what is up ladies and gentlemen we are back it's been a few days we had a holiday weekend but we're back in the computer shop my name's Brandon and um today I actually wanted to talk a little bit because I am sending out an AMD CPU and I've had issues in the past especially on the am4 it's no longer a problem on am5 because they went away from the pin and they went to LGA with the pad design on the CPU side uh but the pins are fragile they're hard to ship so I had a bunch of these shipping boxes printed up and I've still had issues where people tell me they have bent pens on their CPUs uh and then sometimes they break off whenever you try to bend them back now is it a big problem no on smaller CPUs but when you get up into bigger CPUs it does become more concerning so I'm thinking I'm going to start pairing all of my AMD CPUs with a motherboard so that that way they ship in in the socket and I can go ahead and like literally attest it put it in there and leave it in there and um the video I did yesterday about the soyo boards like you know having a budget board I I think that'll probably be one of the options I might have two different am4 options so there's like you know a nicer board and then a cheaper board um but just so I don't end up sending the shipping these these chips through the mail and hopefully have less risk uh because I feel like when they're in the socket there ain't nothing happening to them so uh for example this one is going out to Max voltage he ordered this it's a b550 with a 5700 G and I have other AMD processors that I have not listed on my website yet just because I've been hesitant cuz I've had a couple returns due to Bent pins and it's just like you know I've done everything I can I'm making those little boxes so it rests on the edge but if somebody pulls it out of there wrong or whatever uh it could bend them um so if it's pre-installed in the motherboard it's it's pretty much you don't even need to take it out of the motherboard at that point um I'd like to hear your guys' thoughts and opinions on that but other than that today is just a behind the scenes video we're packing boxes we're enjoying the cool weather um a little bit of rain came in last night so it knocked the temperature off um and it just it feels good it's a nice day hope everybody else is having a nice day so um let's get this order packed up and then we'll jump on to the next one all right the next order let me get the uh the number here uh where we at uhoh I lost where I was at order number okay I don't know I'm might have to pull that back up but in this order they got a Radeon RX 5700 non XT and this one still has fans that that spin decently unlike this one over here this one's shipping with new fans but oh yeah that's that's the one right there check that guy out these MSI cards are just famous for having having fan issues um but yeah MSI Arrow 1080 RX 5700 1066 gigabyte and this is a huge 1060 and then a 1080 ti so I have no idea what he's doing with this broad range of cards maybe budget builds because these would all be pretty good graphics cards for Budget builds but I'm going to get these packed up and then we'll move on to the next order um oh and somebody did ask what are people paying for these so I'm going to try to include that in future videos um okay there's the order right there so they originally priced this 10 this 1080 was $120 but they got all of this uh on the sale that I did over the past weekend where if you spend $400 you get $100 off so this was marked down to $94.88 this 10 60 originally was $77 and it was marked down to $608 this uh rx5700 from MSI was originally $125 marked down to $98 and then this 1080 TI was originally 155 uh but it got marked down to1 12251 and it automatically basically applies like a 25% discount well not 25% but uh I don't know I don't know how it works it but it takes it and if you spend over 400 it takes 100 off and it takes it off equally off of each card so I thought that was pretty cool um yeah so hopefully that explains some things and let's roll on to the next one all right so it's time to pull the next order and uh this one he got a bunch of stuff he also capitalized on the discount that we had going on so he got one 5600 XT gigabyte which I believe is this card right here so these cards were actually I marked them down and he got them on sale so it's a win-win because they don't have the original shrouds I bought them from a minor and they zip tied fans to the cooler so apparently they run cool I would imagine so they get a lot of air flow but I had these marked uh at $80 and um after the discount he got him for $624 for that one and then the next one he got was the MSI 5700 with the bad fans But it includes replacement fans it actually includes uh three of them just cuz I had them laying around so on that one I had it marked down to 120 and that's a 5700 XT actually let make sure this is the right card yep that's a 5700 XT and it was originally priced at $10 and then it was $90 37 cents after after the discount so that was a good little deal right there um and then they got a uh 578 gig XFX which I believe yeah those are are over there so let's let's get this cabinet open and grab it time to restock the case so this is an XFX 578 gig yep just verifying fans are all spinny um originally priced at $45 after the discount this was $338 and he actually got two of these so I am now I think sold out I think I'm sold out of 570s maybe maybe not no I see 570s over there sitting in the box so yeah he got both of these let me make sure this one's a yeah 578 gig Tri XX so he got each of those for $338 a piece or $67.72 for both of those awesome for like cheap entry-level budget builds and then the last card that he got for this order was a MSI Venta 1660 super which I believe I have somewhere in this case is it that one right there I think it's this one 1660 super Ventus MSI actually got this one in on trade last week somebody came in and traded up from this 1660 to a 2070 so that one did not stay in inventory long uh I had this one priced at 115 after the discount he got it for 8661 and the total for this order um before shipping let's see here actually the total with this order including shipping um he got what 1 2 3 4 five graphics cards is that correct let me see here 1 two 3 four five yeah all five of these graphics cards were $325 shipped uh inside the us so I don't I don't think that's too shabby um let me know what you guys think and let me know if you guys also like changing up the format where I show you the orders and Al also the prices and don't worry this isn't going to be every single video this is just you know a behind the scenes video so yeah boom all right let's I'm going to get these packed up and let's roll on to the next order all right guys and we're finishing this video off with a Zotac and it's a Zotac that still has working fans it's a miracle um if you don't know especially 30 series Zotac this generation Zotac like 3060 TI 307s um these fans love to go out it's very very common but anyway uh somebody picked this bad boy up and um let's see here they also got a 5700 XT uh XFX raw I already packed it so sorry about that anyway they got the 5700 X for $985 after the sale that we were running um the 3070 was $295 before the sale after the sale it came down to 22543 so scored uh some decent little cards there let me get this one packed up and I think I'm going to call it a day because I got to go pick up my son and get all this stuff shipped out we have bunch of boxes stacking up over there ended up using the printer box from my new printer for one of the orders I recycle yeah
These GPUs sold Cheap at computer shop