BITCOIN OVER 70k & GPU Miners don’t care.

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AG [Music] [Music] [Music] got n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] Dr [Music] [Music] good morning everybody Welcome to the live stream what's up Bros Nismo Miner what's up Vinnie Del gr Greco what's up man s sometimes travels travels Dave Gil what happened to pan I don't know what what what happened to p uh it's up 8% today but not really past 7 Days down seven down 8% not really much has changed um I better not show that I better not show that coin I'm going to bring it down a little bit there there we go all right that's better all right Nismo gskt blue what's up man s sometimes xp1 xp1 good morning guys what's up bro everyone should care about BTC price especially when is low bitcoin price being over 70k it's pretty nice I have to say but yeah it seems like a lot of people don't care it it it really it feels like majority general public just don't care and yeah you know it's like that fomo feeling of getting into crypto it's it doesn't seem like it's there yet we're not there yet I don't know do you guys feel the same way or no let me know xp1 thank you for the donation man the 99 uh r n xp1 donated 99 Romanian land 99 Barney through Super Chat good morning unless you have a warehouse full of asex yeah yeah see you know crypto mining has really has I would say over the past yeah two year couple years it's really gone commercial industrial for sure a lot of people have expanded and you know have gotten also lower electrical rates and so that's really for those that are residential miners it's going to phase out the residential miners um yeah that's that's a sad that's a sad real that's a sad reality man yeah no 100% Nismo Miner red panda it's election year so that means nobody cares about crypto is that what you're saying I feel like it's I feel like it's more so political now uh Brandon coin thank you for the $2 good sir how are you BTC who uh Brandon coin bro how are you man dude it's good to see to you among us last night seriously I was getting destroyed I was getting destroyed gskt blue yes the noobs have not yet entered the market lots of adults coming of age in the summer gskt blue yeah yeah man suly mining I am losing any faith in elf as well as R rxd yeah yeah those two coins are still very dominated BTC who radiant is uh still dominated by that single entity yes along with alium and kylo coin in a couple days is going to go to their new CPU algo so that's pretty good nisma minor red panda peeps scared and inflation is sad yeah I mean yeah it's the Gap like the the wealth gap between I would say blue collar worker to against you know those that already have lots of money are already rich you know the the Gap is is getting a lot bigger it feels it feels to me because it feels like that because the general you know N9 to5 worker especially with how things have gone up in cost of living it just feels like a lot less people are in it now because just for the simple fact of they can't they can't get into crypto or crypto mining because they don't have Expendable extra Expendable income to extra Expendable Expendable income to invest you know I mean there are some people out there but it it doesn't feel like it's it's like it was before because the past 2 years ever since everything has you know interest rates have been destroying everybody you know mortgage mortgage rates mortgage interest mortgage payments double for some people well yeah it makes sense like people are not into it this time and a lot of people now it feels like they're exhausted right so I'm you know I I'm super I I see it everywhere man I I see it I see it everywhere you know people getting laid off as well you know that affects people that are going in that are wanting to get into crypto or mining I mean it's all over Bros I mean you can see it you can feel it can can you guys feel it or no am I the only one cuz like I feel like I have in my position I I mean I feel like I see you know obviously I have more emails I see more things and that just kind of gets I I'm just see feeling the general feeling of what it is now why everyone is why things still feel kind of um even though crypto's up even though we are past previous alltime time high in 2021 it still feels like not many people are getting in because they for the simple fact that they they're exhausted they're financially stressed like that's that's it and for those that have lots of money and are industrialized already commercialized mining I mean they're still in it lower electrical costs they're still able to profit from their miners they're still able to keep going but typical residential minor now like for GPU miners it's non-existent now like non-existent what do what do you guys feel what do you guys feel uh let's see going to read the chat Bitcoin went commercial big players taking control altcoins with good project goals is where the next jump will be I am in my holy opinion uh yeah man yeah for sure yeah no the first part there for sure alt coins with good project goals is where the next jump will be yeah no for sure um Jean Fran what's up bills to pay then risking it equals nope yeah Lars Hagen yeah for sure uh GSK there'll be a huge change this cycle people will trade more than than even think about mining red panda mining gskt blue yeah I agree I agree with that Yankee hope you saw my gas pump hack short I posted there you're welcome uh geek of all trades what's up man Vin girl are fine with me more time to stack BDC and grow generational wealth Vinnie Del gr Greco yeah you're 100% right my friend yeah I mean as sad as it is to say that um yeah for those for those for you guys that are still in it in crypto you guys are going to be seeing that that extra leg up versus somebody that's not in it right if for those that are not in crypto mining or mining they're yeah they're not going to they're not going to benefit from if we are going to have this next you know leg up and yeah you know it's yeah it's it's it's yeah I see it everywhere man it's financially stressed it's it has a toll for sure on a lot of people L haen cost of living has risen not enough to go risk yeah GSK I feel it R I'm I'm a newbie really mining is such a difficult thing to commercial now no market for home miners ah yeah for sure Momo cozy 555 I do repair on houses Animal Control Run online business and this is the worst year Financial for them nobody has money dude I Momo C 55 100% yeah 100% I would argue that this time around there's not one coin that dominates the market with massive returns like eth had in 2021 no for sure for sure we're we're we're not in that altcoin F we're not at ethereum numbers for sure no 100% 100% um red panda also tensions in Taiwan and Ukraine still may have overseas investors conservative imagine if we had ETFs would we still would we even see 70k yeah n Miner yeah no bro yeah 100% yeah it's like the whole it just feels right the the feeling right now is is that not the regular General person at you know 9 to5 Lives paycheck to paycheck they're not going to be getting into this like you don't see I can see it on my YouTube views my engagement you can see that there is a lot less people getting into crypto mining or just watching crypto videos in general you know um ismo I can't even find solid contractors to get stuff fixed dude you're telling me you're telling me 100% isra I'm getting disappointed man I beta for GP miners on M 2022 23 and I have tough some coin we'll do something big and yeah maybe cow was a good choice but but too bad is not GP M anymore so I am uh yeah is right right after the eth merge there is a gap yes yes disappointed I run a house remodeling repair business and I am booked up for at least a year and can't find help D white yeah man yeah a lot of like labor contractor jobs yeah not I I'm hearing that everywhere I'm hearing that everywhere yeah spend maybe can we wait out the GP mining downward spiral I don't know I held out the last bare Market but I'm considering selling gpus now Merill Weinheimer I not Financial advice I I feel like selling gpus now if if we are going to have a potential run up this year or next I mean or not okay I don't know all right we can all talk about having a bull run this year or next year if everything all falls together um with interest rates lowering over this next year that in turn should in theory inflow into crypto and I mean looking at the current market cap of Bitcoin I mean is it not too farfetched to think about Bitcoin could double from here you know we're at 1.3 trillion could we not go to like 2.6 trillion you know where Nvidia is you know are we still waiting for rules and regulations for a lot of other countries to invest in Bitcoin I don't know I don't know man I always look at this and always puts it in perspective for me like I don't know I don't know we had it easy back in the East mining days now we just have to do a lot of super now we have to do a lot of research and know when to sell yeah Dave Gil yep 100% yep yep hey Panda I've been following since 2021 I have 3360 TI P 580s what can I mine how many people do we have in this live stream right now 188 37 likes smash that like I all right for the 188 people that are in this live stream right now but what what do you guys see right now what what what tell me what what do you guys see on this list what what do you see on this list that surprises you tell me sorry if it's too bright bsk the technicals crypto he did yesterday better to buy Casa than mine it watershed moment [Laughter] red uh GSK d we did we did the math we did the math it at this point in time buying a Casper Miner doesn't make sense versus buying the coin disclaimer I truly believe in Caspa I believe it'll it'll do great things it'll go up yep I truly believe that but in terms of Caspa mining buying a Caspa Miner now it doesn't make sense you're not you're never going to get the same yield versus buying it even after after two or three years we did the math already aggressive emission schedule we did that live stream already I'm not going to do it again um zealous zealous sea of green sea of green look at this zealous is $183,000 a day 24hour emission so zealous has not shown up yet on like profit calculators I don't know why that's the case case I've already done my zealous video and I'm still profiting more than any of these other coins that you're seeing on this list on my whole Farm uh there was a new version of Ral Regal regel minor yesterday uh thank you RI for touching my rigs uh another 10% Improvement in hash rate um in this version the minor needs about 2 minutes to tun internal parameters to aeve higher hash rate will print a message in the console when the tuning is over so I did it uh mine was upgraded in the morning what like around midnight and I went from 1.25 s megahash to 1.58 s Mega has on a typical 3070 rig so I am now I I am getting 200 Kash at like 80 to 90 Watts 88 90 Watts 95 watts per 3070 it's pretty good it's pretty good still doing very very good um uh let's see here Steve Smith I think people like myself would do much better this allcoin season since there was much less competition versus 2021 red uh Steve Smith I agree yes that the the the way in in terms of profitability right now which is kind of like break even which is around 10 cents for majority of the gpus it feels like yeah we're we're all just waitting we're for all that has been for for everyone that's been mining for the past year and a half we have been accumulating a lot of coins like we've accumulated a bunch of coins and we're all just waiting for that altcoin season you know retro Mike thank you for the one gifted sub to automatic beats oh that's amazing that that is that is amazing um thanks for all the advice all the way from South Africa with Doge doing so well I ordered my first big L7 from my 18 L3 pluses uh J2 nice man an L7 okay how come you didn't get like uh dg1 or dg1 Plus or you know something newer it's kind of around the same efficiency anyway kind of unless you got a really good deal um Krypto KJ red penine talk to rxd and get them to sort their act out before their project completely dies from sell pressure please I I've already done the post on Twitter I've already done I've already done the post on Twitter they they they responded with they radiant they the developers already responded with we're fine everything is fine the project is fine but I don't know ever since that minor came on like a month ago the price of radiant has just been on a downward spiral it's just been going down all the way down all the way down geek of all trades I would take an L7 over an alphabet still new company to me red P geek of all trades no 100% I agree I agree the alpha PEX I I know they haven't been in it for a long time yet um I did talk with one of the marketing guys at alphapex they have a distribution warehouse in the US now also a repair center um the one I granted I only have one uh it's been good so far the dg1 has been really good has never died it works on nice hash now there was a firmware update so alphapex has been sorry they're called found Foundation logic it's a foundation logic alphapex dg1 or dg1 plus mining addicted hi red P of mining can you show your OC on your 307s for zealous uh yeah I yeah it's very yeah right here right here I'm not doing anything special I am not doing anything special uh people have different I know people do 60001 or 70001 I don't do that for the simple fact is that I don't want to use more power I can't use more power uh if I do I'm going to trip my Breakers so I have to stay a lot lower in terms of the uh locked M clock and yeah I I I would I would love I would love to get more hash rate but then I would use a little bit more power but I I can't uh did you did you get it did just screenshot it can you can you take a screenshot I'm going to go out here um I I have to keep my G my 307s under like you know 95 Watts so Caspa rocket DJ mines yeah man yeah I mean we're all waiting for it yeah I mean we're all holding a kaspa bag everyone's holding the kaspa bag Y what your mic Foundation logic are they related to Foundation devices the company that makes pass no no definitely not definitely not I haven't seen anything good to mine right now so my CPS gpus are on unminable with cast payouts Burke that's a that's a solid play Man mining addicted red pen of mining why do you use K1 pool the latency is much higher from from you are why not vior uh mining addicted I actually did try vipor the other past 3 days I was trying solo Mining and it sucked I am getting 50% more zel now just by pool mining on K1 pool uh K1 pool is better for me not not vior from my experience so far I I had it was really bad I had really bad L luck uh on vipor so uh but each his own everyone has different different uh latencies to different pools mine was not very good over there K1 pools has been much better for me finding addicted we are in the same city I used viore pool solo mining 100% effort no blocks yeah yeah I dude I was like three 27 280% effort I I got some blocks but I I've earned much less versus if I were to just stick with pool mining so yeah sticking with uh sticking with pool mining po pool mining J2 got it for a great deal yes the dg1 scares me still waiting for the hype to die down then I'll see the dg1 is about one n packs in L7 cost me about 84 oh so that's much cheaper then okay double the double yeah okay I know that's that's much better than J2 yeah nice retro mic you got those servers and those fancy server racks run your own nodes retro mic I don't have time I don't have time to make my own nodes all right how much do you believe in the used GPU 380 TI for the win 3 is worth uh like I don't know 400 bucks maybe maybe less than that four yeah 400 450 4308 DTI I think that's what it goes I think that's what they go for I know bitcoin's going lower um what else Bros what else what else what else did I just say okay there we go um I wanted to uh there there's this calculator I just I just someone just told me of the market cap show the price of a with the market cap of B so this is where a lot of paspa people use this to you know go against like let's say I don't know what's uh cardano like some people some if if Caspa went to the Ada's market cap of market cap of $95 billion that means Caspa would hit $4 a 28x from here is that is that is that possible is that even is that even possible do you guys think that's possible uh why do you think 90% of the zel's house rate is UN any concern about that magic lucky uh Magic lucky yes I do have concern I don't have anywhere to clarify where that's coming from um I got a little bit of rumor that it's an fpga Farm a secret uh developer bitstream developer who owns a pretty decent amount of fpgas is mining zealous uh at a very very profitable rate so I don't know I I I don't know what I don't know if this is a glitch it's it's been like this for weeks and I know certain discords I've heard some rumbles and i' some very prominent fpga people or may have a [ __ ] stream already for zealous I'm not supposed to talk about it but yeah there you go that's all I'm going to say that's that's all I'm going to say um but it's still good for GP miners at this point in time but how long it's going to last I don't know I don't I I don't know it's been good for the past couple weeks now but I mean I don't it's not going to last much longer I feel who knows who knows who knows you give all trades already and it's gone retro Mike says Ze bedream has been around for a couple weeks that's all I'm going to say yeah yeah yeah yep yep yep yep yep yep yep so the zealous developers already did say if there was any hint of an fpga on zealous they are going to Fork they're going to change the algorithm I think I think that's a great idea um I we don't want fbga on the network so change the algo um but yes I mean it's this is no-brainer that there's some type of there there's there's an fpj for sure 100% y yep when zealous classic H zealous classic that's funny all right what man everybody everyone's using this calculator for Caso all right what what else what other coin can we compare this to Dogecoin what if CLE went the way of Dogecoin okay Caspa would go up to about $3.74 if Cas if if Casa went up to an $88 billion market cap that's pretty that's not too farfetched to think man if CLE went to $3 dude dude dude I wow hold on let me check my ks3 I'm here okay there ks3 m which we mined almost 4 months now has mined almost 45,000 Casa all right let's let's do 43,000 time 374 $374 per Caspa that means this little this little bag this bag of kaspa this k3m has mined since January 7th of 2024 could be worth 170 Grand if this turns into 170 Grand oh my God that that would be the biggest play I've ever seen in my life that would that would be better than the actually well yeah I didn't capitalize on the cad one but this that that that that would be a that would be an insane that would be an insane play gskt Blue there are only four true alos BTC Raven RTM pass rep mining everything else just bull uh gskt blue sounds good uh if Casa goes to $3 I will buy that Mansion early d DJ m i mean I could pay off all my I could pay off my mortgages for that jeez yeah all that man that would be amazing just sold zealous at $28.65 wow really zealous went up to $28 holy sh whoa zealous just mooned on tradeogre whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa let's go back here oh yeah oh yeah look at that candle damn it I just sold like six zel for $25 damn it and it just went up to 28 God God damn it of course I sacrificed for all of you I sacrificed for all of you there you go wow $28 per wow that's nuts man that's pretty nuts the emissions for c for zal just went up to $200,000 a day now oh that's pretty crazy that's pretty crazy that's pretty crazy I'm so surprised that does not show zealous yet anyways anyways uh well seeing as a diff has increased on cast it might actually hit a dollar well that would be nice um du pole do you trust trade ogre nobody trusts trade I don't trust trade ogre nobody trusts trade ogre what kind of poll is that do you trust trade ogre yes no not after the cast but debacle still Ono ongoing all right you guys know what I mean there oh all right you guys have any uh questions or concerns anything you guys want to talk about other than uh other than what we just talked about trade ogre is is my number one [Laughter] exchange uh geek of all trades you did wrong the polls off should be no hell no or F no yeah a lot of people a lot of people don't don't trust trade over I just I just trade it in there and take it out right away just liquidate as fast as you can liquidate as as fast as you can smash the like Bros 220 people here 70 likes smash the like let's get over to 100 over mining says I don't trust anyone not even you red panda mining Overkill mining I wouldn't trust myself either for all I know you know every every coin I talk about you know regarding you know like I sh you guys oh look what I'm mining look what I'm mining look what I'm mining you know I hope it goes up you know you know you you know you guys are my exit liquidity get it you know like you know I talk about mining a said coin everyone else starts mining it the price goes up and I I start liquidating it I liquidate it against all you you know that's that's that's that's how it's supposed to work right right all right nobody nobody found that amusing all right I I don't do that I'm just kidding I'm just kidding I'm just kidding too many people leaving their shiz on exchanges then crying if it crops on them I don't like having too many core wallets so just mine everything to RPM wallets trust me [Laughter] bro Moria devil when do I get my RPM Tang wallet it should be shipping right now the RPM tangent wallet is already shipping out to people uh literally I had someone tweet at me today they received their RPM tangent who was that that was Biko let me see Biko he received his already uh boo right right here boiko wow what a generous guy I just tweeted a pick of red panda mining the new tangum edition wallet received 2,000 Caspa thanks Panda yeah that's he bought two sets what a guy what a guy RPM is our pump and dump chump that's awesome if you guys are interested the RPM tangum is available feel free to use code RPM for 10% off as well or any other content creators coupon code for tangum it's available why did Biko get his first damn it like terrible goat is now bad 100% uh all I going to end the pole Gordon Murray red pen mining what price of C what Casper price are you dumping the bag at um if everything goes to plan if you know Bitcoin goes more than 100K and ALT coins start following suit and we see a lot of these you know these market caps of you know a lot of prominent top 50 coins going above you know dogecoins all-time high was $88 billion uh what was what was another top coin that was what's chain link was chain link up chain Link's top was 101 billion I no alltime high $22 billion so Caspa could realistically go to a dollar 92 cents or something yeah you know I'd sell I'd sell a decent amount at at at at a dollar you know I don't know I I I don't know I don't know man something decent something something good never sell all cast Anda we need an L9 giveaway uh hey RP I'm just getting back into mining after twoyear break uh what's up man what's the current consensus of dual mining stuff like iron grham iron fish grham trying to do the numbers but not a lot of available over OC's for some gpus uh Eric motato honestly at this point in time you're going to make a little bit more mining you're going to make a decent amount more mining zealous uh the Dual mining you're going to use an F ton more power and it's not going to not going to make sense at this point uh tangum shows pre-order how does that work Overkill M uh no it should be it they should they all get manufactured at the same time they are available now and you they should be shipping right away they should be shipping right away um I contacted intention about mine they replied mid June mid June that's I mean should be now $1 i' make 250k I'll take it DJ mines $1 Caspa yeah I'd maybe sell like a good 50% and see if it goes up even more after Hawk what are you doing here go back to bed Hawk when Panda Hawk YouTube channel uh never never never ever oh 222 people here 88 likes smash the like Bros what else you guys want to talk about what else what else is there what what else is there what else is happening really yeah just the the sentiment of mining crypto mining right now even though Bitcoin is over 70k almost was the sentiment for cryp mining is just down man just the the regular Financial the Regular Joe just does not have the money to go get into this for all you guys that are in this right now we are the ones who are going to benefit from all this because if if everything still keeps going up I mean we're going to benefit from it and then there's going to be maybe some other people that are going to fomo into it at higher prices and it's going to be that worse for them and that that's it's unfortunate um crypti uh yes I saw yes I saw that yesth yeah thimble munch I spec Min loss bare Market n I'm weigh in the profit if you spec mined a lithium when it first came out ath Al lithium did I say that everyone's saying I saying it wrong a lithium aium alium alium alium aif your mom that's better if you were GPU mining alium alium since the lhr days man you you would have there was one guy on Twitter who added me he mined like 14,00 000 alium alium and his bag was worth like 50k or something at the peak yeah uh prohashing as a Chia pool autoc convert to any crypto per share so if you have drives probably worth it they have a calculator I nice nice uh rxd Al was my play Last Summer say sometimes nice hawku I left your mom I'm going to use that DJ mines a radiant still owned by one person group or Nah uh let's check it out I think I think yeah they're still radiant's still getting wrecked yeah they're still they're still destroying uh radiant they did switch over to hum poool but this one minor on on radiant is still majority of the hash rate let's see yeah 102 Terra has and he has 100 and he has another 100 terahash on a hum pool yeah still here man this guy is mining like 3 4.1 million radiant a day which is about 5,000 almost $5,000 a day on vipor then another 5,000 on hum poool so he's mining $10,000 worth of radiant a day damn they should rename the radiant to their person's name it's his project now literally yeah 100% 100% radiant is oh is going downhill it's going downhill Yep this guy on rxd is rxd devs [Music] holy [ __ ] total paid 349 million radiant or $410,000 $410,000 in Radiance dude dude what's the what's the market cap of radiant 12 million okay the market cap of radiant is 12 almost $13 million this guy this guy has mined almost 400 over $400,000 of radiant 349 million radiant how much circulating Supply is that that is so that he he has mined a good circulating Supply a good what 30 28% of the network of the circulate is that right did I do that math right three 400 300 400,000 radiant is out of 10.7 billion radiant is what someone do the math what's the difference I can do the I can do the difference what I'm not stupid let's so he has mined how much almost 350 million radiant 350 million so let's go 350 million 1 2 3 1 2 3 divided by 10 795990 822 uh circulating Supply uh 3% times 100 this is he okay this guy this single entity has mined 3.24% of radiant circulating Supply so that's an F ton that's an F ton damn yeah yeah man let's see does his balance have 393 49 million radiant definitely not his balance is 121,000 yeah he's some someone's definitely selling here that that's yeah that's bad that's really bad uh Financial failure see you buddy the grill barbecue nice man have a good one have a good one okay all right Bros is there anything else you guys would like to talk about what else what else is there J SKT BL have you ever looked at grin mimble wimble miners no no no no no no not going to get into that uh did you see the meme coin Jenner release Panda yes I did that was that's obviously terrible obviously really bad really really bad I mean I feel like is that like a bull run signal if like M Caitlyn Jenner gets in or what's her name his name Jenner released a a meme coin H terrible Overkill mining right P mind yeah scroll down it shows pre-order it's not a pre-order anymore it's available now yeah they got to change the button yeah if you buy it now it's it'll it'll come it it'll come I mean Biko just got his so Krypto KJ it was fake they hacked their account oh okay well rest in peace then they did add on Twitter for another pump launch tanked her coin by 20 million market cap really jeez well I hope nobody bought into that which coin you spec mining right now um I'm spec mining a lot but I'm currently mining for profit right now which is zealous and uh but I'm holding Ergo ravencoin some Ze no Novo Caspa on my Asic miners Caspa Bitcoin all that kind of stuff everything everything man everything cedra Caspa what's the latest uh well the latest one is pug some pug dag here I I have not mind this but there's a lot of people minding this this a new Caspa Caspa meme coin on Carlson hash algorithm so crypto pounder 4 crypto pounder 4 what are we talking about my friend asked if you could start okay thanks never mind crypto pounder 4 what are you talking about what are you talking about started a while ago what do you think is going on with Ze Overkill mining I don't know man I don't I don't I don't know anything about Ze I don't don't know anything about zth pug dag is that pug dag even on coin gecko D nope nope not on CL gecko crypto pounder 4 just got here oh no worries man no worries oh we're just about to end man another 10 more minutes or 10 more minutes what what other questions or any other things that you guys have seen over the past day past week anything new sounds like everyone's just been kind of mining all over the place Raven has a lot of potential Raven always has a lot of potential I mean a lot of coins have a lot of potential whether or not they're going to go up I don't know we don't know I need to get an Etc minor uh yeah I think the bomb backs the easy 100c one it looks pretty decent looks pretty good PS of crypto to a penny Get Wrecked yes uh um uh b b bur 1X flux Edge Beta release next month with PayPal on-ramp and nice hash integration red P really really that seems nice Metro mic Flex hash Friday ready your CPU rigs oh is that for Kyla coin that's for Kyla coin isn't it Kyla coin this Friday next Friday or this Friday this Friday so that's in five days four days okay all right I'll try that yeah a single entity is mining kylo coin right now 99.8% % uh retro mic look retro mic your pool is the second top pool on kylo coin that's amazing that is that is amazing click bait me more did you try salad Brandon coin made a video about that product salad I have not Panda listen to your voice with the wind blowing in my face is so Hawk get out of here Max I missed this entire no worries Max retro mic May 31st May 31st that's in three or 4 days yeah that's in four days okay then y I guess I mean yeah sure kylo coin CPU mining algo yeah we're we're down we're down for decentralization right right right nobody cares okay guys that's it that's it continuing on continuing on the crypto mining Journey Game Pass is up 38% today why what I better sell this bag soon not even a not even a blip not even a why is it going up it's not even it's not even it's not even that big of a never mind uh uh click St is a worldwide computer sharing program Community composed of thousands of gamers are users the mighty solid shops share resources the idle PC's powered Advan computer project uh click baby more interesting interesting Das whatever your mining right now can't get you a fifth of the profit of what they can get from cracking puzzle 66 I don't want to risk posting a link for you just to look it up and join the pool uh d as I'm currently making 70% more profit than my electric on my electric bill so it is doing what we're mining right now is doing pretty good doing pretty good pretty good but where are you talking about making that kind of money cracking puzzle okay you mean like password password like like a program trying to figure out using the gpus to to crack passwords I thought people ran out their rigs on vast.

A for that uh Tahir Mom thank you RPM for sticking around through this bar Market the here mammad M Muhammad I you're welcome but at the same time I mean I love this this stuff man I love crypto mining I'm never bare Market or bu Market I'm here either way I just love Hardware I love I love playing around with with Hardware so retro mic puzzle 66 attempts to Generate random BTC private keys and attempt to drain people's wallets I will delete you from my life if you do it all right time to put all my rigs to this puzzle 66 what what the hell is puzzle that is the first time I'm hearing something about this man I I mean I heard of actually there's a there's a couple pictures of a you know you know The Ledger Nano s's you guys know those Ledger Nano s like those little devices people there there was a farm of there was like a slave labor slave labor like Ledger Nano Farm people in China like in a big Warehouse they were trying to crack 24 24 word he uh seed phrases like are you kidding me like I couldn't believe it it's probably fake it was probably fake but you know uh just check R Yes program is for cracking someone's with made puzzle with wallets to be cracked there are 150 wallets with different amount H interesting do you want to share a link right p no I don't want people to get get hacked no Diaz no no no no no password cracking I don't want anyone to get hacked no links don't don't click on any links don't get hacked no no no okay all right guys that's it that's it for today that's it for todayis is pumping yeah I know don't talk about it stop talking about it oh my God it's pumping so much 30% already oh my God I sold too early God damn it all right peace out Bros peace out peace out you guys have a great day you guys have a great day thank you guys for the thank you guys for the lovely stream and happy Memorial Day yes happy Memorial Day to my American friends DJ see here bro mine Capital just sold mine nice nice all right peace out guys peace out peace out have a great day thank you for the stream see you guys tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music]

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