The State of Kaspa Mining Mid-September 2024

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hey guys red P mining here hope you're doing well having a really great day all right this is like a state of Castle Mining and just mainly what has happened over the past couple days here I'm going to show you guys my mining rewards for a couple of my casa miners over the past couple days the yields were quite insane and yeah my solo mining Journey though I did not have great luck and I'm still trying to find a block I haven't found a block solo mining Caspa over the past like couple days here which really sucks so anyways we'll talk about that later then I also have a bitmain ks5 pro that's been mining by itself on cryptex uh since August 25th August 26th so my yields I just wanted to show you guys the difference here between before and then the past two days ever since krc2 enabled all right so this is basically uh cplex cplex is the layer 2 solution uh on Caspa and so this protocol basically has enabled people to create tokens on Caspa all right and there's been I don't know I think the token creation was like in the thousands uh there's like thousands of tokens that were created and so people have been trying to Mint you know Noto which I think is the most popular cat and a whole bunch of other ones you guys can see here so that is why the transactions that were occurring uh during that time on September 15th that's why Casp miners were able to benefit from that because the transaction fees were incredible all right and I believe there was also an issue with a casare wallet where sometimes the fees would be put at like a thousand or you know some higher number and people didn't know that or the wallet was freezing and so caser wallet actually put out like stop using the wallet stop minting stop transferring you know doing that stuff because a lot of people were losing their Caspa and it was mainly think going all towards the miners which uh we were able to benefit quite a bit so we were seeing you know blocks upwards to I think the biggest one I saw was 13,000 Caspa and uh just I'm just on hero miners but just overall ever since it started I think at 5 a.m.

My time Pacific time basically is when we were seeing a couple thousand Caspa per block uh during this time which was just insane all right so yeah lot to go through in this video going to talk about a lot of stuff so thank you to today's video sponsor crypto Miner Bros if you guys are looking for any types of Asic miners go check them out Crypt Miner the prices you see are to your door as well as if you're looking for a coupon code use coupon code red panda for $70 off all right so link down below all right so first let's just quickly talk about my miners all right so I have an address here I've been mining and holding all the Caspa on this address so total paid so far since August 1st okay I'm doing a long-term test on three ks5 LS and two k5m worth about at the time of doing this test was about $330,000 okay $30,000 combined for all of these miners since August 1st so it is now uh September 16th as of recording and we have mined almost 36756 Caspa okay so that's currently worth 62,000 have I hit the break even of $30,000 yet no I have not so my plan is to mine and hold up until I guess future price appreciation of Caspa hopefully so I'll let you guys know as we go along here but looking at my payouts here okay how much I was mining I guess every 24 hours so before krc2 started going online I was getting about under 500 Caspa at day on average then when KRC started going up in that day on the 15th you guys can see here I mined almost 1,700 almost 1,800 Caspa that day with all of those Caspa miners so pretty insane that's almost like a four to 5x there a 3 to 4X there okay from 500 to 1,800 kaspa that's that's quite insane then the next day all right we had I had about 986 C as my mind that day so the transaction fees were still relatively high but obviously not as high as the day before so you can see my yield here was pretty much you know about half and now I'm going to say this next part coming this next day as I'm recording coming up I think the uh the block rewards are going to be are are already coming down as of recording so yeah so when it started on the 15th right you can see some of these blocks were you know 3,200 you know 1, 2300 1,700 but that started tapering down after about I think about an hour okay so if it started at 5:00 a.m.

6:00 a.m. it started going about around a, you know 900400 you know it fluctuated a lot here people were still trying to Mint a lot of the tokens right so as we go along though as time went on during the day it started going down and down and down when you know those transactions were done when people were done essentially minting the tokens that they want again it was in the thousands there's thousands of tokens made but yeah just going throughout the next day let's just say uh the you know the 16th the next day we can see that we were going down into here you can see here around 87 130 200 sometimes 200 Casa per block you know it ranged right but it was going down back to Norm I'd say now uh here we are on the 17th as a recording you can see here okay so are near the tail end starting almost on the 17th here at the end of the day we're at 91 887 8794 so a little bit more but the you know initial block right for Casa now which is 8731 cbob block reward and the next reduction is going to happen on October 4th in about 2 weeks or so it's going to go down to 82.4 one so that's a 5.6% decrease okay which is H which happens every month as you all know the emission schedule for kaspa goes down every single month but anyways it seems like the krc2 event uh the hype is kind of dying down here um but there is still some blocks that are you know over the initial you know 87 Castle per block so there's still some transactions going out and some miners are still able to benefit from that uh people that are mining uh even pool mining or solo mining whichever you're doing still able to benefit from that so the transaction counts right during the 15th was over 8.8 million transactions which is inane now actually what I really wanted to show here was the transactions per second averaging around 103 transactions per second which I think is a huge milestone for Caspa all right that is huge and you know the next day was about 98 and I'm sure it's going to taper off but there was really no issue with with Casa's uh C the the blockchain itself it was an issue that people were having was with a a third-party wallet okay so I just wanted to make that clear for anyone that doesn't understand that this is not to create fud or anything but I'm sure cwar wallet was already uh you know figuring out how to fix it and stuff and people who uh were told to stop using it hopefully they stopped using it and but yeah there were a lot of people who lost cpot during this time utilizing Casper wallet it was a bug with this wallet but not with the not with Casa itself okay the blockchain was totally fine and it was working as it should and it was it was going super strong super fast transactions per second and it was it was really cool so I think it says here largest uh no medium transaction fee okay if I go over the past let's just say past week here um you can see average fee per transaction was 1.33 Caspa all right and the next day was about Caspa but before right if you guys were you know transferring Caspa as normally normally the fee for Caspa is like 0.02 right super small but then as kc20 came about the fees were quite high and so the transaction fees obviously went to the miners right but yeah I was able to see a very high number here a higher yield uh the past couple of days I'm sure you guys have seen that as well for those that are cast of mining or those that didn't understand so so hopefully you understand why it happened because of clex and minting the tokens on kc20 all right so now let me show you my solo mining Journey which I was hoping to get one of those big blocks and I unfortunately did not okay I think actually one block that I did get uh which happened during the during that time was um uh let's see actually it doesn't load my found blocks but I did find this block it was not this is a payout but I think I found this block on the 15th or it was when krc2 just started ramping up and I found that block earlier I think it was like 3:00 a.m.

And then 5:00 a.m. was when uh kc2 started uh enabling and people started minting and so the transaction fees were high but since then it's now the 16th right it's been like 2 days I did not find any Block in between that and so look at my solo efforts 164% which is really sad and so I did not find any block during the whole kc20 I got like a bunch of KS Pros ksz Ultra on my gold shell ka1 M they didn't find any blocks so how about you guys let me know down below if you guys got into solo mining did you guys find any blocks let me know down below but my biggest surprise here uh not a surprise but I was on cryptex with my ks5 uh Pro and this model here this minor is uh 21 22 terahash model model right and uh ks5 Pro and so I was mining this already for the past like 2 weeks already and so you can see here I was normally getting 163 151 159 Caspa a day okay yield but then look at this the next day I have a payment here of 146 normally and then uh there's a kc20 _ reward leg 380 for Caspa which is crazy and then the next day here I got a 405 all right so that that is that is pretty good so I'm curious the next day uh it's probably going to taper off obviously but uh it's it's interesting uh to look at that right but very similar to my my other pool mining here on Caspa dasp pool.or that uh yeah you know I'm earning I earned a lot more Caspa during that time so yeah let me know what you you guys earned um whether you're solo mining or pool mining uh let me know down below you know this is uh quite interesting and actually one thing I wanted to to talk about I I had a comment the other day uh someone said he rented like what 300 or 400 terahash of Caspa miners on like nice hash and Mining rig rentals and he he did that before uh he he ordered he rented that hash rate before kc2 started so he was able to Capital I on solo mining a a bunch of blocks during the uh when it started so he was getting like couple hundred th000 uh Caspa I guess in a sense because he's been getting those 3,000 3,000 blocks 2,000 blocks during that short time it was yeah it was crazy so he made a lot he made out like a bandit so it's funny to think about that could be a strategy uh when there's going to be another event like this you know when I don't know kc20 or whatever the next thing that's going to be on Caspa that uh maybe nfts um you know whenever that does happen people are going to uh rent hash rate so that they can capitalize on you know solo Mining and getting those you know bigger blocks and so yeah interesting thing to think about but since people have been now I guess looking at Casa miners because of since krc2 I've been seeing more and more people getting into it now we've seen that with krc2 it wasn't sustainable in a way like the the profit profitability wise and yield wise uh you can you guys can see just in terms of like the transactions have been falling right ever since you know the past two days right so what I just showed you earlier where in terms of the block rewards now are essentially coming down back to normal so is this going to last as we go along further on with you know with kc20 more of these tokens maybe could be minting over time over the next couple months yeah so maybe you know the transactions will then still have you know some viability for cast of miners that are you know doing this you know for I guess in terms of profitability so we're not seeing like those 5060 $80 a day ks5 Pros that we were just seeing two days ago no we're not seeing that anymore it's come back down to the norm so KSI Pros are making around $20 a day at like 12 cents kilowatt hour mind you so as we go down the list right A lot of these older models like the ks3 you know sure they were making a good amount 2 days a go but now they're they're coming back down to normal and so anyone that has like you know those KS Z let's see ks0 Pro ksr Ultra even at 10 cents at 12 cents you know these ksr Pros aren't aren't making it they're breaking even at 12 cents now maybe two days ago they were fine but now that you know the the transactions have been tapering off I mean even at 10 cents you know I dropped down electrical price I mean making 4 cents a day so really it was good right 2 days ago but because of the transactions uh the transaction fees is now coming down not many transactions are coming on every hour now it's been going down so in return that's why we're not seeing these things make a lot of money now so it was pretty short term so would I ape into buying castle miners now I I got to tell you guys I bought one ks5 pro just for the heck of it I I'm just going to gamble and see you know maybe we're going to have a reprisal or something I don't I'm just I don't know we don't know if you know this is going to stay relevant in a way where people are still going to keep on minting and so is that going to you know be the opportunity for people that are Castle mining I don't know I I don't know but the prices of these castle miners have been coming down you guys remember what the ks5 pros were like 10 12,000 and so bitm dropped the price considerably and so I think these are going to be the best uh dollar per uh per hash uh in terms of value the ice rivers are still kind of expensive um not the best dollar per has in my opinion it's going to be the bitman ks5 pro now um You can probably get them yeah they're ranging between 26 2800 uh check out crypto Miner Bros link down below again use code red panda if you're interested but in the future are we going to get i' I've been hearing some rumors of uh a ks7 all right ice River or bit bitman KS who knows who knows right but this could be a possibility thus you know it's going to further you know further just destroy the more inefficient cast of miners that currently right the ks3 is really hitting around $1 to $2 a day now right if everything comes back down to Norm in terms of transactions then we're going to see a lot of these uh other older models start being phased out so efficiency in a way is going to be the name of the game but then another thing is consider is you know the price of Caspa has to appreciate to accommodate a lot of these uh you know a lot of these other models older inefficient Asic models which were you know maybe profitable for the past two days but now it's coming back to normal so anyways this is just something I want to show you guys anyways guys I think that's really all I wanted to talk about I mean yeah another thing like looking at cast.

FYI think looking at the past 24 hours there's been a lot of CAS addresses that have been I guess trying to Mint uh the tokens right so we've been seeing a lot almost 1,700 uh addresses between 1 to 10K have I guess essentially minted tokens on kc20 it seems I mean that makes sense right that makes sense but along with that the cast of price has not really done much it was going up during prek krc2 but then I've been following that since after kc20 it's been going it's been going down kind of having a little reprisal here but I don't know so we'll see how it goes over time here as well as uh kc20 it I mean it's been a success the blockchain side uh but in terms of third party wallet I mean it's that's the third party so it's not on Cas by itself anyways I think that's it guys that's basically the state of Casa mining you guys let me know your thoughts let me know uh what you guys experienced uh over the past couple days with Caspa whether you're minting or mining let me know down below uh what happened uh with you guys and check out my sponsor Crypt Miner Bros down below I'll see you all in the next video have a good one peace out

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