SALAD Update and Earnings

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all right what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and um yeah looks like looks like salad's got a new mandatory update so that means if you're not on a certain version or higher you will no longer get workloads and everybody knows we want those compute workloads that's where the money's at now let me pull up that information for you guys and I can we can go over it so all right there it is um so inaros I believe that's how you say it uh posted yesterday that version 1.6.5 will now become the minimum supported version for containers so as long as you're on 1.6.5 or newer which is 1.6.6 or 1.6.7 uh you still will be eligible for uh workload and compute containers they Clos the kitchen to all containers for solad versions before 165 make sure that you update to keep receiving containers thanks for all today chefs so obviously not a lot of information there um but I did want to go over my setup and show you what it's making or what it's not making right now because I've had horrible absolutely horrible internet uptime lately I'm actually looking into uh changing over to starlink um just due to to the fact that I I my up time is is garbage on uh what I'm currently using so let me pull that up really quick here we go and I know that that bad up time is killing killing my reliability and it is dropping jobs um down to where I'm yeah yeah see here this is what I'm talking about um hold on you guys can't see it yet okay uh there it is okay now as you can see at about 1 a.m.

Everything went off and then came back on and when it did the only things that started back up were my mining containers which I have two machines set to do mining workloads which is not much the mining is not much right now uh they still have not updated to the new dockerized nice hash um setup to run in or alongside of the WSL or inside the WSL that it's still running just a regular exe um file in there and it's just it it's not great but uh you can see I was on workloads not on good ones but I was on workloads and then my internet dropped out and the workloads didn't come back so perfect example of you know losing out on mining or losing out on those compute workloads uh it does stink so that brings my last 24-hour average down to $1.76 and I still have 439 5 309s 2360s a 4060 TI um yeah yeah it's not great over the last week um I've had my best day was actually what three days ago so Wednesday Thursday uh had a $6.90 day and then other than that I've had $3 days had a $5 day a dollar and then at the beginning of the week uh 338 so see how mine's jumping around so much uh there's people that have much better internet than me and theirs is still jumping around but it's not jumping around to this degree I'm going from you know 20% to you know 50% down to you know 10% uh it's it's all over the place but I can't expect to always get those compute workloads if I don't have a stable reliable internet source so um yeah that's that's kind of my plan as I'm going to look into starlink uh I'm also talking to a friend that has some Fiber maybe I can host some machines over there I I do really want to keep them here because I want to put them in my house and I want to use use them for heat uh so putting them and hosting them somewhere else would be great in the summertime but in the winter time I want that burned heat I want that electrical burnoff you know what I'm saying so um yeah yeah I think maybe starlink is the next way to go uh right now I do have T-Mobile internet so it is basically a glorified 5G hotspot and I do get speeds up to 4 500 megabits down but the fact that it is still cellular uh I think that that leads to a lot of downtime so that is unfortunate but that's kind of how the cookie crumbles ladies and gentlemen my last 7-Day average is at $25 for a week and my my month average is at $220 for the month we did have a better week the previous week before this uh so I don't know what's going on with the T-Mobile cellular Network Internet situation but it's obvious obviously affecting me now for me like daily using my internet I never noticed this you know 1:00 a.m.

In the middle of the night 2:00 a.m. in in the middle of the night my internet going out I don't even notice it because I was in bed by 1 2 a.m. um and then you know the fact that it has little blips here that would probably drop a job but then not even affect me I think that's what I'm running into more than anything so yeah it is it is unfortunate but anyways ladies and gentlemen I wanted to thank y' all for coming out really do appreciate it um we are still going to be doing more salad content uh hopefully going to be be doing some some content on some other platforms as well um I'm still doing IET I'm going to release the video on IET even though they're still not public yet they keep saying that they're going to go public uh I don't know when that's actually going to happen uh but I have these videos that are now getting old uh so I I need to just go ahead and release those videos before they they're lost to the obscurity of time but y'all have a good one I'll see you on the next one adios

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