what is up ladies and gentlemen this has been a um odd morning for sure uh so I was notified last night that some people were having issues getting their payouts of warthog on the uh ex Zex exchange and I'm like well you know it is an exchange and you mining to an exchange has its set of issues cuz uh some exchanges don't allow but a certain amount of transactions day maybe just give it some time and it'll show up well um I guess yesterday or throughout the night at some point the Zex CEO was compromised uh he was hacked um let me read the official Zex report and then we'll Dive Right into potentially the ramifications um so this is from Z X's official Twitter and it says Dear users in this hard time our CEO was hacked and he lost his telegram account and Zex community group besides that we still don't know how we still don't know details about it also what is important in this moment is that we succeeded to lock down wallets so funds are safe well that's good uh the problem with the logins is still that is still their due the the problem with logins is still their due that we disconnect database from the network and we'll go in the background to examine every a little bit of a broken English there I don't think ZX is based in the US though uh that might explain that so NE Next News will be more detailed after we get a wider picture that was at 4:30 a.m.
Uh this morning so about 4 hours ago give or take uh I'm going to go ahead and upload this this video on both uh the jish coin YouTube channel and the Brandon coin because uh if you have your funds going to Zex it you need to change it uh you need to change your your uh deposit address if you're mining warhog um if you're you know sending anything uh it's kind of a PSA a warning if you're using Zex uh you can try to log in multiple people in our Discord that use Zex say they can log in some say they can't log in um but they have no access to any of their funds which makes sense if they lock down the wallets um now Ram ifications uh what could that do well Zex is an exchange that has quite a few coins on it so uh if if there was access to those coins we already see a dump off potentially um we would uh potentially not those funds might be funneled out and try you know try to be hidden or or washed or tumbled or whatever you want to call it um exchange this has happened to other exchanges in the past um I'm not going to act like this is a an isolated incident with uh you know inside the crypto Community that's why a lot of people don't like to keep all their on the exchange not your keys not your crypto is a very famous saying because if you have if you put all your eggs in somebody else's basket and they spill the basket you don't have any eggs so um I will keep everybody updated as information develops on this uh but it's just go ahead and and be mindful now if you were or if you are using Zex it's probably a good idea to change over to something else um I'm going to go ahead and admit that I don't have a good practice of depositing funds especially uh obscure funds and I have been mining my warthog to trade ogre I am now going to be sending my warthog out of trade ogre into my own wallet that I have the person or the private keys for uh because it could happen to anyone it could happen to any Exchange um I at least want them in my control so with that being said um yeah yeah there is a guey um desktop wallet for warthog more specifically and uh there is also a browser extension wallet my dog's in the background he's he wants attention um I'm going to do videos on both of those because people have some issues with setting that up uh outside of warthog I mean Zex had uh with all kinds of different coins so um hopefully they do get it locked down I don't know how long it's going to take for people to get like funds back I don't know anything outside of what you guys know um but I'm just trying to get the word out there as soon as possible so um people can at least you know switch things over and and yeah yeah so it's a crappy morning it's crappy morning I did have some funds in my ZX account but it is what it is luckily I didn't have a lot in there because I have stuff spread all over the place but you live and you learn right so anyway guys y'all have a good one I will see you on the next one uh if you have any kind of information or if any information develops and I haven't seen it yet please comment down below or uh jump over to the jellyfish coin Discord um and let us know in there because uh we'd like to keep people up to date with this this is people's money on the line so all right youall have a good one bye