[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] heyy [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hello everybody Welcome to the live stream stream Bros welcome welcome welcome we are doing a fun live stream today and I see sebs Mr Subs fintech Channel and Luke what are you Luke Mr Luke puges what are you doing let me be moderator I'll ban myself let's go bro less than a week before the having bro Luke bro thank you let's let I'll make you a mod 100% uh actually I'm not logged into my main account so I can't make you a mod at the moment after uh let me do it on my phone hold on let me do it on my phone what's what's up everybody what's up everybody Luke what are you what are you doing what are you what are you doing man jeez starting the stream right off the bat crazy times um okay uh Luke hold on Luke can you Luke can you message something in chat uh type something luk time something what's up everybody what's up welcome happy Saturday to everybody we are giving this bad boy away today on behalf of Mr sub's fintech Channel who he has hit 100,000 subscribers pretty insane really insane so awesome uh Luke I just made you mod so there you go there you go bro all right let me know let me know if you uh let me know if you got it if you're blue now um so uh so I hope I hope a lot of people I hope a lot of people can uh a lot of people watched Mr seb's sptech Channel's video on how to participate in this giveaway here okay and Boris I know Luke all right you can suck it from the back Boris God damn it uh good luck in the giveaway everyone Mr Sub says sebs thank you bro thank you so much thank you so much uh so let's go um we have the video that people had to comment on let's let's let's go let's go let's go down to it so it's on Mr mining stacker YouTube channel all right and it's going to be on this video right here that you had to comment on so let's see here uh looks like we got yeah looks like we got some good comments here yeah a lot of comments I don't know how many 414 wow that is that's a lot that's a lot that's a lot so this giveaway you don't have to be here in this live stream to win uh but we're going to uh choose the winner today for the IB link or IB stink BM K3 um let's J Ro let's go let's go bro sebs mining thank you no thank you no thank you thank you bro congrats to your success man in the bare Market all right so I've had this iing for a while it's barely used I know it may look like it's used but it's it's I this thing has not been on for long and I think a lot of people can remember why uh regarding the the ka3 by no means is this machine a a a profitable machine actually I wanted to go on the computer to talk about that uh this machine okay let's go back to the my computer this machine ever since the ka3 came out it's it does double the efficiency basically against uh IB link BM K3 uh so it's it's it's by no means a it's it's not bad you know it can do 70 ter hash uh but the ka3 can do 166 but hey still a decent machine all right I saw somebody bought two off eBay back in January uh two of them for 1,600 bucks so I think this thing is I don't know how much this Miner is worth right now maybe 600 700 bucks I around there all out I'm I'm guessing um uh the in terms of mining profitability though this thing uh let's see let's go KD let's go KDA KDA iing bmk 3 says this thing makes negative dollar $2.95 a day at 9 Cent kilowatt hour so when is this what electric rate do you need to break even on this IB link bmk 3 4 cents maybe 5 cents uh 22 a day all right six cents all right if you had if you had six cents or five cents you would you would at least be positive on a k ka3 anyway doesn't matter maybe CAD is going to go up maybe this thing will be decent maybe who knows uh going to read the chat appreciate you doing this no man appreciate you Raven coin has potential real potential oh let's not let's not start on ravencoin Raven coin's the OG OG ravencoin will go up again not Financial you better be an Allin on that project for that minor LOL Craig H yeah you're not wrong you're you're not wrong yes you got to be Allin for this for this minor yes yes but anyways it's a fun it's a good fun giveaway here for Mr uh for Mr sub's fintech channel uh I think this is a decent Miner for somebody if not they can resell it but I'm curious I haven't turned this on so I want to make sure this thing works actually before we uh before I I have to ship this out and actually I'm going away in like a couple days so I don't in like two days so I don't know if I can ship this out in time and if the person responds or not uh whoa Seb bro bro Seb you don't need to get bro you don't need to donate damn it sub giveaway rules comment comment on mining stackers video with one have to mention USA CAE two have to have to uh use a secret word keywe three positive comment relevant to mining stalkers video four account at least one week old yes we're gonna we're going to pin this how do you pin this I can't pin that I can't pin a super chat ah or can I uh let's see it won't let me uh it won't let me it won't let me pin it no I can't pin it Seb if you can uh if you can copy and paste that and put it in the live chat I can I can pin that I can definitely pin that um okay I need to uh at the same time I want to try out this new I want to try out this new pdu I got from nerd gears it's got It's got everything 30 amp breaker it's got the surge protector it's got the uh drrock meter and then 6 C13 c144 and two c19 boards I'm curious on how this thing performs I'm going to put on this side oh that's going to turn off my uh yeah okay it doesn't matter all right off plug in this okay ooh that's pretty sick that's pretty cool look at that it's got the d-ck meter in it nice very nice interesting very interesting all right let's plug it in I need internet oh by the way this thing has chump change chump Chang is 3D printed stuff on here okay let's turn it on three two 1 I better I better blow it out this way oh this thing's loud oh God this thing is very loud extreme Extremely Loud okay uh so oh sub did you uh let me pin that pin message there we go um yes you have to comment on mining stackers video uh we're going to do the we're going to choose the winner in about 10 13 minutes 12 minutes we'll choose the winner in about 12 12 minutes so if people still joining we're doing a giveaway on behalf of Mr seb's fintech Channel he hit over 100k subscribers amazing so there's a video if you watched his video how I got 100K Subs please go watch that there is a video that you have to comment on with kiwi there's a lot of requirements okay and it's all in the pin chat okay you got have to follow all right all right so um Good Luck Good Luck Bros thank you s thank you bro no no no no worries bro all right um cryp mining everyone can forget entering cuz I'm going to win ah H that's too funny all right all right um okay what I wanted to do I wanted to log into this IB link because I have absolutely no idea uh I don't think I have the address anymore whatever is mining to it right now um yeah just I'm just trying to get the IP I don't want to hold on guys hold on 10 100 100 100 147 10 100 100 147 all right all right I'm in uh what is the what's IB Link's default username and password rout NOP that's not the password IB link IB link yes IB link okay oh God I forgot how I forgot how weird IB links web gooey is oh God this looks so how do I config this again I totally forgot how to do this change reboot restart uh the technicals what's up bro am I late Salam damn it technicals what's up man I love you how are you technicals technicals did you get your did you get the power supply I sent you did did you receive it um all right uh okay config all right I see it now config all right so all right yep I got an address here pool URL I remember there was something funky with this you had to have you have to hit set parameter and then you have to something you have to hit two buttons and I don't is it here I don't see it here set ip config set volt set to normal mode this is mining at two 260 Watts right now 260 Watts what's that oh that's the LPM mode okay so it's an LPM mode 51 terahash all right interesting okay I can delete this let's delete it uh first person to give me their KDA address in the live chat gets put into this minor first person to give me a KDA address gets put into this minor it's not going to be it's not going to be on for long but all right boosted Z06 Z6 is that boosted one right I'm refreshing the live chat boosted you're yeah okay boosted did it congrats congrats boosted congrats congrats bro all right I'm you're mining to KDA pool flare I'm sorry add pool all right can I can I go to this one and then delete this one yeah there we go all right set par parameter I know I had to hit this you have to hit that in order to save it all right 37 37 yeah okay that's saved yeah uh hold on let me go back let's refresh 37 yep okay so you changed the P add the pool and then you have to hit set pam pam so F so weird H all right boosted no worries good luck good luck bro good luck okay all right guys what time is it uh 10 more minutes and then we're going to do the giveaway we're going to choose a winner on mining stackers video on behalf of sebs 100K subscribers yeah how rigged who said rigged who said that John English Tech you're rigged uh all right let's go back to the minor all right it's on low okay so it's working it's on LPM mode right now I don't I don't dare to I don't dare to put it to normal mode at 3,400 Watts but I like I really like this I really like the meter on the pdu that's awesome the dck meter uh yeah 2100 Watts 2110 that's awesome that's awesome okay all right sick so sick all right so what should we talk about in the next 10 minutes uh what amplifier gaming red pen mining what is the giveaway item it's this we're giving away the whole this IB link bmk 3 this is the giveaway uh mining uh any dates for tangum card release I saw a post but I guess it's not released yet um yeah the the RPM branded uh tangum wallet is coming yes it it is I'm I'm working with them right now um it's it's coming Bros it's it's coming I'll show you it looks it looks pretty sick so I'm on the tangum uh uh I'll announce it here but um tangum road map all right they just posted this a couple days ago and here I'm I'm I'm excited for this I want this I want the tangum ring I want to try that out looks pretty interesting but my my own RPM branded tangum card is coming ICP red panda Joy stream and more new color collection stickers and holders the RPM card can't wait retro Mike thank you for the five bro big fan thank you bro retro Mike how are you uh RPM can't rig only builds 20 GP rigs wind you up 420 you are banned uh where to get that meter surge um nerd gears nerd gears.com uh they just they just sent me this pdu so they are they're wanting me to test it I I really don't know like I'm just I'm just testing out the so there's the nerd gears branding on it um it's a 240 volt 30 amp pdu it's got the 30 amp breaker it's got the surge protector it's got the the-rock meter and then the like the like the I/O is is is not it's good I think it's I think it's enough because it's got two c19 it's got six uh c14 C13 plugs uh honestly I think I don't know if you're I don't know depending on your your if you're using like server cases it depends how many psus like if you're using octom miners like you could fill this up pretty fast um and then to utilize the c19 plugs you're you're going to might you might need an adapter but I think it's it's generally enough for A6 this is good like this PD looks like this pdu would be great for as6 um but for GPU mining it depends how many uh uh power plugs you're going to you're going to be using um BC M do the drock meters agree with each other uh let's see 2100 Watts 2100 uh we're a little bit off yeah we're a little bit off by 8 watts uh that says 2110 this says 2103 so about 7 watt difference um where did to get that M yeah nerd uh techman wow thank you retro mic with holy crap uh zap pirate thank you for the 10 months bro bro GP money content is more interesting than magic China boxes uh I know I know trust me trust me if if I could if I could if I could financially carry on as a GPU only minor uh content creator I I would trust me trust me I would but we all know I can't financially sustain myself uh by myself uh GPU mining I I need to have Asic I need to have Asic sponsors that's that's the reality that's the reality retro mik thank you for the five gifted Subs bro that's insane that's insane Tyson Andrew forever minor Hut DJ Death Star Krypto badell congrats Bros um crypto C I never win a membership techman member for 48 months bro congrats AB maybe 100K days we see Loco vid locco Tech vid yes yes uh Travelers travels member for 15 months bro thank you was that an insane clown clown posy ICP tangum oh that's great that's great John English Tech forever gray uh thanks for the gifted Subs retro Mike Steven cisero wow 15 months bro can't wait for the tangent wallets thanks for everything you do Stephen no worries bro thank you so much thank you for the comment Steph it's coming okay bro just I know you've been asking all right the RPM Tang one it's coming okay soon very soon the landing page to buy one is coming soon all right it's going to be it's going to be glorious hopefully um hey I found Waldo Panda ogre MGT what's up bro uh retro mic red p m you missed BC giving you 10 Subs did I oh I'm so sorry be oh my good okay man this Live Chat is is popping BC has also gifted 10 memberships oh my God BC bro what are you doing what are you doing man cryptic amplifier gaming Costas turtle foot mining yonel B which one KS Z Pro the other day or last two weeks ago Motu Prince GM zombie s sometimes black hat team uh shark farmer congrats BC thank you bro you didn't have you didn't have to do that congrats thank you thank you guys thank you thank you this is why you guys are in the live chat you missed the technical saying thanks technicals what did technical say let's see oh the power supply technicals you got the power supply um sorry I missed your message let me see uh technicals red P I did thank you I thanked you in a previous stream but you ignored me I'm so sorry uh thank you again gskt blue yes from gskt Blue ah what a what a what a humbling generous dude technicals congrats congrats bro um uh BC is coming for your nicest guy in the mining title uh awesome H Boris Panda's get panda is good at ignoring people all right that's it that's it Boris you're going down uh it's more like this ignores or bans take your pick okay guys three more minutes three more minutes we're taking we're choosing taking we're choosing a winner for the IB link bmk 3 all right all right it's yeah some people are still commenting I love it retro Mike with the five again RPM is big time now he doesn't have to he has doesn't have time to read comments from us peasants true true Panda's getting me banned from YouTube uh uh too funny you guys are too funny only like 4 40,000 comments flying through hello everyone mental mining UK welcome bro there's Grace thank you all BC thank you bro retro mic technicals not enough new s coins dude I technicals I don't know how you I like I I can't I I don't keep up at all I can't keep up at all I there's just so much there's just so much other stuff going on I I just how do you do it bro how do you do it I it's actually it's not even it's not even mining full stats how do you even Bitcoin talk man I can't even I can't I cannot for the life of me like go here and look at you know this board announcements for altcoins and like scour through all these smart smarty coin yes power hey this is a CP is this a yes power is this CPU today release oh my God I can't I can't I can't do it anymore I just I just can't do it anymore me me me muum revolutionizing crypto with insurance on the blockchain M muam that's that's amazing that that is I love that name maybe not all right all all I want I I guess all the ones we have to know is K heavy hash oh there's no K heavy hash on this front one pin pin pan is there H all right okay Bros ah how's the market doing we are at 67,0 420 yes this should be 69,420 uh Technic yeah dude it's super boring it's not boring it's just it's it's like time consuming mental I I don't have the mental capacity I wish I had the mental um uh RPM whenever a wife starts to complain about the Heat or noise in the barn I Blame You L keep up with the gra B daddy that's awesome uh you got a barn that's awesome man um Steven ciso what are you mining right now uh here let me let's pull up my hios if it works ding uh let's see hios can I log in uh I have to log in uh it's I'm just straight on Al lithium right now and that's probably a bad idea cuz I think the elium hash rate just like mooned so I should probably get off that now um hi so I need to get my authenticator six all right let's see if hios loads all right it loads oh maintenance completed action required the system is now operational we will continue to closely monitor any potential uh issues over the next 24 hours please perform the following recommended technical action now oh what's that there's a technical action we have to do update the system is available uh Auto fans potential discrepancy autofan settings schedules overclocking profiles watch dogs tags uh the only one that affected me was the autofan settings I don't have any of these other stuff uh work or temporar unavailable VPN settings wow that's a who I don't know anyone who uses that interesting okay anyway um all in my whole my whole Farm I've been mining a lithium for like the past two or 3 months I've been accumulating it and uh it's work it's been working out real well yeah I got oh one of my rigs went down what 60 days ago wait number 13 oh that's that's a problem oh no no that that's right that's right no this 5700 XT rig is down no no that's right that's right that's I almost I almost SC I almost I almost screamed no no I thought that was an error no that's right yeah 60 days ago D yeah okay uh all right and uh what else am I mining I mean uh my spec rigs are still going DX flux Ergo Al naoa Nexa narai clor kapow and all my ASX are going straight into Bitcoin straight okay is it the is it time oh we are over time sebs are you here bro Seb Mr seb's fintech channel are you here bro are you here bro are you here man all right here yes let's go Subs is here all right congratulations SS on your 100K bro it's been it's been a it's been a long journey man it you know I can you know hold on hold hold on hold on hold let me pause the music hold on hold on oh hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on crap crap crap crap crap hold on oops hold on hold on uh hold on hold on hold on um all right is this good all right all right no that's not that's not no no that's not no uh let's do this one yeah this one all right all right all right Mr Seb sir sebs bro the fun the comam Roberty comaraderie camaraderie that we've had over the past how many years how many years has it been when did you start when did you start making videos two years ago I don't know show see right here uh March 19 2021 3 years ago three years ago se you have made amazing high quality videos and it shows the people love what you do the crypto mining Community loves what you do I love what you do most importantly that is why I support you brother congratulations to you congratulations to 100K here's to a million subscribers because that's what you deserve it's it's it's coming bro this this next bow run I tell you we're we're all we're all going to we're all going to make it what's that meeme we're we're all going to make it all right a million Subs bro thank you thank you bro that congratulations to you I hope success continues on for you I hope you get more sponsors I hope you are financially successful I hope everything continues I hope everybody is is positive on your content and you continue on the crypto mining passion of of providing the of providing free value to everybody you provide free educated educated educative crypto mining content and that in my eyes is Success that is that is Success right there thank you for supporting the community bro congrats thank you everybody round of Round of Applause round of Round of Applause okay let's go guys let's choose the winner from Mr mining stacker make sure you guys Sub make sure you guys make sure you guys sub to mining stacker Andrew froh speech 79 10 damn you Andrew FOH God God damn it do I have to do that speech again do I have to redo it cuz I will I I'll redo it you bastard [Laughter] ah ah too good way too funny mic was muted oh my God okay all right let's choose a winner now Bros let's do it let's do it let's let's let's uh Let me refresh this pick a winner common picker all right are you guys ready I almost cried all right here we go here we go Seb count it down my friend 32 1 bro 32 one hold on we need like we need like epic epic music here like Epic we need or something no we need more upbeat we need more upbeat music all right hold on let's let's turn it back to the all right we need something something upbeat here all right okay um here we go all right let's fetch the comments first fetch uh include replies no replies Anything Goes continue 3 two 1 all right sub's counting down hold on sub almost there okay all right there we go again congratulations SE 100K bro 100K here we go all right Seb count it count it down Seb here we go count it [Music] down filter kiwi actually that's a good idea that's that's actually a really good idea but um 3 2 1 all right here we go 3 2 1 Sheldon Irving 9529 Canada thank God good advice for new miners plus Savers this is why I like nice hash to get my Bitcoin holding up no matter what my friend uh keeps getting mad he has no Bitcoin but he has plenty of opportunity to concert along the way h is important I totally missed out on Caspa as the channels on YouTube made me think ice server could not be trusted or it was too late if so I wish I got in but at least I got in other coins early kiwi congratulations Mr Sheldon Irving 9529 I uh okay so if mining stacker or Seb we're going to have to pin his comment on his on his video um I don't know if he's here or not but oh no Sheldon Irving's here he's actually here ah Sheldon Irving I got to find your com I got I really want to verif I got to find your comment here on YouTube uh I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to load all the comments and uh Sheldon Irving congrats brother congrats bro congrats congratulations hold on uh um uh let's see Seb mining stacker will pin the comment reply with your email if you need him to uh Seb if you could that would be the best if he could yes Sheldon congratul I found his comment there it is Mr Sheldon Irving there you are bro hell yeah your account is from 2011 damn your account is old awesome older than mine that's awesome congrats bro Sheldon you have won the IB link BM K3 hold on this cable is gonna I turn excuse me the IB link BM K3 you also get an RPM sticker as well hopefully I don't forget that um Sheldon please email me bro contact red pendam mining.com all right Sheldon all right I have I have two accounts but my other account is my channel what all right nice right hold on hold on all right sounds good all right um that Asic is going to go nuts if KDA pumps yeah yeah you know what what that's that's a that's a great Point SE that's a great Point it'll be if Kad goes past $25 oh man could be could be insane could be insane all right um oh excuse me yell B you're lucky I did not have a sticker yel B did I know put a sticker in I'm so sorry oh Yan know I I'm so sorry bro I should have put a sticker in Sheldon Irving how should I contact you Discord uh no email bro contact red pandam mining.com contact red pen.com ah that was great that was great what time is it 9:43 okay all right I got to go pretty soon H uh just to let all of you know I I do have like a bunch of videos already pre-recorded and uh out but I'm going to be gone for the next couple weeks so just letting you guys know I I hope I can stream where I'm going and uh I I need to do the S21 the bitmain S21 giveaway on bitcoin having day so that's a whole other thing I totally forgot and realized that yeah I'm I don't know how I'm going to I don't know how I'm going to do that hopefully I can stream where I'm going hopefully um so uh so uh John English Tech it's AER bro I never got my RPM sticker either I wasn't worthy of one I'm so sorry bro I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry uh crypto Craig what are you giving away when Hawk hits 15K right around the corner please s9k yeah crypto Craig damn it I just got a s9k I'm not going to give that away as much as I want to I need to do videos on it ah uh all right uh I can't even see how many people are here how many people are here smash the like Bros thank you subs thank you again bro red pen of mining worst case scenario I can stream for you to give away S21 uh Subs you know what that might have to happen um where I'm going I will I will be testing like a week before if I can stream so I will I will definitely let you know yeah if you if you can stream an S21 giveaway uh that would be that would be great that that' be great are you going to give away the 20 GP rig bald bald Boomer you are banned you are banned Ryan doy next giveaway Ka box ah I thought about it not not yet not I'm not not yet not yet all right okay guys is there anything you guys would like to talk about uh just ending there sebs thank you so much bro thanks you congrats to you man Sheldon please pass me your shipping address contact at Red penm mind.com uh with a screenshot of you logged into your YouTube account um would appreciate that uh sebs thank you again for this giveaway and everything you your true inspiration role model for US ah sebs no bro you you are you're you're You're the Inspiration and role model bro it's it's the other way around thank you you are the you are the community we we we are all we are all the community the community is what matters this is this is what this is what this is what crypto mining is all about if you know if we didn't have all of us here you know all all together doing the same thing that we love and have passion for and you know obviously want to make money doing it at the same making money at the same time this is this is this is what it's all about uh this is Ira this is LSI this is iseria sorry put your stop spamming or you will be banned but yes solo minor update please are you talking about this thing that thing it's it's fine it's doing just fine there's it's doing good bro it's doing good there's there's nothing really I I I bought seven more they're coming uh oh this thing's getting toasty oh this thing's getting real to ow oh that's oh dude the sticker burned me what the hell oh [ __ ] okay hold on how hot is this thing oh my God what the hell oh this is that's hot oh that's not good how hot is this thing bro bro this thing is 60 Peak temp 68 Celsius 68 Celsius oh this thing is getting hot man 70 71 celsus on the heat sink damn damn 72 now oh yeah this thing's getting oh yeah this thing's getting toasty all right I better uh jeez this thing needs more air flow well I guess it doesn't help that we're mining with this IB link here that's that's probably what's happening here all right put this back on okayo it's getting hot that thing's getting hot it's getting hot it's getting hot little heater this this thing makes sense in the kitchen living room not down here RPM it's the LED causing heat H LED uh I don't think so but led takes like a couple Watts right yeah 72 is not bad it's not it's not terrible once it's upstairs it'll be a lot better ah no wonder it's being given away you getting full hash rate yet no ninja kid I need the original power supply I'm still waiting for that okay all right Bros um I got to go in about five minutes is there any last questions or concerns from all of you how's that Bitcoin you guys think we're going to go up or going to go down what's what's the what's the Thought here uh someone sent me yesterday a screenshot that this is a ascending wedge meaning it's a it's a it's a bearish pattern is this an ascending wedge is this a bearish pattern can you guys confirm I am not a Trader what what is this is this an ascending ascending wedge hold on Google asend ascending wedge all right a rising wedge pattern typically occurs after an uptrend and a signal as a potential reversal in the securi price it is a bearish chart formation commonly observed in technical analysis wow well I hope this is not a beish a bearish uh formation it's a slice of pizza uh sheld the nerving the answer is no I am not running an Asic right now I don't know how to reply on this chat oh no worries bro uh Sheldon do you have 240 volt 30 amp or 240 volt 240 volt 20 amp circuit at home um it was the April 15 tax sell off that's true Panda are you holding your alium or swapping it on on my I'm holding my lithium I currently I've been mining it for the past maybe month and a bit let me see how much I have I've been mining it to the lithium app uh let's see oh dude I have I have uh see I've mined $3,300 worth of Al lithium almost 1,200 Al lithium yes I was thinking of doing a video cost basis video because uh um I've definitely uh since the price has gone up I've definitely earned more um now from that uh all right uh Steve Smith red P mining how much ckb have you mined zero I have kept zero ckb and I should have kept it all I'm very another fail for me Sheldon Irving I am an electrician oh nice nice bro awesome bald Boomer RPM did you ever reply to the mayor asking if you were mining it's not the mayor it was the uh engineering department at the city uh it's just a dude uh the one of the workers there because he was reviewing reviewing a bunch of stuff uh are they trying to shut you down or something no they're not they're not trying to shut me down no no no no no no no no definitely not definitely not um I huddle my Raven coin uh DJ mines didn't hold I I did not believe in ckb I didn't believe in ckb I but I had a K7 I had it on nice hash the whole time uh mining mining into Bitcoin I'm actually curious if I had the stats on that you know how much Bitcoin did it mine versus you know how much ckb I could have mined ah that would have been that would have been a good that would have been a good video yeah I I haven't kept any ckb I should have hindsight 2020 but I I didn't believe in it I just I just had it on nice hash um you'll have to move the us if they do shut him down I heard Kansas is a good place uh I'm not yeah I don't I don't think I need to yeah I don't think I need to move but Jason said sounds like BC Hydro is against mining it was in the news red panda mining yeah I I heard I saw that I saw that too they were they were against the big crypto mining like the like the megawatts like they shut down like 22 megawatts of mining like the big farmers they're not going after they're not going to go after the small I'm a small 400 amp residential minor they don't know like they they I'm very small time okay residential has like I am not a uh I am a small blip on their radar they're they're talking about the megawatt farmers not the small residential like they're not going to go after residential uh people that would be that would be uh that would be uh horrible um yeah anyways um I mined 80k ckb with my 2x uh CK boxes 880,000 ckb how much is that worth bro 880,000 Wow Let's see nervos uh let's see 880,000 1 2 3 80,000 oh that's two grand that's that's pretty good that's pretty good red pen of mining does 2 m ckb Bay consider a whale yeah probably one two three one two three that's $50,000 wow Steve Smith you Min 2 million ckb wow that's awesome congrats bro congrats congrats awesome awesome um that's awesome that's really good actually yeah ckb uh has has done some I mean it's it hasn't hit its previous alltime High yet but it's getting there it's definitely getting there um BR BC Hydro won't let industrial applications go through that went to M Bitcoin yeah yeah yeah that's yeah industrial application yeah like for huge miners I'm not a huge minor my electric company likes me paying residential rates but I hate it it's too expensive yeah okay all right Bros any final remarks any final questions any final concerns ethereum classic man I love ethereum classic man ah can't wait can't wait for ethereum classic mining my ethereum classic mining is always done well oh man what else oh what else man there's just just so much happening there's so much there's there's so much how's Caspa doing oh my God Caspa went down to 11 11 cents the other day or yesterday as now it's at 12 cents look at that look at that dip right there went down to 10 10 cent oh yeah oh yeah see caspas chart this is a descending formation trying uh I'm uh what am I what am my one of my friends sent me descending triangle formation is a bullish pattern kaspa's always always been bullish ah man Etc all the way I believe in ETC also yeah yeah dude the technicals thank you again R been mining and grats to sub hey thank you uh technicals bro thank you bro Subs I yes I love etc etc too hell yeah hell yeah uh Trey Harris who won uh Mr Sheldon Irving won yes blood in the streets right now yeah but that's you know I'm man I'm very curious like after the having is is there going to be blood in the streets regarding like s9j pros like are these going to be like a $100 $200 Asic miners like I I'm down to put $1,000 down buying like 10 of these S9 J Pro 104 terahash like I I I would love to buy a whole bunch of these just to just to have them sitting I wouldn't necessarily turn them on but if I could buy 10 of these for like a th000 bucks I'll probably do it you know I don't know like S9 K I don't I don't think they'll go down that much but maybe a th000 bucks maybe I don't know I don't know I'm just putting I have no idea but if if the price of Bitcoin doesn't go up after the having for a certain while I I'm I'm assuming we're going to assume the prices of these of these older Asic miners are going to be are going to be much lower but H I don't know I don't know I don't I'm not sure who knows who knows who knows who knows okay guys I got to go thank you so much Seb thank you so much bro uh Sheldon please get me your shipping address as soon as possible I'm leaving in like a day and a half I I I don't know ah man I don't know if I can ship it out in time I'll do my best I'll do my best before I go actually I think is Canada a post open tomorrow shoot they may not be open that might suck Sheldon email me all right peace out Bros I'm losing my voice oh my God oh my God subs thank you bro see you guys later SS congrats again I'll see you all later have a good one have a good rest of your weekend everybody I'll see you tomorrow oh we're doing the ks zero Pro giveaway tomorrow oh my God so many giveaways I totally forgot uh yeah that'll be for another stream tomorrow all right you guys have a great one peace out peace out peace out peace out [Music] oh [Music] I [Music] [Music]
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