Bitcoin down another 1% on the day Really dancing with the $60,000 Mark what's going to go on with Bitcoin post happening welcome back to The 99b YouTube channel I am your host Umar Khan and today we're taking a look At Bitcoin technical analysis price news And everything related to bitcoin and Whether you should be selling right now Buying the dip what the heck is going on But before we start the video I want to Ask if you haven't already smash the Subscribe button down below as it helps Out the channel tremendously and helps You reach your crypto goals now without Any further Ado let's actually go ahead And take a look at what's going on with Bitcoin as currently the price is down To 62,000 down another 1% on the day on the Week we're looking at whopping 10% and The month another 3% which again isn't Too crazy when looking at the grand Scheme of things in terms of news some Interesting headlines going around Bitcoin price prediction coin could Crash over 50% as fomo rally Fades now Again I think they're fishing for Headlines here I don't think is going to Crash 50% and if it did I'd be loading Up a bag how low can Bitcoin prices go Analysis dispute black SWAT event Bitcoin dropped 7% after Iran attacks Israel yeah there's a lot of stuff going
On with this war that's affecting uh Crypto Bitcoin havening has crypto Miners Racing for epic sat potentially Worth millions um Bitcoin havening will Lead to more sustainable BTC mining There's a lot of headlines good and bad And this is obviously normal and Expected now let's go ahead and look Look at the technical report as you can See again we're down a whopping 1% on The day a lot of resistance and a lot of Uh price momentum going on as well lots Of volatility just in the past 24 hours Great for my day traders who are buying And selling Bitcoin all day making a bag Again in terms of the week down a 12% The month 3.7% and and over the 6 months Guys we're still up a w 120% which again Not too shabby again when we look in the Long term we're going to pass the storm There's going to be greener ahead for Bitcoin so again I wouldn't let my Emotions get the best of me but talking About emotions and talking about getting The best of you let's take a look at a Project that's currently on pre-sale That's going absolutely crazy all over The Internet they're actually raised I Believe just over $200,000 you're not Going to want to miss out on this Pre-sale opportunity and that is 99 Bitcoins a new Learn to Earn crypto Protocol that you're not going to want To miss out on 99 BTC token pre-sell is
Live launching a new Learn to Earn token Designed to Rewards indiv individuals For learning about cryptocurrency Pioneering the l2e model on bitcoin Blockchain the pre-sale is live I'm Going to go ahead and Link in the Description below people are absolutely Loving this one the staking has been Phenomenal you're not going to want to Miss out on this gem also they're giving Away a $100,000 so our BTC airdrop is heating Up over 1,500 entries in the past 6 days Don't miss out on this lucky opportunity To be one of the 99 lucky winners have For a chance to get a piece of this $100,000 reward again active for the Community they're trying to give back as In as many ways as possible so now you Got Learn to Earn plus $100,000 giveaway This absolutely awesome and also Remember I was talking to you guys about The staking because the staking is going Absolutely crazy let's take a look at This as well so 99 BTC staking update Just posted one day ago total staked Over $159 million that's absolutely insane Worth of 99 BTC current rewards up to 6,800 AP you're not going to want to Miss out on this passive income rewards I'm going to go ahead and Link 99b in The description below make sure you Check it out now let's go back to the
BTC technicals now in terms of Technicals guys again there's a lot of Selling going on so that's obviously Going to have a big factor on this so We're seeing in terms of selling guys Summary is saying overall sell the Oscillators are also indicating a sell And the moving average is also Indicating a sell with a lot of points And values to consider this again bunch Of things going on right in terms of the Happening just days away but also with The whole War situation in Israel and Iran attacks it could be a lot of crazy News that's causing people to sell but Simultaneously gold is pumping as well So it's interesting to see what's going To come next for Bitcoin now let's go Into some news I have already over here All right starting off with this one Breaking news uh this upcoming Bitcoin Bull Run is is poised to be the biggest In history Bitcoin happening is about 4 Days away and 27 trillion dollar is Coming into the market between ETFs and Retail investors guys this is going to Be GRE Bitcoin we US pass the storm and Again load up while the opportunities Are there and again less than 4 days Away from the Bitcoin happening 3 days And it's going to be absolutely crazy And this tweet as well I want to Highlight real quick cuz it's Interesting so our Bitcoin investment
Thesis is playing out in real time Wall Street listed the first ever spot gold ETF in November of 20 of 2004 and the Price never came back down again this Was a price over here and this is a Current price now now we may never see Bitcoin at prices again once the black Rock ETF and others are approved 90% Chance of the ETF spots all getting Approved by January 5th 5th and 10th 2024 earlier this year so again this Goes to show right look at this chart Over here we're seeing this is when the In 2004 when the gold spot uh got Accepted to ETFs and what price of gold Is now this could be potent this could Potentially be Bitcoin right now which Is absolutely insane to see what's going To come in the next 10 15 years Especially for my long-term investors And then sailor talking about how Bitcoin is here to fix money it's a very Interesting video it's a short video I'm Not going to play it here right now but Go ahead and watch this over on X uh you Come over and follow me on X as well Youk invest where I've been retweeting All these juicy gems so make sure you Come over and check it out I just Retweeted the video for you guys to come Check out now this commercial is pretty Cool as well uh as Kraken released a Commercial explaining why Bitcoin is Super and gold we're going to take a
Quick look at this one so what is money And how does it get value paper money Has value because someone says so Bitcoin is different it's like digital Gold it has value for many of the Reasons gold does but that's only the Start gold originally had value because It was scarce but no one knows how much Is left to dig up Bitcoin on the other Hand has a limited Supply 21 million and It can never be counterfeited every day More people are buying it making it more Scarce making it more valuable but you Can also split it up because every Bitcoin is divisible by a lot each Bitcoin can be split into 100 million I'm also going to retweet this as well Come over and follow me on X again Youk Invest why I've been posting daily Crypto news over here as well a quick Shameless plug Bitcoin just broke $62,000 pray for the $60,000 level to Hold or else 56k is coming and I Personally in my opinion I don't think We're going to break past the 60k Mark I Think we've been seeing a strong Resistance bance posting bit the Bitcoin Sign as well and then my price targets For the next 12 to 15 months is $100,000 To $250,000 Bitcoin again we're very Bullish on bitcoin here on 99b YouTube Channel uh so if you want to stay tuned With the latest and greatest bitcoin News make sure you smash the Subscribe
Button down below again longterm I'm Very very bullish on bitcoin I think We're going to ride past the storm and See some Glory Days Ahead there's a lot Of chaos happening in the overall Economics and markets right now which Are causing Bitcoin and other assets to Go in the red but again with the tweets We saw today and the news we're seeing And the price action we're seeing I Think this was just a a preh happening Dump and post havening we could probably See Bitcoin go absolutely crazy also Make sure to check out 99 Bitcoins I'm Going to link in the description below Where the pre-sale is currently live and You're not going to want to miss out on This Learn to Earn opportunity that Wraps the video if you enjoy watching Videos like this you know what to do Smash the like button subscribe to Channel for more videos and until next Time it's your boy Umar peace [Music]