Hey guys, what is up wrapped mining here, how you guys all doing hope, y’all doing really well and have a really great day in this video, i’m gon na be a little bit heated because i’m gon na be talking about youtube and how there are these bought Comments showing up on my videos and many other like mining tubers as well. I’M just going to show you guys what i mean here, because it is getting just ridiculous okay. So, for example, i just released a video yesterday and i’m just going to show you here in the comments you can see here. There’S a bunch of replies, and it says thanks for watching the video, don’t forget to hit the notification bell for more info hit. My inbox – and it shows like this number here – i think it’s it means for like whatsapp or telegram, which i don’t even have a whatsapp or telegram all right guys. Just to let you know, if you are watching this video you’re new to my channel, i do not have whatsapp or a telegram okay, my official email, my official email, which is in the descriptions of my videos, is contact redpandamining.com, and here it is email for business Inquiries only contact redpendedmoney.com all right, so this is this is just getting out of control. It’S happening every hour like every couple hours, there’s like a bot wave, i’m pretty sure it’s a bot, that’s automatically putting these comments. Uh in everyone’s who, you know, comments on my videos. These bots are replying like look at this like r e b panda mining like this is not even my account guys. I hope a lot of you guys know that, and i’ve actually been hearing. Some people have been falling for it all right they go in and they talk to these people on whatsapp and they send them crypto for, for god’s sake, like guys, please for the love of god. This is not me. This is not me, okay. I i cannot. I cannot believe this is actually getting people and look at this. It’S just it’s just ridiculous, okay, and not only that. Okay, not only are those comments happening on my youtube channel, like example, if i just go to like like one of my most popular videos and these videos every day constantly still get. These kind of comments like making money is the plan with bitcoin investment. Your plans can be fulfilled, like it has 151 likes, and it has all these random comments of good knowledge about forex trade is a key to profitable and successful investments like who the hell. Nobody says that these are all bot written comments, all right automatically bought loaded onto these onto these youtube channels, not just mine. Okay, there’s plenty of these. You guys have probably seen a bunch of these on youtube and i hate that i’m making a dedicated video about this, but i just i just want to express and reiterate, like i’ve expressed this kind of thing before like please do not comment or please don’t follow These comments that have you know, try conda hack on telegram like come on like that is not like. I hope people don’t fall for that like and you know what the sad thing is. People are falling for it, it’s the most stupidest thing and i can’t believe it. I cannot believe it, and so i’m hoping like this video just brings awareness guys like these kind of comments like please for new people coming into this. I know i hate to say it like. I know it sucks for many people that may not be uh technically inclined. They may not be able to differentiate from you know: what’s real, what’s a scam or maybe they’re new to youtube and i get it, but you got to have some common sense if someone’s asking you to send them crypto or whatever you’re hard on crypto, like just Don’T guys it’s a scam, it’s definitely a 100, a scam. Okay! Oh my god, the the look at this conda hack on telegram like this look at this guy. You know you guys, you guys know what i mean right. If you guys are watching this right now. You’Re, probably just like red panda. Yes, yes, we’ve seen tons of these comments and i know for people that are subscribed to my channel. Most likely now will understand uh. What’S going on, okay, it’s just it’s utterly ridiculous. What’S happening on not just my channel like, i said it’s happening on everyone else’s, okay, so just beware! Okay, just just do not comment or go with any of these comments that are saying, oh and i still see cryptocurrency as one of the best digital investment. I i totally love uh the technology when it comes to the largest crypto asset, bitcoin and olivia platform can help you get much profits through it. What the hell is a livia platform, what? Oh, my god like this, this is just brutal. I i just i just i hate it. So much guys and youtube like just does not want to fix it. This has been happening this whole year. It’S literally been actually more than a year. I remember seeing these last year and these bots are continually just commenting on my all these things. All these all these comments here are totally like look at this two days ago. Three weeks ago, one week ago, like this is so stupid that this is happening on my channel, and i am doing my best every day to get rid of these. These comments that are showing up on my videos, like i try to do it on my latest videos, but there’s no way for me to do it on my previous, like past videos that have hundreds of thousands of views – and i can’t just go to each one And remove all those comments because it takes a lot of work and so i’ve actually been seeing a few youtube channels, hiring people specifically just to remove those comments from these, these videos and their videos, and so it’s it’s so dumb. It’S so dumb, like you know, vos coin is also another youtuber. That also has these bot comments like consistently in all his videos, just just like mine, just like mine, i would say he has a lot more of those comments, but uh mine, yeah, like he has he’s, got one right here. I respect your work. Mate you’re pointing people in the right direction. This is fomo for the incoming dip, it is manipulated, but that can be a good thing if you understand it. We should all know that, when these reports are bullish to take some off the slide so on and so on, and then look at this and all thanks to chris expect for his amazing skills to help me earn 9 btc through trading chart. We i believe we are in the spring, like this 100, a scam and then look at this pinned by mm krypto. Another youtuber that this is totally fake. Like a fake name, you guys can see by the like little asterisks and like the little the letters that are not you know normal and it says uh thanks for watching, don’t forget to hit the like button. If you want advice and insight, what’s that below and there’s like it’s, not even a number there like it’s it’s, oh my god guys this is it’s getting ridiculous and i’m doing my best and i’m sure everyone else who has these on their youtube channel blocking these Kind of symbols, like i, my my block words on my youtube channel, is like it’s just it’s just crazy. I i can’t show you it because i’m not logged into my account on here, but yeah. It’S it’s just nuts of what type of words i’m blocking like. I block these kind of these types of symbols. I block, i have the word whatsapp blocked and like different iterations of whatsapp and telegram like tele space gram. It’S like these guys are relentless, like literally relentless like they just don’t stop like it’s ridiculous. Oh, it looks like my 30 90 video, oh yeah, no, okay, here’s some! I trade features on better exchange with lesser fees, i’m glad to say i was able to do it with the help of mrs benedict. She is so kind like what the hell, what what kind of bots are do like guys. I hate that i’m making a dedicated video about this, but i just want to bring awareness to this in any way possible because there are people that are falling for it. They’Re getting swindled in contacting these people on whatsapp and sometimes gmail. They have like a fake gmail email, which i said in the beginning. My official email is only contact redpandamining.com, okay and look at this. This guy has info like rpm official at gmail, and look at that. He you see this gmail word here. It doesn’t have an l. It’S like a this is a different character. It’S so stupid, it’s so stupid, and can all these look at this? On my rtx 3090 video, and not just that one all my other videos, they have this exactly. You can reach out on the mail below for more inquiries, and you can see like red panda mining here. This is totally not my channel as it has like different characters in it, and my youtube channel would show like a highlighted, uh red panda mining and when you click on it, okay, when you to see if it’s actually legit, you just click on the account and Look there’s nothing, there’s nothing in it guys. Look this! This channel was made september 10th of 2021, like that alone, just looking at it with nothing on this channel should tell you that it’s fake, and so i i’m just i i’m i. I just can’t believe there are people that are that are getting hit, and i guess that’s why i have to make this video, because people are falling for it and it it really sucks. I can’t believe people are falling for this and are like they’re losing their crypto, and you know: there’s many other scams out there like look at this guy. James hannah says red panda, mining uh. This account he’s talking about this account. Is anyone stupid enough to fall for this scammer to scammer spam and yes, yes, you’d, be surprised. James hannah, like i’ve, had many many emails of people saying oh repent. I thought this was you i’m like no man like do you think like that’s? Do you think? I don’t have a gmail as an official email. All right red contact at redpendedmoney.com is my official email. I i’ve said it many times: i’ve had many posts, community posts, pinned comments and videos. I don’t know i don’t know how else to say it guys, but please do not fall for these comments. I’M doing my best to get rid of them and yeah. So that’s it that that’s that’s all i wanted to say in this video, please uh. Let me know your guys’s thoughts but yeah. It’S it’s getting ridiculous and i’m sure you guys, like you, guys, have seen it and many other videos uh out on youtube. Okay, so look at this red panda connect at gmail. How did they even get these characters? In a comment on on a youtube comment like that is ridiculous: red panda, mining channel, okay and, like the p, is not capitalized like oh man, i’m so glad. Like most people understand, you know what it is, but these are just bots guys. These are like bots that are already commenting on channels automatically. They don’t even read these comments afterwards, they just wait until people actually email and you know, ask them like hey. Send me, like 0
5, bitcoin and you’ll get this or something and they’re totally lying and there’s gon na be people that fall for it, which is so stupid, which is so stupid, anyways guys, i’m sorry for ranting. I i needed to make this video, because i time and time again i’ve been getting emails from people like red pen and mining. Is this your email uh? I sent like 0.1 ethereum to you and i’m like i’m just it stresses me out, and this is not my fault and youtube needs to do something, and i mean you guys for people that are watching new miners are coming in. You guys need to be aware, like man i am, i don’t have telegram, i don’t have uh whatsapp, i don’t have a gmail as my email. I would never ever ask you for crypto. Ever okay and i hate to say it. I don’t even have much time anymore to respond to comments. Okay, so if you see that it is 100, not me and i would never put in like telegram, whatsapp or gmail.com or whatever like that, anyways guys, that’s it just been ranting. Let me know your thoughts, i’ll see you all in the next video. I hope this video brings awareness to everyone out there. Alright have a good one and peace out. Oh man, ridiculous 57 minutes ago, all right,
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