what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day and what I have in my hand right here is yes a USB powered Bitcoin mining device so if you are thinking about getting into mining or you're into Mining and you wanted to expand into some different areas these are a great device to get started with they're fairly low cost I don't know any other all-in-one unit that costs less than these um and you don't need a computer or anything else other than maybe a cell phone to set it up so this is an all-in-one unit you don't have to plug it into a computer just any powered USB slot plug it in there on the screen it will populate some stats information you really don't even need to look at the screen all you're going to need to do jump on your phone this will emit a Wi-Fi signal called nerd Miner AP you connect to it and then once you're inside of it you can change the settings for your Bitcoin wallet address so if this device ever does hit a solo Bitcoin block you will get the rewards which the rewards is a little over three Bitcoin now I don't want to you know blow a bunch of smoke up people's skirts you're never going to solve a block on this device and I'm just going to set your expectations up like that so if you do actually solve a block it's amazing so a block is a little over three Bitcoin that's at $80,000 a Bitcoin that's north of $200,000 ladies and Gent gentlemen that is a lot of money now if you put this on a mining pool where you only get paid out whatever percentage of shares that you put in these devices will never actually generate enough money to even get a payout because they don't they don't make a lot of hash power or they don't do submit a lot of shares that's because it's a very small device that burns almost no power now the good part about that is they don't put off any heat either so you could plug this device in let it run 24/7 forever and it's not going to run your power bill up and it's not going to put off a bunch of heat in the summertime twofold it's not going to put on off any heat in the wintertime either um but that's why they call it Lottery mining because you're probably never going to solve a Bitcoin block but if you do it's like hitting the lottery and getting a $200,000 plus dollar payout when Bitcoin was that three or 100,000 that would have been a o over $300,000 payout now the one thing that I do want to caveat this with is a lot of people buy these and they expect to hit a block in a month a year you know two years 10 years if you look up the odds on hitting or solving your own Bitcoin Block it's in the thousands of years but that's not to say that it can't be done the more people that have these and have other devices like these you know low powerered small Bitcoin mining devices they do help secure the network by decentralizing the hash rate and getting it spread out amongst a lot of other people and people have actually solved Bitcoin blocks on small devices to my knowledge nobody has ever solved one on one of these nerd minor twos I am always searching and waiting and wanting to hear when one of these devices will solve one but to my knowledge nobody has they have solved them on devices that called like bid axes and uh I don't know if any of the Avalon Nanos have but but some other smaller Asic miners so it is possible but we don't want to set your expectations up like that and also a lot of people will be like Oh I'm going to go buy like you know 100 200 500 well when you're getting into that kind of scale it doesn't make sense to buy these then you can just buy the bigger dedicated Bitcoin Asic miners so um you just have to like curb your expectations along with what they are these are a really cool like desk ornament uh gift um or an educational item to learn how to set up a device because this is a very uh I mean it it kind of follows the same traits as setting up some of the bigger devices obviously a lot of them aren't Wi-Fi dedicated but you still have to go in you have to change your settings you can change the pool you can change your wallet address all that kind of stuff so um yeah that's that's pretty much how the cookie crumbles on these these uh ladies and gentlemen let me pull up and an actual window here and show you what these bad boys cost cuz I'm not 100% sure so Bitcoin merch change the screen over here and these are the nerd minor 2 okay so this is the one with the large screen I have the one with the standard screen so they're $24.99 and I do believe I still have a discount code so I will put that link and code Down Below in the description I don't know how much it saves or if it saves anything anymore I'll need to double check that um but yeah so for like under 30 bucks you can have a really cool gift for somebody um or a nice desk ornament I didn't even know they had a large screen version that's kind of cool so that's what the small screen version looks like when it's plugged in and actually running and yeah yeah they're they're not they're not hard or difficult to use they're they're really cool um so with that being said I do want to jump off here but I just wanted to make it very very clear because there are some videos out there circulating from some other influencers and they're not necessarily educating Their audience on the fact that solo mining is not a get-rich quick scheme uh it's like buying scratch off tickets and I don't know anybody personally that has made it from scratch off tickets but do I still buy them from time to time yes I do once you buy this device one time you get an unlimited amount of tries it'll keep scratching that ticket off because there is a Bitcoin block transaction every 10 minutes so every 10 minutes you have a chance to win now if you win you got to you got to tell me I'd love to interview you you because I can only imagine like buying one of these devices plugging it in forgetting about it cuz that's kind of what you do and then 6 months a year 2 years from now you go and log into your account and all of a sudden there's there's Bitcoins in there just sitting there and you didn't put them there so yeah it'd be exciting to say the least anyway guys I'm going to jump off here I hope everybody has a great day I'll see you on the flip side adios
USB BTC Miner that everyone should have