Taking APART a Iceriver KS0 Ultra Kaspa Miner… LIVE

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okay is this better can you guys [Music] see anything is it smooth smooth not smooth let me know can you guys see my hand do you see my hand do you see the ice River box all right I think I think we're good yeah we are good all right I'm so sorry Bros for the notification spam uh my streamlabs has died but anyways we're going to be taking apart the ice River ks0 Pro oh no Ultra Ultra it's a pirate did you kill salad what was it no I just restarted the computer all right I'll wait I'll wait till people start rolling in I know uh sorry bro sorry Mel what's up S sometimes what's up so sorry smash the like smash the like Bros okay um Windows yeah I I think it was my uh I think it was my um webcam the webcam was glitching out a lot oh happy Saturday everybody happy Saturday smash that like let's get more people in here mad electron yo it's a pirate Andrew mad rud puts Ry Ry yes rondy how are you man Ry Ry Ry all right okay you need Andrew mad you need to fry an egg dude I will I tomorrow we can fry an egg on the ks zero tomorrow all right are we ready you guys want to unbox this now KS Zero Ultra uh and thank you so much to yes mining.

There the ones who sent me the ks0 ultra here for today if you guys are interested in purchasing one there is also a $20 off coupon use coupon code RPM and you get a lovely $20 off as well on the ks Z Ultra all right so thank you to yes mining iio go check him out guys go check him out go check him out okay um all right let's go let's unbox it and let's take it apart okay is is the audio music too loud okay unboxing it I lost my knife I'm using a I'm just using a cutter [Music] all right all right here we go all right the nice pink foam just hopefully it's not we will verify if it's going to be pink thermal paste we will verify if it's pink thermop paste and oh we might have an issue we will definitely have an issue I do not have I do not have a three-prong into the Nema 15 15 P 15 515p cable oh man this might this might be a flop oh if I turn it on maybe we won't need to turn it on we're taking it we're just taking it aart all right there's the inside of the Box nothing nothing special okay mining mining King you bastard um unplugged from one of your other 60 KS zeros Andrew mad hold on is this too bright hold on video capture hold on hold on I think the exposure is a little bit too there we go all right there we go all right uh travels travels use a TVM cable they work fine that is a great idea I totally forgot I had a bunch of the veteran minor cables okay all right so just first inspection around this thing and then I'll take it apart hey there's the four screws on the back there warranty sticker KS Z Ultra um underneath here the six screws those are the six screws I'm going to take off okay H crypto KJ it won't work it's a UK Edition send it to me it's the UK Edition okay um I don't see any screws at the top all right I'm just going to I'm going to take apart the bottom here we go ah what a nice what a nice Saturday morning we're had issues with the stream ah what a great what a great time what a great time how are you all how is everybody travels travels test before opening it up nope complete take your part right now crypto oh more oh it's all good we've all been there uh yeah no for sure for sure happy happy Saturday and there's this warranty sticker here which uh I'm just going to all right hold on see if I could if I could screw if I could screw through it and this sticker is very thick it's a very thick cable void warranty void all right okay Ry all the CMP 100 day check two10 were sold out yesterday ah okay so now what now what now what do I do uh it's this is extremely hard to it's hard to take off you know what I'm going to take off the I'm going take off the sides too the four screws on the side holding up the side panels easier for me to hopefully take this a p never always there's always always something always something goes wrong I hope that's I hope that's it ah okay he this part's off I'm going to take out the other one too [Music] [Music] okay this is scre pretty hard here you guys can't see what I'm doing down here all right we go just unscrewing the four screws here what is what is bitcoin doing right now Bitcoin I see Bitcoin is almost 59,000 so is it going back up that's nice uh RPM or Hawk to uh crypto mining what you use LTT screwdriver LOL yeah what's wrong what's wrong with that I got sent this LTT screwdriver not from LTT but from a viewer that bought two and wanted to send me one I would love a red a red and uh I don't know red and white body red and white bodied uh LTT screwdriver Krypto more Mike is picking up table vibrations sending big base out of the speakers H it was my kid up upstairs is my kid running upstairs all right now what now what do I do I have to pull the bottom I got to pull this thing right I got to pull this thing [Music] out oh that was satisfying yeah okay so here's the two fans okay all right okay so there's the top should I replace oh some thermop pad didn't some thermop pad didn't come off uh come off this stuck on there uh okay now now what should I do the copper Mo should I do the the copper Moss f put the mods on here put the copper on here okay um all right well I want to see the thermal paste now okay let's go uh Krypto KJ they use locktite locktite on the screws you have been worn uh Dennis swains and RPM all the soffs and the screws and the ker Ultra have locktite on their SS be careful you don't damage the circuit board meaning like how how do I what does that mean does that mean I unscrew righty tidy Loosey Goosey like what Lefty goo what what what what does that mean exactly locktite that's like the stuff you put on your car uh lug nuts isn't it isn't that isn't that the stuff uh people put on their lug nuts you know for their for their cars loosen the screws a little at a time not one screw at a time all the way mad electron okay all right the standoffs might out with the board the standoffs might come off might come out of the board oh okay that's antcs not Loctite Loctite your lugs no sorry I meant rotors like the when you put the rotors on I don't know somebody some people oh okay this is not the right this is not the right bit yeah you never want the tire to come off again okay well here we go I'm going to really Loosely some of the like this okay they're they're very easy to unscrew very like I'm not even I'm not even putting any weight to it extremely easy to unscrew so I don't think very easy very easy like it it it comes off very easy easy expect the standoffs to come with oh you're saying oh I see okay oh oh I see what you mean yeah the standoffs are coming out the standoffs are coming out along with the uh along with the yeah look at that it's unscrewing the standoff not the look at that oh my oh my God okay get M electron with the oh my yeah I'm unscrewing all these at the same time holy she wow that is okay now okay wow what why did they do that what what is the reason for that why do they put Loctite on this stuff look at this look at that look at that look at that look at that the standoff is coming out it's it's it's not even wow okay so okay the good thing we're yeah mad electron with the advice to unscrew them all at the same time not like wow wow wow wow I I wonder if anyone's broken their kid Zero Ultra yet by because because they were look at that look at that look at the standoffs coming look at that look at that oh my God that's horrible ice River why why oh my God okay I need to get a closeup for a video I need to do a video on this I'm going to call out I'm going to call out ice River I'm calling out ice server in a video this is this is terrible why why why did they do that what why did why did they do that yeah veteran minor yeah be careful fleux the board will break yeah that's why we're that's why we're unscrewing each one slowly uh as per matad electron's uh recommendation because yeah the standoffs if you unscrew one standoff and then like it's going to push one side of the board up because the the standoff screw has a little bit there like you can see dude why why did they do this why why did they do okay it's off now okay why did they do oh it's pink it's pink it's still pink ah there wait wait is there weren't there wait is it six chips or 12 was the Kio Pro 6 or 12 uh fully electric there is nothing wrong with the way they did it no one should be taking apart the minor anyways 12 Theo Pro had 12 okay I don't remember all right so this is still the same pink pink stuff this is still the same pink thermal paste they OB okay I need the I need the screenshot for a video all right I'm just going to put it like this and need has closeup like this it's still still Pink as you guys can see I need another closeup over here for a video hey look at that he this side all right zoom in zoom in uh still tastes like bubble [Laughter] gum H okay okay and then um this part is this right Still Still pink here yep still pink th past all right well let me get a let me get a cloth um I don't have tissues but I have this microfiber let me do the microfiber on this one see what the chips look like more in depth yeah I'll put um I'll put uh MX6 on here and uh watch it watch it not work we put new thermal paste and this thing's going to Brick okay all right you guys can see the chips closer now make sure I don't dox myself I want to see the wording I want to see the wording on that chip come on camera can you zoom in can you guys can you guys can you guys read that or no I can't even I can't even see it with my with my eye I can't I can't put my face there otherwise it'll it'll reflect can you guys is there a number or words on that I can't tell Andrew mad no twist the board a little you bastard okay if I okay if I watch The Stream after the fact I might be able to zoom in on that on that bottom uh bottom right rotate 90° Carl M you bastard bring it closer so we can see the reflection all you guys want to do is you guys don't even care about this thing you just want to see my face God you you're all you're all terrible all of you all of you are horrible horrible human beings okay you know what I just realized something funny like all the standoffs are still on here look like they're they're completely these are like so can I like I guess I don't need to take these apart do I need to take do I need to take these off or like I need to get pliers and hold one end to the other end and like I can turn I can turn these look at that I can turn I can turn all of these uh leave them I would take them apart uh greater good mining what's up man has anyone taken apart the ks5 out Tech too face yet is that still the pink too might still be better pce though even though it's pink great a good mining yeah potentially potentially uh fully electric no need to take them off just to put it back together the same way you took it off yeah I'm just going to screw them slowly I'm just going to screw the board back on uh the same way oh I got to wipe off the Thal paste on this that's a lot okay all right this one's clean clean good enough okay well um so 12 it's still 12 chips but how are they getting double the hash rate is it just newer chips these must be these must be uh newer more more efficient chips so uh C crypto KJ Loctite is designed to not come [Laughter] apart ah nice D miners what's up man D miners welcome I already have my YouTube title picked out for this one it's like don't do not not take apart your KS Zero Ultra ah okay well all right I'm going to put it back together uh I guess I'm going to put thermal paste I'm going to put thermal paste on it [Music] now uh where is where's my here it is MX6 techman your snapshot of Asic chip in the mod chat oh okay okay I'm going to apply MX6 uh I don't know how much I'm just going to do a a decent dot oh why is it wet oh why is the stuff wet ooh ooh that's that that scares me this this this thermal paste is leaking out liquid I'm going to rub is that okay or o That's I'm GNA wipe that off I don't I'm I don't feel comfortable I don't feel I don't feel comfortable oh no bad paste oh no no really wait hold on maybe it's just dry or whatever uh hold on let me uh what can I where can I test this on God damn it all right a terra terra hosting uh sticker that I put right there okay there we there we go that's better no more liquid it was just at it was just at the end it's just at the end okay oh okay all right here we go I don't know how much to put I think that's too much whatever more the merrier I'm just that might be too much oh I'm running out oh no I'm at the very end yeah I'm at the very I'm at the very end of the tube oh no wonder I'm at the very end okay so this is garbage I got another one I think I have another one yeah right here uh MX6 is non-conductive too much is fine okay holy crap that's a lot of pace for one on one wa listen I damn it now I got pink thermal paste all over my hand ah gross okay smash the like Bros welcome to the live stream sorry if you got bombarded with a million uh live stream uh oh crap that's too much way too much just a DOT I'm doing a DOT yeah done I got to make sure I save this okay there I put way too much on that one and I put way too much on these three [Laughter] okay here we go all right we're going to put it back together now here we go here we go here we go ah crap which way do I do it does it matter uh don't I don't think so I'm just gonna I'm going to go I'm going to go this way oh God hold on I got to screw in each one I don't even know if I'm in I don't even know if I'm in or not no I'm definitely not in okay I'm in I'm in I'm in I'm in I totally just I totally just hit the screwdriver on one of the mosfets like scraped it I don't know if I don't know if that's going yeah that's going in is that going in or no I can't tell that's going in for sure oh this one's way too high this one's also very high no that one's good this one's too high I got to make sure make sure we do it level or else it's going to it's going to crack I don't want to crack the board right you guys are saying well okay who found out about this locktite thing so did somebody that did this did somebody actually break their uh KS Zer Ultra like and only like I feel like that's the only like uh the only way people were able to figure that out is did did some people actually break their KS Z Ultra by doing that they didn't know if it was lock tied or whatever Luke War Miner no La me no I opened day one oh did it break luk lukewarm Miner did it break or what it it I didn't break okay nice okay all right that's good yeah I'm going to re retighten on each one here [Music] all right done okay all right thermal paste I hope is okay no but it was creaky dude oh my God that's crazy crazy uh all right now okay should I put new thermopad on here or no dude this thermop pad is already CRA it's already cracking like that that's how bad this stuff is the if it's cracking like this that means it's dried up already oh this is really bad this is you know what I'm changing the thermopad I I got I got extra is this 1 mil or 2 mil uh or that looks like one and a half let's see I got 1.5 uh and 2.5 uh let me just see what 1.5 looks like GP risers 2 mm Let It squish Luke War Miner you said 2 mil oh uh okay well I have 2.5 ah shoot do I have two uh I think I do 2.5 2.5 two yeah I got two two m 2 mm oh yeah yeah I see yeah yeah this is okay 1.5 try try 1.5 I have two two was fine I feel like two would be better because like you said it would Squish and it would it would be a like a it would be a how do you say it just a firm you know contact dude this stuff is bad this thorough this thorough pad is this thermop pad is bad it's so dry it's so dry and it cracked already I didn't even turn this thing on this is from Factory dude this stuff is terrible oh man yeah that this is this is not this is not this is not good stuff it comes off it's so crack oh man I feel like I broke this KS Zero Ultra already H I guess we'll turn it on in a second we're going to turn it on uh shortly here look at that pile of like garbage right let me wipe off as much as I can without getting pink thermal paste on my [Music] hands okay uh you still have those heat sinks you bought for the nan3 going to slap four of those on the four chips in the center oh that's a good idea should I do that do I need to do that uh lukewarm Miner or H great or good did you did you guys put did you guys put copper on the mosfet on the four here excuse me I think I have I think I have them somewhere [Music] I got them I'll put I'll put four on copper copper uh heat sinks I'll put four on sure why not let's do it now oh these are so hard to these little like self adhesive there we go one one one is on two okay three that's my kid upstairs not the base I don't have a subwoofer four oh that's not Center at all okay there is that is that good enough that's good enough dude this whatever this is this is crooked I think this power stage thing looks crooked okay A thermopad Time crooked as heck hey uh okay hold on I need to get a knife I need to get a knife I need to get a knife hold on [Music] never mind uh I'm going to use scissors instead okay I'm just going to cut a fat decent fat chunk of thermal pad uh uh right all right hey let's put it on like like this oh yeah that feels much better make sure I take the plastic off oh yeah that feels better that feels so much better okay this one doesn't need a this one doesn't need this one is not that long that's what she said he said wife is looking for those scissors that these are not okay these flower scissors are not mine all right for the record these are not my flower scissors all right crap I can't even take it out there blue this blue stuff this blue uh there we go oh that doesn't look like it's on I don't think this is straight ah this is not straight there we go is there a Gap in between there is there a Gap here I better push that I don't want a gap oh there we go okay good continuing on live your truth brother don't protest too much they are your flower scissors Max damn it Max all right I don't want to waste thermopad I I knew Panda was in touch with his feminine side hey there's nothing wrong with with that is there okay here we go I need one more therough pad take the plastic off oh that didn't help all right I need a little bit more I don't want to cut too much I just I need like this much [Music] okay all right and there done damn it there we go oh there we go okay oh there's a gap there's a gap there's a little Gap in between I was going to push that okay done I think we're done is it okay that a little bit of the throw pad goes on these silver I don't know what are these silver things here whatever I think it's okay all right I'm putting it all back together two fans uh the two fans were here and one is here all right okay wait a sec is that right yeah okay wait why is it so why is it so gimped oh did I do it the wrong way why all right I'm not quite sure I'm not quite sure I'm just going to put is this I'm just going to I'm going to put this like this okay uh now is this is this right let's uh let's it's not not it's not going down oh I did not remove the old pad from the cover oh my god look you're so right look at that oh I thank you for catching that oh God now it's stuck now it's stuck to the oh damn it all right all right all right I forgot I forgot about that okay all right good enough good enough good enough start over no I'm not going to I am not not starting over I am not cutting and I'm going to make sure I rub this off on this one it's just a little it's just a little bit it's okay it's okay it's okay if that somehow raises like 100° or something just because of that that would be funny okay so [Music] [Music] okay all right that's it man this fan is really okay push that in okay let's screw it back together and turn this thing on I'm done done we basically did all the mods that we did on a like a [Music] like a ks0 ks0 pro I just realized I don't think I'm lined up at all yeah I'm definitely not L up watch this thing not work watch we're not going to put the sides on we're just going to let it we're going to run it now right after these six screws or two more screws I'm going to turn it [Music] on okay [Music] [Music] all right [Music] done does that look pretty good I think that looks pretty good I'm here for the fireworks sniff Test please ah you bastards all of you all of you 135 people here 50 likes smash the like button Bros Smash the like button okay here we go let's turn this thing on oh wait I don't have a uh shoot I don't have a um so they provided the power supply but I don't have the three prong uh I came with this but I don't have this is a e UK plug I believe I mean I could cut this I could cut this and uh you know what I think I might have one actually hold on hold on yes I do have one I made it myself this might be a bad idea this might this might be a bad idea but I'm willing to risk it okay I I I spliced one myself all right here we go okay all right we got power I mean that's that's that's that's that's fine that looks looks like it's on my custom wired one that I I cut because it was a UK plug and then uh okay all right here we go all right here we go wait wait I should I should plug it I should plug it in I should plug in the barrel first and then plug it in at the wall right so I'm going to plug it in I'm going to make sure I got the ethernet in as [Music] well okay all right so if we're going to see fire if we're going to see fire the fire is going to come out the back so let's let's I'll show you guys this all right here we go here all right plug it in here we go 3 2 [Music] one I I I I don't see anything dead yet okay let me get the uh let me get the IP address let me get the IP address uh I need a new [Music] browser all right did it come up it came up yes it came up it works oh my God thank God oh refuse to connect oh there we go downstairs screen here we go all right we're in admin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7even 8 yeah now do we need to Firmware update this I heard people had issues with the fans and stuff do we need to do we need to go to ice server.com or or ice server.

Sorry server. support tutorial uh firmware download P0 Ultra came out July 6th or is this June 7th July 6th right uh updated the firmware update reduced my hash rate by 60 gigahash what 60 gigahash looks like there's the new firmware on it already oh okay uh I don't know well we're going to see if this uh it's mining to uh someone else first person to give me their Caspa address gets it in here first person first person the music stop oh the music stop okay first person all right uh okay uh looks like uh t s is the first one tus t t t TS looks like he's the first one all right I'm putting it in here um do ks0 ultra uh this is this be for I don't know 24 hours probably more I'm probably going to forget uh KS Z KS Z Ultra uh which mining pool do you want uh TS TS uh T TI thus what what mining pool hero oh man that's like the worst one oh my God all right fine I need the I need the uh mining pool stats uh uh mining pool stats Caspa hero miners uh okay what's the uh what's the America I'm on the west side here so us.

Asa.com what's the port why don't they add the port here choose your mining server okay Port KS Z Ultra uh 1207 okay uh 1207 okay save operation succeed okay oh oh wait they didn't change the other ones here ah wait a sec oh wait what save success okay all right well we'll see if that we'll see if that works um all right Panda what one do you like uh I like K1 and uh Casa Dash pool those are my two favorites yeah all right oh accepted share yeah it's working now the temperatures is going to be an interesting uh interesting one um hero miners uh how do you find the I just want to see if it shows up here oh holy crap what what TS you got you got so what is this you got ks1 you got k2s you got you got a bunch of Pros that are overclocked what you don't need hash rate what wow wow W I'm choosing the next I'm choosing the next person choosing the next where is all right GDP I'm just kidding I I I don't care I'm just I'm just kidding you are first you were first now will it show up here that that I just want to see it show up on the pool uh I called it the what did I call this KS Zero Ultra oh yeah oh it shows up already yeah it shows up already KS Zero Ultra there it is there it is yeah yeah nice nice nice there you go there you go man congrats Max voltage red panda mining next time you need to put more thought into the prep prerequisite ah ah too funny way too funny okay uh I'm just Cur okay so I'm curious because this thing apparently it it needs to run hot in order to keep up uh stay with the uh the hash rate so I'm kind of worried that this thing is not going to be at 400 gigahash you guys think so I feel like this won't be at 400 hold on let me pull up let me pull up the other KS Z Ultra hold on I have two I have another ksz Ultra right behind it um right behind it there uh where is my ier reand okay 107 okay hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on all admin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 yeah okay so look okay so look the one behind it I'm getting 465 gigahash okay and then I guess we don't we don't really won't really know after five minutes I need to see the 30 minute hash rate here uh it's still climbing so uh this one's stuck I did not change the paste I didn't change the thermal pads nothing no copper mosfet mod uh but I'm curious to know what if this one's going to lower the hash rate so we'll see what do you guys say here 59 to 61 is too low calling it now 365 gigahash yeah because the target temperature the target temperature is going to be the the biggest Factor here technicals I'm sitting on top of my Altra right now like a Mother Goose on a hashy egg like technicals what's up man so no Pace no pads equals Max hash yes running like running stock is supposedly the best cuz look look at the temp on this thing stock I'm getting 76 Cel and 60° C temp two so this thing is running hot but it's giving me 465 gigahash now this one it obviously just started so it hasn't like heat soaked yet I'm at 70 and then 45 oh 76 and 60 I'm at 70 and 45 so I wonder if my my thermal paste job is going to be bad anyways it's still climbing it's still climbing so we'll see in a second in couple minutes he did not update the F yeah I did not not update the firmware I I I don't know if this is on the latest or not I don't think so I don't think so it says 3 24 I don't know what that means uh uh 32 there's no uh there's no date there's no date on this one I mean yeah I just got it I just got this K Zero Ultra 37 370 gigahash I feel like it's going to be hard stuck there and then this 465 gash oh wait no Dro down to 399 oh oh I mean it yeah it's fluctuating a lot this one fluctuates a lot 382 3 439 476 465 temperatur is rising 73 47 Yousef puts if running hotter is better why put new paste Panda well because I took it apart okay what am I supposed to do I can't just put it back on together with the same paste it was barely any paste on there Pink's paste uh no code fund latest firmware is 3215 okay so I am I am one version behind then okay so I should update the firmware I should update the firmware on this all right fine I noticed the Ultras really aren't stable at 400 GH they'll go from 340 to 410 consistently Jersey Jedi okay okay correct fluctuate a lot pink paste pink chain for the win temperature still climbing I'm kind of worried now we're at 75° C temp 1 49 temp 2 and then on the stock one with no paste all that stuff is 76 60 so maybe my maybe my did my thermal thermal pce job my thermal Pace job was maybe bad maybe my appli it's at 76 now oh no oh no it's not 76 here 50 here this thing is starting to heat it's starting to heat up turn your fans up RPM fans at zero oh why are they at zero wait what no I don't want zero I don't want zero you know what can I firmware update can I firmware update this I'm going to Firmware update this let me download let let me let me download this quick hold on hold on hold I got to switch screens hold on you guys can look at it one sec let me download it okay downloading please unzip before upgrading okay uh I got to unzip it he unzip okay I'm going to go update it now let's go to firmware upgrades select file uh documents this one I can show you guys this okay 3215 we're on 3214 so I'm going to double click click on that and uh update wait is my other one upgraded uh this one is not upgraded this is at 3214 as well you know what I'm going to update this one as well 3215 that's that's that's do I am going to update both KS zeros one's modded and one is not modded okay operation success confirm restarting machine yes all right it's going to reboot or did I not reboot uh all right uh I would have kept the first one stock with those numbers holy 3 35 ah you're right oh oh wow that's okay I'm down to I'm down to uh try it error uhoh they're both rebooting is the firmware upgrade worth it guys my hash R Temps are stable so if it ain't broke I ain't going to fix it I mean that's that's the normal mantra for crypto miners normally yes it's flashing and they're both flashing now okay uh they're both uh all right looks like they're both mining going to give it a bit going to give it a while uh uh guys I'm going to call it I think that's it you know what I I'll do an update video on these I'll let these things go and uh yes this thing needs to go for a couple hours before I really see what it does so if doing the mods doing the thermal paste doing the thermal new thermal pad and the copper mosfets if it really hinders the hash rate then uh I'll I'll mention it in the video so I'll see if it does like 360 gash instead instead of 400 so all right you guys have a great day thank you everybody thank you all I appreciate you all for watching I hope that was entertaining and fun that was fun for me kind of uh sorry for the technical difficulties in the in the in the beginning uh but uh we did it we did it we didn't break it thank you all thank you guys oh is this thing getting hot oh this thing's getting toasty oh yeah yeah oh yeah hold on hold on hold toasty toasty toasty toasty oh yeah 56 50 56° c at the moment what's the other one the other one is I got to turn it around the other one is 56 as W okay it's not that bad it's not it's not bad at all all right thank you guys see you later peace out peace out peace out panda face face cam I can see panda face you can't see anything my face was on the side that was my shelf with my network switches that that's my face network switch face peace Bros thank you so much peace out peace out peace out everyone hit that like hit that like appreciate you all

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