Sheba enu is creeping back into the Green with a couple days away couple Hours away from the Bitcoin happening we Have some exciting news for Sheba enu And why you might want to load up a bag At these last super super low prices Before we start the video I want to ask If you haven't already smash the Subscribe button to reach your 2024 Crypto goals I'm going to wait for you To do it go down there and smash it Below while you're there hit the like Button as it helps out the channel Tremendously again and literally April 19th is the Bitcoin Haven April 20th is Doge day yes Shiva enu is not a doge but It's again it's a part of that whole Doge universe and it launched off and The success of it launch off of Dogecoin Success so we got to pay homage that Very very special day let's take a look At what's going on with Sheba enu coin We can see we are we're down about 2% on The day right now and looks like by the Time this video gets posted we might be Actually up because look at this P Patterns guys look at the charts we can See some upward trajectory some upward Price action coming shba inu's way and We can see some exciting things Happening for shibba enu that price Reversal looks eminent as we're seeing In the chart look that that beautiful it Was in a crazy downtrend and really

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Picked up at 12:00 going in that upward Trajectory again there's been selling Going on right now in the most recent Candles but I think we are going to Rebound this one on the day we're down About 2% on the week we're down about a Whopping 19% and the month a whopping 24% however in the past 6 months we are Still up 24% and I said this in the last Video as well guys guys one in doubt Zoom out and you realize you see a Broader picture those of us who got in Early are making a solid bag and earning A solid a handsome reward for getting in Simply early that's why it's so Important to get into these Cryptocurrencies early and we're talking About early let's talk about a gem That's currently on pre-sale right now They absolutely don't want to miss out On and this one is do verse they're Taking the Internet by surum this is the Doge verse is the first Doge memec coin Token built on a multi-chain network Spaning from ethereum B B polygon salana Avac and base welcome the Doge the Multi-chain traveling Dogecoin again Guys this one's absolutely awesome You're not going to want to miss out and You might want to load up a bag as these Pre-sale coins go absolutely ballistic And with this being one of the first of Its kind being a multi-chain Dogecoin This could be absolutely insane for

Early investors and you don't want to Miss out with staking getting it early They've already raised $6.3 million it's Absolutely insane one day until the Price spikes so by now before the price Rises the world's first chain traveling Doge again those of us who get in early Are going to make a solid bag we've seen Very popular uh these pre-sale coins be Very popular when people get in early so You don't want to miss out on this Opportunity we see it's a multi chain on Eth on B&B on polygon avax and coming Soon to salana and base Cosmos the chain Hopping Doge the Multiverse chain token Launch on six Stellar chains uh again It's very cool as well how it's going to Take advantage of being on multiple Different chains you're not going to Want to miss out on this one the multi Bridge Doge verse token will be launched On ethereum B&B polygon salana avax Utilizing Superior Bridge technology Doge verse will just seemlessly be Multi-chain in a few clicks they have a Solid road map in place with five Different phases to eventually end on a Big Mark cap big centralized exchange List things continue marke marketing and Incentivizing the community so if you Want to be a part of those incentives You got to join in now they also have Staken as well guys with the dynamic Range again you could earn on your Doge

Currently given a one 164% AP where are You going to get these rewards anywhere Else you may want to load up a bag and Like I keep saying guys those of us who Get in early are the ones who reap the Most of a project so make sure you go Ahead and grab bag I'm going to link in Description below like always not Financial advice but take a look in the Description now let's go back to looking At shibba enu as you see the mark cap is Currently sitting at $ 1 billion with Trading volumes at 600 million this is Not too shabby great to see for Sheba Enu in terms of news lot of great Headlines and I think this is why we're Seeing the price Li rise we're going to Take a look at some articles in just a Moment but just taking a look at some of The headcast some headcast some of the Headlines Shibu Price Forecast potential Bullish balance at gold ratio shibas enu Super cycle internal Optics break BTC Havening years Diamond hands 75% of shba Enu holders retain sh for over one year That's very bullish Shibu in in recovery Mode as open interest surge Shibu burns On fire again cuz last time again we Covered Shinu we're seeing lots of lots Of burns for shibba enu in terms of Technicals guys we can see a summary is Showing to sell allers are in neutral And the moving averages are also in sell But again like I said I wouldn't take

This to heart this obviously just taking The data based on what's happening right Now in the market but I think this might Be a great opportunity to load up a bag Now I want to highlight this article as Well huge increase in sh enu burn rate Can ship price rebound cuz again guys What's happening to the burns they're Reducing Supply while simult Simultaneously increasing demand less Shibu in the market more people want to Buy shibainu what's that going to do It's going to cause the price to rise we See almost 800 million ship tokens were Removed from circulation in the past 7 Days the shibba Inu Burden rate exploded Again an an effort aimed to reduce their Asset circulating Supply and make shib More valuable in time however the price Remains deep and red territory amid Overall Market collapse but do we think These burns are going to help the price Of she Eno launch I definitely think so And definitely believe so in our Favorite dog them token now that pretty Much wraps the video I hope you guys Enjoyed and were able to learn something New and got some new news out of this if You did Smash the like button and Subscribe to channel as it helps out the Channel tremendously like always not Financial advice but again we have some Bullish days ahead for Shibu I want you Guys to let me know how you guys are

Feeling in the comment section below That pretty much wraps the video until Till next time it's your boy Umar peace [Music]

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