Welcome into another 99 Bitcoins video We're looking at Pepe which has recently Gone into price Discovery because it's Hit a new alltime high are we going to Get further continuation for Pepe this Is one of my favorite meme coins in the Crypto space right now and I really do Think it's got a lot more potential than Other mem coins such as Sheba or Dogecoin here um at the moment is seeing At $5.75 billion market cap and it did Recently scrape into the $6 billion Mark And I just kind of want to talk about What's going of Pepe cuz we' got 100% Supply things looking good there's no Inflation there's no token Dilution and we also had something very Recent which just passed which is the US House which passes the fit 21 crypto Bill so the bill had long been expected To pass at this level of the process Conversely the legislation will now be Sent to the Senate there its ultimate Fate becomes a little less clear however The House of Representatives have Reportedly held increased talks of Senate members to initiate progress so Basically the adoption of crypto the Hostility towards crypto should be Alleviated more and you can see here Look House pass his financial Innovation And technology for the 21st century act So basically since Donald Trump recently Announced cryptocurrency would be

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Accepted in fundraising efforts um Bidden recently noted his willingness to Engage with Congress on a balanced Regulatory flamework so hopefully Business owners and you know wealthy Individuals will stay in America Especially once you dabble into Blockchain and will not have to feel Like they have to leave and I think That's very much happening in the UK Lots of wealthy people are leaving the UK due to the insane taxations and the Red tape and bureaucracy surrounding Some cryptocurrencies so yeah I mean I Think it's a crazy space and I think you Know trying to control something 20 Years late is a little bit cheeky but Hey ho it's just how it goes right so Pepe sitting at 01366 guys we can see today we're seeing Some red candles here for paye coin in Fact we've had just over the last 4 Hours four red candles in a consecutive Flow but it doesn't mean we're going to See a real drop here for pepcoin we've Had a fantastic run over the last few Days as you can see can't really Complain sitting at this beautiful Beautiful new price Discovery territory It's still a price Discovery region so Yes we could indeed come back down and Retest like maybe the 20-day moving Average I think if we do come down Retest that 20-day moving average it

Could be another time to sort of Buy in To Pepe um but I do think maybe we could Correct down to that 6 and 786 Fibonacci Region which is going to take the coin Back down to around the 11 Mark if that Happened it could indeed also trigger Another potential area for accumulation And buying and may even produce another Wave up to the 16 region so we want to Stay above that 20-day moving average on Our bingers on our Ballinger bands here We are actually right at the top so We're definitely in a strong uptrend and The trajectory trajectory does look Indeed right really bullish so yeah Overall Pepe is looking good and I think Just looking at Pepe the fact it's got 6 Billion is Market Capital we could see a 3X here for this coin taking it to Around the $2 billion Mark absolutely by The you know the peak of the ball run so A lot of big expectation for this coin Right here and it's just really the Start we've not really seen the Mania Yet we've not seen the real ball run yet The real Rush here for um overal meme Coins and even Bitcoin itself you know Just sitting at $70,000 tells me that we Still got quite a long way to go of Course we could just see Pepe go wild And it could just break to the upside Like really frantically but right now it Is coming back down it's kind of in Touch of these diagonal support levels

And we are showing a little bit sign of Weakness following the alltime high I Think it is just cooling down a little Bit as you can see it's breaking down Out of this Fallen wedge and we're not Getting the bounce we're hoping for this Looked like a triple top which is a Bearish reversal pattern you got the Left shoulder you got the middle and Then you've got the the right so it's a Bit of a like an m shape but obviously With three tops so that can usually be Bearish but right now wouldn't really Say there's too much to worry about if You guys have been following the 99 Bitcoins Channel you also know about Doge verse if you're in my Discord which Is linked down below by the way um Doge Verse the new hot pre-sale the pre-sale Ends on the 3rd of June the Doge verse Token claim will be on the 5th of June So this is really exciting if you guys Want to get into a new 10x potential Opportunity here in the mem coin space Check out Doge verse there's a timer now 10 days 18 hours until Doge verse is Done and dusted so do your research with The link down below during due diligence And if you do want to grab some of these Awesome verse tokens Doge verse coins You can connect to your wallet and do so With the metamask or other def5 wallet Opportunities so $15 million has been Raised if it does a 10x it will go to

Around $2 million now remember this is All speculation I'm not saying it will Indeed pump it could go sideways it Could even go down you've got six Different chains where you can purchase On and a very very exciting road map Where it does hint at the centralized Exchanges soon continued marketing Community incentives there's going to be Of course a bird eye update and listing A DEX tools update and listing you've Only got 200 billion tokens here here Unlike you know coins like Pepe which Are in the trillions which is why when They first started trading they had many Many zeros on the price tag as you can See right there so Doge verse is Technically it can hit a dollar even Though it's 0.0031 it can hit a dollar based on the Toonomic structure pretty bullish on That and uh they do also have staking so If you like staking at the moment They've got 53% per anom opportunity for Locking up but remember if you do stake Your original staked tokens will be Locked in for days however you can Withdraw your staking rewards on day one Pardon me a it gassy um so yeah overall Doge burst looking strong you can see You know King Henry's top one mod Advisor they have indeed been putting a Lot of content out recently getting a Lot of Impressions retweets um they want

To be the king of the meme Market as you Can see right here guys so looks good 21k followers of course we're seeing Growth here for the M Market and at the End of the day we just want to see Growth around for the M Market we want To see Pepe go up we want to see every Everything go up so please do subscribe To the night9 Bitcoins YouTube and if You are new around here get yourself Into the jacobb Discord or Jacobs crypto Clan which is just linked down below as Well so let's see what happens for these Wonderful markets see you soon guys stay Crypto safe and thanks for checking out This video on the night9 Bitcoins YouTube channel

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