Budget Christmas Gaming Computers

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what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel we're back in the shop today and we're doing something that I haven't done in quite a while and that's actually build a computer for a customer so I pretty much stopped building computers uh somewhere around six or seven months ago because I realized um most of the people I was selling individual parts to were not people looking to buy computers it was people that are selling computers so um I had a lot of repeat business and a lot of return customers and it just didn't make sense for me to be trying to compete with them especially uh the ones that are local here to me because I'm trying to sell a computer and then they're trying to sell a computer with parts that they bought from me it just made sense for me to just keep bringing in Parts buy them in bulk split them up um because it's a lot better to sell 10 CPUs and five motherboards and you know five graphics cards and and RAM and stuff uh over and over again than it is a sell one computer cuz your average buyer for like a gaming computer buys One gaming computer and they they used that thing for years so whereas your average reseller you know they're going to need parts all the time so that's the business model I changed to but unfortunately there are some uh existing customers out there that I've built computers for in the past and this is one of them and he contacted me and he's like hey man I need two computers for both of my sons I want them to be pretty much identical and I'm like well I have some of these cases um and left over from when I was building salad rigs so I can do same cases same motherboards same same Ram same everything everything uh same graphics card cuz he's he's like we don't want one to be feeling some kind of way or some not kind of way and luckily I had everything in stock so I could get it together I don't have to wait on shipping time um and it works out to be you know some good budget build gaming computers for you know him and his sons he said that um one of them is into a lot of like um Photoshop and like photo editing and stuff like that so uh these builds are getting Zeon um platform x99 platform um motherboards and processors we're going to be using the uh I think it's the 2650 v4s which are 12 cores 24 threads uh and they will absolutely shred some video editing um or well sorry some photo editing shouldn't have an issue there uh his budget was pretty low um so that hurt our video card selection uh but I did have some RX 5700 XTS and they are Sapphire pulses which if anybody knows uh for AMD Sapphire is one of my favorite Brands and I had two I actually had I think I have three of them that were all matching so I can plop those in those Rigs and then they have matching coolers matching motherboards matching everything um to try to keep it All Uniform I'm going to get some anyway my son wants some more veggie straws uh and then I'm going to set up this time lapse and start building out this second one I've already built out the first one I got windows installed on it everything's in there um and we're all hunky dory so we'll be right back all right so I got that one together all installed updated and everything and then I have this one and I'm using the same Corsair Dominator RGB Ram uh same RGB cooler same uh rx5700 XT Sapphire pulse and then the 12 core xon um and some people are going to be like oh my God why' you use the Zeon they're horrible for gaming uh well luckily one of them apparently is big into Minecraft and the other one's big into photo editing so I think for the budget that they had this is going to do them absolutely well they got 12 cores 24 threads shouldn't have an issue because if we were going to you know jump into the world of modern CPUs they wouldn't have gotten they might might have gotten more performance per thread or per core uh but it would have limited them even more on the graphics card side of things so yeah I'm going to get this one buttoned up and uh get it looking like that one right there and then we're going to go drop these bad boys off by the way shout out our Zopa monitor I love the fact that you can power it off of a USB cable see watch this ready ain't that cool I don't know why I just feel like you USB cables don't hold that much power but it's enough to run this Monitor and look how thin it is yeah all right guys

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