The Crypto Bottom May Be In! This Metric Shows Memes Ready To Explode! PlayDoge Staking Update!

Meme coins are making a comeback now I Know that the market market has been on A downturn over the last couple of days Really weeks maybe almost an entire Month now is Bitcoin has been falling Ethereum's been falling salana has been Falling but it seems as though we may be Bottoming out and things are beginning To rise again now this could be an Excellent dip buying opportunity because Of course we are in an overall bull Market and you can see right here that Mem coin liquidity hits record high even As the bid ask spread spotlights risk We're going to talk a little bit about This in the video we're going to talk About a meme coin that I believe could Absolutely soar as the market rebounds Play Doge guys if you haven't seen it You need to stick around and check it Out and if it sounds like something You're interested in let's get started What's up everybody I'm clay bro and as You can see we get playd Doge on the Screen now if at any time during this Video you guys find yourself interested In buying please make sure you use that Link in the description below pull up This website it's going to be very very Easy to connect your wallet but we're Going to go over that in a second here We get to check out this article here Because this is an excellent insight Into the fact that Meme coins are making

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A comeback and we could be seeing some Fantastic gains up ahead now we know That Meme coins are risky so the spread On them is of course going to be a Little larger than other times but it Says executing trades in prominent meme Coins is easier than ever now that Liquidity as measured by 1% Market depth Has surged to record highs according to Data tracked by Paris Bas Koo the Combined figure for do shib Pepe whiff Bon Gro baby Doge flaky meme Harry Potter spot bottle whatever and the Other one there recently Rose to $128 Million the data shows the figure Describes the total value of buy and Sell orders within a 1% range of current Market price the deeper the liquidity That is the higher the figure the easier It is to execute large orders at stable Prices guys a lot of people they you Know they enter my live streams they They leave comments on the videos and They don't consider meme coins a viable Investment and I put it in quotes Because I don't think that Cryptocurrency at all is an investment I Believe it's a speculative trade right We understand the really well I guess if You're looking at it this way there's Nothing ever considered an investment It's very hard to fundament Fundamentally value a a cryptocurrency Right but when we're taking a look at

Liquidity pools we're taking an an Understanding the concept that a Cryptocurrency is only as good as the Community that it can develop and the Holders that it can develop you get a Little bit better understanding of why Crypto is so speculative especially meme Coins but those could lead to the most Robust gains because of course those are The ones that are able to build the Largest communities now with meme coin Liquidity at an all-time high at record Highs right now it means that people are Pouring into these meme coins on this Dip why because they understand the idea That we are in an overall bull market They know what happened the last time Now we are on a dip in a bull market This could lead to the perfect buying Opportunity for the meme coins mentioned Here do Shibu coin Pepe with Bon all of That but even more so the smaller ones Guys if you're looking at play do here You can see that they have already Raised 4,946 $6,000 in their pre-sale I truly believe That if the market wasn't pulling back The way that it is Playdoh would be well Above $10 million by now Plato may have Sold out by now they are doing an Amazing job of continuing to sell Despite the recent blood bath that the Market has been going through and that

Is a true Testament of the demand that It is creating now if you guys want to Click the link in the description below To pull up play Doge you're going to Click connect wallet I like to use Wallet connect but you guys can use However you want to connect your wallet Here and then you're going to decide how Much you want to buy uh five ethereum Worth is going to get you 3.3 million Playd do and you can also buy with BNB Or usdt on both the ethereum and the BNB Blockchain if you want to stake staking Is now available on the ethereum Blockchain and you're Earning 140% annualized interest guys go Look at the market right now you're not Getting 140% annualized interest Anywhere and you you can get that in Play Doge if you are willing to stake You going to foro the liquidity sure but You also don't have to worry about the Launch date volatility and volatility Thereafter so what is play Doge play Doge is the best play to ear play to Earn Doge companion game it is the Ultimate mobile play to earn game that Brings the iconic doge meme to Life as a Tagachi style virtual pet you're going To be able to secure your play tokens in The pre-sale to earn crypto while Playing the alic 2D Retro Game Adventures guys it is absolutely awesome You're going to have Cutting Edge

Digital economy of cryptocurrency you're Going to nurture your playd Doge by Feeding entertaining training and Ensuring it gets enough sleep and you're Going to dive into classic 8 bit Sidescrolling Adventures reliving The '90s Nostalgia of gaming so they are Building a a play to earn tamagachi Style app this is the graphic that They're going with so far and on top of That they're going to have all of these Mini games you're going to have the Scrolls and you're going to have uh These retro style arcade games very Similar to Space Invaders and so on that You're going to be able to come out and Play now there are four phases to the Road map if you would like to go over Those just please understand that the App and the launch of the mini games is Going to be taking place in Phase 4 if You want to break down of the tokenomics They are here and of course you can go Through and understand better how to Connect your wallet buy and claim and All of that there but please get your Questions answered before buying in this Is the one I see the most this is the One I go over the most but once the Pre-sale concludes all buyers will be Able to claim their play tokens using The same wallet that they contributed uh Token claiming is going to take place on The BNB blockchain so when is the token

Pre-sale going to end these guys are Slated for 40 price increases because The timers keep ticking down and the Market is pulled back a little bit and You're not seeing as much money pour in It's taking a little bit longer which Means that you guys can earn those Staking rewards for a little bit longer As well think about that every I guess Every corner has its benefit if the Pre-sale takes longer you're going to be Earning more and more rewards which is Absolutely awesome especially at 140% Annualized interest but it's not too Late to get in guys they've already gone Through roughly 10-11 price increases Therefore they have roughly 30 price Increases left think about that you're Going to have such a nice padded Position if you decide to get in now by The time this token launches hopefully The market is completely rebounded Hopefully everybody is bullish and Hopefully you are in to take advantage Of the ride I am in I am ready I want to Know down in the comments below if you Guys are in and if you're ready as well Now until the next time hope to each and Every one of you have an awesome day

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