This might pay for all my GPU Mining’s Electric BILL!

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[Music] [Music] hey guys red P mning here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video I just wanted to Vlog what I've been doing over the past couple days here you guys see I have one of my open a like test bench PCS here it's basically a PC it's not a mining rig it's just a singular GPU which this is an RTX 3090 coupled with one of my 550xp motherboard combos I got from retro mic and Chum change whom I traded and bought for and then I got a 12200 W power supply here a bit overkill for the 309s but some of you may know I brought over a bunch of power supplies from my open a mining frames that I had sitting for over the past couple years so I'm now utilizing these power supplies for these builds which is on salad right now I know that's the hot thing right now and I know it's really nothing to do with crypto mining but I'm just going to talk about why I'm building all these things and just to show you okay don't don't don't mind the 20 GPU rig okay don't don't look at that don't even talk about it I bought a bunch of 64 gig memory kits just off Amazon here and I've been populating them with also 1 TB nvmes okay on these types of frames so I bought a few more frames on Amazon they're about $35 $40 each link down below if you guys want to see the frame that I bought here just open air style the reason why I bought these and I'm not going to go like you know all computer cases or something like that is simply because these types of rigs are going to be running I guess 20 2 47 right and the GPU which this salad rig here which we did in a live stream you guys really enjoyed me struggling but we finally got it on we had an issue with the I guess the ram stick I just took it out resed it in another slot the two and four dim slots and it seems to work but the reason why I have these all in open air frames is because the power consumption for these uh which I did see this rig go up up to 500 watts at one point when it was doing a salad container okay right now I do have a I guess a $5 doish container and this rig here uh it hasn't always been making a $5 a day so actually the past 24 hours I would I only earned about $222 in the past 24 hours so it was earning but it was not earning a container and so I believe I know the issue is because the past day or two there was an update from solid 1.55 to 1.5.7 so I updated it there was a prompteer that did it and now I have a $5 container another thing I did was also update the Nvidia driver okay Nvidia driver to the latest version I was reading the salad Discord and one of the salad members said you know this might help with uh you know getting the salad container much faster I don't know if it actually does that but I know there are some people saying the older NVIDIA drivers was better for compatibility but now I download the latest one and we're just yeah it seems to be working just fine so I'll keep you guys updated in another video so yeah with all this stuff here I'm still building a bunch of rigs a bunch I got a bunch of these uh thermal R x120 CPU coolers I bought these a while ago I think Black Friday and you guys all know the motherboards here that I have to get set up that's what I've been uh doing here over the past day or so here just getting these online as I'm now motivated by the fact that you know we can earn a good amount of money so I'll explain that in a second I just want to take note here I did did something very stupid okay so I took out a ryzen 550x off of uh this motherboard I believe it was chump change or retro mic's motherboard here I took it out and I accidentally hit my camera and you can see here you can probably see it I you can probably see it on the video I bent a pin at the bottom here okay you can you can definitely see I bent a pin there so extremely bent okay just wanted to show you guys here like that look at that right there it's something I do not know how to bend this back I don't have the tool or if there's a specific tool to do that if you guys know let me know there's a couple pins here that are bent on this 59 uh 50x so I can't believe I did that okay so Bitcoin right now is 65,500 so it's been going down and a lot of people are have been getting quite negative on the market but I I'm going to tell you guys you know stay strong stay positive this is the time to just buckle down and try to accumulate still hopefully good times are ahead not Financial advice of course okay so I'm using Google remote okay I just set up the other rig on the first shelf that was uh over there okay the one that's sitting uh right there okay I set that up and I'm using Google remote to access this rig look at how cool that is oh man I love it I love it anyways did some of you guys have issues with Google remote I'm using Google Chrome okay I'm not using Internet Explorer or anything like that but I'm using Google Chrome and sometimes it's very slow so I ordered some HDMI dummy plugs okay and I'm going to get those uh installed on all of these because I obviously don't want to have a monitor plugged in on every single rig so Google remote was something that I learned from the mining King and Brandon coin a lot of these guys use uh Google remote to remote into these you know systems but let me know if HDMI dummy plugs has helped you guys in order to have it you know acknowledge or just not freeze in the Google remote web goey here okay so I just turned on this rig it looks like it's got a what a 3 $4 container and currently the memory usage if we go here it shows WM WME M WSL okay so it looks like it's like 2 GB usage at the moment okay for this 3090 rig okay and I know it just started so I know maybe an hour or two later it's going to start using 500 WTS okay so this is where once I set up all the CPU rigs which I'm going to have maybe about 10 in total okay about 9 390s and 1390 TI I'm hoping to plop them all on the bottom rack here and I'm going to designate this pdu okay for I guess salad and I'm probably going to remove all the ks Z Pros Evergreens and everything else here that uh I I don't really want to run anymore more all this other stuff I am going to keep track of the kilowatt hours that this thing is going to take okay so I'm going to just I'm going to reset this pdu and I'm going to yeah keep track of how much power how much kilowatts that this thing is is going to use so under energy okay this is where I can keep track of this and hopefully I can I don't know how how can I reset the energy here all right I'm going to have to search that up I'm going to have to search that up later anyways that's my plan once I have all the you know the systems online I will then figure out roughly how much power I've been using I did some math I mean if I'm using 500 WTS I guess .5 kilowatt hour in an hour then I times that by 24 and at my electrical rate here of about 7.5 then you know this thing should use about what a dollar a day in electricity if it was pulling 500 WTS full time on salads so that's a dollar a day but if I'm making you know $5 a day on salad on a singular rig that's obviously making me like what $4 profit of course salad does have a 10% fee okay when you withdraw to PayPal all right so you can do that I'm not going to do gift cards I'm just going to do income because my whole plan is here okay let me explain here one of the big reasons why I'm doing all this is that if I'm going to get paid in Fiat for you know these 10 rigs here if I'm going to be getting about what $50 us then I could then in theory use that money to offset the electricity usage and be able to hold the crypto from my mining rigs that are currently you know mining like my 307s I can hold all the whatever coin that I'm mining right now which is actually zealous and you guys know my open air mining cave Tower these are these are mining all various coins I'm actually already holding these for longterm anyway but also my I don't know as6 as well so that's why I'm like kind of diversifying my whole set here of having these 309s which I really wasn't running anyway so that I can you know earn some income on these 390s okay so I'm going to take the other uh 3 390s I already there those are already set up I have another 6 390s and then a 3090 TI I need to set up and build for these rigs which I really like I really like these open airframes it looks really cool really cool it's also very light as well easy to move around modular and yeah it's it's great in a way so all right my friends that's it I just wanted to do an easy Vlog just to let you guys know what I'm up to and yeah I'm having a lot of fun building these Rigs and uh getting some some earnings here oh looks like this one's up at $527 now that's pretty good that's pretty good for $390 okay my friends I'll see you all in the next video let me know your thoughts have a good one peace out

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