Eight Salon of meme coins that are Raised over $100 million what's the next Meme coin what's going on guys I hope You're having a fantastic day today We're talking about eight salana meme Coins that have absolutely crushed and Another meme coin you might want to ape Into what's going on guys before we Start the video I want to ask if you Haven't already smash the Subscribe Button now let's jump into this list Guys salana has been absolutely taken Over especially with book of meme guys Book of meme is a coin that launched on Salana network that reached over a100 Million market cap in 40 8 hours ever Since then the salana coins have been on A crazy frenzy and here's a list of Eight coins that would absolutely Parabolic that you might want to buy Into plus a meme coin you're not going To want to miss all right we got snap Which raised over $10 million and has a Current market cap of 27 million have an All-time high of a $255 million market cap now guys this is A Solana meme coin that launched snap And as you can see $24 million it's Current market cap is at $24 million Guys these salonic coins are literally Taken over you're not going to want to Miss out on these opportunities we see It had a crazy launch and now we're Seeing some sideways action waiting for
That next big pump next one on the list Raised over $10 million that's like a Currently $7 million market cap with All-time highs of $56 million and that's Only one currently trading at 11 on the Salon Network guys almost a top 1,000 Cryptocurrency with a current market cap Of 32 $2 million and people are very Bullish the sentiment is right now A Salon a mem coin people just want to ape In and then the next one we can see was Slurf which has been absolutely taking Over the internet as we can see up 16% On the day with a $300 million market Cap guys you're not going to want to Miss these salana gems all right and Then the list continues right we see Party party Dow raised $3 million for Ticker $2 million market cap all time Have $18 million market market cap we See frog hasn't even launched yet and Raised over $5.9 million in market cap Uh Dexter Dexter cap raised $30 million Hasn't even launched yet TP Labs R $4 Million with the token shroom hasn't Even launched yet and we can see small Has is launching in a estimated 5 to 7 Hours has already raised $30 million now Guys you don't want to miss out on this Next meme coin that's going to Absolutely Moon and that is Dogecoin 20 And obviously you guys know Dogecoin and You know who's buing Dogecoin we have Elon Musk constantly pumping this coin
Can we see Dogecoin 2.0 go absolutely Parabolic it's launching in 2 days They've already raised $8 million $8.5 Million which is absolutely insane guys Could this be the next $100 million Market cap coin quite possibly because People are bullish for this for this Project our Doge just got more rewarding Prepare for the ultimate Doge upgrade We're sending elon's fave towards a more Sustainable future St Doge 20 today to Start earning eco friendly rewards so it Is an eco-friendly to token they got the White paper their audit good boy staking Utilizing smart contracts powered by the Ethereum doge2 is more than just a meme Coin and brings passive earning Potential to the community harnessing The power of doge2 tokens by staking Earning rewards making your tokens work For you guys if you want to buy now I'm Going to put my link in the description Below where you can buy from there as You're not going to want to miss out on This project so convenient wallet there Is no need to worry about complicated Wallets and C of your tokens Doge 20 is Built on ethereum meaning you Automatically gain more flexibility with Your erc20 tokens use what you already Have all right and then no more Inflation Dogecoin is belov token but Has been Limited in its potential future Worth because it has an infinite Supply
That will always emit more tokens into The market doge2 fixes it with fixed Supply allowing a unhindered upwards Pressure on the token's price guys you Can already see it's been featured on a Ton of different places coindex uh B Crypto u news BTC and they have a solid Ro map in place guys with the pre-sale Marketing they're going to go aggressive Marketing campaign early staking Incentives which is going to incentivize People to stake in their tokens and the Reason why the staking is so important Guys is this is what's going to help With the liquidity as people stake their Tokens wanting to earn more money on Their coins they're staking it they're Locking in which is essentially locking In liquidity the more liquidity lock the More stable price we won't see Aggressive sellings we won't see Aggressive dumps and looks like this is Going to be a passive income style Cryptocurrency and we're going to see Pre-sale tokens claiming and the Dex Launch and on Unis Swap and then Allocated Supply provision long-term Passive rewards as we see passive income Has been the theme for this project they Have a rewards calculator over here guys Let's just say you bought 10 million Tokens which would be $2,000 your Doge Would be worth 4.1k so an instant 2x Overnight all you need to do is buy Doge
Tokens at the low pre-sale price is Decentralized wallet is coming on E B BNB and UTC simply connect to the widget Above to swap your tokens guys you're Not going to want to miss out on this Pre-sale gem as you can see the salana Tokens have been absolutely taken over And Doge 20 is going to be that coin That's going to take over next can we See a $100 million market cap a billion Doll market cap like we saw a book a Meme it's quite possible here and you're Not going to want to miss out guys if You want the latest and greatest crypto Updates and crypto news make sure you Smash the Subscribe button down below And let me know what your favorite Soul Token was on this list and but like Always guys this is not Financial advice And I am not a financial advisor always Your own research and due diligence Before investing any money in the Cryptos we cover on this channel that Wraps up the video until next time it's Your boy Umar [Music] Peace