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hey guys red pen mining here hope you're doing well having a really great day man this thing is heavy I just got in a new a basic Miner this is the gold shell e- dg1 M this is the new script Miner and straight off the bat as of recording this thing makes 22 cents a day at 10 cent kilowatt hour so let that SN in I got a lot of stuff to talk to you guys about with this thing we're going to obviously turn it on test it and just talk about it if this is a good buy or not as of recording this video it is the 2 week of October of 2024 so thank you to cryptominer for sending me this gold shell e- d1m to Showcase to you guys and if you guys are interested in any Asic miners they have all the top brands all the new models on their website use code red panda for $70 off all prices you see on the website include shipping and also DDP to your door link down below all right I'm going to take you guys with me here okay first thing I see it's I think it's an issue I don't may not be an issue but it could be broken I do see a big Dent right here you guys see that it looks like it in shipping it was indented here I didn't see any damage like on the box or anything here okay it looked just fine I don't see any side damage on the box it does say opened and resealed by Customs so maybe Customs broke it just maybe but highly doubt it looks like it's been yeah it looks like it's been pushed in can you guys see that anyways it adds character so first thing I want to do actually before I go along and talk about the specs of this machine I'm going to give away 24-hour hash rate of this machine you just have to Simply comment down below your thoughts of this gold shell e- d1m just let me know your thoughts and after 24 hours I'll choose the winner randomly and pin your comment and then you just have to reply to me which mining pool you would like to mine uh with this script Asic Miner which recently you guys know I've been using mining D Dutch to mine like 11 different coins together you guys should go check out that video anyways this is a 3.4 gigahash script Miner and the power consumption at that mode which is the default hash rate mode does about 1800 watts so that's an efficiency of 0529 Jew per gigahash then there is a low power mode that does 2.6 gash at about 1100 watts and then that is an efficiency of about 423 Jews per gigahash the weight of this machine is about 16 kg which in my opinion is is quite heavy but I'd say the selling point of this machine is that it has the ability of running on 120 volt uh to also 240 volt and it has Wi-Fi as well so in theory you this would make a good heater around your house granted the default mode 3.4 ghash at 1800 watts I mean most typical households have 15 amp Outlets which you know those 15 amp Outlets go up to about 1,800 Watts which I highly recommend not doing cuz you'll probably burn your house down but if you had 20 amp 120 volt circuits then yeah it would run on normal mode default mode at 18800 WTS 3.4 ghash no problem but for those that have the 15 amp Outlets then you could in theory then run this on low power mode 2.6 ghash at 1100 WTS which I'm most likely going to be doing as a heater for this thing so another selling point regarding these I guess is also that they're quiet the noise level they say is about 45 DB which is extremely quiet anyways it does come with the ears okay if you want to rack mount it also does come with the the wireless antenna okay which goes here okay for Wi-Fi connectivity and they do provide two different power cables okay one for North America okay I guess for the like 20 amp uh mainly for the 20 amp circuits and then they also have the uh I think this is the UK or Australia plug or Asia plug those that are watching you guys will understand what that is and this end which goes into the back of the gold shell here and there's also a power button too so I want to plug this thing in now okay I'm going to put in the antenna on the back here cuz I am going to use this since winter is coming I'm going to utilize this as a heater okay like the only selling point like in my opinion uh regardless of efficiency which we're going to talk about in a sec anyone that has these miners anyone that is thinking about buying these miners really the only positives to this machine currently as of October of 2024 is that it can be used as a heater if you had free power or for those that are in college dorms or people who rent their condos and have free Power then yeah this could be a great solution for you and it's not going to be loud so your neighbors can't hear it and it plugs in on you know 120 volt as well so there's no issue there but the efficiency of this thing for anyone that's like a big boy minor you guys aren't going to buy this okay like me for instance if I was you know a medium to large scale Miner I I'm not going to buy like 10 of these you know and you know I'm going to you know hold on I just got to plug this in over here and hold on a sec this is not going to plug into my 120 volt okay this is actually meant for ah this is meant for the 240 volt so I have a uh c19 to C20 adapter like this and I'm going to use this one instead into my pdu 240v pdu okay so now I'm going to hit the power button and will this thing turn on now let's see it does take a bit I know it does oh okay the fans are spinning okay now it's on all right so it does take a good like 10 seconds I'd say to turn on yeah there we go okay all right so it's it's definitely quiet all right let's go into the computer Let's uh let's get it connected to mining let's see what the web goey looks like and then we'll talk about the efficiency the the biggest factor of this thing okay so we are now now connected to the e- dg1 m okay from gold shell here all right so they web gooey it's it's the exact same okay if I go unlock here yeah password is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 unlock oh I press typed it wrong 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n it's making a liar out of me so is it not 1 through nine let me TRW it again 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 password's password wrong looks like I can't get in now is there a reset button yes there is so I'm going to hold it down for like 10 seconds I'm assuming that's the way to reset this thing all right so I just rebooted it let me try again 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 yes okay so that reset button on the front of the machine worked I held it for 10 seconds and yeah looks like uh looks like I can get in unable to get pool data okay so I'm assuming I going to have to add that okay so we're going to add uh quickly add just my mining Das Dutch here uh Canada yeah Canada copy this paste here and my worker is going to be RPM RPM and then I'll call it d g1m password 123 apply okay so that should take effect and uh this thing should start yeah there we go green I could add a backup a backup pool which uh there's a North America one here I'm going to you know what I'll do that why not very easy to do RPM dg1 m 2 3 apply okay so there's two pools here just as a backup and you know in Gold shell interface you can also uh flip it around for priority which is nice so but I'm just going to keep it as is okay and uh GNA go here and looks like it's gonna start mining now yes so that is good okay two hash boards by the looks of it all right and it's going to start coming up here so I'm going to let this go just I just saw that there's a low power mode here idle mode hash rate mode let's just see what this does on hash rate mode and uh okay so we'll be right back okay so after about yeah after about 3 minutes I'd say it is starting to ramp up now and the power consumption at the wall does show about 17 70 to 18800 Watts it is fluctuating quite a bit it is like slowly ramping up actually so I'm going to say yeah it's still ramping up so I'm thinking it's heating up right now and uh it is going to draw probably more power as time goes on here but yeah looking at the web guei here it is it is mining it's definitely Mining and if I go to mining Dash Dutch if I see my workers here I see the uh dg1 m yes the dg1 m is showing up so that works that definitely works okay so there you go there you guys go there's the web [ __ ] okay let's talk about the efficiency okay so this is where it's like the Home Run for for most people that they are going to decide to buy one of these things or not as of right now okay you're probably looking at you know there's these local Texs that you know we haven't seen a prototype yet so I can't really speak on this yet the bitmain L9 that is the monster new bitmain script Miner from bitmain that came out half a year ago I'd say getting in people's hands and uh or maybe past couple months actually but yeah this has an efficiency of 0.

21 but as we go down here okay we got alphapex with also their home minor which they announced right 2.1 gigahash at 0.29 of wat per hash there okay but as we scroll down we got the bitmain L7 which says about 0.37 okay juwels per ter hash but as we go down okay you may notice now we have the uh gold shell okay the gold shell one here which I should have made this one yellow and this one is supposed to be black okay the gold shell e- d1m the efficiency of this one on default mode is 0.529 watt per hash okay then on LPM mode it's obviously a little bit more efficient at 0.42 but being a new minor that just came out in 2024 this thing is not as efficient still as a 3 to 4year Old bitm L7 I find that quite humorous actually so gold shell hasn't hasn't been able to compete against bitmain in terms of its efficiency there and now let's talk about price okay so this thing is $21.49 which uh I have a code red panda for $70 off so that makes it about 2,79 but if we look at the dollar per gigahash on that on default mode it's a 0.63 per meah hash okay now if we were to compare that to an L7 right now which is around 5 to6 ,000 it's about the same 63 okay so for those that are you know medium scale like decently scaled miners out there home residential miners that are you know Big Boy miners then they're probably thinking about going L7 or I mean dg1 or L9 even okay these ones have much higher efficiency uh but they obviously do cost a bit more but you know looking at maybe to compare maybe the alphapex uh home quiet minor which does a 0.

29 in efficiency right which is almost two times more efficient than the gold shell e- d1m okay but this is a63 per Mega has which is a little bit cheaper than the alphapex one but that's alphapex one's a83 but considering the 2x efficiency here on the alphapex I mean what would you guys go for we're getting 2.1 gigahash on this one versus the 3.4 on the gold shell so this is where I think it kind of Falls in line with you know for those that have free Power maybe going to buy this model instead cuz you are getting more hash rate of course you got to consider the power consumption but the alphapex home Miner three times less power right at 620 watts versus 1,00 watts on default mode granted low power mode on the LPM right is about 1100 Watts so about two times more power than the alphapex one I think this would be the one that we are going to compare because these are both like home quiet minor uh Styles so really I in my opinion no big boy Miner like those that have dg1 or l7s or l9s is going to buy this unless they want like a a fun little heater up in their kitchen that's the only way I look at this that that's it that's that's really the only way I look at it and in terms of profitability this thing it's not making much okay so if I go look at we look at it here on Asic minor value looking at it at 10cent kilowatt hour right now it's only making about 20 cents a day okay okay if you had free Power of course then your Revenue there would be $452 okay all right so I mean like I said this is really it's going to fall in line for those that have free power but yeah just looking at looking at its uh you know profitability I mean Litecoin you know merge mining Dogecoin and you know if you're doing on mining Dutch like 10 other coins it it's been it's been good like it's been good but it's you know is it going to be able to sustain and be competitive against you know as more and more L9 come on and also then the biggest factor is going to be is local Tech actually going to you know come out with their hash blade which is a 07 to in efficiency but I think if you're a home Miner and you're thinking like okay this is quiet I have free Power then it maybe you know effic efficiency it won't matter because you have free power so really I I'm not recommending anyone to buy this but only as I'm saying that as a recommendation as someone who's a you know General medium-size minor I'd say for me like I don't I'm not going to go out and spend my money on these types of miners if I want to mine Litecoin Dogecoin at home I'm going to be buying bitmain l7s or dg1 pluses or l9s right big boy miners because they have a lot more gigahash but if I was someone who lived in a condo and I wanted to participate in you know Litecoin Dogecoin Mining and you know I got neighbors I have to worry about sound um I need a heater I have free Power then yeah you know these little mini Doge or like the gold sha light series you know Ed dg1 M's you know these are these are going to be great you know also lower cost of Entry uh for buying them so I would consider it okay but if I had the chance to buy L7 or dg1 Plus or L9 I would rather buy these of course but granted they're going to be a lot louder considering all those factors you guys will have to make your decision if you are going to purchase one of these things or not so I think uh just looking at the hash right now after about 13 minutes yeah it looks like it's uh looks like it's just died down here at like it says 2,000 megahash now I don't know if mining Das Dutch is going to report yeah it says two 2 gigahash so where's the 3.4 gigahash we're at 1770 Watts at the wall right now and so yeah I'm going to huh you know what let's try low power mode and see what that does I'm going to change it here low power mode apply all right it changed it right away on the Fly the power consump drop down to 900 watts yeah hard stuck at 900 watts now do I have a borked dg1 m no I don't okay so if I added up these numbers uh which yeah it should be about 3 gigahash and this thing's supposed to do 3.4 gigahash plus or minus 5% that is if I refresh this here is this going to come down yeah it's it's going to come yeah okay no it was showing about 3.5 gigahash so it looks like it was it was going down though maybe that could could be because of the pool okay I want to see what the low power numbers are going to be okay after about just like 2 minutes it's dropped down in hash rate okay so maybe we're yeah we're hitting up almost yeah 2 gigahash here and then the power consumption at the wall is about 1,55 56 okay so there's low power mode on uh I'm on 220 volt that is so okay so there you guys go the gold shell e- dg1 M I've I guess I've already talked about like the pros and cons with this thing yeah it's it's definitely quiet uh you guys can obviously hear my other as6 but just for me hearing this this is I mean if I get my decibel this is probably picking up my other stuff 56 DB so it's it's quiet it's definitely quiet this is something that can go upstairs but yeah as a big boy Miner myself do I do I recommend buying this no but I've had plenty of people who've messaged me saying red panda what about us that have you know free Power live in a condo live in a college dorm then yeah this this is actually a great solution but it just depends uh what your goal is right you're not going to make a lot of money with this thing right even though if you had free Power granted it does make $4.50 but still how long can you you know use that power at your place until the landlord comes at you and say hey how come you're using so much power anyways guys that's it for my review of the gold shell e- dg1 M if you guys are interested in this unit go check out cryptominer I'll have a link down below thanks to them for saying this to me for review I will do another video maybe just putting this upstairs in my living room and uh seeing how it performs but otherwise it's been uh yeah looks like it's been it's been going good it's on low power mode right now I like this 1,73 Watts okay I'll see you on the next video don't forget comment down below your thoughts and I'll do a 24-hour hash rate giveaway of this dg1 m all right I'll see you on the next one have a good one peace out

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