China is set to unban BTC in Q4 this year!!! Bitcoin will hit ATH soon!

China is likely to unban Bitcoin in 2024 Reports are saying is this a signal to Push Bitcoin to Crazy alltime levels That's exactly what we're talking about Today welcome back to the 99b YouTube Channel I am your host Omar Khan and Today we're doing a deep dive on bitcoin Before the video I want to ask if you Haven't already do make sure you smash The Subscribe button down below as we Cover crypto news on a daily basis Anywhere from two to three videos a day Talking about the top performing Cryptocurrencies so if you don't want to Miss out smash the Subscribe button down Below taking a look at Bitcoin guys First of all we're seeing currently Sitting at $58,000 about 2% on the day and 1% on The week fear and greet index currently At a41 and we're seeing nearly $215 Million worth of a Bitcoin inflow Which is pretty awesome to say the least But today we're talking about some news Regarding Bitcoin especially this one This is the first one I want to cover Today so breaking news China is likely To unban Bitcoin in Q4 of 2024 reports Are saying now this is absolutely Bullish because it's been banned for for Some time now and there could be an Absolute Market to come in to the crypto Space between miners between investors Between Traders between money leaving

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And coming into country China is one of The most wealthiest country and if now They could play in the digital space This could be absolutely bullish for Bitcoin causing the price of Bitcoin to Absolutely Spike and go ballistic Currently Bitcoin is trending in at Number one it's still down 11% on the 30 Days but the recovery looks like it's Around the corner $58,000 Bitcoin guys I Know it seems like it's low but when you Think think about it the growth for Bitcoin has been absolutely amazing this Year alone we take a look at the one-ear Chart earlier or about 12 months ago we Were sitting at $3,000 Bitcoin it's up Nearly 100% which is insane and actually Up 87% as of right now at one point it Was peaking this year around $73,000 are we going to see Bitcoin Finally break past the all-time high of This year and hit $75,000 that's exactly what it's looking Like and we have a whole plethora of Tweets to go through to indicate why uh We're going to see Bitcoin pump this Bull run and we're starting off the Tweet wave we're going to go right to The top so new news Hong Kong ETS bought 425 Bitcoin worth 24 million this week Slow and steady they are loading up Their bags and the community is going Absolutely bullish Hong Kong is just Warming up they'll buy more soon the

Bull is getting ready we are going Higher and guys if Hong Kong's buying Australia's buying London's buying Canada's buying all these massive ETFs Are loading up what does that mean that Means they're going to be holding for a Long time helping the floor price of Bitcoin causes to hit a higher highs so I'm very bullish to see what comes next S&P 500 alltime High NASDAQ alltime High Gold alltime high now it's time for Bitcoin to hit some all-time high levels That's exactly what we're looking for uh Bitcoin you get used to it I don't see Dips anymore all I see is 5% off 10% off 15% off and hey right now I think Sitting clear nearly 20% off so great Time to load up just in Senator uh Cynthia says US Government Bitcoin Reserves can help strengthen the dollar Let's go check out this short video we Know but we want to make sure people can Have individual wallets for their Bitcoin so they have that Sovereign over Their own money we know we want the US Dollar to remain strong and actually Having Bitcoin in reserve can help the US dollar remain strong but so they can Use Bitcoin to make the US dollar strong Again that's a double edged swort in a Good way in a sense that one the US Dollar getting strong dominant currency And then using Bitcoin simultaneously Kind of like the gold Reserve guys we've

Been seeing this over and over again Bitcoin is a gold in the digital space And the same way people used to buy and Hold up and load up on gold that's what It looks like what happening with Bitcoin so those who are holding a bag Are going to reap the most rewards Bitcoin Bull Run begins uh each cycle Fully repeats itself so see 2012 to 13 2014 to 16 18 to 20 22 to 25 so the First bull cycle is about to launch this Year alone and 2025 next year it could Be even Crazier guys you heard it here first you Heard it here first Bitcoin is going to Go absolutely phenomenal this bull run The Bulls are getting ready this was a Massive news especially China unbanning Uh Bitcoin is going to be massive Bitcoin is going to $77,000 this month We talked about this last Bitcoin video That'd be absolutely bullish and again We're currently July 13th we still have About two more weeks left in this month A little bit over more than that and we Are imagining Bitcoin to see some crazy Reversals it'll literally only take one Night now in terms of technicals guys Allars are finally in the buy moving Average are still in the sell give us a Summary of sell but overall it is Looking very very bullish I don't have Any doubts that Bitcoin is going to make Is Swift recovery it's been making

Headlines people are talking about it HED funds are buying it news people are Talking about it it's coming everywhere We are really about to hit the peak of This bull run it's going to be Absolutely massive for Bitcoin but like Always guys none of this is financial Advice always do your own research and Due diligence before investing any money In the cryptos we cover on this channel That pretty much drops the video until Next time it's friend Umar peace

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