what is up ladies and gentlemen have you been using unminable and Mining on your CPU but you also want to mine on your GPU on the same system with the unminable application it's really easy you just load up another instance of the application you get another window here and in the beginning before you just click next and go all the way through continue you go to settings then you click GPU then this is a 2060 so we're going to click 6 gigs it's on kapow click start with the same address and everything and then it'll load up and start hashing and it'll be CPU Mining and GPU Mining and that's just how you do it it's super simple obviously you could run a minor and point it to the address and all that kind of stuff but um this is just a little bit easier way of getting her up and going um so yeah hopefully that helps because I keep getting that question constantly and I'm like it's it's not really that difficult so let me go ahead and load up some MSI After [Music] Burner yeah we need more Mega hashes than that um 2060 let's pull that power limit back to about 90 let's crank this this fan speed up a little bit more there we go about 100 oh yeah she's running cool we'll see what that hash rate goes up to I believe I can get a little bit of core clock and memory clock out of these 2060s you just can't push them hard or they crash out really easy so anyway while we're letting that spin up for a second I wanted to show you guys the current shop situation let me walk over here try not to fall there we go so I was running that rig with the fan pointed on them and my two cards at the end were overheating so I have since powered that rig back down and I'm waiting for those fans to come in and then I'll get that rig back up and going and I'm getting a phone call [Music] um and my phone's all the way on the other side anyways I guess I'm going to end this video early hopefully y'all have a good one peace I'll see you on the next one adios all right so I cut my phone off and um yeah came back over here so we're show showing 19 Mega has I believe I can get just over 20 on a 2060 um so I might might tweak with the overclocks a little bit shout out mining chamber Awesome YouTube channel and they also do um like a have a website for mining over over clocks if you literally just search mining chamber you know RTX 2060 mining overclocks it'll pull up their website good good uh good group of information over there um but yeah also people were asking me what is the local versus effective local is what you're seeing on your end effective is what is being accepted by the pool a lot of times when you first start up a system basically effective is like an average out of hash rate over time um so your effective will start out low and then get higher as you're connected for longer so right now Local's 19 effectives one cuz we just connected to it but over here Local's 2500 effectives 2200 a lot closer uh in range so yeah because Hash Hash rate on certain algorithms does fluctuate all right I think it's time to call it let's uh by the way I've been watching a little bit of Poker Vlogs I don't know if anybody else does I'm I'm a I'm a sucker for them there's something else I was going to tell you guys I don't remember what it was oh well I guess it wasn't uh wasn't important something about this rig I don't know anyway see you all on the next one bye
Unmineable CPU and GPU Mining same time