Unboxing Crypto Mining Stuff.

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] e [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] a [Music] up [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a [Music] good morning everybody Welcome to the live stream just a simple one today I'm just going to be unboxing a lot of stuff unboxing some stuff I ordered myself some stuff from other people yeah it's going to be it's going to be a probably a decently long stream so smash the like let's go appreciate everyone here hope you guys like that little hyperbitcoinization little gif there I got from Reddit I love that I love that thing Z pirate what's up Tim I am crypto what's up overboard Tech what are you doing here Krypto KJ what are you doing here another red pen of Mind break wow crypto K Wow Wow Wow for that comment crypto KJ you are banned you are now banned all track John jine what's up Bros what's up okay let me uh let's begin here I'm going I'm going to I'm going to move everything to the ground because yeah this this table is just there's just too much there's just too much here [Music] already two boxes I opened already okay ah what's up Bros welcome welcome how are you guys today what day is it today uh what's the day today 26 Tuesday okay Tuesday nice crypto for seniors what's up bro it's Christmas every week yeah pretty much pretty much travels travels I'll track at least I want a green KS zero with my meter box oh nice nice very nice speaking of that let's open up the first package I'm going to start with this one this is from this is from the veteran Miner yeah yes speaking of green or KS Zer Pros these are four my green KS Z Pros the new metal Barrel plug to pcie so this will be able to handle the heat a lot better than the plastic the plastic uh Barrel plug so that's that's going to be that's going to be I got 10 I ordered 10 so that that'll be good for the 10 green ks0 Pros I have coming okay I'm going to put this back in the bag thank you the veteran minor.com I did buy these myself placed an order okay uh quick one next quick unboxing I ordered these off Amazon you guys guess what these are you guys can you guys guess what these are uh Z pirate why only two wires six pin plug because there's only a power and a ground in the ks zero Pro or on the ks zeros there's there's only a there's only a a a power wire and on a ground uh s soldered in soldered solder whatever into the uh Kos Z Pro veteran Miner explains it on his channel he actually put a six pin on the uh on the uh KS Z Pro okay I bought 20 of these Patriot burst 120 gigabyte ssds uh for my octom miners because I ran I ran out of ssds I was sick and tired of not having enough spare parts so I bought a bunch of ssds cheap on Amazon bulk I think they're about $8 $7 each on Amazon but I was able to buy bulk so um I'm I just bought a bunch because if the bowl runs coming and you know crypto mining Hardware is going to go up even like I don't know if ssds or storage is going to go up in price or not but I don't know I I just bought I bought a bunch just just in case just just I I don't know about you guys but I think uh I think buying um extra parts right now might be a good idea before uh you know interest rates start lowering then I mean it could be all all Hands-On deck you know everything could start going up in price I don't know I'm just I'm just saying but I actually I needed I actually needed those ssds um I'm going to take this box down okay okay next unboxing this little guy um it's a very little very small package okay so let's uh we're going to make sure I don't cut myself o what's inside here making sure nothing's can you guys guess can you guys guess what this is for can you guys guess what this is for all right yeah a lot of you a lot of you guys already uh already figured it out Mars lender no Hive mapper no um uh it's it's h sorry yeah it's for Hive mapper it's for yes it's for the hive mapper it's for the hive mapper um I don't have a The Hive mapper is already in my car so uh this goes on the back of the hive mapper to cool the fan so thank you thank you Mr Daniel um he actually has an eBay uh man if someone could find the Ebay link uh it's it's a it's a eBay on eBay to cool The Hive mapper the back of the heat sink so Patrick Murphy if you could find it for me bro it's on eBay yeah for the hive mapper awesome okay awesome Daniel thank you for saying that to me I'm going to try it put it on my uh Hive mapper thanks so much bro thank you so much okay next unboxing let's do one from I guess a package I ordered off Amazon oh yeah okay oh oh knock to uh I got some knock to aend here oh what's this oh that came in nice okay all right I did some very like these fans are not cheap but the KN to a industrial PPC fans damn this is a long cable yeah okay so I bought these or just two for now because I want to test if this is going to be enough airflow for the ks0 pro for a shroud like those shrouds um 3,000 RPM uh 110 CFM now I don't know if I'm going to do two on each uh two per k Z or just one I I I'm going to test that out um this is going to go in line with the uh the ks Z Pros that I'm going to mod I'm going to mod a bunch of KS Zer Pros with a bunch of these uh well actually I don't even know if if I'm going to use these nocto fans cuz these are 30 bucks each Canadian so they're yeah I don't know if I want to I don't know if I'm if I want to use these or not but we're going to I'm going to test it out we're going to we're going to test it out back here okay and I also got one of these can you guys guess what this is deciel decel meter yeah I just I need a b ah damn it doesn't come with batteries ah I was going to try it I have batteries upstairs okay well that's going to this is going to go along with my like you know Hardware testing so now so now that I got one of these I can use it as a as a metric for for people that that want to know I don't know how loud an Asic is um Z pirate you can't use TVM cables if you overclock Kos Z Pro uh z z pirate you're wrong you're wrong I've already confirmed it with another person actually uh don't mind me mining he says he's done the the two uh PCI uh or the six pin right uh well it's not actually six pin but it's two pin to Barrel plug and he's overclocked his to 360 gigahash um so uh and he said 12 Vol is actually uh sorry the 19 volt coming from the HP server PSU apparently is fine so we're going to apparently it's fine where it's a pirate where did you hear that it's not it's not going to work where did you hear that that it it won't work wh why can't you use the TPM cables where did you hear that from on 19 volt it should be fine it's actually better on 19 volt it's actually proven that it'll be better um because if it's 12vt and the voltage is higher on your server power supply it's actually better in a way because if you're using lower voltage this is don't quote me on this apparently if you're using higher voltage on the power supply on a lower voltage machine it's it's fine it's actually fine it'll actually Safeguard because it's 12vt uh recommended on the machine I I I I I have a link to to explain I have a link somewhere to explain that someone explained it on a someone explained it okay there there's actually a very solid reason why 19 volt is actually would be fine on the ks Z Pros uh even though they're meant for 12vt there there's there's a reason there's a reason there is a reason oh explain later okay continuing on continuing continuing on okay next package okay um let's do uh let's do this one this one's Amazon another Amazon all right I'm going to put the camera down another Amazon package all right alter component knife RGB knife oh yeah oh yeah Krypto Mel I think serpent melted his KR Pro unsure if it was overclocked or not uh he was using a plastic um he he was using a plastic end um the veteran the veteran minor ones are are are metal now okay this part here is metal and won't melt so I I'm G to try it I'm I've already been running these for a couple weeks not overclocked yet but I'm going to try it overclocked and and see see how it goes uh Mel I I know a lot of people have reservations about it I I I talked to um a few people already don't mind me mining he's actually a really big Caspa Miner and uh he's already he explained to me that it'll work so uh he's done all the testing he's done even custom wiring and all that um okay okay so I also bought I bought these off Amazon because uh these are just cheap 120 mil fans that I want to try on the ks zero on the ks zeros now these are only these are only 1500 RPM but don't mind me mining said 1500 RPM fans would be fine but and these are RGB I just I just want it cuz it's RGB but it it depends on my ambient temperature so either my KS Pros are going to have a bunch of these cheaper 120 mil fans or I'm going to have uh industrial nocas on each of them so I'm kind of leading towards these because the nocas are are cooler like are like more more RPM more C CFM uh these I guess thermal right fans are not high CFM it's very like let's see 66 66 CFM 1,500 RP 1550 RPM so these are 3,000 RPM 110 CFM so anyway I'm I'm buying all this part all these parts to get ready for the my KS zero Pros that I'm going to try to uh mod and overclock all that stuff okay RGB won't work unless you have the RGB header to use to use next to the ks zeros red panda money what these don't power on individually oh are you kidding me oh no oh you're right they're separated oh that's garbage oh that's so garbage wait really the RGB won't turn on are you're kidding that's separated power are you serious wait what who's what who does that RGB fans should power with the same connection come on oh I'm so mad now is that actually a thing here can I test that and how can I test this how can I test this how can I how can I test this hold on I have another uh on I got another Amazon package here ah you know what I might be able I might be able to test it I can test it I can test it I just got these in too okay um pcie to Fan header oh my thermal glue oh the thermal glue came in yes this is for the copper um copper heatings for the mosfets okay that came in okay so that's good uh you know what I can try this fan right now hold on let me get a let me get a HP server okay 133 people watching 47 likes smash the like Bros let's get to 100 let's see 100 likes let's go who wants to see a fire press the like button here we go okay all right let's try this fan I I have I I I have this new method I I don't know if it's going to work or not I'm actually very afraid okay so I got these uh Geller honor uh six pin to six P oh I need I need a PCI cable but it goes into a end like this into four pin well it's actually two pin it's yeah it's actually two pin uh for fan so here let me try let me try uh let's try let's plug let's plug it in let me let me just see oh that doesn't that doesn't fit okay that fits okay so that's in now this end goes into a I need a pcie cable hold [Music] on all right I've never done this before I don't I don't know if this is going to work or not so prepare for a fire or not okay I'm using a veteran minor six P oh that's not going in six pin PC cable okay who who thinks who thinks this is going to work I have those fans on my PC RGB needs motherboard header red panda mining Krypto KJ okay all right smash the like all right one all right I I want to see one in chat if you guys think this is going to work or two in chat if you think this is going to work one not work two work all right a lot of you guys say lot of you guys are saying one okay the RGB thing I think it's I think it'll power on the RGB this is to control I'm I have a feeling this is to control the RGB not power it that that's my guess all right here we go all right let me plug this in here we go okay all right let's see if this let's see if it powers please no smoke please please no smoke okay here here we go three two one it's it's working but no RGB ah you guys are right ah so bad ah there's no RGB I'm so mad that sucks that sucks so much okay but at least at least it's working it is working it's working good yeah 60 CFM yeah that feels like that feels like 60 CFM okay okay actually you know what I want to try [Music] something uh hold on okay all these packages I bought a whole bunch I bought a whole bunch of these actually there's ones that do six look look at this I don't know if I trust it but it's it's PCI to six fans look at that six fan H okay hold on let me try let me try all three I'm so mad bad that there's no RGB on uh on these ones separated power who does [Music] that hold on okay all right it's probably going to fly these are going to fly all over the place okay three two [Music] one oh yeah oh oh yeah yeah look at that look at the look at that that's awesome okay yeah that works works perfect yeah that's that's definitely 60 that's definitely a 60 CFM feel yeah oh actually good test let me try the noctua let me try the noctua oh I bought a bunch of MX6 thermop paste for the ks0 pros let me try let me try the talk to him let's do the knock let's let's do the knock to you know what I'm going to unplug all these other ones crap these are crap RGB doesn't power on ah so pissed okay here we [Music] go okay I better hold this one all you know what oh for let's see how how much air this thing 3 two 1 oh yeah oh yeah that's oh this fan this Fan's really good yeah this knock to a fan is 10 times better 10 times better oh this is this is a good fan yeah okay well yeah works I'm very surprised I'm very surprised that this works that's that's pretty cool yep that's 100 CFM for sure 110 advertised I think okay tur it off all right well that was successful I'm happy okay uh H the music stopped let's go back okay um what are you guys saying here I haven't sorry I haven't been reading the chat let me read the chat industrial noct to of fans are nice uh just use those fans on your C builds yeah all track yeah the the the other ones yeah that's true actually next level Tech are you are those your biggest f are you going to P those fans from the head header inside the ks0 pro or from the PSU Stephen I I have to do it from the PSU because the ks op Pro only has four uh two fan headers unless I split it have people tried that I could split it cryp KJ you could have saved yourself $20 with arctic p12 Max that is what I have on my KS Pro yeah uh Krypto KJ that's why I bought these that's why I bought these other fans because uh don't mind me mining said he has 1500 RPM fans on his ks0 pros and overclock to 300 360 gigahash and he said it's fine so I I don't know I I just wanted more fan power um so the noct to was seemed to be pretty nice um yeah Daniel Daniel Gates what's up good sir thank you again for the uh the the uh fan bro I lost it where is it thank you thank you for the hive mapper fan bro yes bro this is great this is great thank you thank you so much that's awesome thank you Daniel I love it I I can't wait to try it can't wait to try it thank you man awesome um okay uh what do you recommend for first time Daniel no worries bro okay let me get all this stuff out and let's continue on with the unboxings uh we got a lot of stuff oh man I'm actually surprised that these work pcie to uh fan header cable first time using those pretty cool pretty cool okay let me put these away these knock to a fans are are so like are so nice Okay I I need to keep all this stuff this is the thermal glue for the copper heat sinks for the mosfets so I'm I'm waiting for those those are coming um okay am I powering on anything else today I don't think so let's let's unplug this okay okay now all these fans let's move over here I need to keep all this stuff I bought I bought a bunch of these cables actually a bunch of four pin put them over here that's for the ksz pros uh my KS Pros I just shipped I actually just got the shipping uh notification yesterday from Ice River so that's coming okay ah all right that was fun was that fun no I think that was fun uh but is it vegan glue Smokey dad what I don't even know what that means Dave Hall techman he ignores me most of the time yeah I'm sorry techman I'm sorry what did you what did you what did you say uh Loom up Alpha cool $9 RPM okay okay next package H this one is from oh M [Music] shop.

Mop. I traded some of my my commission um for uh Hardware instead of cash I was like contest I want I want Hardware instead of instead of money so and maybe uh I could do a giveaway on some of the on whatever this is this is well packaged mop. if you guys don't know mop. guntis Molin he is the crypto mining OG of the crypto mining Community uh this is extremely well well packed oh yeah yeah hold on I take the box out oh this plastic is very shiny and could be very doxing you know what I'm going to take out the plastic oh it's still very shiny okay I got a these are uh 1300 watt I got I got another one I'll keep this in the package third uh SE Sonic seic 1300 watt uh these gold rated uh go yeah gold 80 plus gold ATX power supplies I got two of them I was like dock box dock God damn it you guys can't see my face no stop it ah there better be Splitters in there for these boxes 20 GP 20 GP rig you bastard anyway uh yeah okay so I got these I I thought I need extra power supplies a ATX psus just in case uh goes along with my saying I think if we're on the brink of the bull run and things are going to get you know good again you know this type of Hardware is going to get very expensive so accumulating accumulating power supplies thank you to mop.

should I should I give a should I give away one of these should I give away one of [Music] [Music] these crypto for seniors hell yes giveaway # giveaway table I'll track watch today's video nice I do need to replace my EVGA Krypto KJ don't I don't care you I don't care you hate the UK anyway that's true that's true uh never shipping anything to the UK ever again if you do you know you'll have to buy another yeah yeah I know weren't you just saying you have a bunch of these extra motherboards and power supplies and in the barn yesterday yes Scott Sheffield yes I do I do okay if I see if I if I get to at least 200 likes in this live stream if I see 200 likes I will give it I'll give this away if I in this live stream I'll give it away right now if I see 200 likes in today's live stream I will give this away right now live if I see 200 likes I'll give this [Music] away yes USA are uh unfortunately i' have to say USA and Canada yes I I I I I I've already lost 2 KS zero Pros um shipping to the Middle East and uh somewhere in Europe 200 likes 200 likes I'll give this brand new spank and SE Sonic Prime 1300 watt what 12E warranty dude that's that's I thought dude that's that's better than evga's 10 that's crazy give me a smokey ban I have I need 2,000 W psus give me a smoky Dan I have a 2,000 w PSU you can have at the other [Music] basement um pelish Miner just give it away and have a great day pelish [Music] Miner uh so funny okay well the stream's not over okay if we get 200 likes I'll give it away I'm sure we'll get there we can we can get there just continue smashing the like okay let's continue on the the unboxings we're not done yet we have a whole we're not done there's so much more okay okay there's one here and I think it has a love note I think it's it's got of note okay all right this box I kind of kind of already opened but I'll take it out here H okay so okay the beginners block your guide around the blockchain he sent me some a banner a pretty sick Banner okay oh hold on let me read this note see if it's you know okay all right I'm going to read the note it's there's there's nothing nefarious okay The Beginner's block he says dear oh my God sorry my voice cracking up cracking up already dear RPM first off thank you for all you do the for the community and all the time and effort you give to us your videos were definitely helpful I think I was 15 when I was building my first rig back in early 20121 trying to understand all the different components and how a rig would come together now I have several rigs around 30 gpus and expanding you were definitely the main reason I started down the path of Mining and I'm happy and grateful that I did so thank you I hope you enjoy the flags and stickers and get working on that 20 GP how dare you beginner's block how dare you patronize me how dare at the very end of this lovely note of this lovely letter has the balls has the balls to say get working on that 20 GP rig God damn it God God damn it always all of you terrible ter uh sincerely The Beginner's block hey uh The Beginner's block bro thank you for the lovely letter bro that's a that means a lot bro that means a lot that means a lot thank you dude you were wait I I had to I had to read this back I think I was 15 when I was building my first rig back in 2021 so you're like 18 years old now dude dude you're you're not even you're not even 20 years old and you're already in crypto that's dude you're going to be like a millionaire by the time you're 30 very very impressive yes very impressive okay great great let me let me open up a banner let's open up a banner ah bro that's awesome that's that's so that's so humbling uh the beginner block thank you bro that that means a lot okay oh yeah oh yeah look at this this is this is nice man okay the be sorry the camera doesn't do justice but the beginner block all your guide around the blockchain so he has a block he's got a he's got a website oh yeah where is it h I think it's down here look at that the beginners block.

Blog that's so sick dude yes awesome thank you bro thank you for the banner you wait did you send me two banners that means I got that means I can put one up at the other location oh you did you sent me two of them oh my goodness okay I'll save this for the other I'll save this for the other base then okay awesome The Beginner's block thank you so much man guys go visit his website go go go go support this gentleman this this this guy the beginners block. blog awesome thank you bro oh wow that letter that letter that letter got to me I dude I I'm I don't know what to say uh that's that's awesome that's awesome that's awesome good stuff good stuff all right um thank you bro thank you bro thank you so much that that means a lot if you watch this later after the fact hit me up beginner block beginnner block hit me up hit me up all right uh Patrick Murphy can you just make sure it's in a more prominent location that DJ M that than DJ mines on Hawk ah man that's so good that's so good Patrick Murphy that's that's so good okay continuing on the unboxings we're not done yet okay I got I think this is another Amazon another Amazon package oh yes yes it came okay retro mic I've been here for 15 minutes and haven't heard prominent once unsubbing retro mic you bastard uh uh okay oh okay so I ordered one of these um thermal cameras I finally upgrading my content now I have the decibel reader I have I guess one of these I don't actually now I I guess this is going to repl this Klein Tools um temperature thing is going to replace it's going to be replaced by this I guess so I won't need this anymore in a sense maybe this is more accurate I feel like this is more accurate the Klein Tools one is just Klein Tools is just I feel like better but let's let's try this thermal camera wait I might need batteries though okay there's the warranty I don't need that what's this what's this charging charging cable okay all right this thing itself oh that's pretty cool oh yeah all right this thing's very doxing going to make sure I don't angle it towards myself oh yeah this is sick man dude yes is this chart is does it have [Music] battery oh it turns up ah perfect oh it's already working oh yeah okay uh what can I what can I look at my monitor is warm look at look at my uh oh that's pretty sick my meter boxes are hot Max 32 32 degrees Celsius interesting you know what I want to try this on a KS zero how can I this thing takes pictures how do I download the pictures uh oh up here uh okay okay this is to connect to the computer okay sweet [Music] sick sick awesome awesome okay get can I change this to Fahrenheit is it how do I do that rainbow white above alarm normal okay I need to I need the manual going turn this off shutting down pretty nice awesome I'm so happy this is so good okay good stuff probably the C dude that is cool yeah looks yeah New England crypto bro looks pretty good look at your neighbors I use my own thermal camet touches device or cold hot or cold Ah that's great expensive uh uh it was 180 Canadian so 140 us $140 USD that's that's not bad that's that's not that's not too bad yeah all right that's great I will play around with this I'm just curious how hot like like an Asic will get or KS Z Pro or something you know I can try it I can try it on I can try it on that okay awesome all right happy birthday to me my own more metrics that I can do for um as6 and uh Hardware mainly as6 okay all right next unboxing put this down are we at 200 likes yet 200 likes I will give away this brand new 1300 watt C Sonic Prime 12 year warranty 80 plus gold 1300 watt ATX PSU come on 1,00 like uh 1 1200 200 likes I will give this away 200 likes okay I'm guessing that was the lowest cost thermal camera Jason no it wasn't I would say medium H all right okay moving along okay let me open this uh this one has like doxing uh um uh shipping labels all over it this new package here okay next package okay nope okay [Music] what's this hold on okay this is perfect this is literally for the ksr pro the green commemorative KS Z Pros okay so this is oh man this is going to be perfect so I'm going to be putting one of these knock to a fans right on there yeah the brown and black and green Ah that's the perfect color yes okay uh this is from the meterbox decom uh they sell these on his website but also he sent me a bunch of these oh okay so uh I may not put these on because I think it's going to restrict the air flow um don't mind me mining did try these um nothing against the meter box but these are really cool these are the um you know the ends for the ks Z Pros but I I'm most likely I don't think I'm going to put these on maybe maybe I will but it will it will probably um restrict the uh restrict the um air flow a little bit commemorate that would look sick connected to a special edition Vos coin meter Patrick all right now that Patrick Murphy said that uh these are going straight in the trash these are these are now garbage don't associate these to Vos coin all right he is my competitor the these are all going in the garbage now just because they're green God damn it straighten the trash all right that's it meter box you need to resend me red all right I need red ks Z Pro or ksz shrouds I need bright red ks Z Pro shrouds or else band [Laughter] [Music] ah they look teal to me yeah they are they're definitely teal make them red red Pand is so bougie [Music] uh spray spray paint them red I could I could I I really could okay so the meter box thank you for this first set but you also okay you know what this is going to this is going to amplify something here in a second hold on hold on oh I just realized did I win a KS zero did did did I win one he he also came with one of these do you feel lucky punk let's see if I won a KS zero commemorative let's see if I let's see if I won one of course I didn't of course it says sorry you're not a winner better luck next time damn it I didn't win one meterbox you're supposed to rig it okay you're supposed to rig it and I was supposed to win one ah you're supposed to give me a winning card everyone who buys uh I think one out of 15 whoever whoever buys them out of the 15 uh shrouds has a chance to win a KS zero Pro um yeah all right Krypto KJ you have 10 coming anyway no it doesn't matter it's it's it's the principle okay it's because it's the principle all right because I unboxed one of these that means I should win one live okay I deserve I deserve to win a KS zero Pro live okay all right I'm opening up another box from the meter box hold on this is a big one actually I'm just I'm just joking if anyone's listening I'm just kidding about me winning another KS or me winning KS Z Pro I'd probably just give it away anyway okay retro Mike are you feeling entitled like all the other Hive mapper influencers yes oh I have another chance I have another chance oh my God oh my God okay all right you guys are going to freak out actually I'm freaking out all right uh see now Patrick Murphy now that you said boss coin color this is like ingrained in my head now I I can't I can't look at these anymore I I it's like I'm promoting Vos coin it this is all his colors if all my KS zero Pros have these on them it's like oh this is the Vos coin Edition uh uh ice River ksz Pro shroud you know what no no this is this is going back meter box I'm shipping all these back I'm done I I can't I can't these are associated these are associated to Vos coins green they're done I I can't I just can't nope no I can't do it anymore Patrick Murphy you ruined it for me you ruined it for me yeah Green is trash send those to me so I can fix them for you ah so funny so F I'm just kid I'm just kidding by the way all right I have one more I I got s another one let's see if I win let's see if I win a KS zero this better be if this is not a winning one meter box meter box is if if if this is not a winning KS Z Pro uh commemorative one I'm I'm going to be mad if this is not a winning one I'm going to I'm going to do another live stream and I'm going to smash I'm going to smash all these I'm going to hit them with a hammer all right let let's see let's see if I won I better I have a better idea ship to chump change and have his paint them for you and ship back I could spray back I can spray paint them myself if I want Ah that's too funny it's it honestly it's to match the this is to match the ks zero uh commemorative um color so I actually I don't even it look it's probably going to match roughly the same color anyway let's see if I won a KS [Music] zero let me see if I have let me see if I have any more did he did he give me any more um of those codes let me see no no no more I didn't win I'm so sad I'm so very sad all right uh reic with the holy crap bro holy smoke bro Rico bro $50 thank you honestly you've given me enough information to keep mining um and start a business I'm going to keep trolling you though thank you uh Rico bro that means a lot that means a lot bro thank you so much that that means a lot how come I can't like it I can't hard it or like it oh there we go thank you bro thank you so much Rico um hash pight Sur surprise two in a row that's depressing no more purchases from [Laughter] them Ah that's great oh that's great okay um you know what I want to I you know what I'm going to I want to I want to get a chaos zero hold on let [Music] [Music] me oh this thing is hot oh this is this is very hot this okay you know what this is a good time to try the uh a good time to try the thermal camera oh man this thing is very hot let me Let Me Whip It Out look how red look how it's just this thing is just how how can I uh Max 53 is this 53Β° C this is in Celsius right right guys this is Celsius right all right yeah that's Celsius it's not Fahrenheit 52 Celsius so what's that in Fahrenheit what's 50 what's 52Β° Celsius in Farenheit somebody somebody do the math someone do the math techman thank you for the five will shrouds fit a ks0 nonpr uh I believe I believe so uh Nema 2 53c is 127 Fahrenheit oh that's yeah this is this is really hot bro that's this is this is extremely hot okay so all of these um this no goes like that was like this this and there's another one for the other side but this just just goes in like this right yeah just slides in like that that's pretty sick that's really sick I love that I love that okay and then now okay so I talked to don't mind me Mining and he says you don't need to do the other side but the meter box sent me enough to do both sides so he says I he says to only do both he says only to do both sides if you're planning on putting a fan on the other side so what do you guys think about that do you guys do you do you guys do both sides I know some people do some people don't so he says doing one side with probably a noct to a fan would be enough to cool this thing I'm doing the copper mosfet mod I'm also doing the 1.5 mm thermopad mod and uh obviously new thermop Pace on each of the chips six or eight or I don't know how many chips 12 chips I don't remember so yeah as long as it works no only one okay Fritz C you only do one only one side one fan random Miner nice uh Kyle Rosa depend on minor area yeah see that's that's what I that's what I get gathered uh don't mind me mining also said depends on my ambient temperature right so depending if it's like 100f then yeah I would need to do I need to do fans on both sides but he said anything under 90 like you 90 Fahrenheit ambient you you'll probably be fine with one fan and one shroud I don't need to do two shrouds I just need to do one and so the all the air will just you know go that way but my my shroud's never showed up just the great L's and Rico what where what happened where did you order from Patrick Murphy black green and white that's got Drew written all over God damn it Patrick Murphy God damn it God damn it I'm never GNA oh my God I'm never okay and the ks zero Pros are green too so the green commemorative ones that are coming that that's going to make it even worse it's going to Custer Computing damn you thank you for the two bro RPM nice Vos coin shrouds god damn it God damn all right I'm throwing all these in the trash it's done all right done garbage how dare you meterbox very unthoughtful didn't unthoughtful ah unthoughtful provoked kryon Fusion techman what what's that your ego is so big you can support poor vosque hey hey I have no ego hey bacon eggs and hash put a drier hose on the exhaust side and run it upstairs for heat you know what I I'm curious you know these would make pretty good heaters um decent heaters like I'm curious to know like if I were to put this like upstairs but actually what you know what I just thought would this run on would this this should technically run on 120 volt yeah I could try that I could try that right now I could I could try that right now I could try I could try that right now 120 volt oh wait this power supply doesn't do 120 hold on let me check uh where is it does this do 120 no this one this is a, 1400 watt uh 200 to 277 volt nope never mind no this power supply won't do it yeah we got we got to do 240 volt or 200 okay turning on 3 two [Music] 1 all 220 yeah hitting my room with a ks0 Pro Jean Fran nice bro correct the DS are 200 plus right ah crap all right okay guys I think did I unbox everything let me check yes I unbox uh yeah yeah I unbox everything did we hit 200 likes did we hit 200 likes to give away the seic power supply did did we hit 200 likes yes or no what's the voltage on this oh this is n oh this is 12 okay this is 19 right uh we're taking 106 Watts right now you guys can see it right in that corner and 106 at 27 volt man my voltage is dropping hard uh Barrel plug sits that far out uh what do you mean it's all the way in all the way I'm curious how hot this is going to get it's already getting hot so I'm going to take out the the plates gonna add the copper mosfets gonna add the thermal glue gonna add the 1.5 mil new GP risers thermal pads and uh new thermal paste on the K on the chips is that it is that all I'm supposed to do is there anything else I need to do is there anything is there any other mods I need to do to the ks zero Pro I think that's it fans shrouds I think that's it I think you forgot to unbox 25 likes we're at 172 come on guys 200 likes 200 likes I give away this brand new seic Prime 1300 watt gold power supply ATX beautiful ATX PSU 200 likes I give it away in today's live stream come on on behalf of mop.

thank you than you Gess for these two power supplies come on come on uh you know what I kind of I kind of want to take this apart right now just just for good just for the hell of it and actually I should I should be trying it because I have you know what no we'll leave that for another live stream because I want to try putting the fan with the this the the whole reason why I went this method is so all the power comes from an HP uh server PSU so you guys know like I'm I'm not using the laptop brick I'm just using HP server PSU and then the power the fans I'm using one of these six pin to uh three pin four pin adapter for the fan uh to PCI so yeah pretty pretty cool that it seemed to work it seemed to work well so I'm just cleaning my shelf for this PSU ah you bastards put the internal fans on the outside then you don't need to mess around with repadding repasting Etc uh jock MC Miner no I I have you seen the stock thermal paste on Ice River stuff on on especially KS Z Pros the pink stuff it's really bad man it's really bad I I'm going to I'm going to be redoing all of them all of them the ks Z Pros with uh MX um MX6 and uh yeah it'll be it'll be it'll be better it'll be better that way um 13 more likes oh my God you guys you guys really want this power supply don't you uh Hash Pipe Sunrise do it right it needs real paste yes I agree I agree and the Arctic MX6 is is the best one is the best stuff I did this on my ks3 m oh man so good 10 times better miles miles better Miles Ahead um uh let's see here I need to repace mine been starting to throttle ah yeah yeah I honestly I honestly would if you have KS Z Pros KS Z or any ier product I highly recommend re uh re repasting them um I'm hoping ice over ships the commemorative on time 5 days left to ship dates Ultra savings uh yeah I just got my shipping notification yesterday for my 10 uh commemorative ones I ordered so you should you should get yours pretty soon um thermal paste I got the tube last week and put it somewhere I can't find it had to buy another terrible repaste is the first thing to do yeah yeah I yeah I I I I agree can I put it on this way no that doesn't work has to go the other way okay ah I got a lot of work ahead of me but these things are you know I mean they're they're making some decent amount of money now I mean not a lot but it's it's something is it I'm just thinking is it actually worth it to spend all this money for you know I had to spend 30 bucks or 20 bucks us for one of these fans how much is the shrouds 50 bucks you need to buy new paste so a couple bucks there I bought the copper I bought the copper Heat sinks um thermal glue you know that's a couple bucks there as well is it is it worth like a 100 bucks to do this mod for your KS zero Pro I think so you need the 1.5 millimeter pads as well what else do you need you know you know um uh there we go I could use another folding table Patrick Murphy I'm not giving away the table random minor the green batch may not be remastered repaste rather I random Miner I'll open one up on live I'll do it live and uh we can find out we can find out if we need to I'll find out if we need to now okay I get that there's fan grills I I really don't know I don't think I'm going to put these on I I I think it's going to restrict it's probably going to restrict the air flow I I I'm taking a tip from uh don't mind me mining you got he's another YouTuber that's done all these mods already he even did a custom you know mod pcie or Uh custom Barrel plug he's done all that he's done all the mods I talk with him he said you know you can put these on but at the end of the day I mean you're not going to be able to see it anyway when when you put these shrouds on so I I I don't think I'm going to put these I I don't know if I need to it's just going to restrict the air flow so it looks cool don't don't get me wrong it looks cool but do I do I really need to put these on I don't think so only for large litter uh yeah I don't I don't have any I don't have any cats or anything so yeah or or pets I don't have any pets leave them off yeah yeah yeah I'm going to I'm going to leave them off most likely I would not put that yeah yeah I I I'm most likely not going to put the greates the the greates on the end grates might help hot spots but likely worse performance overall yeah yeah yeah holy crap we're at 197 likes man who who who got all the Bots who who who bought all the Bots who who who hit the like button man you guys really you guys really want this power supply don't you God damn it all right well looks like we're giving away a power supply today all right well I need a uh and you need to be here in order to win so don't leave um if your name gets called then um don't don't don't leave don't you got to be here all right all right we hit 200 likes we're giving away a brand spanking new 1300 watt C Sonic Prime gold rated power supply ATX power supply with 12year warranty the warranty doesn't come from me so I don't know if it's transferable or not I that's going to be on you but honestly seic is is a pretty good is a pretty good brand um all right okay let me take a sip of my coffee hold on man my table is such a mess I got crap everywhere did this not did this camera not come with a case ah there's no wait did it come with a case hold on no there's no bag no there's no case bag or anything ah that sucks okay all right okay um who okay uh I uh I need to um all right wow we got more likes thank you bros okay so let's give away uh power supply let me let me find a YouTuber that needs Subs who needs Subs okay actually I did promise okay okay I I did promise a gentleman and I think most of you guys here are already sub to him but no you know you know let's do a different one let's do a different YouTuber um let's see let me find one let me find one overbo Tech H overboard Tech we did you already yeah I'm I'm pretty sure majority of people here are already sub to you I'm I guarantee it everyone in this live stream um uh hold on let me let me just let me look at the sub counts here okay all right we're going to do this guy um I need a video from him though hold on uh let's do this one okay he's only got two comments on this one okay perfect okay all right all right here we go um comment on this video with something positive and USA or Canada about anything crypto Mining and USA or Canada you have to be present in order to win all right I pinned it I'm going to pin this comment you guys see the live chat we're giving it away this power supply is worth I don't know 100 200 bucks I think or 150 bucks 200 bucks us 250 bucks us I need to make sure I I have to write this off uh as an expense because um when I give away stuff you know I I can expense it as well um so custom Computing you guys go it's in the pin comment only 168 of you here very high chance a very very high chance you guys are going to win okay so get your comments in we'll choose the winner in about what 20 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes I'll choose the winner you guys get this uh beautiful beautiful sea Sonic you know what let me open it up let me open one up so I I'll give this one away but let me let me open up a box I actually already I actually already um oh this is a beautiful this is a beautiful power supply bro dude dude look at this like warranty card holy holy smokes it comes dude it comes wrapped dude this is this is freaking nice man is this completely modular oh this is a 100% modular power supply too D hold let's let's move this off dude I don't want to give this away anymore wait why did I give away this brand why did I give away brand new power supply this supposed to be mine oh my God oh my God this is nice holy crap bro 1300 watt see Sonic dude uh can I can I cancel C can I can I cancel the uh can I cancel the giveaway I I want to keep I need to keep these for uh PCS can I can I change it up can we give away something else can C can I give away can I give away something [Music] else dude this is nice bro this is freaking nice dude this is a nice this is a really nice power supply bro pcie uh PCI PCI PCI P dude this is full eight pin PCI CPU that's that's pretty nice man dang dang dang that's that's damn that's this is really nice let's look at the specs 125 Vol 125 watt uh 12 look at that 12vt is at 1290 1296 1296 Watts wow 320 watt 110 to 240 volt so this can go this can do um two obviously 240 volt um switching switching power supply dude this is this is freaking nice man dang what have I done what have I done what what what what what have I done custom Computing this is great thanks so much you guys ah custom Computing no problem bro congrats to you congrats to you man uh make sure you guys subscribe you guys need to subscribe to Mr custom Computing as well okay if you don't subscribe you will be disqualified all right make sure you guys subscribe to Mr cust all right five more minutes four more minutes I choose the winner four more minutes you know what let's check the let's check the cable let's check the cabling is the cabling legit let's see uh oh the cabling is legit oh they're all SLE oh they're not sleeved never mind ah okay n these are all um they're not sleeved they're all uh like this ribbon uh ribbon ribbon style yeah now actually question is this 16 gauge or like 14 gauge wiring here let me see it usually says it on the cable yeah see right here I don't think you guys I don't think you guys can read it from here uh that says I'm reading it the wrong way uh 300 volt awm Asia yeah this is 16a a w says 16 a WG right there 16 AWG yeah this is 16 gauge yes that's good I see Sonic seic did good except they're not sleeved so I mean that that does that doesn't matter all right okay are we doing the are we doing the giveaway now are we doing it now we're doing it now okay let's do it where is the um all newest okay newest comments okay here here we go we only have 65 comments and there's 156 people here are people not commenting on the video do one out of 65 comments and we have 27 likes who here turned on the bot who who turned on the [Music] bot who who turned on the bot we are from outside of Canada USA uh I'm guys I'm sorry I can't I can't I can't I can't give this out I cannot ship this outside of North America I'm sorry I I I I I as much as I would like to I I just can't I I've already lost 2 KS Z pros this power supply will will get lost I'm sorry um okay okay 68 comments still climbing still people commenting all right I'll give another I'll give it another couple minutes couple more minutes mine capital what's up man you won the Bitcoin hash rate the other day congrats on that need the link to the video dude pin pin comment at the live chat the blue pin comment the video is there comment with something positive and anything about crypto Mining and uh if you're in USA or Canada you have to be present in order to win when I call out your name you have to be present okay let me get the website all up let me get the random comment picker random comment picker and and I totally forgot to choose the winner from the video yesterday so I'm going to do that as well uh I need to go to that video hold on for the GPU I forgot if it's a 1660 super or TI how many gpus am I mining with now okay 282 comments on that video all right let's go to let's go to um uh let's go to God this music keeps stopping Jesus Christ okay there we go okay downstairs screen let's go okay okay so here's Mr custom Computing okay this is the video you guys are commenting on okay make sure you subscribe to him as well all right 75 comments all right awesome okay okay um put this over here I can't read your guys's comments ah okay one more minute one more minute and I choose the winner I totally missed like five calls here who's calling me okay all right let's do it let's do it guys I'm so sad I'm giving this power supply away it's so nice but it's okay okay are you guys ready a good chance one out of 79 comments man one out of 79 you guys have a pretty high chance in winning here really high chance okay guys ready you guys want to do it now or wait when flux server RPM all set Miner um arct The Miner sending me a new one uh I don't know when but I'm supposed to get a new one that's supposed to have the uh uh the uh the new epics in it so yeah that'll be that'll be that'll be down the road probably proba a while from [Music] now okay are you guys ready you guys ready send it all right hold on let let me put the chat [Music] here crap crap why can't I hold on there we go there we go all right I can read the chat top chat all right you have to be present in order to win if I call out your name you got to you got to talk in the chat all right okay here we go fetching the comments this is for a brand spanking new brand spanking new 1300 watt SE Sonic gold 80 plus 12 year warranty ATX PSU Good Luck Good Luck Bros good luck here we go we're going to fetch we're going to fetch the comments here we go how do we enter 40 God damn it 40 uh welcome uh go to the uh pin comment at the top comment on custom computing's video you you got to make sure you subscribe as well and uh get your comment in anything positive about crypto Mining and in USA or Canada you have to be present in order to win okay thank you thanks BP thanks BP but also thank you to mop.

For the power supplies okay I give you one more minute one more minute 40 you got to get your comment in one more minute then I'll choose the winner how many comments do we have now 92 yes nice you got to make okay you got to make sure you got to make sure you have a positive comment about crypto Mining and if USA or Canada okay you got to make sure you have those two if you don't have those two requirements you will be disqualified and I will have to choose another winner uh crypto Rush official you will be banned This Is Love from Pakistan I'm sorry I'm sorry bro you you cannot win I'm sorry I'm very sorry okay all right here we go I gotta choose another winner for the 1660 super on this video or TI or I I don't know if it's a super a TI or a uh non super TI I really I really don't know okay all right okay 40 40 did you comment 40 did you comment least I can see if 40 commented yes 40 did comment nice tutorial bro okay you guys got to comment with USA or Canada not just nice tutorial but I listen read read the requirements if you guys are not going to do the requirement you will be disqualified if you do not edit your comment you will be disqualified God damn it guys you got you got to follow the requirements otherwise you will be disqualified and make sure you subscribe as well to Mr custom Computing I am going to check we are going to check if you are subscribed okay okay here we go here we go this for the power supply we're going to fetch the comments now uh include replies no allow duplicates no here we go continue loading the comments we got 90 comments all right 90 comments here we go here we go three two one gskt blue keep up the good work Canada um uh is Mr gskt Blue here gskt blue you have won congratulations bro from Canada as well even better rigged m capital rig gskt blue congrats bro email me contact at red panda .c you have won this beautiful oh my God beautiful 1300 watt ATX C Sonic Prime this is this is really nice congrats bro congrats email me contact red pen.com I'll get it shipped out to you I see you in the live chat congrats bro [Music] congrats uh cust this is fantastic thanks so much to all especially the go H dude you're welcome bro you're welcome congratulations congratulations it's a Canadian conspiracy gskt blue congrats bro uh gskt which province are you in just curious but email me your shipping address I need your first name last name phone number address all that stuff your social security number uh your PIN number I I need I need all of it gsk2 BL it mailed you RPM awesome awesome bro uh let me see did I get your email [Music] uh uh I did not get your email yet contact red pam.com did you did you email there all right thank you bro thank you perfect I would like to donate I would like to donate to the technicals oh oh wow okay your email says RPM can I donate this to the technicals please uh sure bro wow you wait you want to donate the power supply to the technicals I I'm I'm all for it wow wow I mean are you sure you sure you don't want this dude that's wow that's a that's I mean he's he's he's very rich already I don't know if I don't I'm he's awesome I love him I'm not saying I'm not saying he doesn't need it but he's he's he's very well off uh just putting it that way but if you want to give it to [Music] him you are you are too kind you are very kind good sir speed Target I identify as the Tactical Ah that's funny okay all right I can I can send it I can ship it to him uh gskt blue I'm poor but he will recompense me wow bro jeez man that's dude that you're too nice bro okay if that if that's your wish if that's your wish I will I will I will uh get the technicals uh uh address yes I will I will ship it I will ship this power supply to him wow very wow very uh yes very generous of you man very generous of you damn I I don't know who I I don't know wow that's I don't know I don't know what to say I I don't know what to say I thought I was being generous but now the winner is being the generous of the generous and and giving it to somebody else who does that who who does that I'm I'm in shock I'm in shock I'm in shock right now where's the technicals get them in here the Technic get in this live chat I you know what I'm just going to I'm just going to I'm going to hold on where's I need his I have him on uh hold on uh on Twitter uh the technical pass me your shipping [Music] address G gskt blue tell him I want some Crow pie you have [Music] one all right I sent a message to the technicals I'm going to send them a picture as well all right I sent them the picture I told him it was from SG SKT and uh it's coming I I'm waiting for his reply waiting for his reply oh my God gskt blue bro I I don't know wow that that is that is the most uh humbling thing ever really seriously good good stuff good stuff man I'm I'm in shock I I'm actually in shock right now damn damn bro that's that's awesome that's that's that's awesome good stuff good stuff smash the like Bros thank you all for being here um this is what this is what the this is what the crypto mining Community is all about bro people are paying it forward people are being generous and you you you guys you guys are awesome uh gskt gskt [Music] blue you're great man everyone else you're all selfish you're all terrible none of you guys would have paid it forward you guys would have took that power supply and and and and kept it just kidding oh the technical is here yes technical you got my message yes yeah yes did you get my yes technicals bro gskt wants to give you this he wants to give you this well I have a brand new one inbox right here here brand new I'm sending this to you give me your shipping address bro brand new 1300 watt gold seic Prime ATX PSU it's for you bro it's for you I'm I'm shipping this to you the technicals Ryan doy passing it along I can take it if the technicals doesn't want it ah oh man too funny oh the technicals I will I'll give it away once I get it oh my god oh Tech no technicals don't give it away bro no dude okay I don't do that that man don't do that it's already I I'm going to be paying we're going to be paying like 60 bucks to ship it to you like around there 50 to 60 bucks and then if you're going to ship it out again that's going to be double the shipping it's not don't do that keep it please technicals you have to keep it you you you the technicals you got to keep it bro no no more shipping it out no more giving it away please thank you but I'm getting the feeling there's something wrong with this PSU what it's brand new brand new not even opened not BR I haven't unwrapped the plastic it's brand brand spanking new I'm giving you this one I I got two I got two I just got [Music] two it's brand new Bro brand [Music] new technicals please can you can keep it bro please I want you the gskt wants you to use it he he he has gift you his win he he has given he has given you the win pulling the panda DNA off the plastic no don't do that don't take my DNA God damn [Music] it uh techical DM me uh I I I messag you on uh Twitter uh pass me your shipping address bro your I need your first name last name shipping address I need your phone number as well uh your your your sin number uh pin number all that I need I need all of it but I legit I do need your phone number and first name last name I think I have it already somewhere but I need it [Music] again congrats man congrats sent perfect perfect perfect man awesome okay all right I'm also size 10 men's ah oh jeez technical that's great man dude you're so funny man guys go subscribe to Mr technicals as well he's another prominent very OG crypto mining YouTuber go check him out um all right okay all right guys thank you for the fun that was fun wow I'm shocked I'm still shocked by the giveaway here gskt bro you you are so you're so humbling bro congrats thank you seriously I've I've never I I don't know what to say I don't know what to feel right now giv away a power supply to a YouTuber what that was amazing amazing um oh the technicals do you want wait hold on let me make sure here uh you you've already three 3D printed them but you do you have these fan shrouds already you do you need more of [Music] these um Tech uses three ah Yankee did I miss something Yankee what's up bro is the technicals who got the Bots to like panu Ah that's so funny the tech goes I have those shrouds I printed them myself oh right yeah yeah that's right I remember watching that yeah you did nice bro nice nice nice I just received a whole bunch I was wonder if you needed any um all right okay that's it guys that's it for the live stream thank you for the fun I got to go now uh I got a bunch of text messages oh a bunch of packages oh I got to pick up o uh uh oh yes dg1 has arrived oh Ka box has arrived all right I got big boy A6 to go pick up now should I give those away no no probably not not probably not okay oh 1660 Travelers travels thank you I forgot we forgot to choose the winner for this one uh let me choose the winner this one you don't need to be here in order to win uh okay uh let's let's let's uh let's get this fetch all right this is for the 1660 uh I forgot hold on let let me figure out which one is it it was in this video I said it was going to give it away a [Music] GPU where where do I right here all right this one I don't know if it's a TI a super or a non TI super so it's for this one all right I'm in this video You're supposed to comment so 284 of you commented all right let's uh uh include replies no all right fetching the comments who's going to win 27 nice okay all right who's going to win let's see 3 2 1 uh good morning bro okay this uh hold on I don't think he did he have the requirement he didn't put USA he didn't put Canada and he didn't really comment anything regarding the video I think that was my requirement yeah yeah okay all right yeah uh dis disqualified I I'm sorry Eugene patch Pat a 510 Z I'm sorry all right we got to choose another winner okay let me let me reload the comments let me let me leave let me re let me reload the comments fch continue okay all right still 278 all right here we go oh screen I didn't change the screen I'm sorry oh my God I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry nobody nobody told me to switch the screen I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry all right we're going to we're going to do it again now okay we got to do it again ah I totally okay well okay it's it's this video this is the video two days ago you guys are supposed to comment and watch um how many gpus am I crypto mining with now I was giving away away uh this this GPU here okay uh but it seems like n Dan 181 as one it seems expensive server cases don't last very long and hard to fix Canada yes another Canadian oh my God we're just getting Canadians all over the place here uh okay I got to pin this guy's comment um let's see here uh i r I rarely get rarely get Canadians oh oops I R rarely get Canadian winners which is pretty good all right let me copy this guy's N I got to pin his comment all right and andan all right I gotta find this comment's probably way hidden down [Music] here stupid sidebar oh my goodness all we [Music] go all right did this end Dan comment not come up and Dan there he is found him pin all right nice nice nice nice nice nice congrats bro email me contact red pandam mining.com with your shipping address yes all right he won the GPU now there is another GPU giveaway in today's video If you guys didn't watch today's video I I'm doing another giveaway this one my whole basement is dedicated to crypto mining video all right I'm giving away I'm giving away another uh another GPU so you guys got to watch you guys got to watch this one okay a 1660s TI all right get your comments in on on my on that video okay you guys got to watch this one you got to you got to listen to How to participate for this one okay all right that's it I'm done thank you bros thank you guys so much thank you for the fun the technicals congrats bro I'll ship that to you uh congrats to and Dan on the 16 series I got a lot of giveaways I got to ship out okay I got to write all this down I'm going to forget hold on let me let me text myself I have so many okay I have so many giveaways to do I you know what I I have every month you guys know how much money I've put away every month for giveaways I put 600 bucks I'm going to be expensing at least 600 bucks in shipping at least every month so I have that amount of money that I can put forward for giveaways for shipping 600 bucks us I'm going to be devoting that just for shipping and that's for you guys okay 600 bucks us total hopefully you guys appreciate that or not doesn't matter it's coming out of my pocket um okay so this is for okay n Dan 1811 is the 16 series GPU I don't know which one it is and sticker okay another winner who won uh technicals the technicals uh technicals is 1300 watt PSU um ks0 Pro some I someone just won a couple days ago um who was that it was a Canadian I got to search my email and then what else am I giving away who else won who else won stuff am I forgetting another am I forgetting another giveaway ah crap crap crap crap let me check um uh I don't remember I need to I need to go back I need to go back in my videos uh DJ can you only write off shipping yeah I'm right yeah I can write off the ship that's why I said I'm devoting like 600 bucks a month for shipping DJ yeah Y and I I can write off the giveaways as well um whatever I'm giving away okay okay guys you guys have a great day thank you for watching how's the market right now oh Bitcoin is over SE uh 7,300 nice all right we're climbing we're climbing lower lower high from the previous low yeah we're still high we're still above the parabolic resistance parabolic trend is still looking good I'm not a traitor I'm just speaking random words okay I'll see you guys later peace out peace out peace out you guys have a great day thank you for the fun thank you for the fun appreciate you all you guys have a great one peace out peace out oops [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

As found on YouTube

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