Scaling Single GPU AI Mining Rigs

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all right ladies and gentlemen welcome back so I currently have a few AI or rental rigs set up we are not doing any crypto mining with them we have turned off all crypto mining workloads on the platform uh if you saw my previous video sometimes they get jobs sometimes they don't get jobs but when they're not getting jobs they burn significantly less power we're going to be doing some plugins and show like you know power over time that kind of thing what they idle at what they're at Full Tilt uh but for today the one thing that I wanted to talk about is uh spacing and placing so right now I just have these sitting on top of a motherboard and I have a big graphics card in there and some of these graphics cards these are only 30 60s but they're heavy and they're just not optimal especially when you have little kids and I do have little kids and they're in and out of the garage constantly so um I am going to be housing these this is a unforeseen slash po potentially unneeded um situation not everybody's going to have to house them inside of a case but for my situation and for ease of moving them around and plugging them back in that kind of thing I think putting them in cases is going to be beneficial my idea is I want to find and I'm I'm going to be searching for them um uh a case with you know good decent air flow that can fit bigger cards cuz I do want to upgrade these 30 60s up to 309s or 407 s 480s 409s that kind of thing so they can produce more so I need them to have a big big enough room on the inside but not too big uh and then I want to be able to like you know stack them up so lay them on their side uh and stack them up so that means really they don't need to have like a seethrough side window or anything like that um now I do have some cases here hold on bear with me I have one case here I believe let me get that one open um I got that one from uh Mobius computers down in Princeton North Carolina and they they cut me a really good deal on these they are a bit Phoenix dealer but I don't think this is going to serve me good for for these AI rigs all right so just getting this bad boy open this is way too pretty uh for me to be using for like stackable Rigs and I really don't like the glass side panel which is it's crazy cuz in this day and age these are you know fairly budget oriented um cases and they're decently built you know good air flow all through the front um got single fan on the back and then got room to put dual fans on top uh but that it's just not going to serve my purpose I'm actually I'm probably going to throw this together um because I have a couple people interested in like a PC build but oh that got me to thinking hold on sorry guys this my garage has turned into an inventory nightm there I got some Lumber coming next week actually and I'm I'm planning on building like some shelving racks over here but regardless y'all don't need to know that so I have these systems and they're already in these are Zeon the only issue is these are quad cores uh but they're already in cases and look how well they stack up so this is my idea of flipping systems on their side and stacking them and then just having them run and they're you know at that point fairly stable fairly secure if need be you know I could run some Tu framing around them just to hold them so they don't fall over and you know hurt one of my kids or something like that but um this is kind of the idea so 1 2 3 4 5 there's six systems stood up right there um and they're all fairly secure I was thinking I could potentially throw some graphics cards in these but I don't think these four core zons are going to do well um from my experience uh six core and up uh processors are definitely the way but if you're wondering about I don't think I can use those cases either because they're not ATX so but now if you're wondering about more information on doing the rental and AI stuff cuz I've had a bunch of people since I did the video yesterday reach out to me and oh what am I doing wrong you know what's wrong with this what's wrong with that I am going to be doing some full how two videos and I'm actually going to make a playlist and it's going to start from the beginning so we're going to talk about about everything that I have learned up until this point which I still have a lot to learn don't think I'm no guru by any means uh so there yeah there's there's still plenty plenty of knowledge to to bring in but anyway guys just making this quick video just to get some thoughts out there what you guys think do you know any good cases that will fit that that that uh use case um and yeah so anyway youall have a good one peace out and I'll see you tomorrow

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