[Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay good afternoon hello what's up Bros early what crypti I'm always early welcome everybody okay so what what are you guys doing now what what's what's Happening Now what's what's everyone's what what's everyone's thought process right now I want to know what you guys are feeling what what's it's it's it's almost the end it's the end of January 2024 what are you guys thinking right now I'm going to read all the I'm going to read all your guys' comments soup and crack Ur until the Boren Bon I love it I like that what's the website to see the best token to mine R again um yeah it's allor right um zil is disappointing me RPM well zil and eth are always at disappointment so don't don't even bother supporting coins that move to POS just just don't even bother holding the bag I need more gpus I'm feeling the socks pan you are banned overboard TCH my thought process is to have more gpus online than Panda over war tech what when did it become a a d measuring contest oh did I start that or did you start that how did that start did I what happened over borch what happened just the numbers for me Cass and BTC A6 uh sat Yoshi nice um pump a coin so I can make some money Krypt no crypti I I do no such thing mining AIG and Al did did grab a hive mapper though not shipping until June ug oh you know what to do what does that mean Kevin James what do you mean you know what to do what do you mean what does that mean mean how do you not know what that means what tell me how do you not know what that means change of plans building a bigger bag of algo what's algo oh Alo algorand algorand algar uh overboard Tech I started that I'm toxic a uh not a drude I think using unminable to mine into Bitcoin hold the Bitcoin for long term for my grandkids is the best and only play um not a drude okay actually you know what that's that's a that's a good one I kind of want to I want to dive into that there's something called okay there's something okay there's there's there's two things actually just one main one main thing um so okay I want to okay all right so here's here's here's Food For Thought for you um the person that just uh not a drw says I'm using unable to minding Bitcoin as of right now hobbyist get out here get out get out of here watch out dunck and cover you bastard um okay here's my thought process into mining into Bitcoin right now and why I think that is you can't go wrong with Bitcoin all right I'm not saying Bitcoin getting Bitcoin is is wrong um for me I like to mine and hold the more riskier stuff okay the riskier stuff during the bow runs have a higher chance to have that more uh percentage gain higher than Bitcoin this is not Financial advice this is this is not this is not Financial Financial advice so let's let's let's go through some history here and I'm not saying history is going to repeat itself who knows but previous Peak Bowl run 20 the two Bowl runs ago uh 2017 uh beginning of 2018 January this is when altcoins were at its peak and I recall I recall Trading I remember like oh that was yeah that I could trade four ethereum for one Bitcoin okay four ethereum for one Bitcoin so that was when you know Bitcoin was uh 20 20K or something 25 24K or something Peak sorry I had to cough there okay then after that the bare Market ensued okay uh 2019 to 2021 I remember uh 2019 you could then trade I think it was I think H was it I think it was 40 ethereum for one Bitcoin all right so there's there's a strategy there so during the bull run if you were mining ethereum okay at the at the High Point 2017 the trade there was four ethereum into one Bitcoin okay that was that was the ratio four ethereum for one Bitcoin then the bare Market ensued everything was low ethereum went to like $100 it was then like 40 ethereum at one point for one Bitcoin so you can understand that during the Bull Run peak times mining into Bitcoin is a is is a lucrative is a more lucrative uh Venture lucrative thing essentially because you're getting more Bitcoin for what your altcoins whatever altcoin that you've mined uh has more higher value uh than Bitcoin then in the in the bare Market your altcoins have basically no value against Bitcoin so you're you're trading if you were to mine in the Bitcoin during the bare Market you're essentially getting less Bitcoin because the during the during the bare Market the altcoins uh are not outperforming Bitcoin Bitcoin dominance is a lot higher during the low times here we go back into 2021 uh 2022 generally altcoins yeah look we went back up again okay so you can see here bu Ren came about altcoins gained a lot of a lot of momentum here and there were a lot of altcoins that uh the Bitcoin the Bitcoin dominance came down okay uh during during the during the previous bull run here we are here we are today day okay so Bitcoin dominance is what 50 50% um in my opinion I think I I think it's not Financial advice I think it's and this is obviously a lot a lot higher risk okay it's a lot higher risk um is to mine the altcoins now um hold it and then wait till we have the bll run and wait till Bitcoin dominance starts going down um because that's when the B when Bitcoin dominance starts going down that's when all the altcoins start pumping that's generally when there's the volume and liquidity for uh the Bull Run uh when Bitcoin starts going up generally it brings up all the other altcoins so so um I think that's that's the play here um and I mean when the bu run comes and you're trading your alt coins in the Bitcoin I mean you're ultimately doing it to sell uh sell Into Cash most likely into Fiat like dirty old Fiat or you can just hold that Bitcoin and then wait for the next downturn and then your Bitcoin I mean if you want to it's a lot again a lot of risk you can then trade that Bitcoin into altcoins when the Bitcoin dominance is a lot higher in the bare Market so that's that's an interesting I don't know many people who do that I mean that's an interesting play um but you can ultimately get more of the coin uh in in the bare Market uh if you if you traded in the peak in the bll run into into Bitcoin and then traded that into altcoins in the bare Market that is interesting that is interesting uh interesting uh take but uh I see Mass boost here sebs what's up bro Panda you're my favorite p uh sebs I said Panda I almost said Panda you're my that's how like narcissistic I am sa what's up man do you invest in ETF no SAS no you mine and trade into usdt or C while the price goes down as a price you won't be able to lose any money due to price going down uh Mass boost I mean yeah us yeah sure usdc yeah stable coin I don't really I personally don't do stable coin uh at all so but that if you want to do that definitely oh Mass boost great here you're the perfect man so Mass boost created this Excel sheet here this even shows okay this this even shows better like this this gives you a better idea like perspective that in the bull runs in the Bull Run you can see Bitcoin percentage increase from January 1 these are all January 1st prices here was about from 30,000 to 68 $8,000 Bitcoin was only a 235% gain increase you look at the alt coins here that are like 100 market cap and up okay granted there are some that are you know under 100 market cap cardano cardano went up 1700% conlux went up 1,200% ravencoin 2200 ethereum classic 3,000% helium 4,000 Bitcoin Z Dogecoin 14,000 gain flux had a 17 ,000% gain kadana had a 18,000 gain so just judging by how the higher market cap coins sorry lower market cap coins um lower lower higher I meant rank so higher in rank no no that's wrong lower in rank so a lot of the specul uh the coins that are a lot lower in market cap are going to be a lot bigger in in Risk because uh and have a lot higher chance of a massive percentage gain versus Bitcoin which is going to be less than I mean this next up and cominging bull run like if we are we're at $41,000 $42,000 Bitcoin if Bitcoin went up to 100K right now how big of a percentage increase is that tell me in the chat you guys in the chat tell me what is what is the percentage gain increase from 42,000 to 100,00 Bitcoin and a [Music] pirate gaball trades I a lot okay so okay all right you guys generally yeah 100 so a 42,000 to 84,000 would be a uh would be a 100% increase okay so that extra 18 16,000 would be 16 another is another 16 116% did I do that math right I don't know6 116 wait hold on yeah yeah you guys are right 150 140 to 150 I don't know something like that 138 all right you guys got the exact number 138% increase okay so say Bitcoin did that say Bitcoin went to 100K right now that would be 138% increase now what what would be the potential increase for all these other coins as an example conlux nervos ethereum um you know what let's just go here althia satox iron fish cortex Caspa nuur meow coin radiant Chlor Ergo octop space f God forbid eica Zeno flux ravencoin ethereum classic granted ethereum classic is already pretty high already but I mean as it goes up it's probably going to go a lot higher than ethereum classic did have a pretty massive uh percentage increase here um way way higher than BTC okay so you guys understand all the other altcoins that have like higher uh sorry lower market caps okay um like like Ergo like 88 million um Raven coin okay here's a great example here here's here's a great example let's go to let's let's do Caspa this is probably one of the most like notorious one okay so Caspa right now is rank what here great example Caspa is rank 38 in market cap okay rank 30 H you know what I'm going to add in uh customize we're going to add in market cap I am this is not Financial advice I am not an expert I'm just I'm just putting two and two together here from previous history okay $2.3 billion right now Caspa has a market cap of 2.3 billion 2.3 billion so around this time what what was a coin that was similar in rank um in the previous Bull Run someone gave me a coin to look at previous market cap history arbitrum arbitrum was around here 39 vchain AR let's go let's go vchain I don't know uh that's just for the hell of it and let's go to let's go to uh see historical data we're going to do it by okay Bull Run Okay so arbit has been or this yeah that's okay so around that tame around that time April 2021 this is when the peak 65k Bitcoin the market cap of vchain was almost $113 billion 13 billion okay when Bitcoin was 65k so let's go back here let's go back here so if Caspa could potentially okay if vchain was vchain was once before 13 billion market cap all the way down now to $2 billion if vchain went up to 13 billion or that's just say 12 billion that would be like a 6X right there that would be a 6X if Bitcoin went to around 65k roughly now Caspa okay here we go Caspa for instance what if this is just theoretical okay I'm just talking theoretical here previous history um what if kaspa around this market cap rank between 12 to6 billion if Caspa went to $16 billion if if Bitcoin went to 65k what would kaspa what would the percentage increase be for Caspa if Caspa went to 13 billion $16 billion market cap oh son of attack popping in we need need to coordinate son of attack what's up man bro um trust me I've tried to coordinate uh streams and it's impossible everyone has different timings families kids there's no way to schedule trust me man I I've tried it's too hard uh thanks for the raid thanks for the raid though thanks for the raid bro um so uh uh uh let's see here let's go so rate what's up bro Casper would be 45.50 yeah so if Casper went to if Casa's 10 cents right now 2.3 billion market cap then if Casa went to 16 billion that would be an 8ex roughly okay so what would be an adex of 10 cents that would be 80 cents potential okay if Bitcoin went to 65k I didn't even say a okay if Bitcoin went to 100K then do you guys foresee that Casper could be like a$2 billion market cap around rank 38 right now all right if you're if you were comparing other market caps from previous history in the bow run what's what's not to say that then that cast could then go to a dollar Mass boost red P mining cardano might be the perfect example for Kasa okay cardano okay sure uh let's go let's go why is my screen Frozen this is completely Frozen okay there we go cardano was okay um see historical data monthly 2021 holy crap whoa whoa August 1st 2021 market cap of cardano was 89 billion 90 0 billion 90 billion so what is cardano now 17 17 billion so okay uh okay so wait um Mass boost are you talking about previous like previous uh market cap of cardano cardano was like December 1st 2020 was five 5 billion so from 5 billion or even lower 2 billion 2 billion market cap like the previous year before or mid June 2020 2 billion all the way to 80 billion how how big of a percentage increase is that from 2 billion to 80 wait did I yeah 2 billion to 90 billion how big of an increase is that [Music] 90 divided by two billion yeah that' be a 45 that would be a 45% increase okay so Mass boost if you're predicting that Caspa is going to go to a 90 billion market cap are you are you saying you know what oh oh boy oh man if you're if you're if you're saying that mass boost if you're saying that right now I mean I mean that's a 45% increase for look at that we're not even okay June 2022 okay so casos market cap October 1st 2022 was 26 million okay and the as the year has gone by it's now 2.4 billion doll oh man what H interesting Mass boost yep I think it could Panda wow some okay we're going to come we're going to come back we're going to come back to this we're going to come back to the stream if if you think if you think if if Casper could go to a 90 billion market cap one day that as of right now that would be a 45x yeah that that that would be that that would be yeah that that would be insane wow wow so as of now then um I mean1 time 45 45 that' be you're saying Casper grow to $4.50 if if Bitcoin went to 100K of course Bitcoin has to be 100K in order for this to happen in my in my opinion I I mean that that is wow that is you know what I am not discrediting anything anymore because when Mass boost when you put this in perspective like this I I said to myself you know what I've been wrong about kadana I was wrong about kadana I could have been a millionaire if I just held I didn't believe that kadana could go up 18,000 per.
I didn't believe flux could go up 177,000 previous Bull Run I didn't believe Ergo I I believed ethereum classic did um but Ergo I mean ethereum classic I had no idea it would go from $5 to $173 that's that's a three yeah that's a 3,000% increase if that kind of thing can happen on these types of market cap coins ethereum classic was actually below 50 uh below 50 market cap at that point and so if it went from $5 to 173 in the Bull Run of 65k 68k Bitcoin I am not going to discredit Caspa that Casa could could very well do that so when I'm reading okay all you guys for people that are pessimistic of and this is not Financial advice but bro more often than not I have been wrong about a lot of coins that have ultimately went up and if kaspa looking at their pretty amazing positive here I mean this is this is extremely bullish um I man I don't know I I who knows I I I can't wait to come back to the stream and say oh man if if that actually happened you know from 2.3 billion to 90 billion market cap that is that would be that would be insane that would be utterly [Music] insane uh plus it's a k coin so you know if it pumps it's after Panda sold yeah you can input the market cap in the corner in the other sheet for Casa sheet 10 okay uh I don't see it here M I think I'm on an old sheet oh here uh is this the one rate of increase no uh Joker 18 Casper it's already too hot it will not get 10x s Chang if RPM is wrong too often then we should be doing complete opposite of RPM yes yes I agree I I agree I agree RP is like the is like the Kramer [Music] effect uh gaming stimulant how are you going to go live during a Ravens versus Chiefs game I'm sorry I I don't follow uh I mean yeah just all stems of Bitcoin will go to 100K if Bitcoin goes to 100K the Bitcoin dominance is going to go lower and then altcoin dominance is going to start going back up it's going to go up and that's when you'll see it just goes back to what I was talking about where I think the value here and opportunity to get more Bitcoin is going to be accumulating the coins that that's it that that that's all there is you're accumulating all the way until the Bitcoin dominance and the Bull Run happens and Bitcoin starts going down in dominance and that's when your altcoins are going to be worth uh a lot more [Music] so yep who knows who knows who who knows I I want to you know it would be great when a year in a year or couple years time when we're looking at this and you know Caspa is not too .3 billion market cap it's like you know 500 million then we'll be like yeah it didn't happen it didn't [Music] happen yeah yeah that could very well happen honestly at this point I hope it happens because I want to be proven wrong there I'll take the other I'll be I'll take the other I'll take the other side I'll take the other side right uh you know what you know what that's a good idea you know no no no here here's my here's the thought process just be pessimistic about all the coins not going up and then when the bll Run happens everything's going to go up and then you know you secretly hold everything and then you trade it into Bitcoin there there you go done vert coins uh looking good though vertcoin oh yeah interesting uh I mean yeah I mean yeah I mean I I if vertcoin can go up in the bull run I mean a lot of stuff goes up in the bull run so I mean it's it's granted it didn't go up as much as before but it's something okay all right that's it uh that question who who uh who is the person who asked me that question uh not a question but a statement uh who not not a not a not a not a drood yes the risky coins could per outperform I just don't know which coins well you and me both bro if we all had you know a crystal ball to figure out which coin could really go up I mean Joker 18 everything goes up in the bow bull run but not the same percent percentage yes yes you're right yeah exactly exactly vertcoin really Peter out the last bll run yes I don't think vertcoin would be a good I mean I mean like you said everything goes up um but not in the same percentage yes that's true so vertcoin will probably go up in some way but is it going to go up much higher than let's say CIA coin I don't know ethereum classic conflex ravencoin Flex lithium cortex Ergo dyx CL Nexa narai like dude some of these coins have massive massive potential I I just who knows who really knows a pirate any plans for new hash rate streams testing gpus with PMD and the like is a pirate yes and no I'm I I've been I've been very disinterested in testing gpus because I just I have I haven't done it for a long time I've I've definitely lost my way when it comes to like testing gpus so maybe I'll get back into it but at this point I I'm not testing any new GPU until like 50 series comes out or when like the 7,000 series AMD gets like better support uh yeah so I would love 7,000 series AMD gpus air ahed are Etc miners worth buying since the fifth inning is coming up um yeah that's a good that's a that's a good one stats yeah you know what I classic the spiral hard Fork which is no reward reduction is coming up in 7 days so that's that's okay but then the ethereum classic fing is in 120 days yes uh the reduction is 2.56 uh to 2.48 Etc so I mean [Music] I mean like just BEC I mean you all know the fundamental the fundamentals regarding having right essentially makes it a coin supposed to make the coin uh deflationary in a way so that you know supply and demand as there's going to be less Supply coming on the market then in theory the price of the coin is going to go up over time so I mean that's I started with Bitcoin uh in the beginning so ethereum classic has really has really done well uh that was the previous bow run but the next one coming up I don't know I I have absolutely no idea so I can't say whether or not it's a good buy or not uh previous history has shown it it is a good buy actually I bought my E9 Pro 8 months ago it is already broke even or pretty much close pretty much I I have done them I think it's pretty much broken even at $2,500 $2,500 unit and I think the other one I bought like 3 months or four months ago is not break even yet but it almost did at around $2,100 so the E9 Pro just turning out 4 gigahash on two miners mining ethereum classic probably one of the best Etc miners to buy four six months ago the Jazz Miner x16 Q all the people who bought those they're prob they just got them recently for people that pre-ordered them over the past couple months and just got them like this past year this past month they have not been able to see those exponential gains those those gains that we've had recently um but it's not to say that in the future if B ethereum CER goes up those Jazz minor xqs are still going to be are still going to be very they're very efficient okay uh at mining so I uh you know what we can actually see that uh the difference here ethereum classic so x16 x16 Q yeah x16 p uh 0.3 x16 Q 0.31 watt per hash so E9 Pro is 0.55 which so it's pretty much almost double the efficiency against an E9 Pro but if you got an E9 Pro and started mining ethereum classic and yielding the coin for the past half year you pretty much got your money back and then some um you are espe especially if you're holding it still I think the E9 Pro was one of everyone a lot of people were negative about the E9 Pro like oh I can't mine zelica you can't dual mine you can't do this who gives a crap the big coin here the big dog is ethereum Classic this is the coin to hold and mine all right who cares about all those other s coins or other cra coins Pac-Man all that crap no no and plus the Jazz Miner x16 Q's the stock of those they didn't even come out until this month people weren't getting deliveries of them until this month okay the x16 Q was being advertised 3 or 4 months ago as a pre-order while the e9s were already out for sale at like $2,800 a couple months back 5 months back half a year ago at most $24 $2500 I think the E9 Pro was is or was the Best Buy half a year ago four months ago because you're Mining and yielding the coin and plus we've seen now that a theum classic had a bit of a it was a bit of a rise here um it only Rose like $10 like I mean that's a that that's a pretty big that's a pretty big jump granted yeah big jump um but obviously not as like previous history $40 $50 $170 ethereum classic um so I think there's still going to be a lot of value in these x16 Q um later on of course uh x41 years E9 Pros I mean they're just going to keep mining tring out ethereum classic so uh Plus at E9 Pro my two miners here it can get four gigahash uh on two miners um X6 and Q is only 2,000 Mega hash so you're getting half the hash rate versus the E9 Pro which okay okay here comes here comes the efficiency talk okay your power cost matters if you have really really high electricity cost then yeah the E9 Pro is going to be a lot less almost double less efficiency here than x16 q but like it comes back to the the timing of when these came out and what the cost of these were you know I I explained that in my video of the E9 Pro I thought it was a really good buy versus the x16 q but a lot of people at the time did not think about that the x62 wasn't going to deliver to you until December or January and at the same time August or June I was already yielding a crap ton of the ethereum classic 0 4 to.5 ethereum classic a day you know what I'm going to export all my Etc transactions I'm going to do that video and I'll show you guys uh the total amount of ethereum classic that we've mined okay I will do that I'll do that [Music] okay I've had my jazz Miner since mid November yes okay so there yeah there was a small batch of those September sold or August batch what whoever pre-ordered them in the very very very beginning but there is a massive amount that came out that were being shipped for January and now people just receed them so is x16 Q worth at 1,000 us that's there's no way the X you can get x16 Q at a th000 there's no way impo impossible impossible um that is definitely a scam beware please uh what do you check what what do you check when buying used H buying used sucks [Music] um sorry guys one sec one second one second I got to answer this one thing [Music] okay okay all right um okay um Bang Yes bang endless mining what's up bro uh do you know about iodes cool platform it got RTM block neoa yeah I know I know iodes yeah of course um I have not I have not been able to uh I have a million theoa but I have not um set up the node for that yet yeah not yet not yet that endless mining what's up bro what's up man endless are you back are you back now what's up [Music] man uh endless my I'm back baby hell yeah hell yeah how was your I think you were on a trip you're on multiple trips right what's up man what's [Music] up [Music] um uh I went to eat dinner with Yeti and we spoke about you nice that's awesome oh Yeti is so cool did you see yeti on the NASDAQ uh interview that was pretty sick that was pretty cool that that was really cool we should watch it we should totally watch that um hold on let me bring it [Music] up [Music] see where is that where is that uh DX right here please don't copyright me Dax is a disruptive company that wants to bring supercomputing to everyone and with me is technology expert also blockchain Pioneer Clifford map so welcome great to have you here so explain what that means what are you trying to do sure um so DX uh runs a a neuromorphic network for let's should we make it a little bit easier a neuromorphic network is uh patterned on a human brain so much in the way that your neurons and electrons fire DX can do something similar by using logical gates to pass that information no matter which way it it determines it um it can run at Quantum level efficiency which is super super rare in in anyone's case to do it on existing equipment normally you would need expensive expensive we're talking hundreds of millions of dollars worth of investment just to build one unit but DX's network is is big enough to handle multiple clients all at the same time simultaneously okay um interesting and very technical so can can you explain to me like or give me an application or an example of how this would work sure absolutely the best example would be our new uh virtual wind tunnel for automotive industry so on average a wind tunnel will set you back 150 200 million in just building it then you've got maintenance costs Staffing costs expertise that you need there to run it and the costs just spiral expensively um I recently spoke to uh a few automotives and they spend a lot of money in in cfd or computational fluid dynamics what that is is how air or liquid interacts with an object and that takes a lot of processing power well what we found was DX can do what we we dubbed Q cfd uh or Quantum computational fluid dynamics and what we found is that it will give that efficiency and make it a a a real lot cheaper when it comes to the end user so if a if an automotive in uh car company that's maybe smaller that can't afford a wind tunnel now has access to that service to use and the costs will be very very reasonable compared to to Ren in a a physical win tunnel so it's it's a really interesting project at the moment so they can kind of Outsource you um to to get this answer with all of this data that you're Computing and you can help them further oh that abil sorry I pressed the wrong button absolutely so um quick thing Rob low can you answer your email I need your phone number for that bid ax bro I I H I was just about to ship it out and then they asked me for cuz you're International for me I need a phone number email me Mr low email me so the the way that the the the DX network works is that you send in a job through the through the DX Marketplace um that's recently just opened that has whole ecosystem wrapped inside of it so it's a three-step process when you first sign up you're then authorized to use it you download your credentials to use it and then you run your code it's as simple as that the idea is that we're trying to make supercomputing available to everyone not just to select few it's supposed to be for everyone whether it be an independent working on a project by himself to a small to midsize company to even a global 2000 company like you're talking it really doesn't matter which which direction it bends we're available for everyone and that's the whole idea and if you've just got an idea that's that's even better because we now got inside of the marketplace DX experts and these um will effectively help you create your code if you don't code but you have a fantastic idea now you have a place to effectively have it built for you interesting um what are the advantages like in terms of speed accuracy return on investment yep okay that so the the overall speed or or efficiency is is at Quantum based levels now um which basically in a nutshell means that instead of having to go and buy this really expensive supercomputer and chill it to negative figures and's here can answer everyone's question the people who know these and there's not many of people with the te the the technical expertise to build these things DX eliminates all of that you can run Quantum based algorithms on DX with the same efficiency so um say I'm a business owner yep watching the show right now I think this looks interesting what would be my next step well that's a very good question um The Next Step would be to register with DX's Marketplace um and and follow the three-step guide basically when you first signed in it will walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to get yourself up and running once you've got your yourself up and running it is really just a case of adapting your code to run on DX and there is so many examples of people that have already done that and are willing to help their their Community is fantastic they've got a massive community of of people who are just in interested in the project you've got people that are the experts the people that will code for you and then you've got the actual DX staff in that community and and everyone tries to aim to help everyone else so that was my question do I have to be a programmer or an expert in this to be able to work with so you take care of all of that if you really want DX to take care of it all then those experts are vetted and and checked to make sure their their credentials match before they're even given the expert access so the idea with that is that you know when you come to us that that expert knows what they're talking about it's not just oh they've signed up for the service as an expert they actually had to go through a process of becoming an expert and what about cost well cost is a really interesting one because obviously it's scales depending on how hard you use the service but for example we know that running what we du transfer learning and that's that's um basically think of it like a human brain you learn during the day and it goes into your frontal loopes and into your shortterm memory and then at night you sleep and that gets transferred into long-term memory well we do that synthetically now with with our service and that takes anywhere from 3 to 5 minutes and costs no more than $8 a run so it's re the the barrier to entry for for even a small like person or a company wanting to use this is very affordable and again we come back to the supercomputing for everyone that that truly is our our motto is supercomputing for everyone to allow that cost barrier to be as low as as possible because we know that when you get started in a business you can't afford $10,000 a run or $25,000 a run you need something affordable that scales with you so as you scale and need more compute then obviously your costs would increase but fundamentally if you only if you program it really efficiently your cost to be very very low now you mentioned the wind tunnel would there be other Industries where this would be app yeah I mean we've already looked into a few other sectors medical is one of them because we've got a Quantum based image recognition system that can be be trained in order to identify things presents himself so well you know so well I would have beens problems in in your makeup it could be used to do blood work it could be used for even things like pharmaceutical uh medical applications like what would happen if you took this medicine and waited 10 years Well normally those sort of test runs would have to wait for the 10 years but what if you could simulate it see and actually take 10 years but simulate it in 10 minutes would you be able to know a drug safe or not safe to use or do you need to change it because there's too many side effects shall we say so it's a really interesting thing there's there's so many many different Industries and you know Financial is another one that that people have looked into um predictive models and so forth for for potentially the stock exchange it it really can be used in whichever way you can genuinely think about it okay absolutely fascinating thank you so much Clifford for coming in and giving us at least an overview absolutely D I love it thanks nice yeah good stuff Yeti that takes balls man that takes balls to go on something like this that's ah I could not do that I could not do that bro but that that that was dude you presented yourself so well that was so that was so good holy [ __ ] man I I don't wow that was pretty that was really good it's rare it's you know what it's really really cool to see that because something like you know DX or I mean any other proof of work project out there to go out there and uh you know show their name on something like at the NASDAQ uh brokerage over there but that's pretty awes that is insane that is awesome if nobody sees the value in that at all if if people are not seeing the value in that I mean as you know in in in the in the whole crypto even in the whole crypto mining scene it's that is huge man that is awesome that is awesome good stuff gy good stuff that is awesome uh yeah I've only ever seen talk on BTC exactly exactly like things like that you only hear like Bitcoin talk but like d for for DX to have a for Yeti to go up there and talk about DX that's that's pretty awesome awesome that's that is something in the history books like like have you seen any other like proof of other proof of work project go up there like that like I maybe I I don't know like has a lithium gone up there or like you know pin or conlux or Nexa or you know Matt electron when are you going to go on national TV with a mask yeah right never never you will never see me on national TV oh man never uh big Corps won't invest because they will lose control h i mean it's like okay well here's a thought process like of you know whenever when Cloud you know cloud services started coming in you know Microsoft as your like Amazon web services you know you're hosting your servers or like Microsoft people hosting their like email servers to the cloud you know I I know a lot of businesses who did that like they moved to 365 or you know Gmail even for like school districts and stuff they some of them went back some of them reversed some of them didn't like having their exchange uh Exchange Server online in the cloud uh they actually wanted it inhouse because they were so worried or a lot of them were worried about the data and uh they a lot of them mov back to on Prem uh hosting the hosting their own servers having the email servers on hand uh hosted in their in their in their building you know not not on in the Microsoft data Ser servers or you know Google servers tons of people tons of people move back I I I've I remember my in my in my previous life my previous job uh I had to I had to I had to do a whole migration of that it was a nightmare it was a nightmare going back to on Prem exchange dude that was that was that was stupid actually that's one of the big reasons why I quit cuz I'm just like dude I don't like this kind I don't like this work anymore I I I got to get out of here this is not I'm not I'm not cut out I'm not cut out for this I'm not cut out for this work it'sh but a lot of people lot of people wanted their data um in house they didn't want it in the cloud you know and there was a big thing about there there was just huge things about that and and uh wasn't there at one point wasn't there um Microsoft AER had a had a leak or a vulnerability or something there was a big yeah there was something about that was it Microsoft or like I think it was everyone VMware Gmail hypervisor there was some security leak regarding that and like Gmail server you know something or something like a pirate once back on Prem they want cheap out on labor and upgrade costs uh Z pirate you're exactly right you're not wrong I [Music] remember yeah yeah that's actually another big thing because nobody got raises and I was working I work through the night man cuz like you know when you're doing like migrations even like virtual machine migrations it takes time it takes a lot of time man the old version I don't know the old versions of VH sucked ass oh man that software sucked everything sucked VMware older versions of VMware and like trying to do migrations just took forever especially if you were doing it like over one gigabit and like ah dude it was it was horrible it was it was horrible never never again Yeti red panda maybe I should give you a demo of the application I'm running on D yeah dude yes yes y Yeti send it my way there's some big monitoring software I forgot was called that had a flaw yeah solar winds yeah solar winds had a fallaw all of them did all of them dude people running like you know the open source uh was it cacti or end toop or what's the software the monitoring software that opens up I think is a protocol SNMP for monitoring Isn SNMP there's like some SNMP attack or flood whatever it's called dude networking being in the whole networking server World it it's a whole thing Man it that's why I got out it was too stressful and it's it was work that I did not like at all I it was it was just just a job for me and I I I wasn't I wasn't I didn't like it I that that's I didn't like being in that world I don't know if that makes sense there too much stress too much responsibility and not enough for me to keep going in that type of Industry it just it's just a horrible it's a horrible industry most people in the it in the it realm for networking and servers and all that stuff people outside in their job that like they have no idea what goes on like there just so much there just so much to [Music] do um uh okay what are you guys talking about I'm for show us the demo when Pand left his jum he load up his car decent e waste and that's how RPM start uh Smokey dad pretty much pretty much okay what what are you guys talking about here it's a way to understand how to Quantom code and works for super [Music] yeah um Can DX be used for brute forcing well I don't know I have no idea don't ask me those questions Yeti's in the chat answering question um let's see here uh Joe ctin says I agree it's not like I'm looking on bashing a project I just don't like it when I hear Quantum just because it sounds good uh bro yes possible not with the security on the network and block a time to Pro Force uh Quantum is basically base three instead of base two that traditional computers use instead of zero and one you have 01 and super position which is basically two met electron at I don't know what you said there but that sounds amazing so we have two failed ACA cooking streams what will be the next attempt and we'll be another egg on something or something else Smokey Dad no no more egg streams had freaking like Pea or the the the people like companies coming after me like hey you're wasting food like God damn it this just an egg um who's all mining uh who's mining Rio right now Kryptonite GPU man CN GPU I have not I have not heard of this algo or this mining this coin for a long time anyone mining Rio Rio I got my farm on pan at the moment Carlon D next uh [Music] grandium okay Bros um 12:57 all right one more a couple more minutes here then we're going to end the stream unless you guys have another topic that you guys want to talk about Nemesis web 3 and Quantum is just buzzwords that people know nothing about but want to sound smart I mean NES is it's like I mean like even man the term AI is probably the most used buzzword overboard ATT cloud was a buzz word too now look at the multi- trillion dollar industry we are using we are all using right now I overboard Tech I guess cloud cloud wasn't a buzz word if it if it turned out uh yeah you're yeah it turned out to be something uh it turned out to be something I [Music] mean I think it's just how every just how it just depends how everyone perceives things and like if it's being you know worldwide adopted or not in a [Music] sense basic seasoned Stak H oh what was the one yeah that k3m at the top was burning dude that Asic was super hot jeez I don't know why and then like reop pasted it and it was fine Don molter the funny thing about cloud is starting to tip the other way a bit again the hyperscalers are starting to develop Edge Computing and extending the cloud into your local sites well I think well I think with Microsoft there was I I never implemented this but there was a like a a seamless like a sync method where your on Prime exchange would also sync to the uh to the to the to the as Zer Outlook server whatever as like a secondary backup or something but that's still then then that rules out that that that pretty much ruins the whole idea of having your information inh house and nothing outside your network in the [Music] cloud yeah uh Tech is literally a pendulum [Music] dude Don molter dude do you remember I don't know if you Don molter you sound like a guy who's probably implemented this but Don molter did you did you ever Implement vo phones did you ever get into that whole thing VoIP phones IP phones you sound like someone who's gotten into that that was a man that whole Tech was a was terrible it was okay but ultimately everyone done we all I mean like a year or two later everyone just we just we just implemented it on the computer with a [Music] headset and uh digitally uh like using v.m S as the uh as the phone number uh what you Whatchamacallit I forgot already it's been too long it's been too long I I haven't done I haven't done that for so long I overboard Tech phones and printers make me want to self emulate on The Daily dude H biggest reason why I left that whole thing is because of phones and printers yes and desktops and and actually you know what the biggest issue was the people dealing with the people is like the biggest thing for me not so much the technology it's the people RPM said just said he's old I'm not old I used to do IP calling over dialup oh my God that's amazing VoIP is much better now yeah yeah yeah yeah I know it's [Music] yeah um let's see customer is always right not today not until they quit but that goes for tons of companies trying to make design person do you know what a matrix printer is yes yes jock Miner I do and I had one I had one in brand new inbox and I just gave it away as a pirate no more it job talk this is getting depressing yes yeah I agree no more no more it job talk I could go on and on I trust I can go on and on about it talk it it it makes I don't want to I don't want to bring up past history on to the Future on to bigger and better things like crypto Mining and making videos on [Laughter] YouTube that in my opinion is probably a different type of depress depressing depression it's a totally different type of work Ron B howdy from Texas what's up man thank you for the donation thank you bro all right I I would love to I I was going to I was going to read all your guys' banter here you guys are all talking about like what Quantum Computing is and like real world this and that you know what you guys can Talk Amongst yourselves and that but well varis coin's going to have a having in 336 days okay okay all right all right all right Bitcoins in 84 days man this is going to be huge all right okay quick quick all right let's change the topic quick thought what are you guys G to think if bitcoin price doesn't doesn't go up do you think there's going to be a massive shutdown in a lot of Bitcoin as6 you guys think a lot of as6 are going to turn off um overb Tech look at that 580 rig e uh let's see yeah that looks nice yeah looks okay overboard Tech looks okay I think I was getting like 69 or 70 software wattage but that's probably wrong reporting wrong minor die A6 off yes hash power down yeah I think so too yeah that's going to be that's going to be a that's going to be a pretty momentous event radiant one too yeah yeah s9j Pros or s9s are going to be yeah I mean it's going to you you got to have at least five I think it we calculated 5 cents or 4 cents or less to to break even on an s9j that's at current price at the current price of Bitcoin that's going to be that's going to be interesting it's going to be a blood bath for a bit yeah I feel that too I mean okay at that point would you guys okay if you guys saw $100 like s19 J Pros s19 J Pro 100 terahash 104 terahash uh on the market selling for 100 150 bucks would you buy them would you buy them for 150 bucks I'd buy it well yes yeah I would too if I had a chance if I would put okay if someone was just fire sailing after the Bitcoin having like s9j Pro 104s for 150 bucks or 100 bucks I would put two grand into that and buy like at least 15 or 10 of them whatever shipping is probably going to be a pain in pain in the a um but would you guys buy would you guys buy at least 25k oh my God you'd buy 25k worth of the s19 JS yeah I mean yeah actually I'm curious s9j Pro 104 terahash what's the efficiency at low power mode on these 82 terahash at 2,000 Watts that's 24.2 watt per hash roughly S9 K is going to be a little bit more is going to be a little bit better of course m6s and S9 XP S21 um Kaiser sorry bro no worries man I will buy I will buy two if the math works out yeah overboard Tech I hate asex I'd buy a stack of S9 J 95 ter for 150 a unit okay you would but you would you would buy you would buy s9s if they were really cheap yeah I mean dude if that man if that happens in about 3 months time four months time we know we start we slowly see you know fire sales of s9s S9 JS that might very well be the S9 and L3 plus of our of our time you know when the L3 plus was selling s9s and L3 pluses were sell for 50 bucks your chance to then flip those $150 s19 JS or J Pros whatever after this having coming up and if Bitcoin goes to 100K or more and then those things become Uber profitable again and then you flip them for like two or three grand dude C could you imagine if that played out again do you do you guys think that's going to play out yes or no chat let's see it you guys think that'll play out again like just like the L L3 pluses and S9 of back in the day and how they sold for like 2 to 3,000 in the Bull Run what do you guys think is that is that is there a potential potential there okay if anyone has any sources or anyone that's selling s19 J Pros after the having for 100 bucks please please please send them please send them my way please send them my way I I want to buy at least like $2,000 worth just just just a little bit I I just want a few okay I don't want like I don't want like a thousand or 500 of them I just want like 20 of them okay I'll buy in pallets send them my way too big gamble but possible always a chance yes it's inevitable mining of the north I like I like that mining of the north you're you're just like yes it's going to happen ah I love it I love it uh I hope not about to buy a kpr I pick up 10 to 20 uh fully electric 100% no the efficiency is not far off from K or S21 and LPM okay all right F electric here he's he's a he's an OG here uh F electric can you please expand are you saying no that we're not going to see $150 s19 JS is is that what you're talking about or you're saying no that okay you're saying no because the prices of them are still going to be gener really high like jepetto says 500 fully electric explain I I I want to know your thought process because So you you're so okay so you're saying no because the s9j uh Pros or s9s whatever are not going to be the L3 pluses of like 2018 2020 whatever previous B previous bare Market is that what what you're saying and you're not wrong in terms of the efficiency against like s9k it's like three points okay it's like two or three points it's it really isn't a big difference you're right you're right there really but I mean that difference there one or two points is like you know a couple cents you know in terms of your your profit so I mean it does matter to an extent um but I mean you've seen how we've we've gone up in efficiency from like m60sbs does just does not like higher heat for some reason I don't know Kaiser I have a few s9j Pros for $150 each really um let's see here fly electric says no 100% no 150 s9j more like 700 to800 H okay after the hav you're say after the Havoc fully electric I'm I'm be I'm trying to be clear here you're saying after the having you're going to say 700 to8 7 to $800 s19 JS not $150 okay all right I'm going to we got a screenshot someone screenshot that we're going to come back to this we're going to come back to this in about 3 or 4 months time for the electric I want to have a bet with you fully electric I want I want to have a bet um uh yes sir the S9 versus s9j was was a major dip okay okay I see um RPM how many do you want uh I'll I'll take you have s9j Pros for $150 Kaiser no you [Music] don't fully electric yes after having $700 the PSU still value like $250 alone okay okay all right I mean all right I don't think the PSU I think the PSU I mean it's all going to be all in one unit so should I get a VM player or a VM Pro uh brosis what what is that what are you talking about anyways Bros that's it I think that's it for the live stream I think that's it guys that was fun that was fun we had some fun talk okay any final remarks you guys hello from Iran what's up [Music] sharti what's up man what's up man uh virtual machines for wallets oh uh yeah VMware hyperv and windows or Windows server or unraid Crocs Mo I mean there's a bunch man I think they're all generally good I haven't heard anyone say anything bad about any of [Music] them um AK RPM was a good stream it's a pirate YouTube bro should I get a ks1 for $2,300 uh no uh man this is so such a hard thing to I I'm not going to I'm not going to recommend I'm not going to say yes or no you're going to have to decide on your own tpa's admission schedule is very is very I mean I mean you're really going to get it if you believe Casp is going to go to a dollar or $5 whatever in the bull run if that does happen that ks1 is going to make like if it's even making two or three or one Cas by a day at $5 it's still making $5 but it's it's it's looking yeah Mission schedule is really aggressive okay all right see you bros later you guys have a great one thank you for the stream I might stream tomorrow actually uh okay peace out peace out R over the last four days I replaced my Intel CPU Farm 22 Del zon servers with four epic servers crazy power saving ho smoke fully electric wow that's amazing can I have those Dell servers all right peace out man peace out Bros peace out peace out you guys have a great one you guys have a great one thanks for the stream thanks for the stream have a great a happy mining [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Applause]