The State of Salad October 2024

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hey guys arpm here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video I wanted to just showcase to you guys my salad rigs currently that I have running so total I have six of these salad rigs running and and I also wanted to show in this video how much I've been earning over the past like 30 days and I'll tell you right now the earnings that I've been having it's all over the place it's not always constant it's not always the same and so this video is more so just for me to just explain to you guys my experience thus far with salad and how I'm you know trying to earn money with these rigs so in total I have six here okay I have three RTX 39 90s okay and they're all coupled with various 550x CPUs they all have 64 gigs of RAM and a 1 terb nvme for storage and most of them are running Windows 10 some of them are running Windows 11 cuz they could but I don't think there's any difference on you know whether or not it's Windows 10 or Windows 11 so yeah these three here are 390s these have been probably the most money making gpus that I have running on solad I don't have any 40 series I don't have any 4090 and I've heard that those are earning a lot more obviously than you know 309s but then I have some 3060 rigs here which actually have been decent uh in the past but I'd say over the past week my 30 60s here have not earned a uh like a workload or a container I do have one here that seems to have found a job cuz I do see the fans running but uh I do have the other two here this one and the one on the table over there it is not running okay so yeah I want to go on the computer I want to talk to you guys about my earnings and I want to get your guys' thoughts about your earnings down below so I'll see you in the computer okay so before I get into my earnings of how much I've been earning over the past like 30 days it's actually very dependent on what's been available in terms of jobs and there was a live stream that happened with salad on Twitch they had their state of salad episode 202 okay this happened 3 days ago as of recording and I just skimmed through a bunch and I I wrote down some notes Here of what they mentioned okay and this is probably going to coincide with my earnings okay which I'll just show you guys right here over the past 30 days it was uh not notably over the past four weeks it was not that great but then I would say you know the past week or two it's been a lot better okay and I have added more 30 60s over the past last week or so here uh but just to let you guys know they haven't really found any job yet except for one okay so I got 1360 rig here that's been trying to it's been calculating over the past like three or 4 days here still still hasn't found a job but I do have one that has a job here okay I'll just show you real quick uh this guy right here 52 cents to $130 job all right so anyways before I keep talking about my earnings here we'll talk about just some notes that I wrote down of the stream uh but I highly recommend you guys go watch it only has 167 views I'll have it linked down below uh of their state of the solad stream over the past week but before I talk about this thank you for today's video sponsor Tera hosting they're actually giving away a 4090 which the drawing will happen on November 1st okay I'll have this link down below it's a gleam competition here it's free to enter anyone can you know log in to gleam here and participate in the giveaway there's a bunch of entries that you guys can entry here for free and so if you guys are looking for Asic mining hosting they have spots available schedule a call with them if you would like so moving along guys let's talk about salads live stream that they had 3 days ago so wrote some things here and first thing I'll start off they said there's been more jobs available over the past week or two okay so maybe you guys have seen some GPU have been getting rented notably my 390s have they're all rented okay I've I've noticed that over the past week or two here they have been getting jobs okay so about doar to $260 but I can actually show you here uh if I do it by earnings per machine okay I don't care you guys can see my IDs here but you know over the past week you can see you know some of my 309s were averaging between $264 to $242 $326 okay so it's it's it was fluctuating but it was I would say pretty constant over the past uh over the past uh week or so uh with my 309s so that's that's pretty good but moving along here okay now uh they said here uh triple digit 3090 owners got filled okay like over a couple hundred 390 owners uh people that had 390s on uh on the network was was filled and I could I can definitely attest to that like I just showed you guys then uh they said 4070 TI and supers earn the same as a 3090 uh so they said about 50ish jobs available uh for the 4070 TI and supers so I don't have any 40 series so I can't say if people that have these uh got rented out or not uh next Point here multiple hundreds of jobs available for the 490s all right so if anyone who has 490s this is going to be one that is yeah it's obviously these gpus are not cheap but you know clients people that are wanting to rent out these gpus are looking for 490s so yeah looks like 490s anyone that has 490s right now it'll get a job it'll get a workload right away next point they talked about they said a huge customer came in looking for 360s and 470s uh this was said earlier in the Stream So I wrote this down here I I don't know if like my 30 60s have not been rented that much again I do have one that's rented but I'm assuming that there's actually a lot of 30 60s out on the network right now so I can't say that uh that there's a lot but there's probably a lot out there but in terms of the the job the client that bought you know a bunch of 3060 jobs it's probably just too much Supply out there and you know still not enough demand but yeah my my 3090 is I have a job here it says 221 to 525 so looks like this one's doing well anyways moving along okay several big customers have come in with long-term commitments so this this was mentioned uh by one of the the de developers here I think this gentleman right here and uh yeah so yeah it looks like um more people more companies are coming in and wanting to uh pay for the uh compute okay so that's pretty cool uh next point is 408s will find jobs easily so that's a comment I wrote down here next one okay so now this is where they did have a big change I don't know if this is really that big but majority of people have 500 or you know 1 tbte hard drives should be okay but it says storage space requirement is 70 GB for a a job so make sure you have Ample Storage and you know fast storage for you know for salad okay if you're a chef now there was a new version that came out they said here vram issue losing workload problem cause of a the cause was a small text animation um so looks like they fixed that and you know some people had issues and then uh they also added a call to action uh to update the Nvidia driver if you had a like a degrade State I had this once on one of my Rigs and yeah it was like an air like a yellow I don't have one here example but it was like a yellow portion here it says oh you need to update your driver and so yeah I did that and it was uh no issue okay so some of you guys may need to update your drivers all right next uh they had an issue I just wrote it down briefly here game detection issue this is mainly towards people who use their gaming computers and salad and so I I personally all my machines are are you know separated I don't have I don't these aren't not gaming machines nothing on these machines but salad okay uh I'm assuming that's most of you guys that are watching me are the same same thing they now have 128 gigs of RAM uh requirement uh for some clients now some clients are actually looking for more than 64 gigs of RAM and so they mentioned in that stream um that some clients may be paying more all right so you could earn more if you actually have 128 GB of uh memory on your on your motherboard now okay so that's something that's new I think they said over the past week or two and uh it's now available okay so if you have more than 128 gigs or more than 64 gigs of RAM it may benefit you I think they said generally anything that 64 gig gigs of RAM is still okay is still perfect but there are some clients out there that are looking for more than 64 gigs of RAM so that's some to think about if you are getting into this I mean ram is I mean it's it's expensive but it is also another added cost if you want to add 128 gab of ram um so just just keep that in mind but that's that's cool that's something cool to think about um now they have uh chefs who have six or more machines have exploded so I mean yeah I mean I'm a person that has six you know solid rigs right machines um I definitely know a lot of people who have six or more okay but it it definitely makes makes sense that they they said here it has exploded over the past uh past couple of weeks so yeah that makes sense and then they said uh just a final point I wrote down a person who had a single 4090 will earn more than five or 6 3060 machines so I mean that makes sense because yeah looks like you know in the beginning I wrote down they said multiple hundreds of uh 4090 jobs are available so that makes sense and then as my 30 60s here I mean I have two that still don't have jobs okay but one does have a job here you know it's Supply and then the demand for the 30 60s I think obviously matters right a lot so it's just yeah I think obviously the 490s are like the creme de creme you know the the best gpus for you know for AI or for these types of uh workloads that people are wanting to use them for so yeah it's no doubt in my mind you know the 4090 will definitely make more uh will earn more uh than a 3060 but going back now to my earnings here guys yeah I'm going to have to say over the past yeah over the past week or two here I've definitely been earning more and with their you know state of the salad stream over the past 3 days here uh them mentioning that there were more you know more 3090 jobs I guess for me it definitely made sense that I was earning more here but um yeah we'll see how long that lasts just wanted to give you guys an update here of my rigs here I only have six right now over the past 30 days I earned about $145 amongst all these all these rigs mainly my 33090 are the money makers currently so yeah still going along I mean as I look at this this is like paying for my phone bill hell it's even paying for my internet bill so that's kind of how I look at this it's like these machines are paying for my phone bill internet bill of course you know electricity you have to take account too but it's not like crypto mining you know I I saw my my 309s you know they don't constantly take you know 200 300 watts um it's sometimes they only take like 100 Watts or 150 watts it's it's very it's not always constant like crypto mining so I'm going to have to say these 309s that have that have been getting a job over the past you know past month or what I've earned it's definitely earned more than what I were to do with crypto mining or I know some people will say why don't you mine a Leo well yeah that would been more so over the past week or two but I'm going to have to say yeah it's been good with these rigs that I have on salid it's been earning it's been earning a decent amount and uh yeah I like it it's so far it's been it's been good but uh am I going to be adding more you know rigs to salad I do have more that I could I do have like six more 390s that I could take out but uh I may be utilizing that for something else so anyways guys that's it let me know your thoughts and uh let me know if you guys have been earning well or not let me know what GPU that you've been using uh if it's been uh earning you guys decent amount just let me know what your setups are down below all right I'll see you on the next video have a good one peace out

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