SHIBA INU BULLISH NEWS!!! Will $Shib make you a millionaire?!

Sheba enu has some massive news as it Gets his first public company to accept Shib as a payment form this is very Bullish for our fan favorite Sheba enu Coin but before we start the video I Want to welcome you back to the 99b YouTube channel I am your host Umar Khan Today we're taking a deep dive into Shea Enu token as there's some bullish things Going on in the mix and you're Absolutely not going to want to miss out So if you want to stay tun the latest And greatest crypto news smash the Subscribe button down below and let's Jump right into the mix of things so First of all overall crypto Market Looking kind of red we're down 1.5% in Terms of the overall volume and in terms Of fear and greed index we're currently Sitting at a 48 neutral it has made some Movement up towards the right direction However we haven't recovered quite just Yet stay tuned for later today where we Do a deep dive on bitcoin and what we Anticipate to see what happens with Bitcoin next in terms of the top meme Coins guys shuu is on that list as is Number two $7 billion away in market cap In terms of becoming the number one mem Coin and people are bullish that shibba Enu may flip Dogecoin this bull run and Today we're doing a full breakdown so First and foremost 10 billion Mark cap Top 13 ranking cryptocurrency across the

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Board over $168 million in the past 24hour volume alone making a top 50 Traded coin and there's a bunch of Exciting things happening for Shiva enu The first massive news is this so it's Posted directly from the shba Inu Official Twitter account big news ship Army Kronos Advanced Technologies Becomes the first public company to Accept ship at for payment which is Absolutely massive and and they go on Into their articles so we can see public Company Kronos Taps into the growing Crypto payment Trend with shba enu Adoption so we can see Kronos Advanced Technologies will accept Shinu for Payment konos is running a promotion Offering 10% off discount for users who Choose to choose shib and then Shibu Rose 4% in the past 25 24 hours trading At this price now that's absolutely Massive for so many reasons one it just Shows the utility and the future of Crypto remember we saw I believe Temporarily I don't know if you can Anymore but temporarily Dogecoin was Accepted uh for for Tesla actually you Buy Tesla using Dogecoin I don't believe That's a thing anymore similar to that Also they're offering 10% discount for People who choose to use shib over Fiat Or whatever other payment forms this Website or this company accepts now it's Massive because that means this company

Kronos is pretty bullish on Shibu if They're offering their customers a 10% Discount for trading over their ship Instead of Cold Hard Cash because when You think about it they could easily Take the money their profits and buy Shinu but rather they're they're Basically incentivizing people to use Shibba Inu instead of directly buying Shibba enu if you like sha Inu guys You're going to absolutely love this new Meme coin that we're going to talk about Just now so Saddle Up saddle up for the Legends of the Sheba Showdown where wild West Spirits meet the crypto Frontier Now guys this is a pre-sale gem that has Just basically launched and they already Raised $480,000 in their first round if you Want to buy the absolute lowest price Now is your time to strike you buy this Pre-sale gem uh with eth usct card and BNB as well it's been featuring ton of Different articles and blog posts around The world we see we can meet the main Characters explore uh their their Journey they're taking off looks like They have Cactus staking with up to 2 2200 in rewards you start earning today Utilize ideas campfire stories token Governance lucky lasso lotteries and Cactus staking so so many rewards for The company uh and so many rewards for The community now guys if you want to

See a full breakdown we are going to do A review for this project very soon but If you want to buy an absolutely early Especially for all my she holders you Might want to load up a bag link in Description below also pinned in the Comments section but let's go back to Shibu as the bullish news is not over Just yet if you thought that was big uh For it being accepted as a payment form There's still more for this as the Technicals are looking quite interesting So let's jump straight to technical Report and we see offers are finally in The green and in a buy however the Moving averages are in a strong sell Gave us an overall summary of sell now When we go back to the chart to see What's been going on we see on the day We saw a pump up a bit and a bit of a Pullback looks like people were probably Taking some profits when we go to one Week we're down about 4% and we go to One month were're down a whopping 30% What does this mean for us this means There is some value to be locked in as Buying now could be easy an easy 30% Gain but when really looking at it guys When we look at the one year there's Still so much more to be gained look at His previous all-time highs this year Alone now when in doubt you zoom out and This alltime High looks nowhere close to Its previous alltime High remember

During these bold run Seasons tokens Typically passes breef or break his Previous all-time high and this case it Had a massive push with vitalic donating His ship and then getting into his Wallet creating a whole fi ASCO major News like that probably won't happen Again however between the utility Utilization what they're offering in the Ecosystem this could cause puppy to Break all-time highs again meaning Buying and now would be an absolute uh Beg if you do end up loading up early Talking about the community guys the Community been growing absolutely Massive over 3.8 million followers over On X and much to say positive news Inside the news we Shu gets first public Company uh in US to accept ship for Payment it's massive she uh employees uh To resign from work if ship Rises up uh 100,000% so this being accept as payment Forms obviously absolutely massive and Then people anticipating to leave their Work if Sheba enu could hit a certain Threshold so many exciting things Happening in the mix guys but if you Want to stay tuned with the latest and Greatest crypto news make sure you smash The Subscribe button down below like Always guys none of this is financial Advice it's not intended to be a Financial advice so always do your own Research and due diligence before

Investing any money in the cryptos we Cover on this channel that up the video Until next time it's friend Umar peace [Music] [Music]

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