Sheba enu alltime highs could be coming Sooner than you think welcome back to The 99b YouTube channel I am your host Umar Khan and today we're taking a look At a very exciting news and bullish news For shibba Inu and what's coming next For shibba Inu are we going to see Shibainu hit some all-time highs in May That's quite possibly what shibba Inu Could be setting up for shibainu has Been down in the past couple of weeks And looks like we're starting to make a Swift recovery so very exciting things Ahead for sha enu before we start the Video I want to ask if you haven't Already make sure you smash this Subscribe button down below to reach Your 2024 crypto goals now let's go Ahead and take a look at what the heck Is going on with Sheba enu in terms of Top meme coins guys shibba Inu is Currently at number two earlier today We're talking about Dogecoin so make Sure you check out that video that was The last upload um but we can see Exciting things happening within the Memec coin space with a $52 billion Market cap and two coins holding a bulk Of the market cap Dogecoin currently at $21 billion and sheba enu lacking very Behind or lacking just a little behind At 15 m billion dollars so a $6 billion Difference guys or a little bit more Than $6 billion difference could sh youu
Cash up to Dogecoin that could be Absolutely insane if that flips it could Be game over for Sheba enu and shibba Enu holders so many exciting things Ahead for shba Inu especially the main Thing guys is she in the ride right now Down 4% on the day in terms of the week Yes we're up 10% but in terms of the Month guys we're still done whopping 177% so it's still a great time to buy In we see people post on the top again Bullish R but youu it looks like the Movement will begin in the meme tokens Analysts who called Chu previous 220% Rally signs for another significant Surge in the following breakout again People are very very bullish for Shibu And again this is a community based meme Coin right so you want to see a Community getting rally behind getting Bullish for the project right also Remember Shibu is not just a meme token There are massive utility based token Now between shibba enu bone leash the Ecosystem growing Shiba swap ship verse Uh K9 they have so many different things Going on for shba so it's far more than Just a meme coin and that's kind of the Trend we're seeing in the market you get A meme coin you start adding utility and People start falling behind it talking About meme coins and utility and new Coins let's talk about do for a second The coin we actually covered a few times
On this channel already it's currently The pre-sale guys and in 13 hours the Pre-sale prices are about to raise They've already raised $1 million worth Of market cap in just a few weeks Doge BR is a first World's traveling Doge and It's on six different exchanges between Ethereum B&B polygon Basee and salana uh buy and claim Doge Ver on any of the following chain Co Cosmo is a chain hopping Doge he's Basically hopping around the Supernova On all the six most popular most Stellar Exchanges so the doo token will be Launched on ethereum B&B polygon salana Avalanche and base utilizing the Superior bridging technology doers will Be seamlessly multichain in just a few Clicks now the reason why I'm so bullish On this project guys is one it has a Solid tokenomics in place has a solid Road map in place as well the vision is Clear they want this to be a massive Project I think making the first Doge Token on six different exchanges is Great utility and also great feature for Us to get highlighted uh in mainstream Media coverages and articles and also You can't sleep on that $1 million raise Showing a lot of trust in the community Over 9,000 followers coming very close To 10,000 follower Mark as well people Are bullish for this project and you Don't want to miss out uh if you want to
Grab a bank of Doge ver I'm going to Link in the description below and also Has staken as well so if you want to Earn about 100% apy Dynamic R staken They got you covered now let's go back To Sheba enu as this is a Sheba euu Coverage video just want to quickly Highlight what's going on with this Whole utility space you know you put Utility in the project and it does well And we've seen similar things similar Trends across the board in all crypto Coins now let's talk about what's going On in the news cuz there's a lot of news About Shu right now looks like everybody Wants to be talking about shba Inu Pepe Dogecoin and Shibu is getting some very Very interesting articles and some Bullish things ahead shib enu shib makes A major announcement that we'll take a Look at it very soon but regarding the Layer 2 and sharum and $12 million they Raised just a couple days ago three Addresses accumulate a massive amount of She enu and the price is search 8% what She enu holders need to know before the Ladies upgrade so many articles she Forecast to reach 8 cents what if sh Hits 8 cents guys we are going to be Crypto billionaires okay maybe not Billionaires but crypto millionaires for Sure that's Absolut insane shenu makes Major announcement the shib ecosyst has Seen the project take to X formerly
Known as Twitter to make a major Announcement regarding the meme coin Indeed they announced that that the Layer 2 blockchain technology ship arum Is receiving a transformative upgrade in The coming months the ship Army was told That the upcoming hard Fork was set to Go live May 2nd moreover the platform Announced various features that would Arrive on the network with the update Specifically the project noted that These developments will greatly enhance User experience and empower the Community of innovators and developers So it looks like they're trying to build Something bigger than just for the Community but also for the developers as Well so one ship Army we are on the Brink of trans transformative upgrade For shibara through an update of a hard Fork expected to go live on May we're Introducing a suite of new features Designed to enhance user experience and Empower the our community of innovators And developers so again so many bullish Things ahead for sh Inu we're excited we See this as well despite the recent Drops we are still bullish AF we can see That we're setting up a nice formation In that upward trajectory which you know Could hopefully have Shinu pop off huge Explosive things coming for ship this is The beginning of the 2024 Bull Run once They're starting there's no stopping
Alltime Highs coming very soon for Sheba Enu and honestly me coins across the Board I've been very bullish on Sheba Enu from the start guys I've been Loading a bag and so many interesting Things happen in the crypto Market you Absolutely don't want to miss out and if You don't want to miss out make sure you Smash the Subscribe button down below we Get the latest and greatest meme Coin News and until next time it's your boy Umar remember not Financial advice peace [Music]