e [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] AG [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] yo good morning everybody welcome to the live stream bacon eggs and hash good morning s sometimes hello man Stephen Cicero Yousef puts Z pirate welcome BC good morning jock mcmin Miner UK what's up man sh good morning good morning Bros what's up Bros how is everyone today this fine Saturday morning afternoon hello good morning Bros good morning okay we have a fun live stream I so okay something just just today ice River announced their KS Z Ultra and KS they pricing on their website so now available uh to order on their website uh I'm not trying to say to order it but we're going to do some calculations because the ks5 L has basically dropped like half price from last week we did a calculation M May 25th the ks5 was like 14 Grand or something now ice River posts it on their website for $76.99 so that that kind of changes the game here all right if you guys are also if you're deciding to order from Ice River's website usee code red panda but just let's before you order all right let let's do some let's do some math let's just do some Panda math here and you know we're going to consider the network hash rate how much it's been climbing month to month and uh which it is it from May 1st just real quick from May 1st to May the end of May the hash rate climbed 25% 25% all right that also includes the 5.6% emissions decrease every month this is 12 but let's change this to we're going to do some fun yield math here including the you know an on average the network hash rate rise also the 5.6% emissions decrease of Caspa we're going to calculate that we're going to buy we're going to do some math here of buying 76 or $7,700 wor of Caspa we're going to put that into our sheet here we're going to compare see if we are going to be able to mine our yield of Caspa back okay we're going to see if that makes sense cuz now that the price of the ks5 L is dropped in half we're going to we're going to we're going to see we're going to see like see we're just going to put this in right now how much is $7,700 worth of Caspa if you were to buy the Caspa instead of mining uh the Caspa let's just see so you could get 55,8 33 Caspa all right let's let's put it here let's let's put it here all right there we go all right so botcoin at what's the price of Caspa right now uh at 0.3 13 okay let's just put it here oh no that's already oh oh oh oh 1 three 1379 sure 1379 sure okay all right what's up bro so serpent what's up man DJ waiting on me because I'm waiting on you serpent thank you for the raid good sir Max voltage good morning good sir Max voltage wait I am a dumb or can you mine anyk heavy hash coin with a castle miner uh Shing yes you can mine there are a few Forks of kaspa like cedra and bugna yes yes yes there is are they profitable for mining at this point in time yes apparently are um but we're just talking the we're just talking about mining Caspa right now okay all right so we're going to do we're just going to see um if it makes sense to buy a ks5 l at $7,700 I guess include shipping like another $100 uh my coupon code red panda does 2.5% off so I don't I'm just going to say $7,700 basically shipping's free with the coupon code but let's let's do it all right so let's consider right now the ks5 L all right 375 Caspa a day all right that's that's our yield so it looks like literally from six day five six days ago we were getting 397 on a ks5 l now we are getting 375 you can see the yield is dropping every week every week every month getting worse but we're we're going to we're going to just kind of average out here okay we we obviously don't know how much the network hash rate is going to keep Rising month to month but if we just take a general average okay General average of how much the hash rate's Rising um also considering um bit main okay everyone it seems like a lot of some people pre-ordered the ks5 pro August batch ks5 Pro for August which is four months away okay we we don't know how many of these k5s or ks5 Pros are going to wow that one I like how it says in stock and it's $26,000 ah God oh my God but anyways anyways let's keep going here okay let's let's let's keep going here so if let's do theoretical here if the Caspa Network hash rate never went up as of now if it didn't go up if it stayed where it is now and we included the 5.6% emissions drop every month right everyone knows Casa uh kaspa's block per second blocks mult could be multiple blocks per second but Caspa per second is dropping every month about 5.6% the yield okay that's let's go back to let's go cway Mission schedule I'm going to show this cuz people think uh going to think I didn't show it it's right here so we are now right now in uh what month we are in the third chromatic phase right now so in a couple days uh no here in in like 5 days the Casper Network like the Casper block sorry cast per second is going to be 103 so 100 from 110 to 103 okay 103 Caspa uh per second it I I normally I say Caspa per block but there could be multiple blocks within a second I think that's what they're trying they're already achieving now I think uh with the layer two and rust uh rust implementation uh which I think uh majority of the uh nodes have moved over to Cas uh to rust Caspa nodes uh where is that nodes map Caspa no no that's not it uh Cas full node Casa block explore is this it is this it uh let's see uh no this doesn't show this doesn't this doesn't show it okay I forgot what website it is anyway anyway going along so if you were to buy a ks5 l $7,700 worth um versus buying the coin at this point in time it' be 55,8 33 kaspa all right so this is what we're going to compare right now the yield is 375 Caspa per block if we did the 5.6% emissions rating decrease we've added that in month to month that's realistic because that's exactly what's happening every month the block reward is dropping that okay so everyone understands that I have not added okay we have not factored in here yet the potential Network hash rate rise month to month so I'm not going to add that in we're just going to do a a a a a theoretical play here of what if the network hash R just didn't go up as of now would we be able to mine our initial Caspa back back with a as5 l so let's see let's see just without network hat RIS just a 5.6% decrease every month so I'm just going to sum up month number month 6th month 6th uh 6th month of mining with a ks5 l all right not Financial advice yes not Financial So in theory if you were to mine with a ks5 l if you received it which you know actually the the batch he says June 15th to June 30th shipping date so that's in that's pretty much in a month okay so considering that all right considering that look at this in month six you will be able to potentially mine your money back your yield back versus buying the coin if the network hash rate didn't rise but we all know we we all know that that's going to H we all know the network hash rate is going to rise so let's let's let's minus that out let's minus that out okay how how much on average do you guys think the network hash rate is going to rise every month for the next four five months can you guys give give me a percentage I it needs to be a percentage how much percentage do you guys think the network hash rate is going to rise over month to month so here we're going to do we're going to do some let's just so May 1st okay May 1st it was 236 P hash so 236 minus the peak the end of the month end of the month it was 3177 pah has so that was 81 petahash increase so 81 / 317 * 100 that is 25.5% increase from May 1st to end of May 25% okay so that's a that's a pretty huge jump so let's add what's 5.6% plus 25 that's going to be 30 30.6 all right so let's add 30.6 I'm I'm not saying the network hash rate is going to rise 25% every month but let's just say that that let's just say that happens let's just say in let's just say for fun that happens and and yes crazy monkey crypto that's an impossible number to calculate I I know I I know I know that's why we're kind of we're kind of just guesstimating here okay we don't we obviously don't know but I think previous projections from some people were that the network hash rate wasn't going to rise as much because the manufacturing Etc but I think most people were wrong about that because the network hash rate has risen more than you know I think the typical 27% 15% I think it's I think it's gone up a lot more than that because uh manufacturers are now making these a lot so um but just just in theory okay just just for fun just for fun if it does increase 25% every month which again I really I don't think it's going to do that every month but let's just say for fun um what is how much let's just say how many months okay so in month 10 we will not be able to uh you know what um you know what Max Max I read your thing um how can I add how can I how can I can I add the sum of every no how can I add the sum of every uh every single thing here can I just go like this um like this and then if I just go like this will it uh no wait uh oh I oh oh it's adding the okay no it's it's not okay all right uh okay how do I how do I sum everything for the next for the next column the next column so you know what I mean and let's just and I can just keep it like that uh A5 + C5 A5 + C5 current cell equals cell above current cell equals cell above plus column C okay hold on how do you do that how do you do that hold on how do you do that let's do it let's how do you do that SU okay uh you said c okay sum of C5 wait what if you if you want to fix a block so just type A equals A5 plus C5 okay A5 plus C5 okay oh no that plus this uh and then I can drag it down yes yes yes thank you okay perfect yes ah beautiful beautiful thank you oh man oh man look at month 24 month 24 looks bad okay done Excel Noob hey I I'm not an ex I'm not a Google Sheets expert all right uh okay done all right so there you go so if there was a 25% increase okay 25% increase ink cash rate month to month through Super Chat there would be you guys can see the yield again don't think the network hash rate is going to rise 25% every month but you can see here we will not be able to mine our 58 55,000 yield back even after 24 months you will not be able to get your yield back okay so that looks uh Max voltage says by the way 27% increase average per month since January 1st o see look at that Ma look at that Max says 27% that is that is a lot that is that is really that is a that is really a lot um uh Yousef puts 375 137 Cas not 55,000 Casa huh what no you puts we're buying the theoretical amount of Caspa if we're doing we're doing the bot coin of Caspa we're we're comparing buying Caspa versus buying a $7,700 ks5 l all right that that's the difference we are doing here if if you don't understand that then yeah you're you're not understanding you're not understanding Usef puts Darth Liberty this does not account for Price appreciation no no we we're we're not we're not accounting price appreciation that that is that is the only saving grace that is the only saving grace for uh Caspa mining is if there's going to be massive price appreciation we haven't even gotten there we haven't even gotten to that topic yet I already have the price appreciation thing here okay so obviously after two years if Caspa went to a dollar you could make maybe $36,000 if caspo went to a dollar okay that's or what if caspo went to uh 30 cents I mean if Casa went to 30 cents after 2 years I mean you know over two years it looks like buying the coin would have been better than mining the coin at that point okay look cost of the machine was 7,700 but if you bought $7,700 worth of Caspa and Caspa went to 30 cents at any given time over the next next 24 months you would have $1 16,74 I I that's the only thing I'm trying to compare here is buying Caspa at this point versus buying a minor I that that's because of the aggressive emission schedule okay Usef puts if you don't understand this because of the aggressive emission schedule along with the rising Network hash rate it may it does at this point it seems like it doesn't make sense to buy the miners it makes sense to buy the Caspa that's what I'm trying to get here all right that that is what I am trying to just go through and do some fun theoretical math but Max voltage says okay I corrected my math 18.5% average increase per month since the beginning of the year it compounds yes okay Max 18.5% average okay so with the initial 5.6% increase of U sorry decrease of the emissions every month we're going to tack on 18% on average all right so 18% on average so 18 18.5 plus 5.6 okay that's going to be 24.1% all right 24.1% this this this includes the on average the network hash rate rise of Caspa okay so that's an 18% on average month to month of the network hash rate climbing for kaspa again we don't know if it's going to go up another 18% over the next couple months we don't we don't know we we we we don't we don't know okay so this includes the decrease of uh the emissions plus the network hash rate rise okay all right now let's see here let's see here so which month if we were to buy a $7,700 k5l at the yield currently of a k5l which is 375 kaspa a day when could we mine the same yield if we were to buy the Caspa Instead at this current time 203 people here 62 likes smash the like Bros Smash the like looks like month looks like we looks like not even 2 years you will not be able to mine your Casper back okay I you know I I don't think after like 10 months that the hash rate would climb 18% month to month but I I don't maybe maybe I I don't know that that would be that would be quite insane uh red panda do you think a couple KS zero Ultras powered by solar could be worthwhile oh yeah oh yeah I I won't discredit anything anyone mining solar on anything sure yeah if you're mining solar go for it I mean that's obviously free that's that's obvious that's obviously free Leela mining in August the network hash will go super hard yes we did we did mention that because the ks5 pro for August batch is going to go hard yes that's this this is this is going to be a a really detrimental effect on the network hash rate in August I'm thinking like we're going to man we're going to see some we're going to see more than 18% climb in the network hash rate over the coming months in my opinion Lea mining says 20K units sold already 20,000 ks5 Pro dude okay let's do some fun math here let's do it let's do some fun math ks5 Pro 21 Terra hash all right 21 teror is 0.021 of a Peta has you said Lea money you said 20,000 k5s have been sold so let's go 25,000 20,000 times 0.021 of a petahash that's 420 freaking petahash 420 petahash the current Network hash rate is 302 definitely do not buy Caspa miners all right do not I repeat do not buy anything right now if if you don't have free if you don't have free Power I don't know bro I dude if that's the case I it I if if if this is 420 petahash if bit m is going to increase that much that that is bad uh let's not forget power cost Z pirate 100% you we got to F of course factor in the power cost is going to make your your Roi or break even or your yield number even worse so wow if if that if that's the case if 20,000 of those ks5 Pros are are sold on the market over time over the next course of the next five months uh when those things start rolling out oh that's that's rough that's that's really rough oh man oh my God Lea mining says 20K most of them sold the resellers 20K 20K he bro ks5 Pros August batch that if that's the case I I in good conscience I can I can definitely not recommend buying Casper miners now then if if that is the case if 20,000 if 20,000 of these things have been sold that equals about 420 petahash KS Z will be worthless okay now that I know this in k k uh Lea mining I know you are representative of of of bitm can you please confirm is are you it's 20,000 you are you sure 20,000 have been sold I need to confirm that is is that is that confirmed Lea mining 20,000 maybe less than 20K will be running in network for sure jeez oh man oh man that okay at this point then it makes sense to buy the Caspa 100% 100% it it it it makes a it it makes a lot more sense now um that's like a 50% if we were to calculate if there was another 400 P 420 petahash to coming online over the next four five 6 months I mean on average what would be the increase there um max what's the compounding in what's the compound percentage between 302 petahash and 400 adding another 420 petahash over the next 5 months can someone do the math there what's the what's the what's the the average increase there per month like 50% are we just going to add are we going to add so 5.6% 5.6% plus another 50% so this would be 55 like dude that's yeah you I don't know man I mean okay obviously next month it's not next month will not will not climb in 50% so that's kind of hard to that's kind of hard I want to calculate in like month five when when that Network cash rate Rises I mean month five percentage increase here is probably like yeah H red pend of mining I am also thinking it maybe be time to sell your casa what is the sale pressure will be like this is going to be like KDA issues uh fully electric you know that's the Saving Grace there for for kaspa is the price appreciation for for any for anyone considering mining Casa right now that that's really the the end all be all there is the price of free appreciation I don't know man I really don't know I that and you know what um what did Lea mining say uh let's see here greater good mining welcome bro CLE mining getting cray cray greater good mining bro if if 20,000 of these have been sold on the market that's about 20,000 that's about 420 petahash if if if that's the case come August time Caso Network cash rate is going to be destroyed but the only saving grace there is if there's going to be massive price appreciation of Caspa that that's really that's really that's really it um but by time yeah definitely not all cast miners will be online in August right Lea mining right right right no for sure Max voltage it's about six 6% per month to go from 300 to 400 over 5 months okay 6% okay 6% okay that's a little bit more realistic then so that' be about 11.6 11.6% so okay okay let's let's say you did okay all right well I mean let's say you were able to I mean let's say you were able to receive your k5l over the next month okay according to ice River here you spent $7,700 their shipping date is end of June so so by the time that comes next month Maybe by month 10 maybe by month 7 I mean that's see this is where if by August I don't know we don't know how many of those batches will come out of bitm so I mean I don't yeah I think I don't think I don't I don't think man I don't think we can mine our our casa back uh you know this this gives me this gives me a very dum hunting feeling I I I I have a ks3 and a a iy link I feel like I should just sell these right now I feel like I should sell these I feel like it's I feel like it's coming to that point you know what I mean at that point of I feel like it's it's going to get bad it's going to get real bad real soon ah oh yes we are going to be giving away a oh man terrible timing we're going to be giving away a KS Z Pro today uh daunting feeling there after all that after just talking about it uh all right hold on let me go with the video where's the video this one okay hold on hold on K zero make zero bucks a day again again the only saving grace the only saving grace with for all this that we we haven't really we haven't we haven't uh talked about yet is the the price appreciation that that's it I mean I is it going to go up I mean look at look at Casper's chart man I I it's still I'm not trying to say I'm not this not Financial advice at all but a couple Traders I've talked to they said this is the most bullish chart in all of history in all of of of of a proof of work coin the Caspa chart is is quite insane so that is really the only the only saving grace there for for for those that are wanting to get into kaspa right now Kasa mining that is is it's really got to go it's really it's really got to go up like it's it's you know buying cast of miners maybe a couple months ago or like half a year ago was a great idea or even the beginning right when uh you know whoever got in first batch they already made their money back um so for anyone that has cast miners over the next you know past couple years sorry past couple months you're probably you're probably still fine but when it comes to to mining the same yield back or you know waiting for Price appreciation or something you're Pro you're probably fine you're you're probably fine but when it comes to now it's that's what we're trying to figure out here because we got a lot of big big Milestones coming here I if Lea mining said 20 20,000 ks5 Pros have been sold on the market that's 420 petahash so and I know Lea mining has an in with bitm as a is a is a part of the marketing of bitm so that that is very that is very uh that is very daunting that is very daunting so yeah all right okay py but it is so bullish because people believe in the project or because it makes the money when the last options dry up dries up see at that point yeah you know what fully electric you said you know at at this point it feels like another potentially another KDA moment if the price of Caspa doesn't sustain if it is not sustained then we are going to see potentially you know all the people that have ks1 KS Z you know all the Lesser efficient you know miners out there I mean range here of ks0 pro to k5m is only 2x KS ks0 Pro to a ks5 M oh sorry to a ks5 pro is a 3X in efficiency so yeah that that's that's that's a yeah so with KDA kadana you can see the range here a ka3 uh from a KD light to a ka3 was like a 4X in efficiency gain so if you think about that with Caspa mining a ks0 to a ks5 pro is a 3X efficiency gain so yeah we could be we could be nearing that point of where if the kaspa's price doesn't sustain all these miners that are on the market right now this this is going to be th this is this is going to be uh quite interesting BC a reduction in mining profitability will likely cause a reduction in interest leading to Less Price pressure uh yeah BC yep yep yep it could yep that very could very well be like that um but who knows right but even Caspa transaction fees won't supplement the network they're so small yes the Caspa fees yeah people talking about me um or you know the transactions will go to the miners honestly like if you want to have bot manip Bots controlling the meev Bots controlling the transactions in a way I hope it doesn't congest the casa network but that they're going to be trying to manipulate it some way all right me Bots but I don't know how all that works I'm not a developer I don't know how that all works okay I don't know if you know with KRC 20 if the layer two smart contracts there's going to be you know a bunch of kc2 projects uh that are going to utilize Caspa is going to be the next ethereum you know all these types of things people talk about I don't know okay that that's the Saving Grace there regarding if there's going to be further price appreciation Caspa is going to be this end all be all project it's proof of work you know um Scott Sheffield says me didn't work for eth it made things worse for the end users yep 100% that's I actually remember I remember saying that we did talk about that a couple weeks back about me I don't me wasn't a success on ethereum sure it made miners make a lot but it was a terrible time for anyone transacting and using ethereum that was you know the use case then for Caspa for having that me then would be useless it it would be pointless it it would it would it would render what the whole ability of C was all about is the fast transactions the transaction speeds uh that TPS that's the whole point if that was the case if me was implemented I don't know if it's again I don't I don't I don't know if you know it's going to be a way it's going to be faster or slower me Bots manipulate the transactions in some way you know I I I I I don't know I I don't know I don't know I don't know okay we got to give away the ks Z Pro guys can we get hit that like we're at 231 viewers 99 likes guys this ksz Pro brand new inbox unopened I'm going to have to open it because I'm going to put the commemorative uh commemorative uh uh where is it here right here Barrel plug connector from veteran minor uh commemorative uh keychain and an RPM sticker and a black ps0 Pro we're going to give this away today Bros so if you commented if you watched that video and if you commented on the Mars Lander video from Mr alter component uh let's see oh yeah 629 comments that that is amazing okay so we're going to get the video Let's choose the winner here uh random comment picker random commenter okay all right here we go I'm getting the comments who's going to win who's going to win who's going to win retro mic me is just nodes reordering transactions to only process the higher fee ones it's a bad Solution that's why Varys did a me resistant protocol with a fee uh pool that goes to miners without control uh retro mic 100% y 100% uh paperclip thank you bro for the $2 paperclip how are you bro hey yo how's the phone mining going uh paperclip bro I to be honest I haven't been I I haven't been mining I haven't had much time to set up my phones and uh do it but um paperclip bro you know what I got some phones to send you I have some phones to send you I have I I have some phones to send you all right let's let's choose the winner for the ks zero Pro uh someone said redo roll the fetch okay fetching the comments again all right here we go here we go pick a winner here we go 3 two 1 paper clip donated two Canadian dollars through Super Chat centarus 0311 congratulations lots of traffic first time View and sub thanks BP from the US yes Mr centarus congratulations I got to make sure I save this save this the winner of the ks Z Pro okay congratulations centarus uh if you're not in the live stream that's okay I will comment and then you will just have to comment to me back that's it uh Leila mining Lea mining can can you guess the L9 price uh Lila mining I heard I heard the L9 will be announced today is that true you heard it here first did you I I think the L9 is going to be announced today the L9 uh bitmain L9 the monster monster Dogecoin 86 minor um dude says we haven't hit altcoin season yet Caspa should go crazy I I agree I agree Lila mining you want me to answer in public chat yes Leila mining answer it are our viewers our subscribers and viewers here want to know we want to know is the L9 being announced is it today I've I've got a few a few people mentioned that to me you guess the price okay I think the price is going to be like 15,000 16,000 I don't know 16 if it's over 20k I I don't recommend anyone buying it I hope it's not $20,000 I it better be under like 15 15,000 BC I want an L9 I want an L9 as well BC an L9 giveaway um sure let me uh let me let me ask bitm if they can send me an L9 to give away I I'll glad I will gladly give away an L9 after I mine on it with a year Lea mining if you near Austin come here okay J you Mar at Austin uh Lea mining I I I I'm unfortunately not there not not near there I would love to but I I can't I'm sorry I'm sorry um I would pay 13.99 Kevin R for an L9 yeah hammad rashed says 12 to 13k problem well the DG okay dg1 plus is about 10,000 11,000 yeah so yeah maybe I'm going to say 14 to 15,000 that's my guess that that's my guess of an L9 RPM giving away an L9 no no Ryan doy don't put words in my mouth don't you dare Lux fear says what are you mining with phones by the way what's the best to mine on CPU flat VPS random X ver or something else uh Lux fa Fair I've always been on varus hash so I I don't I've never done random X or anything else on phones I've I've only done vars um Lea mining says I can give away an L9 to RPM then he can give away to uh to people after mining it with it for 5 years uh Lea mining you know what if you send me an L9 I will give it away after a month I I I promise I I I will promise that right now on the channel if if I have that L9 for a month I will give it away my channel goes all over phone mining yeah paperclip has a phone Channel crypto mining phone channel uh so I have I have a dg1 already um I have a dg1 plus shipping to me as we speak for review it's literally oh it's literally 3 3,000 megahash more but then the the L9 is like 2 or 3,000 megahash more of the dg1 plus um now the efficiency I feel like I feel like we all know bit M's efficiency is not true at the wall it feels like it's always like another like couple hundred Watts more also depending dependent on your ambient temperatures so um so the giveaway happen when it's as good as an S9 then Michael cartright yep yep exactly exactly just get be very generous of you that's uh that's really cool RPM congrats to the do you think upcoming local Tech hash blades a full stack comparison to L9 l7s uh again we have no confirmation of the hash rate that a local Tech hash blade can do yet we have no confirmation there yet um we're still waiting uh from some hash rate numbers from uh from from local Tech so we have not heard have not heard anything yet as6 suck unless you're the ones making them those who sell the shovels and their gold rush make the most money yep that's that's if you want to sell the the tools the shovels and a gold rush that's the way to go Panda should make a b click video title reading L9 giveaway Jake wer BC local Tech is end of year at best L9 is soon uh yeah yeah no L9 is coming up L9 is coming up I've been I've been I've been wanting to potentially buy some Dogecoin miners but I don't know which one I know the L7 has been notorious for the over the past couple years but yeah it's going to be now I think either alphapex or the L9 is like the next gen the next G miners yeah okay um all right well uh so what's everyone's thoughts then of Casa mining are you getting in the casa mining or or are you not getting in the cast Let's do let's let's go back here so are you going to keep buying Caspa miners yes just a simple yes or no answer I just I just want to know start poll all right let's see what you guys say with with the with the much cheaper massive price drop from Ice River of the ks5 ks0 ultra ks5 L are you guys going to get into it after all that we talked about if bitm sold 20,000 of these that that's pretty detrimental that's like 420 petahash if that comes by August or September that's going to be that's going to be insane all of my Caspa as6 are already on eBay all right well that hey can you not sell your stuff before me but can I can I please let me sell my as my casa miners before you all right ninja kid don't don't you dare not Financial advice don't go out and randomly sell your stuff if you don't believe in Caspa all right I mean if you bought like a couple months ago I mean yeah I mean the idea is if you can sell your castle miners now and then buy the yield because you will never be able to mine the same yield back you know and that's that's that's the that's the scary that's the scary part [Music] um max voltage that question assumes that we bought castle miners at all uh fully electric I just purchased five KS Z Ultras I needed more 120 volt miners for Christmas I am buying more nice fully electric nice nice I mean yeah if you have free electric if you have free electric then you're you're probably fine um again if anyone's going to order these and I'm not telling you to order it but I do have a 2.5% off coupon use code red panda for 2 another 2.5% off uh if you are going to order any of these miners so gives you a little gives you a little bump um I have a x post about it um at the Pinn comment at the Top If if uh if you need if you want to go to the ice website I'll just post it right here all right okay guys that's it that's it for the live stream you guys have any final questions or concerns let me know smash the like uh fly uh fully electric you want to buy an IB link bmks Max or a ks3 I'll sell you a ks3 cheap cheap cheap btech medes you you don't you cannot ask that question I don't know why you're asking you're going to be banned if you ask one more time uh keep KS zero it's crap uh yeah I mean all the yeah all the smaller miners I have a bunch of them I'm just going to keep them I'm going to keep them all the way till they can't mine anymore I'm I'm just going to we're just going to we're going to see uh how cheap I'll buy one if it's cheap BC okay fly electric yes I'll DM you all right fully electric you email you email uh DM me I guess I got to do an auction between you and BC I know BC I know BC wants to buy castle miners greater good mining mod me I bet greater good mining I will mod I can't believe greater good mining how have I how have you not been a moderator great a good mining you are now a moderator good sir you can ban anyone you wish Steven cisero I may or may not have ordered a ksz Ultra nice did did you use my coupon code Stephen I'd like to know uh BC not buying cast at retail prices though no right I'll get a KS Z Ultra if I had 2500 would you suggest s9k Pro I sold an orinal I got 30 bucks I got for 30 bucks almost two years ago oh wow blockchain bugs nice man uh Bitcoin mining bro Bitcoin mining is very I I I have to say Bitcoin mining feels uh I I know I'm saying this now at the current price of Bitcoin which is 67,000 if Bitcoin was $100,000 right now I wouldn't be talking about this but you know Bitcoin mining is a is a very competitive game okay and for residential miners if you don't have cheap electric like cheaper electric the and Bitcoin mining is is really Industrial and Commercial right now so the profitability of these things honestly the money I would spend I don't know I I would spend honestly I really like like the E Etc hash e miners these have been always always good these have been generally good over the past two years um Dogecoin mining Litecoin mining has also been generally good over the past couple years but Bitcoin mining since the having it's been and again I'm saying this at currently current bitcoin bitcoin price of 67,000 and S1 19k isn't isn't is breaking even at like 10 cents or 9 cents or something so if you're not if you're not you know low electric Bitcoin mining is is probably not for you to be honest um crypto pounder 4 did I miss the rig contest yes you did Mr centarus 0311 has won the ks0 pro yes yes yes yes did I miss the rig gun I wish I bought more E9 Pros mine Capital bro I was about to buy five E9 Pros like a year and a half ago a year ago when the E9 Pros were Sub 2000 actually I was able to buy them for 1,900 I was able to buy the E9 Pro for 1,00 back then I wish I bought five I was going to buy five of them for 10 grand I would have made my money back within like 6 months I should have bought I should have bought them I'm so pissed at myself I was like these E9 Pros the 4 G hat they're getting four gigahash on two miners mining Etc it was it was such a good minor and so many people did not like the E9 Pro but dude these were solid man the E9 Pro was freaking amazing way better buy than the Jazz miners at that time the Jazz miners were only getting 2 gig hash but they were like three grand at the same time the E9 Pro was like two grand but 4 gash sure the power consumption was a was a bit more but the amount that you were yielding and if you held all that Etc the price of Prett appreciation of ethereum classic it you've you've done you were doing much better um ethereum classic uh so these E9 Pros are no longer $2,000 they're like $4,000 now so yeah yep that's what I'm going to mine I'm getting on mine uh mine Capital have you tried uh on the E9 Pro E9 Pro on K1 pool can mine octop space now have you tried octop space on your E9 Pro it it should work I have my E9 on octop space and it works awesome works it works just awesome uh John English Tech I have five of them for you RPM 100K for you best price wow John English Tech you can go to hell you can go to hell uh okay all right guys that's it OCTA work on E9 Pro yes octo OCTA OCTA works on E9 Pros yes uh fly electric I DM you don't forget to respond uh fly electric I will talk to you right after this bro you let me know um you let me know um I have not tried that yet I was trying to stack as much Etc as possible mine Capital oh okay uh Max voltage can't you can't you mine Max chain on the E9 just saying ma Max Max chain oh my goodness Max is that your coin Max I knew it I knew it all right are 5700 XTS good for yield farming uh 5700 XTS are getting you know to that point of yeah if you don't have lower electric rate 5700 XTS are I mean yeah they're okay but in the bull run in the bull run though if alt coins or some kapow coins start popping off then yeah a cards will probably be really good it' be really nice at that point it doesn't matter how how much power you're using yeah who's live after RPM today uh I think rabid mining or geek of all trades is uh is on is on um okay guys well that's it thank you guys for watching smash the like thank you guys we're going to end the poll here looks like 75% of you are not going to be getting in buying castle miners um so in that case um that's that's that's that that's that then I guess um all right I'll see you all I'll see you all later thank you all for the fun you guys have a great day appreciate you all so much thank you for the talk thank you for the uh super chats as well uh Mr retro mic unfortunately and paper clip paper clip message me bro message me for the phones all right I'll see you all next time uh in a stream tomorrow yes stream stream tomorrow Max says later SNL's on my channel tonight nice Max voltage SNL all right sounds good bro Max I'll see you there Carl M peace out bro greater mining thank you man btech meds thanks man Frogman mining peace bro jock mcer thanks guys you guys have a great day John English text my feelings are hurt now yeah they better be Jesus Christ peace have a great day BC I just saw your message on Discord I'll message you back in a sec [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Music] I believe that I get [Music] my [Music] I [Music] what the [ __ ] you [Music]