what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day and salad just did another update it looks like they're doing some small patch updates so leads me to believe that there was something going on there we'll take a look at the update notes and then also I have some rigs that are stuck and not pulling in new updates so I'll flip it around and show you what I'm going to what I've been told will resolve it all right so this was released yesterday 1.7.3 but I even have some rigs that haven't pulled the 1 7.2 update yet so they definitely haven't pulled this one I was told to pause your salad restart the machine start salid back up and then it would pull the update so I'm going to try that here in a second but 1.7.2 fixes intermittent intermittent issues preventing container workloads from downloading so that's probably a good thing to fix because then you wouldn't have workloads uh and then uh the one from yesterday is additional fixes to workload management so yeah something something might be uh going on on the back end with the workloads but at least they're making some progress to try to get it fixed my salad this morning is actually doing a little bit better let me pull that up all right so my bar graphs I've been floating around the 10cent and they just pop down to 7 8 cent range so um I'm not that's not too shabby last 24 hours $8.13 and a lot of those hours I wasn't making much of anything so my meat and potatoes is right here if this average holds that'll put me up closer to like 12 or $13 a day still not great but it does Edge out and beat anything to do with mining now um the the key here is I do have some rigs that are not earning so we get to earnings per machine and we hover over we make sure all your rigs are turned on but if we hover over it you'll see I have 1 2 3 4 five 6 seven rigs that are earning right uh the issue with that is I have one two 3 4 oh sorry uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 oh okay all the rigs are earning now my bad I was counting the ion machine in my count so I have seven machines online and running and then these are zero I guess those are the machines that I had pulled off so I thought I had two machines that were not running that's the only thing that is a little bit confusing about these worker machine IDs is we can't change them and it's kind of a pain in the butt to manage them from this side now if you'll look you'll see right here um I want to say these three I think are 390s these are 360s and I believe that one's the 4060 TI uh I think yeah yeah okay so 3090 390 3090 4060 TI and then 30 60s up here once they add the implementation where we could change the the machine IDs this will be significantly easier to manage I feel like we're heading in that direction it's just going to take some time but anyways ladies and gentlemen um I I'm not going to mess with any of my machines cuz they are earning money and you know how it is that's the name of the game unless they say it's mandatory and your machine's not making anything I do not update so once these machines stop making money that's when I'll update and that's when I was told to pause your salad do a full uh system restart load salad back up and then it'll pull the update if it still doesn't pull the update at that point you can pause salad fully uninstall it from your computer then download a new copy from the salad website which will be on the new the latest version reinstall salad and you'll be good to go but anyways I'm going to jump off here ladies and gentlemen I hope you all have a good one I will see you on the next one adios
Salad Update 1.7.3 Ai Mining and my Revenue