Customer Says RTX 4070ti Super is Broken

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all right guys so I just had a computer come in and he said he couldn't get it to display any video output and I was like no problem it's a fresh build actually really nice computer uh it's a ryzen 95900 x it's got 64 gigs of Corsair it's the uh the RGB Corsair Ram so um all pretty top-of-the line stuff 4070 TI super big boy graphics card uh all Corsair IQ fans Corsair is this a Corsair cooler too yeah um 360 AIO Corsair cooler um but when he came in he only had and I noticed I've seen this before like twice already cuz this has only happened in the last year Nvidia changed over to this new plug style and on the bigger cards it has two outputs on the smaller cards they only have one output but you have to have both of them plugged in to get video display out um he wasn't aware of that he thought maybe it was just like a splitter and that is a common problem or like a common issue that's starting to show up because it's a whole different you know plug style um what else was there oh and then his uh his CPU pump it just wasn't plugged in correctly but that was literally just plugging something in and uh now he's good to go so yeah I thought I would just do a quick little video on that so have a good one guys see you on the next one all right guys so um I was just talking to him and I was like hey you're good to go and he's like what I owe you I'm like ah don't worry about it it was literally two plugs you know it'll be fine and he's like no no no I got to give you something and I'm like well do you need anything else done on it that way you know I can feel better about it you feel better about it and he's like y I got some RGB fans uh he went out to his car and got these it's a three pack of the Corsair af120 RGB Elites which I think they match what he's got in there so that's kind of nice um so I'm going to go ahead and wire that up for him and I told him be ready here in about an hour or two cuz I have a couple other things I got some some orders that came in last night got to get those packed uh but yeah it's just crazy how just one thing turns into another and now he's got a buddy that's going to come by and um I haven't even done any like formal advertising at least not locally and it just seems to be that more often than not I just have more work coming and coming and I don't know I'm just I'm rambling now but I'm happy um Good Vibes are coming and any day that I can be in the computer shop and I'm not out there working in the rain and the mud uh on the construction stuff it's it's a good day it's a good day so I I really enjoy it um anyway not to get all sappy on you guys uh I guess cu the time lapse of me putting some fans in maybe all right guys so I just got these three fans put in down here in the bottom they are matching and they are the same style Corsair uh but the RGB controller he has only supports six fans so um I gave them power to actually Spin and ran them off the motherboard but the actual RGB part I could not plug in because it's a different style than like traditional Corsair uses their own little like four pin style it's different than like the exposed and then recessed pin uh so I was just told him I was like the easiest way is just buy um a splitter cable and split it off of your existing Hub uh down to those so that way all the RGB is synced up and it can be nice and and pretty but I said other than that you're ready to go and um it's got some dagone air flow it's got a boatload of I guess this would be positive air flow cuz they're all pulling air in or no it's negative they're all pushing air out so that's the way he wanted it though anyway see youall on the next one adios all right we're going to take a break from our regularly scheduled programming and we're going to pack a order so order number one two 34 they actually picked up a RX 5600 XT and it's one of the ones I had on display uh because I thought it looked cool so let me grab that ah it was this MSI yeah 5600 XT gaming MX Edition it's got a pretty nice back plate on it I don't know why but I just I liked the design of this card um so heck yeah so uh what else did they get did they get anything else you know what we're going to throw them in a uh where are my little my little Ram sorry about that going throw them in a ram holder went ahead and got two of them down cuz we're going to throw another Ram holder in for somebody else so if you can't use it sorry if you can heck yeah um all right I'm going go grab a grab a B box I have a bunch of I'm going see how this audio is because I'm walking away from the camera but I'm on my mic but I I got a bunch of GPU boxes that somebody dropped off and I'm he was like can you use these for anything and I'm like oh man I can use them for shipping they're great for shipping because most GPU boxes are packaged really really well and I said it's kind of you know be kind of funny somebody gets it in the mail they bought a 5600 XT and like this one's a uh uh what is it a tough 3070 box so they'll be like oh my God he sent me a 3070 then he opens it up and he's let down but then I guess he's happy that he got the product you know is what it is but yeah the reason why I like using GPU boxes if I can get this open to show you guys it's cuz they got all that foam and they're just nice and and snug as a bug in there um let's get this off this bracket there we go so yeah this bad boy going down in the here oh my oh my it's almost perfect look at her can you see it look at that almost a perfect fit and then this piece of foam goes over that nice nice hold on you you close it and you give it the jiggle test oh yeah solid solid CH ain't going nowhere close that up slide this down in here see we are we are recycling we're making use of a box that would have otherwise just been going stra straight into the trash and protecting it in the process so we'll go ahead and tape that bad boy up so yeah if you ordered the 5600 XT and you get the uh the 3070 box don't get too excited I I didn't do that much for you but we're going to throw this guy in because I the only thing I don't like about shipping GPU boxes is they they are High Target for theft so I always like to put a poly bag over them I think i' I've told you that got that before in the past but we'll put that in the poly bag we'll throw this guy in the poly bag they hold up pretty pretty decently and then these bags are a little big I always just tape them up pretty good to take up up the slack I like having bigger ones though so that way I can fit multiple items in and uh yeah so thanks for watching and I'm going to print this this packing slip out and get back to work by the way shout out myself um the the only Channel sponsor we have me myself and I uh if you need any computer parts I have I have some computer parts every now and then on the website so check it out www.

bc- and uh yeah I like having that I mean technically four-letter but five character website I like short websites does anybody else like short websites I always hate when somebody's like yeah go check out my website it's you know shyamal Lama dingdong 4792 _ Smileyface uh. net and I'm just like oh that's I'm never going to remember that but yeah dc- p PC for Brandon coin PC for PC you personal so yeah all right I need to end this clip this clip is done she's done for we're almost got her packaged up a little bit more there it is ha and there we are she's ready to go out the door all right bye.

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