💡Tryout HIVEOS Entirely Free:

[Music] [Applause] [Music] just hiding in the bamboo trees got my 360 T won't agree I am so nicely on my knees yeah you're so slide and full of Teas came a heart on that speed need that car it's all I need you sit there munching pretty Le playing GES while my R greets oh it P come all through send me that sweet you I've been waiting won't you see get up and set me free you've got for great silicone stripes and thoughts you're chilling on living life in perfect harmony while my frames die in [Music] [Applause] agony try to you with some bamboo sticks but you just played your Panda Twix laughing while it's Out Of Reach can't believe you belong to nich P come on through send me that sweet I won't you see get it up and set me [Music] [Applause] [Music] free do the fur I ceve silicone stripes and spots you're chilling on living life in perfect harmony while my frames die in agony [Music] [Applause] youve got come on through send me that sweet you I've been waiting won't you see give it up and set me free [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] red Potter's World went dark fast last night computers DOD do not a minor in sight C drop the like of stone in the sea more heals for us and it's all tax [Music] [Applause] [Music] free why Frost tle like a hacker's dream silence in the server just a hidden beam techno CS in the shadows they start to conspire the electric down but our profits fire highering in the [Music] dark everybody Welcome to the live stream Hawk thank you thank you for the raid happy wait what day is it today Thursday night what's up Bros welcome to the live stream we are going to be unboxing a ice River a freaking three this is probably one of the most anticipated alium Asic miners that that a lot of people uh have been uh I think a lot of people have bought this minor and so I'm yeah I we're GNA we're going to get into it in this live stream okay we're going to we're going to get into it I got a lot that I want to go through okay not only with the current Network hash rate of alium which is it's gonna start climbing and I think if we did our math right I think ice River had 20 petahash of these of these miners so if if I if I get the calculator out here uh because it looks like they turned off their farm for a certain time frame there so it looks like they're packaging them up on end of December like 24th or something like that maybe they uh turn it back on and then they're you know slowly adding on more ice River a3s on their own Farm I'm just speculating but uh let's see so 20 divided by 0.015 that's 15 Terra has potentially 1300 of these went offline on the 25th and Michael cartright thank you for the five gifted Subs bro you didn't need to do that Hawk thank you for the raid as well as well thank you good sir thank you thank you so Michael cartright thank you for the gifted Subs C Valley crypto uh uh got a membership Brad Johnson JS Ryan and JP rigs congrats Bros on the memberships Michael cartrite thank you thank you for the five gifted Subs okay Bros thank you for tuning in I didn't want to do this live stream but you guys pressured me to do this so screw all of you all right so first thing first things first I wanted to shake this box because there is a lot of [Music] metal I don't I I don't know if you guys can hear that there's a lot of metal moving around when I first picked it up it it it even if I move it a little bit all right let's open it let's open it let's let's let's let's take it out of the box here we go geek of all trade sounds like an RMA in your future would it be the first would it be the first time the you know the the bitmain X5 that thing died two or three days after I got it two or three days it died and there was no repair there was no repair centers for the uh bit main X5 at the time okay unboxing Hawk love you guys to I need that NVM me my stream crashed as we ended really HCK wow that is that's pretty lucky that's pretty lucky okay all right nice pink foam here okay and you know what I'm going to put it on the I'm going to put it on the ground oh my God this is so heavy Inside the Box another pink foam nothing special no cable wait there's no power cable oh no do I have the power cable oh oh it's upside down oh hold on a sec it's upside [Music] down uh you know what let [Music] me has this been pre-opened wait is this pre so no nobody's opened it okay no no it's not hasn't been opened and uh thank you to Asic Marketplace by the way Asic marketplace.com sent me this al3 to Showcase to you guys so thanks to them thank you basic Marketplace okay all right destroyed the anti-static bag oh take this out dude when I shake this [Music] dude this is that doesn't sound very good that doesn't sound good at all something something definitely something definitely is we're going to have we're going to we're definitely going to have to open why is there a different screw here look at that there's a black screw it's flat but then there's there's three screws here that are right what four screws on the back top here okay no before we okay before we turn it on and thank goodness I have the now this is a c19 I I got a c19 to C20 uh cable uh wait no I don't wait wait a sec uh wait what H wait I actually have one oh no oh no that might be my that's the one I cut Oh no I got another one oh okay thank God all right I got one I got one I got one I got one okay we're safe we're safe I can turn it on I can turn turn on Okay so before we uh before we uh turn it on okay I I know I'm uh I'm going against lenus Tech tips here I got to make sure I I have my LTT screwdriver I just saw a comment about that okay so let's take out the uh let's take let's make sure the dashboards and the cables the ribbons and everything are okay because this thing it I have never heard this one is this one is the most metal metal sounds I've ever heard in an Asic ever I'm trying to remember another Asic that was like that actually all the ice servers were like loose inside you know like I think uh uh the indents where you slide where you slide the hash boards in was uh was not uh or it's too wide so this one I'm expecting to be the same the same thing I'm just taking out the back part here is this the part where I take out the hash is the control board on this side okay I need to take out the other side oh my God 15 trash okay why is the screw different I'm so confused oh it's a security one oh oh wait a second no it's not no it's a regular Phillips it's a regular Phillips screw it's just it's just black uh no it's a it's a black it's just a black black screw it's a long one though that's what she said uh mining King you realize you only need to take two screws off on and each side uh King I did not know that that's how not how many times I have never barely taken apart these these uh these these ice River the bottom screws okay well I took out the top one for nothing then I'll take them all out doesn't matter I'm taking them all out [Music] o there we go okay oh it's still stuck there we go yes okay how can I bring you guys in here oh look at that yes okay the al3 why is there black lines drawn why are there black lines drawn on the uh on the bus bars there why why is that make sure the ribbons are in okay ribbons are in bottom screws call yourself a my king okay the fans nothing's everything looks to be in P say is in the fan the four pin Molex fans power's in ribbon cables are in zinc xylin this is a it's a zyink chip xyl links control board I'm assume zyink control board three pin fan what's this what's this one what is this one what's what's this one I don't know what this one is what's this one king what's this one the fan is this a fan three pin fan ah power supply power supply fan H okay well it looks to be all in other than when I pick it up it makes a lot of metal okay all right turn it [Music] on let's turn it on let's do it let's turn it on now it's time oh the warranty sticker is well won't be able to armade anymore so whatever not that it mattered anyway okay back on uh check the heat sinks yeah I I'm not going to I'm not going to go that far I'm not I'm not going to go that far I think it's I think it's fine it's fine if we see smoke then you're right I should have uh I should have taken it fully apart it's fine test Shake again no no more test shaking damn it are we cooking eggs on the heat sink King no more cooking okay she totally not even King I take back King I take back everything I said about working with you as uh uh uh you know cleaning A6 opening A6 I don't think I could do it I would go I would go insane I can't do it King it's I I can't do it I'm not going to I'm not going to devote myself to that world I just can't I just I just can't I just can't watching you struggle is hilarious I'm not struggling I'm screwing in stupid screws with an LTT screwdriver nothing wor can't get worse than that [Music] all right I don't even know which way this goes doesn't matter uh no the other way definitely this way there we go okay four screws driver is too short which driver Oh you mean the the TT screwdriver dude watch this thing like smoke when we turn this thing on watch it like short somewhere because I screwed in something screwed in the screws the wrong way it's not going in how come it's not going in a little bit loose here it's not going in what the hell this one this one goes in why doesn't this one go in okay there we go there we go stupid no can't do it can't do it I can't become an Asic fixer I can't do it okay let's turn it on let's see if it smokes 15 Tash al3 what does the power supply say uh 12 volt 16 amp uh 16 Amp Max 180 to two 285 volt is that right 285 volt 3400 Watts okay okay let's do it dox myself here okay all right ethernet in all right let's do it here we go wait there's a power switch is that on or off Circle means on line means off or is it the other way Circle means off okay yes got to make sure got to make sure all right moment of here we go oh God how many likes do we have right now on this live stream we got 176 people here 39 likes smash the like I'm not I'm not plugging this in until I see a 100 likes I'm I'm blue balling all of you right now I need I need to see a 100 likes on this stream before I plug this in circle is off line connects Studio 888 art I like I like the way you said that I like that always hurts the first time RPM all set you are terrible that is terrible but hilarious always hurts the first time I love it I love it I love it I love it everyone ready for the blue magical smoke all right enough uh enough blue ball all right let's plug it in okay here we go p is on mining King I'm throwing this GPU in the garbage this is going straight into the trash straight into the trash GP the mining King signed 6600 XT straight to the garbage okay here we go here we go daddy chill dear Panda please remove some as6 from the hash boards before the start uh I don't know about that okay here we go three two I don't smell anything I don't smell anything yet ping seven eight walks right now just started lights PSU is flashing uh fans are not moving I repeat the fans are not moving don't forget the smell check Big Bang I'm smelling non-stop here okay let me get the IP let me get the IP of it let's let's look at it let's let's let's see what the web gooey looks like probably looks like every other ice River web goey I wonder if this one has the the log like the uh the k5m oh oh yeah [Music] okay it's it's getting loud it's going to get loud it was loud now it calmed down okay let me get the IP it says host name's ice River yes thank God and 100 100 186 all right let's go on the screen okay what's the username what what's the what's the I it's been so it's been like a month I haven't logged into any asex at all uh admin Root Root Root admin uh username password error uh what What's it again admin one two ah ah the number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 okay ah 1 through eight yes okay good old ice River I forgot about that okay oh it's mining already wait it's already pulling power wait it's pulling power already 3200 Watts wait the front the front fans are not even moving dude it's what it's pulling 3200 Watts right now but the front fans are not even on that's a bad that's that that's uh uh what's happening what's happen happening oh man maybe it's like heating up maybe it's just heating up accepted shares we got accepted shares 51° C 34 uh mining settings fan speed zero okay okay oh fans are on [Music] now all right fans fans are on now [Music] it's caling down uh screen okay uh IP setting firmware firmware upgrade minor log uh yeah they got the minor log thing here that's cool I don't know what most of this means initialized hash board one hash board two hash board 3 156 chips so 156 chips on each board all right that's good that's cool that's cool cool to know that's good to know uh okay uh all right okay uh uh who did Stephen did you just say uh ice server fan uh money King ice server fan curve is poo poo uh geek of all trades put that Al address into the block Explorer okay let's see let's see let's see uh leum block EXP this is ice Rivers for [Music] sure 304 Elf oh yeah oh yeah this wallet this wallet is balling actually a good another good actually we should check hum poool can we check uh if hum poool will hum poool show the addresses there uh the worker maybe we can see all the worker names there hum [Music] poool um let's see uh enter your cast enter your Elf address search the hell okay bring me back all right I don't see the worker here uh maybe it takes a while oh all right interesting okay well uh is there anything you guys want me to try other than 1 billion Al mind really address worth 403 uh number of transactions 8 871 King where did you see [Music] that [Music] uh oh oh I smell something burning oh oh oh oh [ __ ] that doesn't smell good that doesn't smell good I definitely smell something uh uh temperature temperature says 59 and 66 all no I I legit I'm not even joking I do smell something maybe it's just B maybe it's just burning uh uh residual something I don't know thermop paste it's definitely hot 3400 Watts now 3400 watt pull was that 3200 earlier I definitely smell something it smells like burning no it legit I'm not even joking it's legit smells like burning check the log to see if it's still working okay let's go uh current power oh look at that it even whoa that's new wait I've never seen that before it actually shows the power consumption in the log is that new I've never seen that before uh 6 minutes 12 gig 12 terahash uh it's still maybe it's still ramping up oh oh what's this what's this hash board hash board one uh what's this mean so max temp 82 Max temp 79 PCB temp 58 65 56 62 58 fan speed it all looks it all looks normal uh gek of all trades is that what they mean by burn in [Laughter] time yeah smells dust burning yeah black sales that maybe that's it uh mining King I mean you can turn it off uh is that cable hot uh gigal trades good question good question good question um I just I just want to see the uh okay temps temps are under 67 okay let's go back out okay the the burn smell is the burn smell has subsided it's not I don't smell any burning anymore uh but the cable we say cable is is not hot 40 uh that caes 22° celsus I don't nothing's nothing's too hot on this Asic right now except the hash board inside inside says inside is 40 43 43° C well that's obviously in the front the back it's probably a different story uh uh Smokey Dan that just means you're now used to the smell yeah it's probably the computer burn smell computer the you know like the PCB burn smell okay what are we doing why am I mining to ice River first person to give me their alium address in the live chat first person well we'll get hash rate for now until I have to record a video somebody give me give me your leum address live chat first person all right and who's anoms all right anoms has given me the first address let me just make sure yeah anoms was first Dom G I'm sorry Dom G Dom G you got wrecked you got you got wrecked you got wrecked Dom G I'm sorry domg I'm I'm so sorry uh which pool which pool do you want uh Mr anoms uh let's yeah you know let's try different cool that's actually a good test so hum Pool Works uh what other pools do people do other people uh use uh let's go uh oh yeah I was going to talk about I was going to talk about the uh aum's um proof of less work that's their uh I guess their uh the way that they adjust the block rewards and uh so there's no having on PM block reward is adjusted dynamically depending on the network hash rate and time stamp so that I'm kind of confused about I've never uh I was just reading a bit more of that time stamp is the timebase reward emission rate for the first four years evolves as follows so there's an inflation curve uh for alum uh over four years the time based mining reward drops gradually from 15 elf shared by 16 chains per block period to five elf after 4 years the time base reward will be fixed to 5 Al per block period and drops to zero elf in after 82 years so what what what is the what is the block right now it's like 1 point something or 0 point something shared across 16 chain I I'm like trying to understand how this this works because it's quite it's quite interesting and then if it hits One One X a hash uh prove of less work will be triggered so I it's very it's very weird uh so I got to read the chat here uh uh uh anons what did you say anons which pool did you want anons anons anons did I miss it you're choosing oh uh okay uh let's go uh let's go uh alium hold on I need to uhum let's go okay uh who whale pool that's a new one uh DX pool K1 Viper let's go Viper let's see if V Let's see if Viper works I'm curious if the al3 will work on viper start mining uh okay I'm going to go us West that's the closest to me okay let's put it in oh it doesn't take the stratum along with it okay oh doesn't take the port number with it either ah oh I got to click on this one ah I'm stupid I'm stupid okay there we go oh he has multiple he definitely has multiple ports I'm just going to get the other one there oh that's the SSL one whatever okay all right save pool 2 pool address format is incorrect uh okay uh full to4 format is incorrect oh the SSL thing doesn't work okay okay I'll take that out whatever okay that worked now that works okay so ice River webg SSL thing doesn't work which whatever doesn't really matter uh uh anyone know when ice rer and crypt Miner bro pay out uh DJ mines what what do you mean what do you mean by that uh that was strange yeah where did you order from right p m uh this one was from uh Asic Marketplace uh DJ I ordered a week after you from Asic Marketplace and uh so I I think it's because you said you're getting uh yours is yours is on a pallet right uh al3 yours is on a pallet so that's going to be that's going to be different and if use code I'm not telling anyone to buy this but if you do decide to get one use code RPM you get another 100 bucks off but uh I wanted to I definitely wanted to to Showcase here the profitability of this uh al3 is is quite volatile I mean that that goes along with the price of alium which has been going up and down but not only that but the the hash rate for alum is going to start climbing here as everyone is receiving their uh a3s okay so uh it's definitely it's definitely going to start climbing now is this mining to vipor uh yes it is okay so let's go to vior and let's see if it's connected to v.net uh mining address no data uh let's see search oh no it showed up oh there it is oh no it's not there but it is uh no it's not it's not showing up on viper is cool yet okay we'll we'll give it a second May oh you know what I should reboot it it's probably uh you know what I'm not going to reboot it I want to see if it actually shows up after changing the pool I want to see if that works I'm going to read the chat uh like affiliate one I don't know good point yeah I got a pallet uh not from tashes I'm not mad just disappointed my uh I have al3 coming tomorrow Matt uh devony nice man uh yeah here's the the minor yeah seems to be working good the burning smell is no longer there how loud is this thing right now it's it's not that loud 75 DB it's not it's not that it's not that bad it's not that bad 34 13 Watts at the wall 3,400 Watts so typical uh typical Big Boy uh big boy big boy minor um okay if you guys want me to try anything let me know do you have a code for al2 as well uh echo's reborn uh code RPM works on the whole website uh of Asic Marketplace yes 100 bucks off uh ands there's accepted shares so we'll see okay let's see let's go back let's go back let's go back uh where's the viore all right does it show up on vipore yet nope not yet I have a feeling I got to reboot it Vore usually shows up instantly so that's kind of strange um yeah it's not even showing hash I bet you it's hashing I bet you it's still hashing to the old address so it's it's probably best I it's probably best I give it a a reboot yeah let's give it a reboot yeah I think you're supposed to reboot you're supposed to reboot the isover after you change the uh the wallet addresses uh from what I from what I remember um uh game with Smokey Dan yes try cooking with it definitely not definitely not echo's reborn could you try hero miners afterwards uh yes yes we yes I can yes yes we can uh anoms refresh the page I did I did I refreshed oh no it did show up oh now it now it shows up after I just rebooted it ah made me a liar okay so that did work didn't have to reboot it it did show up after like two 3 minutes took three took a couple minutes so it actually it actually did show up on viper okay well anyway it's it's it's booting it's booting back up now um I read the chat uh okay uh BC mine doesn't need a reboot yeah yeah I just fig I just figured that out right now BC there we go all right there we go oh that's loud oh that's loud so loud the startup is very very [Music] loud okay um all right uh oh sorry sorry sorry there we go Alum uh ow oh dude this dude this thing is loud was very [Music] loud all right we need to leum the [Music] oh my God that thing's so loud [Music] [Music] it's still very very very loud it's so loud it why is it not going down oh thank God holy [ __ ] that took like why did that take so long Jesus there we go oh my God that was so loud that was so loud all right the fan RPM went down yeah we're good we're good now oh Jesus Christ I definitely lost my definitely lost my hearing oh my goodness Iota pie so loud my ears were burning aotai bro what's up man welcome to the stream we connected the al3 to your pool can you please C can you please uh Iota pie can you please um uh for this address here it's not mine it's someone in the CH in the live chat can you please double the share on the pool so they get double the alium so you know currently I think this thing makes uh like $24 in alium a day or that's uh the yield is about 18 could you can you code on this wallet address this worker another a double amount of shares automatically so we can get double the alium thank you all right I know you can do that I all right I know I know you can do that so thank you typical in all curent as6 for cool down period okay Max voltage it took you so long just to annoy you Max voltage 100% 100% IAI 100% I can screw that I mean I can make that happen perfect perfect perfect thank you thank you thank you and uh uh I'll message you tomorrow when I put my address on can you also double mine no triple my sh shares all right just code in the back end for my account only my wallet address triple the shares so I get Triple the alium all right perfect 100 100x pure crypto boss I am reporting you all hey hey hey as long as you throw a couple of warthog rigs on I I got a bc250 sitting right there it's off right now it's sitting right [Music] there oh I can't even move it so freaking heavy never mind it's it's sitting right there uh not greedy much give me a smokey Dan no not not not greedy enough Smokey Dan it's not greedy enough rigged I'm reporting you all crypto Craig seems [Laughter] Fair H okay well that was uh that's it that's it al3 is connected looks like it's working I think oh no we're not seeing the hash rate here uh the hash rate on on vipor let's see oh mining a leum with vipor you earn rewards faster than any other pool don't be fooled by pools who only pay out every few hours we pay out and unlock the blocks every 10 minutes oh so that's how you can make it even that's how you can make the shares double ah I like it I like it you took a good one a Noms uh hey hey hash rate says 15.2 so that's uh that's what it's supposed to be 15 ter has there you go um I can't even move it it's so heavy that's what she said to me smokey Dan terrible uh let's see crypto cig imagine how many Al you are getting with this Asic versus what you did solo mining with gpus Insanity Krypto Craig dude oh man yeah man I think that one month where I I mined alium on my whole Farm I mined like I think I mined like 7,000 or 8,000 theum it was it was a lot it was a lot yeah yeah bring it back bring bring dude bring back GP mining for alium all right change the algo could you imagine if they did that ah they wouldn't do that though they would a lot of people would be pissed solo mining for the win yeah man uh okay all right this thing is connected it's looks like it's working current power it says current power says 3196 well at the wall for me it says 3400 I'm at 3400 3399 yeah H this thing's not loud at all it's quiet it's very quiet uh now though though I bet because I'm in a cooler environment like right now it's it's temperature in here it's fre freaking it's it's 66 F okay I bet if king or Hawk you guys put this in your farm you know if it's like 70 or 80 or you know you know a mining farm that has a lot more higher F uh ambient temperature I'm sure I wonder if the fans the fans would ramp up obviously it's cold it's cold in here whoa Hawk Hawk what are you doing did you pick an al3 giveaway winner uh Ryan doy yes uh we did we did uh we did earlier yeah um uh Panda can we get a unblock hawk in 2025 hashtag going uh no Hawk no we have over a 100 coming you have over a 1003s coming dude holy smokes man what which mining pool is that guy going to go on mining pool stats.

Stream let's see here uh dude vior has Ninth Place 653 terahash so we just we just added on another 15 terahash if you got a 100 of those things coming what's 100 100 time uh 0.015 of a petahash one that that's going to T that's that's 1.5 terahash wait the current Network hash rate is 3.77 so 1.5 is like three 3 to 5% uh how do you do that divid by 1.5 uh no is it the other way 1.5 / 30 yeah five 5% that's literally you're turning on 5 % of the network hash rate talk that's that is hilarious that is actually that's actually pretty funny when you look when you look at it that [Laughter] way 5% H 125 sold in 2 months yeah yeah that's a lot uh blood Crow you gave away a full al3 uh no blood Crow no I did not but uh if you know never mind it's a smokey Den it's lovely 4050 C here yeah that's pretty good that's pretty good all right well that's it it's an Asic minor there's really nothing to it other than uh yeah so how much is this thing okay currently right now 23 bucks a day and it's and it's going lower every single day uh that's because I Le price has been suppressed so I bet you if we are on a little bit of a up and up here with Bitcoin I think uh I think Al's going to bounce here looks looks like it's probably going to go up not Financial advice uh it's it's it's probably going to it's probably going to bounce Bitcoin is what Bitcoin is 967 right now okay it was 97 earlier okay all right interesting yeah I I got mine I ordered mine from uh Marketplace and I got it uh they shipped it on the 29th I got it today January 2nd from Hong Kong came to me in 3 days from DHL and uh the only D I had I had to pay about 80 Canadian in duy so about 50 us uh Customs fee so yeah uh put fans on 100% and do a DB test uh Daniel Hall I no I don't want to that's too loud man that that is that is just way too loud please math again Smokey Dan uh okay uh crazy man just just crazy just hilarious okay you want to you want to do the 100% you want to do the 100 fan speed all right let's do it let's do it f it f it 100 oh this is at 49% all right 100% here we go save [Music] ah it's so [Music] [Applause] loud oh it's it's ramping it's ramping back down there wait it's ramping back down [Applause] automatically 70 it's at 70 it's going lower now it's dying down dude it was at I it peaked at like 100 DB right at the right in front of it that thing is going to struggle in the summer oh King temps are fine well temps are fine because my ambient temperature right now is freaking uh my ambient here is 66 Fahrenheit it's it's extremely it's extremely cool here where in my basement right now so in a in a hotter environment I I suspect bro that this is this is going to be it's going to be interesting okay uh is there anything else you guys want me to do anything else you guys want to see about this thing other than there's really not much to it really not much to it are you mining flux what do you think about it eeko are born uh I mining flux on one rig right now I'm doing a long-term test on 6600 XCS but yes uh what do I think about it uh uh man I I think flux I think honestly I think they should have they shouldn't have how do I say it Diversified so much I think they they made a lot of promises they they hyped it up obviously I I I I think I think they had they Diversified way too much I think they should have honed in on a few a few different things and uh stuck with it I think I bet I I definitely feel a lot of things fell through the cracks and uh yeah oh ioty what' you say we're hitting blocks no way oh iot toie iie please can you put where where I lost the worker where's the worker I lost it uh let's go back to Viper I don't apply can you please um [ __ ] I lost the worker uh what's the address uh where's the address can you please just put this worker on the front of the line just just put this can you please put all the bandwidth to this worker so that I can get all the blocks okay at tomorrow I need all the blocks all right I need you to all right you said we found a block let's see blocks no way we found one 6 minutes ago hell yeah full effort 202% uh al3 worker yeah there you go we found a we found a block dude how much how much is that one block is what uh block rewards uh uh what what what's uh what's one block I I I don't remember one one one elf solo gang only way to go uh what's the fan percent right now King uh it says 50 King 50% and it's going down it's it's always it's it's flying all over the place now it's at 44% yeah um uh iy LOL you already hit a block oh I know I saw I just I just saw that uh gek VA tra trades rigged sorry just came back from the bathroom what did I miss uh nothing much man uh nothing much uh 90 F in the summer rip yeah it's going to it's it's going to be interesting with this ice River uh did we find another block already no way al3 one block uh blocks pending I can just clck I can just click on it oh I could I could have just clicked on it uh 1 0.44 e that's how low the block reward is now on each on each chain six 16 chains and it's divied up by five am I right did I understand that right 16 / 5 ow no wait I'm so wait I did that wrong 5 ID 16 0.3125 per chain per per 16 uh 16 chains God I don't I I don't understand this it's it's I haven't read through the whole thing but uh ioty block 2081 1859 is yours awesome awesome awesome but this is oh there it is there it there it is okay I didn't I didn't realize you can click that there you go yeah perfect look at that awesome um travel travels I'm mining 0.5 with an Al Zer on a pool per day ah Krypto Craig imagine our block rewards 2.33 when we solo mine GPS oh yeah Krypto Craig dude good times man good times so think about it we know one of these if we're mining 04473 a day okay sorry per block what's the price of Elf right now it's not it's not that much but if elf went to that's like 58 cents so 58 cents an elf that one block so what if uh what if elf went to like freaking uh you know what if elf went uh what $3 $ five let's just say $ five that'd be $223 so if this thing is actually supposed to mine every day how much is this thing supposed to mine every day um 18.63% be like $93 in a single day is that going to happen I for sure hope so I hope so I hope so I hope so uh 16 + 5 eating good tonight L Smokey Dan it's 7.5 divided by 16 ah okay 1.3 crazy uh 18.6 Alp right now ah yeah I just saw a mining Dutch dad mode activated yeah I mind Doge you're brave man good luck uh tell him to stomp more no unblock hawk in 2025 okay guys I think that's it is is there any is there anything else you guys want me to try is there anything else anything else you guys want me to try King mining King I'm throwing this in the garbage it's GPU 6600 XT I gotta I gotta frame this I gotta I gotta frame this somewhere I gotta somehow frame this this the signed mining King GPU H King so funny too funny man uh let's see uh ioty thank you for all the Viper support from the RPM fans here much appreciated yeah no worries man your pool is awesome I love it nice and fast I love the stats it's it's perfect man mining King fry an egg definitely not where can I fry an egg on this thing uh it's not it's not hot at all at the top not hot the side oh power suppli is definitely burning on the side oh yeah oh yeah 50° C on that far side of the power fly 50° but the this part here is 34 the back of the power supply is hot 50° C 50° C 50° yeah not bad my area is cool so it's not it's not that it's not that bad is not that hot okay mining king take it out of the case LOL put one hash board on the table King why why do you want me to suffer why just tell me why I I I don't have the mental capacity to do that okay uh DJ everything good yeah DJ it works uh it works works good man it seems to work good so far yeah we're showing uh 50 15 terahash in the web gooey uh on vipore it shows uh 14.82% just double code the extra shares so I can earn you know double the alium right okay perfect thank you I'm waiting for the RPM cooking school DJ uh DJ I love it I love it uh outy L 3x you're worth it perfect thank you thank you 3x even better Hawk it all makes sense now Hawk Secrets out H that's how I am able to achieve higher profitability I just talked to the mining devs on each of the mining pools whichever mining pool I am mining on and I ask them to 3x my shares in the back [Laughter] end DJ we need that 2025 alium pump so we can all retire dude what what are the chance okay what's everyone's prediction like I've seen some very crazy predictions aboutum people say like $10 like 10x 20x like uh okay what's the market cap of alium right now 125 million so what are the chances of alium being a$1 billion market cap coin just just a simple 1 billion yeah let's let's see let's see what's 1 billion right now 1 billion is fart coin all right so fcoin is 1.3 billion why isn't alium there now like in theory then Al lithium should be able to you know hit that okay uh let's see another 1 billion core helium oh my god dude helium is helium is just going straight down helium is now 1 billion market cap uh from what it was before okay I see I see but yeah helium would be uh alium if they were to go to1 billion you know that's a good that's a good 8X or 7x or whatever uh okay some of you guys are saying uh fart coin we got to be better than fart coin I wish 20x I mean Hawk says elf to $10 so that would be uh like one to 1.2 billion market cap or something yeah we're got to be better than fcoin well we're not going to beat fcoin H fcoin is crazy ah dude lukew what's up man yeah dude I can't believe who the hell is is is fcoin on salana I bet it is yeah it's a salana coin it's it's got a contract yeah it's a it's a salana coin so no wonder dude and it just keeps going up oh my dude look at this chart look at fart coin's chart are you kid are you are you kidding me right now dude if you bought fart coin down here 3 cents to a136 that's a how many what's an how many X is that A36 ided 3 No 3 cents divided by 145 oh 1.45 no I did that wrong wait I'm stupid how do you how do you do the multiplier 1.35 1.35 divided by ah Zer I did I I did I did three I didn't put three cents 0.03 that's a 45x if you bought fart coin back when it was 3 cents it's a it's a 40 did a 45x are you kidding me what the hell man who bought this coin 45x Jesus Christ stop maths please I'm I'm sorry just looking around ioty ever since the entity I feel it'll be mined out do you think flux will allow A6 would help echo's Reborn no I don't think there should be ASX for flux but anything could happen I mean hell there was a there was a kapow Asic uh back in the day so or Prague power whatever I bet you I bet you it's out there but I I I I just I don't think the uh well I don't know I don't know what the efficiency gain I don't think it's going to be that much compared to like a GPU the worst Asian ever Hey listen listen listen all right you guys screw all you guys you know what this is what I this is what I have to say to you all right all right let's just let's just just just turn on some music and you guys can I'll go to hell uh okay uh that's it weren't you born with a calculator and diaper definitely not all right all right guys uh well they are on Nexa now yeah the Nexa Asic yeah rip rest in peace um all go to the land of fcoin please definitely don't invest in fcoin now uh it's it's so high already I don't I don't recommend it definitely not alium however I mean if we're all if we're all thinking you know 10x from here with only a $125 million market cap yeah I mean this could be this could be a this could be a sleeper Dragon D nuts got anexa Asic crazy lukewarm yeah dragon Dragon Ball Todd we love our red Pena Todd love you too man okay all right Bros that's it I'm out is there anyone streaming after me uh lukewarm are you streaming do you want me to raid you thank you guys for showing up and uh that's it that's it that's it the al3 3,400 Watts Hawk I think I'm Hawk I need to send this to you for for hosting Hawk mining King wait no I'm not going to send this to you mining King is going to teabag it definitely not I am not sending it to thanks for the stream uh travels travels thank you bro uh King says no Hawk says yes Max good night Max love you man Max voltage Max voltage mining King POS ice River yeah I I agree King I I agree uh unblock Max Hawk crack an egg on it definitely not uh Iota the block mine just got paid out oh did it let's see let's [Music] see let's see let's see block oh there it is uh payments uh uh I I don't I don't see the pay I don't see the pay oh oh maybe oh maybe oh it's paid out in the in the account oh no it's it's I'm I'm I'm not solo mining I'm po mining I'm pool mining so uh yeah that's not going to work that yeah that it goes to you or it shares amongst the pool it's that that block shared amongst the pool I guess uh iify I I know I I I I I forgot I I wasn't I'm not we're not solo mining we're uh we're pool we're pool mining pool mining so uh are you going to bridge Al to another network blood Crow uh no I'm not do you want me to I mean I I can try Death Valley Mining what in the midnight death Death Valley Mining what's up man what's what's up man good to see you okay I got to go guys my kid is screaming uh got to put him to bed I'll see you guys later thank you for the fun thank you for the unboxing thank you to uh Asic Marketplace for sending me this I server al3 I am going to do a video right after this and I'm going to record it I'm going to release it tomorrow you guys get ready to watch that video and we're going to give away 24-hour hash rate from this al3 okay uh if you guys are interested to buying an al3 which I don't know if I can recommend buying an al3 anymore I don't know there's a lot of them that are going to turn on real soon and uh it's a big risk but could be worth the risk uh use code RPM for another 100 off if you are interested uh but please do your own research okay see you guys later peace out peace out peace out peace out appreciate you guys hit that like on the way out peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace train [Music] [Music] [Applause] passing in the dark weing gold red Ponders gone down their empire sold every flicker of light is another's King riding the wave of an electric train [Music] [Music] be the party [Music] [Applause] [Music] north of the B sh of the [Music] north electric [Music] fores power for [Music] [Music] under [Music] us in my [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

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