We got some bullish news ahead for Shibba enu are we going to see shibba Enu hit some all-time highs this bull Run is shibba enu going to make us Crypto millionaires let's talk about it Welcome back to 99b YouTube channel I am Your host Umar Khan and today we're Talking about some bullish news Regarding Sheba enu and some updates That they got going on that's pretty Massive the internet's going crazy Everyone's talking about shibba enu even Though we are seeing a little bit red in The market today looks like exciting Things are ahead for Shibu let's go Ahead and take a look but before the Video I want to ask if you haven't Already make sure you smash subscribe Button down below as it helps out the Channel tremendously as you can see in Terms of the overall crypto market cap Guys we are down 1.5% on the day and down 11% in terms of Volume in terms of fear and greed index We are sitting close to neutral or at The end of neutral we're getting back to Greed which is good but across the board We are seeing a little bit of red 1% for Bitcoin 1% for eth 2% for B&B 3% for Salana but let's talk about mcoins What's going on the mcoin market mcoin Market down about 4% and shibba enu down 3% however Shibu making headlines and we Are anticipating Sheba enu to search

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Talking about search guys there's a mem Coin we've been talking about this Channel a lot it's currently on prale Right now and that's Doge verse the World's first train traveling Doge they Raised over $13 million and guys this Morning someone aedon a will Aon won $155,000 into this project this is ether Scan of the will buying in we can see Currently it's at 1. 88,000 so 628 this this this whale aped Into Doge ver which is abs absolutely Insane what is Doge versus chain Traveling Doge Doge goes multi-chain on The six following chains uh you can buy And sell Doge verse on all these Following chains actually it's been Featured on to different articles multi Bridge utility utilizing Superior Bridge Technology with Doge verse will seem see Be multi-chain just a few clicks they Also have staking as well with currently Paying 72% apy but it is dynamic range Staking meaning the staking range price Is going to change which is awesome but The crazy part today that we're talking About do R again and we we knew this one Was going to be successful u f we've Been talking about on the channel since It had maybe $200,000 rais very early Well before the first million the reason Why we knew it was going to be Successful is cuz it takes do r a very Popular token multi-chain which is just

Innovation plus staking it's a beautiful Project with great tokenomics a Great Road MC road map in place we knew this Was going to do successful that too on Twitter over 14,000 followers right and Now a whale entering the whale is seeing Something so if you don't want to miss Out doers and want to load up a bag I'm Going to link in the description below Again it's still on prale right now you Can still get in before it goes live and Make a solid bag obviously not Financial Advice but I'm going to link it in the Description below back to Shibu what the Heck is going on with shibainu it's Roughly down 3% on the day in terms of Week we are up 3% and the month we are Down a whopping 18% which could be Actually a great opportunity to buy in a Bag and enter shainu as again bullish Behaviors could be ahead right now There's a lot of selling going on people Are are selling which is is is Interesting when we go ahead and take a Look at the technicals we could see over Here that the technicals are indicating Sell the moving averages are are Indicating sell and the officers are Indicating neutral we take a look on the Week we are seeing more buying moving Averag and buying uh summaries overall Buy so it's going to be interesting to Say the least I still think there's Opportunity here especially with what's

Going on in the market for shibba Inu we Take a look at the shibba Inu news today Shibba enu to to erase a zero 110 Trillion ship holds key to 100% price Pump uh Shinu Reigns India leaving Bitcoin and Dogecoin in its wake again All these articles are from today uh key Shibu indicator explodes almost 400% up 130% already this year could Shiva Inu Go higher everyone is roaring about what Goes on next from Shiva enu but let's go Ahead and take a look at the shivu news Directly from the source and starting Off on their actual Twitter page this One right here what an exhilarating time We had at token 2049 in Dubai this April As a golden SP sponsor we are right in The thick of it all speaking engag Discussions and demonstrations the sheer Potential of decentralization here's a Look at the remarkable Journey at one of The year's largest crypto Gathering and That to them being a golden sponsor is Absolutely insane first up the crypto Polo Pub so looks like they had bit cob And just getting into the heart of it They had the polo then at the at the 49 At the token 2049 uh we were more than Just attendees our golden sponsorship Gave us a unique platform to connect With some of our Industries most forward Leaders and innovators and then they had The Fest after the festivities continue After uh 2049 our community is the

Lifeline and we're happy that our when Our community is happy which is why we Gave away tickets to our VIP table to One of our community members which is Awesome to see and looks like there's Some ship merch as well what's on the Horizon for ship we are not slowing down Stay tuned for more updates and further Events where you can join us shaping the Financial landscape Dubai was just a Start to infinity and beyond and a huge Thanks to ship Army and all the Supporters whether you are in Dubai or Rooting from us from afar that was Pretty solid again they're obviously Very happy uh successful event to say The least again just getting their name Out there getting more publication more Eyes to what's going on okay and also Some more news ship Arium was already Lightning fast but we have just hit warp Speed the hard Fork May transaction on Ship Arium even faster buckle up now This is awesome because now sharum gets To update and it's going to just push Transaction faster making it even more Useful then this is this is awesome as Well so ship token is live on nexo let's Explore originally launched in 2020 as a As a meme coin and ship has rapidly Evolved into a robust symbol of Community uh nexo has shibba Inu a new Asset and again more or less a new Market now obviously Shinu has been

Listed on most the popular exchanges but Now this is a more European exchange so Now we have a European market as Available to buy into Shibu again a ton Of exciting things going on guys the Bull market hasn't fully begun yet and We can imagine in the peak of this we Will see shibba enu hitting some All-time highs like always guys is not Financial advice always your own Research and due diligence and let me Know what you think about shibba enu in The comment section below are you Bullish are you bearish as for do ver Are you going to buy into the pre-sale I'm going to link that in the comment Section as well and let me know if You're going to grab a bag that UPS the Video until next time it's your boy Umar Peace [Music]

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