to the end of the live stream I know I do it to every single one of yours um we're about to get off here but I'm glad you made it regardless um oh Donald Walter with a phantom wallet address we're giving our cats away and we were giving coochie coin away too oh got to love it right see here Donald 100% uh I'm sending you some coins we're sending you sending you some some coup right now 50,000 coup that's worth 50 cents and we're going to send you some cats after that o what's good Hawk Rico check out your check out your wallet bro trying to add coochie on crypto defi wallet techman send me your uh salana address and I'll just try to send like one there we'll see if it pops up Jersey Jedi says I heard Gucci coins going to $5 a token next week 100% um serpent XS xsf I can't talk said uh coochie coin is gonna be five bucks like probably tomorrow this is not Financial advice don't listen to anything I have to say we're referencing a coin that's named coochie when you find the BTC block I'll have 50k of that too yeah Pete heck yeah everybody's does everybody deserves some coochie 100% it makes the world go around all right ladies and gentlemen we need to end this live stream it's been going on for too long this was supposed to be a quick update video and it devolved into stuff and things anyway serpent xte xtech isn't is isn't it xsf Tech am I thinking of another Channel now I'm thinking of who's got xsf in their name I really feel like not so great right now I haven't I didn't eat lunch today and I haven't ate dinner yet sir xtech it was great thank y all appreciate it no problem brother yeah it's definitely serpent X X somebody has xsf in their name oh well anyway maybe I imagined it yall have a good night the heat is real yeah I'm in my garage right now it's probably like 80 something degrees 100% humidity I'm dying mine your GPU what did you just send me bro you sent me 500 is that what is that what is that I don't even know I don't even know what currency that is M your GPU thank you very much uh thank you you know thank everybody for the donations tonight we had hold on we had there's a bunch of them I just want to give recognition again before we get off here I very thankful this payes ban funding all right let's see here so starting off from the top retro mic check thank you for the $499 donation Nelson's crypto thank you for the five gifted uh memberships keep getting text messages what's going on right now um Nelson's crypto thank you for the $10 donation uh said Co hash cooc DJ mate thank you for the $420 of Australian kangaroo money and he said what that dog doing he was referring to the cat David B thank you for the $2 donations rainbows no coochie LOL 100% um Mark Christopher thank you for the $20 donation with no comment just 20 bucks appreciate that brother DJ old mate or sorry nickman 478 thank you for the $6.90 donation and all he said was DJ old mate he was referring to somebody else that donated previously up above that um DJ yeah yeah uh M your GPU thank you for the 500 dollar worth of that currency which is pesos are 150th of a dollar are they that yeah doing hard work for the good of the community well thank you for the 500 pesos always appreciate it had me a little had me thinking like there was something crazy going on in here for a second still appreciate the dollar though or the 500 pesos I don't know yeah there it shows up as like a little p on the actual screen on my end it kind of shows up as like a d almost looks like Dogecoin wh of fire yeah time to buy pesos all right guys yall have a good night peace out I'll see you on the flip side adios e e e

As found on YouTube

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