The Biggest News Crypto Has Seen In A Long Time… And Everyone Is Trying To Ignore It!

Now it's very interesting to me that When you're looking at cryptocurrency News and specifically that's what I've Typed into Google here crypto news it Doesn't show up the most important news That we have seen in the crypto space in A very long time you get no articles I Don't know if this is on Google's bias I Don't know if these are the major Outlets not reporting it on their bias But we're going to talk about what Donald Trump said about crypto currency And why this could absolutely change the Game for the better as the United States Gears up to embrace crypto as opposed to Driving it away and creating a hostile Environment let's discuss it if it Sounds like something you're interested In let's get started what's up everybody I'm clay bro and as you can see we've Got a crypto news pulled up on the Screen right now and and I alluded to it At the beginning of the video but I'm Just going to come out and say it Yesterday I don't know exactly what time Of day it was but last night Donald Trump said that he will Embrace crypto Currency now we're going to talk a Little bit more about the specifics of It he did say that it's he wants to make Sure that it is good he doesn't want Unregulated cryptocurrency but it he is Setting out to create an embracing Environment he is setting out to create

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An environment where the United States Allows crypto blockchain and the space To flourish as opposed to creating a Hostile environment in which the current Administration and the SEC has done so Let's discuss it a little bit further Right now as you can see on the screen If you Google crypto news it is nowhere To be mentioned crypto markets under Pressure is $2 billion dollar with what Coin token unlocks okay FTX the most Customers are they're going to be giving Them back their money okay FTX news Again FTX news again Robin Hood getting a Wells notice from The SEC Gary Gendler and the crypto corruption are The only things making headlines here in The United States right now you have to Go a little bit further you can't just Type in crypto news you have to type in Crypto news Trump if you want to pull up What's actually happening in the crypto Space right now Donald Trump says he'll Accept crypto for campaign donations Absolutely Spence and even these Articles here are trying to take their Shots Spen trial day off hyping crypto Pushing mugshot Nfts you can feel the bias just reading The headlines you don't even have to Read the article to understand that they Are written with a bias you've got I'm Good with it Donald Trump just sent the

Price of this tiny Bitcoin rival soaring FTX campaign donations controversy looms After Donald Trump pledges to accept Crypto contributions oh man now they're Liking Donald Trump to Sam bankman freed Simply for allowing crypto contributions To be made if you can't taste if you Cannot taste the bias that is written in These unbiased news articles I I don't I Think you might have the bias yourself I'm just going to put it that way now Trump attacks Biden's awareness says Biden doesn't even know what crypto is It's true man I I can almost guarantee You Biden has no idea what Cryptocurrency is now I urge you to go Read these entire articles for yourself But I want to talk a little bit about um A little bit about what Donald Trump Said at this meeting and why this could Be an excellent thing for cryptocurrency In the year to come it says it's former US president Donald Trump's nft event on Wednesday urged the crowd of Cryptocurrency Advocates to support his Candidacy and emphasizing the importance Of their votes this occasion was dinner Gala celebrating Trump's mugshot Edition Nft collection now when questioned about Accepting cryptocurrency for campaign Donations Trump confidently assured that He would facilitate it if you can't I'll Make sure that you can Trump declared to His attendees he was informed that many

Crypto businesses were relocating Offshores due to stringent regulations Trump responded firmly we'll stop it we Don't want that we're going to embrace It his voice Rising above the the noisy Gathering additionally Trump criticized President Joe Biden claiming that the Current president is unaware of the Nuances of cryptocurrency he criticized The Biden Administration stance on Cryptocurrency stating Democrats don't Like it and Biden doesn't even know what It is which it's true man highlighted The diverse nature of cryptocurrency and Asserted if you were in favor of crypto You better vote for Trump he declared Now what was actually said at this event Yes those are the quotes a lot of people Saying that just doing it for votes is Something that we are seeing right now And you know what if you were going to Embrace crypto if you have taken the Stance to embrace a flourishing industry In order to get votes why would it be a Bad thing to see the United States Flourish and potentially become once Again right we have lost a lot of Innovation due to the current Administrations just absolutely horrific Stance on embracing cryptocurrency and These companies have been kicked out of The United States or left on their own Because of the Hostility why would it be a bad idea to

See the United States Reign true and to See the United States Embrace crypto in A way that can make us an Innovative Leader I know there's no bad thing There's no bad there's no I guess Negative to that taking place here Donald Trump said that he wants to make Sure that cryptos are good there will be Regulation that is okay to regulate an Industry it is okay to make sure that These so-called Investments and these Projects are safe but you do that by Embracing them exactly like he said you Don't do that by taking the sec's Current Approach and and taking these these Exchanges taking these projects taking These decentralized Dows to court and Not providing a reason not providing the Guidelines in which they need to work Within you do that by creating Clarity You do that by creating an environment Where Innovation thrives and you do that By embracing it exactly the way that was Stated here so guys I want to know what You think about this because I truly Believe if the United States once again Embraces crypto crytocurrency we could See a major push and we could see a bull Market that is even better than any bull Market that we have seen before let me Know what you guys think about it down In the comments and until the next time Hope to each and every one of you have

An awesome day

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