Best five meme coins to buy now with Upwards of 100x potential welcome back To the 99b YouTube channel I'm your host Umar Khan give me a second let's get Some lights in here boom I'm your host Umar Khan and today we're taking a look At 500x gems that you want to add to Your watch list if not load up a bag on Without any further Ado let's jump in The video but before we start I want to Ask if you haven't already smash the Subscribe button down below to reach Your 2024 crypto goals all right jump in Jump in straight into it the first coin On this list is Doge verse the world's First chain traveling Doge this one is Currently on pre-sale right now guys and They have already raised $3.1 million we Covered this puppy yesterday and I Believe they just passed the $2 million Mark which is absolutely insane this One's flying off the shelves literally And in one day and 12 hours you're going To be bumping up to the next round which Is they're going to raise their price uh But again by now before the price raise You're not going to want to miss out on The multi-chain Doge verse it's been Featuring a ton of different articles It's a multi Bridge utility token the Dogee token will be launched on ethereum B&B polygon salana Avalanche and base Utilize Superior bridging technology do Will be seamlessly multi-chain in just a

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Few clicks with minuscule gas fees to Worry about the cosmos is making Doge Culture multi-chain they have a solid Road map guys with five different phases With the last phase having a centralized Exchange listing continued marketing Efforts and Community incentives Incentivizing people to join and be a Part of the community tokenomics have a Nice distribution we can see the Allocation towards the pre-sale the Staking project funds liquidity Marketing uh ecosystem funds and Exchanges all solid and looks like they Also have staking as in here as well so You could be earning on your Doge vers a Multiverse Doge well with dynamic range Staking the current apy is sitting at 300% last we checked it was at 500% so It's always changing which is super Awesome so you can earn a load on your Doge all right the next coin on the list Is also a dog really token and that is Doge 20 this puppy is launching on Doge Day they've raised over $10 million in Market cap and in 7 days and 17 hours This coin is launching and you will not Be able to buy it in the pre-sale prices I strongly recommend buying at pre-sale As one you get in at a lower price two You get in before the pump and you know Three you make the maximum amount of Profit obviously this is not Financial Advice always do your own research and

Due diligence but that's what I've done With my experience and made the most bag Out of so you might want to take a look At loading up a bag of Doge 20 before it Launches with good boy Stak can utilize Smart contract powered by ethereum do2 Is more than a mcoin it brings posive Earning potential to the community now The good thing I like about staking Tokens guys is the price is a bit more Stable because if a lot of the community Is or most of the community staking even If people are buying and selling even if Whales enter and exit it doesn't you Know fluctuate the price way too much Which is nice to see that you know You're holding a lot of liquidity in a Project and also Al you're earning on Your project as well they have a solid Road map as well guys with a pre-sale Marketing early incentives pre-sale Token claiming uh Dex launch Unis swap Allocated liquidity provision and Long-term passive rewards as my guys Want to make that passive rewards have Their does out here working hard again This is literally your last chance guys The last week to load up a bag of Doge 20 don't miss out on this puppy the next Coin on the list is not a pre-sale token It's not even a dog token it's Pepe Token Pepe token has been going a little Bit on a downwards Trend we're down 6% On the day we've under that $3 million

Market cap we're s now sitting at 2.8 And low key falling out of public Favoritism which I think this is going To change we're 7 days away from the Bitcoin happening guys and once that Happens I think a lot of money is going To reenter the market and we're going to See a lot more attention back on mem Coins and I think these some of these Star cryptocurrencies are going to Really really shine Pepe currently Ranking at 45 with $600 million in Volume in the past 24 hours again still A very very big cycle and again people Are very bullish for Pepe again we' seen The community talking about over here uh Dogecoin Pepe will run together this Cycle and it will help the entire meme Economy which is very likely that Pepe Could carry the entire meme cycle so you Might want to load up a bag of Pepe the Next Co on the list is again a fan Favorite from even last bll run and that Is Sheba enu currently top 12 ranking Cryptocurrency with a $15 billion Mark Cap a lot of people are like how much More is shebaa going to grow but we can Until sheaa doesn't pass do coin guys Guys there's a lot more room for Sheba Enu again I've been super bullish on Shibba enu from the start from the very First day it was listed and again There's a lot of upside potential Between sharian bone leash the whole

Ecosystem they build staking ship swap They have it all and now with the Massive Burns as well which we had made A whole update video about yesterday Which you should definitely check out There's a lot of bullish things ahead For Shibu and the price definitely Continue we're definitely going to eat Up these zeros I don't know when but we Will one day see a 1 cent shainu maybe Not this bull run maybe the next one or Maybe even the one after that I'm very Bullsh she but you know you definitely Want to load up your bag now the last Coin on the list is actually very Similar to Shibu not just because it's a Dog but Floy enu another project that Came out last bull run but this one it's Different because what they're doing in The play to earn space is actually Absolutely massive they have a very Popular um play to earn desktop game I Think Valhalla and it became so popular That they're now releasing a mobile Version obviously the graphics will be Downscale but that just goes to show how Much popularity this coin has brought And the game has brought that now They're going to IOS and Android so Pretty bullish for Flaky and as for Price guys again Sitting at down 3% on the day we go to All guys you know we're really we Actually we almost passed previous

All-time highs then we saw a correction Again once we once this right around Early early to mid- March we kind of Seen a correction overall in the crypto Market as a whole a lot of coins are Down so again there's still a lot more This this poppy could pump especially What's doing this bull market versus Last bull market advertising Time Square Bringing their mobile game to desktop Bringing their desktop game to mobile The community building has been Absolutely insane for this one as well So again between the five projects guys I want you to let me know what your Favorite one was in the comment section Below which one you the most bullish on Again I'm super bullish for some of the Pre-sale ones Doge R is going to be Absolutely massive first multichain Dogecoin Doge 20 again launching in Literally a week and then we got Pepe Leading the B the meme coin cycle then We have Sheba enu a fan favor and then Flaky a gaming token again very bullish On all these tokens guys I want you to Let me know what you think about this List in the comment section below was There a coin I missed let me know like Always guys not Financial advice and Until next time it's your boy Umar peace [Music]

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