Starting my First Mining Pool Warthog

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what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brandoncoin YouTube channel I hope everybody's having a great day and uh I'm going to touch on the fact that a lot of people have been asking me um how is the jellyfish coin uh community pool for warthog how does it work um how do they do it all this kind of stuff so uh for those that don't know um the jellyfish coin Comm uh team has put together and set up a warthog mining pool if you don't know what warthog is uh it is a CPU and GPU combination algorithm you can't have too good or too bad well I guess you could have too good but um you know you can't use a traditional rig that would take like a Pentium and stick a 3090 490 590 on it uh it would severely bottleneck it so you have to have uh a good CPU to go along with a good graphics card and so to speak um and then trying to like balance out GPU to CPU is is a a little bit of an art but um regardless I really like the algorithm because it seems to be uh one of the top earners for graphics cards uh and if you don't have a problem splitting up and building individual rigs which I was already doing that for salad uh so I had individual rigs set up um I could just flip them from salad over to warthog whenever they're not earning on salad um so you know we got talking we put the pool together and then we were like like what if we could incorporate um a backend uh database because we already have a web 3 portal which is basically imagine like a offchain wallet where you can go and you can earn coins and interact and we can build on top of it an ecosystem um what if we can incorporate that with our pool so when somebody earns warthog they could also earn a little bit of jellyfish now the big thing is is people are like where do these jellyfish come from that you earn um well right now we do charge a fee on the pool it is 8% I think it's pretty fair because most people are either charging between 1% to 0.9% we're actually slightly lower than every other pool except for one there is Taz mining shout out there at 75% um but at 8% numbers wise just makes sense um and we are using the fees right now that it is creating to buy back into our coin and then to distribute those coins out out um and this is on a separate software layer that integrates with our web 3 ecosystem uh we have gotten a little bit of flak because you know we called it or I called it merge mining um whereas some people are like oh this is dual mining oh this is parallel mining well in my opinion um obviously it is not exactly merge mining it's not exactly parallel mining it's not exactly dual mining but I figured merge was semi close uh because dual mining in my mind means you're going to be mining two different algorithms uh and splitting up your power and also splitting up your revenue of each coin on this situation if you would mine on any other pool and earn you know 100% of your warthog you're going to earn 100% of your warthog over here on our pool but you also earn jellyfish on top of that now for the first week we do have a bonus multiplier and that's really nice uh because we can control um at a software level on the back end um so we could do events bonuses you know multipliers all this kind of stuff and incorporate it uh so say for example everything's set at a 1:1 ratio if you mine one warthog you earn one jellyfish jellyfish is not worth a whole lot it's 0.00004 five or something so um a thousand of them is like 45 cents but right now there is a 1,000x multiplier so for every one warthog mine which warthog is at um 51 cents right now yeah you earn 1,000 jellyfish so then you would earn 45 cents of jellyfish so for essentially it almost doubles your revenue on mining warthog and we we have that in effect from where we publicly launched um the merge mining until the 4th of December um so or no sorry the 5th of December my bad um the 5th of December at 9:00 p.m.

Eastern Standard time then we are going to roll back to a 1:1 ratio but we are going to have some other things come into effect where we draw a bonus day every single week and then we draw a Rand sorry we draw a random day and we draw a random multiplier so you know most days you're just going to earn a couple extra jellyfish here and there but then there will be one day a week where you earn a uh a big bonus kind of like we're doing for this first in initial launch week um now on top of that hold on one second there we go um on top of that we are also introducing our proof of holding system um and this is not going just to let you guys know because there's there are people that are sticklers to you know nomenclature I don't know the exact nomenclature of what this is going to be called but proof of Holdings uh similar to like how chor does it the more coins you hold inside of our web 3 ecosystem which we do have a wallet inside of that um you'll get a bonus multiplier on your daily merge mining earnings so for example if it's a normal day and you're earning one warthog and you're earning one jellyfish uh I don't know what these numbers are yet we're actually still working on some tables to make sense of it but say for example if you had 100,000 jellyfish in your wallet uh you would see that oh well now your multiplier for your merge mining earnings is now you know times 4 so instead of one jellyfish you'd be getting four jellyfish and if it was a bonus day and say the bonus multiplier which we are going to spend from anywhere from 100x to 1,000x um and say the the mo the multiplier was you know uh what 100x that day you would get instead of 100 coins 100 jellyfish coins you get 400 jellyfish coins and so on um just to reward the people that are not only holding the coin but staying on the network uh I had been asked you know why don't you do a set bonus day every single week well we want to reward the people that stay on the network or at least keep up uh with our live stream so we are going to draw those bonus days and bonus multipliers on our Thursday jellyfish coin YouTube channel live stream uh they do that or we do that every Thursday at 9 9:30 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time um so it could be it could end up being any day of the week and it could end up being any multiplier between 100 and a th000 obviously that is subject to change we might end up doing a higher multiplier because some people have expressed being able hey could we sponsor this week's bonus day um as like a company and I'm like you know I'm up for that definitely almost kind of like a a separate ad advertising you know Avenue but hold on one second I'm getting a phone call well anyway sorry about that I just got off the phone um so yeah there's going to be multiple ways to earn um extra coins on the side and these are these are coins that have a value and can be traded to um into other coins so we are on a decentralized exchange if you're not familiar with salana uh you can install a browser wallet or you can use a vast majority of other wallets our coin is on tangum now finally we just got listed on zelcore uh Phantom Soul flare just to name a few um somebody also informed me that you can actually add it to Exodus now as a customer some token so that's pretty cool as well uh but yeah that like definitely makes it significantly more profitable to be on warthog um and right now at warthog being like 51 cents I feel like it's undervalued so I'm not selling my warthog feel like they're doing really good things obviously this is not Financial advice but this is just kind of me talking about um getting a pool and starting it and getting it up and running and like different ways we've tried to uh incentivize people to come online my son's in the background right now um so let me switch over here and show you where we're at here on mining pool stats um there we are okay so we are jelly that's the actual coin front end homepage uh we do have a little bit of a special setup if you want to get merge mining enabled but if you just want to mine warthog and jump on there that's cool too as you can see our growth has been a nice steady incline um from when we launched we're at 505 gigahash on the pool and um we're performing fairly well um we've been we've been checking our uh our pool average work percentage over like the last 24 hours 48 hours that kind of thing um and we're keeping really close and tight to that 100% sometime we'll be like 101 102% sometimes we'll be like 99 98% um we have a really really good team I cannot take credit for setting up the pool and setting up all the the difficulty adjustments different ports all that kind of stuff right now we are limited uh we only have one stratum over on the east east coast uh but we did beef it up big time uh it is running significantly more um processing power than is needed uh just because we have this backend layer running on top of it we we are working on adding extra features um and extra stratums for example extra ports dedicated ports uh for certain devices we've had a lot of bc250 people hey buddy um we've had a lot of bc250 people that have reached out and are like hey can we get a dedicated Port that way it starts like at the perfect difficulty and keeps it really tight in that range just so we don't fall out of um uh you know the profitability range and has to jump around and look for it so um obviously that's getting a little technical but we're super happy super excited that we've been able to grow and not only grow but keep people online we are it is unfortunate that we don't have overseas stratums right now um Everybody I've talked to on the US side is doing pretty decent even some people on the west coast if you have a really good connection um what's wrong buddy Oh's he's typing on my keyboard back there um if you have a really good connection uh even from West Coast to East Coast they're seeing you know sub 40c Mill or sub 40 millisecond times um I'm over here on the east coast and the server is in the east coast but I am through a 5G connection so my uh my ping is around uh 40 to Phil 50 milliseconds so I thought that was actually crazy that there's people on the west coast of the of the us that are getting better ping than me cuz they're on fiber now um yeah regardless though we are going to be adding extra locations uh because there's people overseas that connected and they're like yeah man I'm getting 150 200 millisecond ping times it's just I you know can't stay on and that's where we were running into people orphaning blocks just because of the uh submission time and uh amongst some other variables so I do understand not everybody can connect to this and I'm not saying everybody should connect to our pool um we're just we're trying something new um hopefully it works out and um yeah hopefully you guys enjoy it now with that being said um I'm not going to hold you up guys too long because I'm already like over well over 10 11 minutes um if you are mining on the jellyfish coin pool I'd love for you to drop some information down below uh you know what you're mining how much jellyfish you've earned that kind of thing and then you know what let me show you guys what it looks like on on the web 3 side the wallet side uh when you earn your coins and stuff because uh if you've never seen it it Dave's been putting in a lot of work we got our website team and our security team that have been tighten up a lot of things uh and they it I really really like the look of it I like the feel of it um it's simple but very effective in my opinion so let's see here there we go so this is our web 3 portal it shows the price up here of the coin 0.445 by the way it is February 2nd 2025 for reference all these values everything I talk about everything is subject to change at any time this is crypto um if you don't like it wait five minutes right so anyways this is my account right here I have 26,7 64 jellyfish in it all these jellyfish have been earned from mining um that equals $11.9 at the current value and the current jellyfish merge multiplier is set at a th000 so that 1000x multiplier uh does go away on the 5th but that's when we'll be introducing the random multiplier day and then also your um proof of Holdings multiplier so uh those do stack and I'm super excited to get that launch so anyway guys I'm going to jump off here if you have more questions that kind of thing you can always come over to our Discord our Discord will be linked down below but um just Bravo to the team and everybody behind it that's been putting in a ton of work uh it's it's doing good it really is I never would have expected to uh start a pool and be able to you know get get people on board like this um and not just on board on one project but on board on both projects so it's really cool anyway guys I'm jumping off here cuz my son absolutely needs me y'all have a good one and I'll see you on the flip side adios

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