The Cheapest Bitcoin Miner Sale $7.99

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what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day and uh I officially have the cheapest mining device that I have ever encountered and that's now available for sale on my website for probably a limited amount of time um now these are nerd Miners and these are stripped down Bare Bones nerd miners no displays you just plug them in uh they have Wi-Fi so you connect to the Wi-Fi and you configure your device all that kind of stuff just like normal um but until the end of day on Cyber Monday these will be on sale on the bcpc web store my web store uh for $7.99 now um I think we had I think we have 50 of them right now but uh if you're interested in them they do mine Shaw 256 and um they mine it very slowly so if you if you're familiar with nerd miners at all they do like what 50 to 60 kilohash uh it's very very slow uh probably would never hit a block these are going to be in the lottery minor category and a lot of people like to call these uh Educational Tools because the chances that you would hit a block are so ridiculously low that it's measured in thousands of years to hit one block but it's still a cool toy and also a cool little stocking stuffer or a gift you can give to somebody uh and they're they're actually really simple um and they're easy to configure so literally you just plug it into a USB type-c power that's all it needs it burns like 1 one and 1/2 Watts you don't need any kind of cooling it doesn't have any displays when it's actually running it just looks like you know what let me flip it around and show you what it looks like all right so I have two of them running right here and they're just dangling down from my computer they will run off of a regular uh USB slot any amount of power pretty much will run these no problem um I have mine numbered and whenever I set them up uh with the worker ID I just put each number in so I can see if they're connected or not but basically if the red light's on and the blue lights blinking after you do the setup then it's up and running now uh I will include a link down below with a tutorial on how to set these up there like I said super easy super simple and let me go over to the pool and show you all the devices that I do have connected all right so public pool is the pool that I suggest using for nerd miners in general no matter what kind of nerd Miner you're going to be using because a lot of the other uh solo Miner Bitcoin pools will not allow uh this low of a hash rate to actually show up the difficulty adjustment won't go that low now you can see right here I have about 10 devices hooked up so we are fluctuating anywhere from uh 450 all the way up to 600 k now um those odds to hit a Bitcoin block at 600 Kash still literally basically zero um you're never going to hit one of these do not buy one of these if you think you're going to plug it in and hit a Bitcoin block uh these are literally educational fun little toys um this is a good way to get somebody into mining if they don't know anything about it you buy one of these um you know shoot them the link for how to get it set up or just literally plug it in and connect to the Wi-Fi that it transmits that's all you do whenever you plug it in you just go down to Wi-Fi and you look for nerd minor AP you connect to that it'll bring up a browser and then it'll ask you for your pool address which it'll automatically have public pool filled in and then it'll ask you for your Bitcoin address um and that that's as simple as that and then once you're connected you can go to web.

Publicpool das pool or web u-pol doio I'll leave I'll put that link down below as well and then you can search your Bitcoin address to find your stats now going over to the front end of public pool you can actually see how many devices they have connected and if you go down here to nerd miners they have 59,00 nerd miners connected for a total of 4.1 ghash yes 59,000 nerd miners still are only 4.1 ghash I know it's crazy but um still you know it is cool at the at the end of the day anyway guys I'm going to jump off here so yeah this sale for $7.99 on these devices is going to last until 12 12 12:00 Eastern Standard Time or or midnight Eastern Standard Time Cyber Monday so all the way through the end of cyber monday y'all have a good one I'll see you on the next one adios

As found on YouTube

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