what is up ladies and gentlemen this is Brandon over on the Brandon coin YouTube channel I don't want to take up too much of your guys's time but it looks like there was a uh little small update well it could be a large update on the Zex situation this and this was from uh Carl himself which is I believe the CEO uh his title on the Discord is the chief zegger whatever that means um just for reference right now it is 2: a.m. on February 10th 2025 and yeah let's go ahead and uh switch this over here so we can read his statement and then we'll go and take a look at Twitter and then also uh the Zex website because yeah so update today we are restoring what we recovered to a new database server we have all the user balance records and deposit address information currently the users's database is missing about 20% of the email addresses so we will be creating an account recovery method for you to Reg regain access in the meantime I would suggest you collect up some deposit addresses you have used on your account in case your account is one of the ones with missing email addresses when the website comes back online I will post another update so I went straight over to the website it's still unplanned maintenance and then let's actually let's load up their Twitter real quick and see if they've posted anything on uh on x I wouldn't imagine they would make that statement on um Discord and then not make it on their actual like main Twitter page you know what I stand corrected um they have not posted this on their main Twitter page so I don't know if it can be taken as truth or not at this point um so because along with what was compromised on Carl's end maybe his Discord was compromised as well so yeah um the last post was February 6th it looks like and that was they were still working hard on getting the backup restored so uh as soon as more information comes out on this I will let you guys know uh also I was informed from a notification post from fiso hopefully that doesn't come across wrong uh on January 11th I reported to Zex that I had discovered a sequence of actions that bypasses the two-factor authentication for withdrawals upon reporting the issue I was informed that such an event was impossible and then I've must have I I must have made an error asserting that ZX was 100% secure in the future if this happens again I will withdraw all funds before reporting the issue it's been 6 days and as a database administrator you know it shouldn't take this long this is fraud folks is just plain stupidity um and he had posted a picture where uh I guess he had bypassed the two-factor authentication regardless though um yeah yeah it's a bad situation uh and it really stinks I only had a couple hundred bucks in there but I do personally know people that had tens of thousands of dollars in there and I know other people had hundreds of thousands of dollars in Zex so um I really hope that this is not what we all think it's going to be and funds can get restored and can get withdrawn out of there right away um so uh you know that's kind of how the the cookie is going to crumble for right now I will keep you guys updated if any new information comes out at any new sources if you find out any information you can always reach out to me I really appreciate it and I'm going to go ahead and give this guy a follow and I'll post this video on his uh as a reply to his so anyway I'm going to jump off here y'all have a good one adios it's time to get some sleep
Xeggex update Database fixed funds becoming available for withdrawal